Abendland |
West |
Abgeordnetenversammlung |
assembly of deputies |
Abgeordnetenhaus |
Chamber of Deputies |
Allgemeine Deutsche Arbeiterverein |
General German Workers’ Association |
Anschluss |
merger or fusion |
Anzeiger |
advertiser or newspaper |
Arbeiterbildungsvereine |
workers’ education associations |
Ausland |
abroad |
Bildungsbürgertum |
educated middle classes |
Bruderkrieg |
war of brothers |
Bundesgebiet |
territory belonging to the German |
Confederation |
Bundesgenossen |
fellow member of the Confederation |
Bundesgericht |
confederal court |
Bundeskanzler |
Chancellor or representative of the |
Confederation |
Bundeskrieg |
war involving the Confederation |
Bundesrat |
Federal Council in the North German Confederation and German Empire |
Bundesreaktionsbeschluss |
reactionary decree of the Confederation |
Bundesreform |
reform of the Confederation |
Bundesstaat (en) |
federal state |
bundesstaatlich |
federal |
bundesstaatliche Einheit |
federal unity |
Bundestag |
Diet of the Confederation, meeting at Frankfurt, usually referring to both the plenary and inner councils |
Bundesverfassung |
constitution of the Confederation |
Bundesverhältniss |
confederal relationship |
Bundesversammlung |
assembly of the Confederation, usually referring to the full assembly rather than the inner council (Engerer Rat) |
Bündnis |
alliance |
Bürgerkrieg |
civil war |
Bürgerlich |
civic or bourgeois |
Bürgertum |
middle classes or bourgeoisie |
Burschenschaft(en) |
student association/s |
Constitution |
constitution |
constitutionell |
constitutional |
Demokratie |
democracy |
Deutsche Fortschrittspartei |
German Progressive Party |
Deutsche Partei |
German Party |
Deutscher Handelstag |
German Trade Association |
Deutscher Journalistentag |
German Association of Journalists |
Deutscher Juristentag |
German Association of Lawyers |
Deutscher Protestantenverein |
German Union of Protestants |
Deutschland |
Germany |
Dreikönigsbündnis |
Three Kings’ Alliance |
Einheit |
unity |
einheitlich |
united |
Einheitstaat |
unitary state |
Einigung |
unification |
Engerer Rat |
inner council of the Confederation |
Erbkaiserlichen |
supporters of a hereditary German emperor |
Erbkaisertum |
hereditary emperorship |
Erhebung |
uprising |
Existenzfrage |
existential question or crisis |
Föderation |
confederation |
föderativ |
confederal |
Föderativstaat |
confederal state |
Föderativsystem |
confederal system |
Fortschrittspartei |
Progressive Party (see German Progressive Party) |
freisinnig |
liberal or progressive |
freisinniger Vaterlandsfreunde |
liberal supporters of the fatherland |
Fürstenkongress |
congress of princes |
Fürstentag |
Congress of Princes (1863) |
Geheimbund |
secret society |
Geldaristokratie |
aristocracy of wealth or finance |
Gemeinschaft |
community |
Gesamtdeutschland |
the whole of Germany |
Gesamteintritt |
entry of the Habsburg monarchy in its entirety into the Zollverein or Confederation |
Gesamtkörper |
a body in its entirety |
Gesamtministerium |
full ministry |
Gesamtmonarchie |
Habsburg monarchy in its entirety |
Gesamtstaat |
state in its entirety |
Gesamtvaterland |
whole fatherland |
Gesamtverfassung |
constitution for all of Germany |
Gesamtvertretung |
assembly for the whole of Germany |
Gleichberechtigung |
equality of rights |
Glieder |
organs (of a state or nation) |
grossdeutsch |
greater German |
Grossdeutscher |
advocate of greater Germany |
Grossdeutschland |
greater Germany |
Grossdeutschtum |
greater Germanness |
Grossösterreich |
greater Austria |
Grossösterreicher |
supporter of a greater Austria |
Grosspreussisch |
greater Prussia |
Grundrechte |
basic rights |
Handelsbund |
commercial union |
Handelstag |
see Deutscher Handelstag |
Heimat |
home region |
Heimatland |
homeland |
Herrenhaus |
House of Lords |
Hofapotheke |
