Index of names

Alexander, Emperor, Tsar 33, 98–9, 108, 101–2, 142

Ali Pasha 10, 12, 81

Amherst, Lord 118, 136, 153

Andover, Captain John 15

Antommarchi, Dr Francesco 17, 89, 180–3, 184–7, 210, 211

Archambault 89

Arnott, Dr Archibald 183–5, 210


Balcombe family, Napoleon stays with 46–50; caught out by curfew 52–3; interrogated by Lowe and Reade 109; leave island 177

Balcombe, Betsy 24, 52–3; describes St Helena 42; Recollections 44; relationship with Napoleon 46, 47, 48–9, 78, 107, 112, 116, 135, 149; described by Madame Bertrand 47

Balcombe, Miss Jane 46, 101, 107, 112, 195

Balcombe, Mrs Jane 94, 101, 107, 112

Balcombe, William 46, 85, 88, 109, 133, 195

Balmain, Count 71, 125–6

Barre, Captain 70

Bathurst, Lord 60, 132, 133, 135, 177; Napoleon’s opinion of, 134, 141; sacks Barry O’Meara 175–6

Baxter, Dr 61, 101, 153, 154, 162

Bernadotte, Count 167–8

Bertrand family 51, 89

Bertrand, Comte Henri de, 20, 22, 26, 44, 48, 51, 52, 61; writing military history 54; and Hudson Lowe 66; condemned to death 76, 78, 87; money for 143; at Napoleon’s reburial 202; at post-mortem 210

Bertrand, Countess 22, 26, 29, 40, 44, 51, 62, 76, 80, 85, 99, 122, 181; birth of son 103; and Napoleon 104, 105; letter to Montchenu 128, 181; commissions Barry O’Meara to make purchases 162

Blucher, General Gerhardt von, 17

Bonaparte, Bonaventura, monk, 160

Bonaparte, Caroline 33, 144

Bonaparte, Eliza 175, 182

Bonaparte, Joseph 17, 62, 96, 176

Bonaparte, Napoleon see Napoleon, Emperor

Bonaparte, Pauline 175

Boys, Rev. 148

Brooke, Thomas 144–5

Brougham, Lord 70

Brueys, Admiral 70, 129

Bruix, Admiral 39

Bunbury, Sir Henry 25

Burton, Dr 210

Byron, Lord 81; admires Barry O’Meara, 189


Cambacérès, Jean Jacques de (instigator of code Napoleon) 136

Campan, Madame 143–4

Caracciolo (executed by Nelson) 103

Carlyle, Thomas, on Barry O’Meara’s diaries 63

Carolina, Queen (of Naples) 103

Caroline, Princess (of Wales) 128

Castlereagh, Lord 12, 18, 121, 151

Charlotte, Princess, 128, 168

Chateaubriand, Francois-René 126, 147

Cipriani (maître d’hôtel) 76, 107, 125, 145, 204; dies 171

Clarke, Marshal Henri 110

Clausel, General 40

Cockburn, Admiral Sir George 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 46, 61, 127–8, 153; and Napoleon 29, 38; prepares Longwood 49–50; sets elaborate security 52; Napoleon’s opinion of 65–6

Cook, Captain 119

Cornwallis, Lord 36; Napoleon’s opinion of 121

Creevey, Thomas 58, 93–4, 193

Croker, John Wilson 157, 193

Crookshank, Captain 146


Desaix, General 97

Dillon, General Arthur 22

Dillon, Madame 111

Dournatan, M. 12

Doveton, Sir William 181


Eldon, Lord 24, 25

Ellis, Mr (author) secretary to Lord Amherst 166

Elphinstone, Hon. Mr 137

Enghien, Duc de 116


Fehrzen, Major 130

Fitzgerald, Lord Edward 8

Forshufvud, Sven 202–4

Forsyth, William 41

Fouché, Joseph 89, 143

Fox, Charles James 36, 165

Francis, Emperor of Austria 101–2, 125, 160

Fraser, General Alexander McKenzie 10–12

Frederick William III, King of Prussia 81, 99, 129


Ganteaume, Admiral 39

George, Prince of Wales, later George IV, 18,19, 36; his brothers 169

Gilliard, Dr 211, 212

Glover, John 29, 31

Gorrequer, Major 61, 78, 133, 134; reduces Longwood expenses 83; witnesses Lowe’s ill temper 101, 139, 167