apothecary (by royal appointment) |
Hofkriegsrat |
royal war council |
Intelligenzblãtter |
newspapers |
jeder Deutsche |
every German |
jeder Staatsangehörige |
every citizen |
Junkerparlament |
‘Junkers’ parliament’ (convened during the revolution of 1848–49 in Prussia) |
Junkertum |
Junkerdom |
Kadettenschule |
cadet school |
Kaiser |
emperor |
Kaiseridee |
the idea of emperorship |
Kaiserreich |
empire |
Kaiserstaat |
imperial state |
Kaisertum |
emperorship |
Kleindeutsch |
small German |
Kleindeutschland |
small Germany |
Kleinstaaten |
small states |
Kleinstaaterei |
petty statehood |
Kleinstaatler |
supporters of small or petty states |
Klerikale |
clerics or the clerical party |
Konfliktslandtag 1860s) |
‘conflict assembly’ (in Prussia during the early |
Kongress deutscher Volkswirte |
Congress of German Economists |
Konstituierung |
constituting (of) |
Kreis |
local administrative unit |
Kreuzzeitungspartei |
conservatives in Prussia close to the |
Kreuzzeitung |
newspaper |
Kulturkampf |
‘cultural struggle’ of liberals and officials against the Catholic church in Germany during the 1870s |
Kulturvolk |
a cultured or civilised people or nation |
Kultusminister |
Minister of Religious Affairs |
Kuriatstimmen |
the votes of small states within curia or electoral colleges in the Confederation |
Landesversammlung |
assembly of a land or state |
Landmannschaft |
regionally defined student association |
Landrat/Landräte |
regional official/s |
Landtag(e) |
state assembly/assemblies |
Landwehr |
territorial army or civil guard |
Lebensfrage |
a question of life or death |
Legationsrat |
counsellor in an embassy |
Lied |
song or poem |
Losungswort |
password |
Machtfrage |
question of power |
Märzvereine |
March associations (from the early revolution in 1848) |
Menschenart |
human species |
Ministerialrat |
ministerial counsellor |
Ministerrat |
ministerial council |
Mitte |
centre |
Mitteldeutschland |
Central Germany |
Mitteleuropa |
Central Europe |
Mitteleuropäischer Staatenbund |
Central European confederation of states |
Mittelpartei |
centrist party |
Mittelstaaten |
medium-sized states |
Mittelstand |
middling strata, especially artisans and other small property-owners |
Museumsgesellschaft |
museum association |
Nation |
nation |
Nationalität |
nationality |
Nationalpatriotismus |
national patriotism |
Nationalstaat |
nation-state |
Nationalverein |
National Association |
Naturvolk |
a natural or indigenous people |
neuer Mittelstand |
new middle class |
Neugestaltung |
new form or reshaping |
Neuigkeiten |
novelties or news |
Norddeutscher Bund |
North German Confederation |
Obergerichtsadvocat |
lawyer of the high court |
Obrigkeit |
authority |
öffentliche Meinung |
public opinion |
Öffentlichkeit |
public sphere |
Österreich |
Austria |
Partei |
party |
Particularismus |
particularism |
Patrioten |
patriots |
Patriotenpartei |
(Bavarian) Patriotic Party |
Pfaffenverein |
priests’ association |
Plenum |
plenum |
Politik |
politics or policy |
Polizeipräsidium |
police authority |
Polizeiverein deutscher Staaten |
police association of the German states |
Präsidium |
presidency |
Presseleitungskomittee |
(Austrian) committee for influencing the press |
Preussentum |
Prussianness |
Rasse |
race |
Rassegemeinschaft |
racial community |
Reaktionär |
reactionary |
Reaktionsausschuss |
confederal committee of the ‘reaction’ |
Realpolitik |
realistic policy or the politics of realism |
Rechtsstaat |
legal or law-governed state |
Reformverein |
Reform Association |
Regierungsrat |
government counsellor |
Reich |
empire |
Reichsfeinde |
enemy of the empire |
Reichskanzler |
imperial Chancellor |
Reichsrat |
imperial counsellor |
Reichsritterschaft |
imperial knights (of the Holy Roman Empire) |
Reichstadt |
imperial city |
Reichstag |
imperial assembly of deputies (in the constitution of 1848 or 1871) |
Reichsverfassung |
imperial constitution |
Reichsverweser |
imperial regent |
Rettung |
salvation |
Rheinbund |
Confederation of the Rhine |
Rheinbündelei |
involvement in ideas or practices recalling the Confederation of the Rhine |
Rittergutsbesitzer |
owner of noble estates |
Ritterschaft |
knighthood (of the Holy Roman Empire) |
Rundschau |
review |
Schadenfreude |
delight in the misfortune of others |
Scheinstaat |
sham state |
Sonderbund |
special or divisive union |
Sonderbündelei |
countenancing the idea of a Sonderbund |
Sonderweg |
special path (of German history) |
Sonderwesen |
special entity |
Sprechsaal |
forum |
Staatenbund |
confederation |
Staatenhaus |
assembly of state representatives |
Staatsangehörige |
citizen |
Staatsleben |
public affairs |
Staatsminister |
minister of state |
Staatsministerium |
state ministry |
Staatswesen |
state body or state |
Staatswissenschaftler |
scholar of state affairs or politics |
Stamm/Stämme |
tribe/s or kinship group/s |
Stammeseigenthümlichkeit |
particularity of a tribe |
Stammesverwandtschaft |
tribal or kinship tie |
Ständeversammlung |
assembly of estates or orders |
ständische Monarchie |
monarchy based on estates |
Statthalter |
governor |
Stockpreussentum |
Prussian stock or archetypal Prussianness |
Südbund |
southern union (of German states) |
Süddeutschen |
southern Germans |
Tendenzpolitik |
biased or tendentious policy |
Teutsch |
German (anachronistic) |
Turnfest |
gymnastics festival |
Unheil |
evil or misfortune |
Unterrrichts- und Kultusabteilung |
department of education and religious affairs |
Vaterlandsliebe |
love of the fatherland |
Verband Deutscher Arbeitervereine |
Union of German Workers’ Associations |
Verein für König und Vaterland |
Association for King and Country |
Verein(e) |
association/s |
Vereinigung |
unification |
Verfassung |
constitution |
Verfassungspartei |
constitutional party |
Vertretung |
representative assembly |
Vielvölkerreich |
multi-ethnic empire |
Vierköngisbündnis |
Four Kings’ Alliance |
Virilstimmen |
single votes for states in the Confederation |
Volk/Völker |
people/s or nation/s |
Völkchen |
small or petty people or nation |
völkerrechtliches Bündnis |
international alliance |
Volkerschaften |
peoples |
Völkerverband |
league of peoples or nations |
Völkerwanderung |
migration of peoples in antiquity and the Dark Ages |
Volksarmee |
popular army or militia |
Volksblätter |
popular newspaper |
Volksgeist |
national spirit |
Volksgemeinschaft |
national community |
Volkshaus |
popular assembly |
Volksklub |
popular club |
Volksmasse |
the masses |
Volksparlament |
popular parliament |
Volkspartei |
people’s party |
Volkstamm/Volkstämme |
tribe/s |
Volkstum |
ethnicity |
Volkstümlich |
ethnic |
Volksvertretung |
popular assembly |
Vormärz |
pre-March era or the 1840s, before the revolution in March 1848 |
Vorparlament |
pre-parliament, prior to the election of the Frankfurt Parliament |
Vortrag/Vorträge |
lecture/s |
Wahlmänner |
voters in an electoral college |
Wirtschaftsbürgertum |
commercial or economic bourgeoisie |
Wochenblattspartei |
faction around the Preussisches Wochenblatt, a liberal-leaning conservative newspaper |
Zeitgeist |
spirit or atmosphere of the time |
Zentralgewalt |
central power |
Zentralmärzverein |
Central March Association, the largest organisation of the 1848–49 revolution, set up by democrats |
Zentralstelle für Pressangelegenheiten |
Central Organisation for Press Affairs in Prussia |
Zentraluntersuchungskommission |
Central Commission of Enquiry in the Confederation |
Zivilisation |
civilisation |
Zolleinigung |
unification of tariffs |
Zollunion |
a customs’ union |
Zollverein |
Customs’ Union, founded in 1834 |
Zollvereinsparlament/Zollparlament |
parliament of the Customs’ Union |