Gourgaud, General 18, 44, 48, 51, 78, 83, 122; duel with Montholon forbidden 52; writes military history 54; leaves island 177

Greene, Dr 13, 14, 15

Grouchy, General, at Waterloo 108, 118

Harness, Dr 16

Hobhouse, John Cam 164

Holland, Lady, 174, 192–3; opinion of Lowe 60; sends ice machine 74

Holland, Lord and Lady 24; give dinners for Hudson Lowe 60

Holland, Lord, protests at treatment of Napoleon 72, 132

Home, George 19–20, 21–2, 22–3

Hotham, Admiral Sir Henry 20, 21


Josephine, Empress 30, 90, 95; divorce 32, 105


Keith, Admiral Lord 22, 23, 25, 26

Kléber, General 34–5, 36, 97


Lannes, General 97

Larrey, Surgeon 105, 154

Las Cases, Count Emanuel de 18, 19,44, 46, 48, 51; moves into Longwood 50; called ‘a Jesuit’ 52; writing military history 54, 78; imprisoned 95; journal 95, 96, 97, 101; leaves St Helena 102

Las Cases, Emanuel de (Count’s son) 44, 46, 51; moves into Longwood 50, 78, 83, 84; poor health 101; leaves St Helena 102, 177; assaults Lowe 195

Leake, William, surgeon 8

Leopold, Prince 128

Liverpool, Lord 24, 155, 167, 169

Livingstone, Dr 210

Lofft, Capell 24

Louis Philippe, King of France, 201

Lowe, Lady 57, 60, 61, 70–1; daughters 60–1, 189; visits Countesses Bertrand and Montholon 99; attends Napoleon’s funeral 188; visits Longwood 188

Lowe, Sir Hudson 75, 77, 90, 91, 104, 109, 113, 114, 116, 117, 128, 179; arrives in St Helena 57; career 57–8; Wellington’s opinion of 58–9; Lady Holland’s opinion of 60; marries 60; meets Napoleon 61–2, 66, 68, 78–80; learns of plans to rescue Napoleon 62, 74, 178; imposes restrictions on Longwood inhabitants 62, 73–4, 87–8, 94–5, 102, 111, 115, 119, 131–2, 173, 174; sees Bertrand 66; threatens to replace O’Meara 67; offers to send Napoleon’s letters to England 73; Napoleon’s opinion of 75, 116, 163; rows/disagreements with Napoleon 78, 79–80, 106, 140; ill-temper 80–1, 101, 158, 162; and Barry O’Meara 67, 87, 88, 92; complains actions misconstrued 98; on Napoleon’s state of health 101, 163; censors Napoleon’s books and papers 194, 131, 172; parliamentary investigation into 132; rejects Napoleon’s post-mortem report 210; returns to England 194; dies 196

Lyster, Colonel 61


Maitland, Captain Frederick 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 60, 172

Malcolm, Lady 74, 118

Malcolm, Rear-Admiral Sir Pulteney 72 72, 74, 78, 85, 117–8, 125, 126, 134, 136; tries to mend rift between Napoleon and Hudson Lowe 126–7; Napoleon’s opinion of 72

Mangault, Dr 26

Mansel, Lieutenant Colonel John 27

Marchand, Louis 51, 96, 210

Marie Louise, Princess 32, 32, 33, 104, 112, 137, 142, 168; falls into river Po 111

Massens, General André 98, 163

McClean, Dr 96

McKenzie, (midshipman) 119

Meade, Colonel 11, 83

Metternich, Prince, Napoleon’s opinion of 121

Meynell, Captain 127

Missett, Major 11

Mitchell, Dr 210

Moira, Lady 68

Montchenu, Marquis de 54–5, 71, 81, 94, 114, 122, 130, 144, 159


Montholon children (Tristan, Napoleone) 51; sick 122

Montholon, Count 44, 51, 52, 75, 78, 81, 83, 84, 85, 97, 108, 134, 203, 206, 210, 211; moves into Longwood 50; writes military history 54; letter leaked to press 71; sick 127; complains of damp in Longwood 147–8

Montholon, Countess 44, 51, 52; moves into Longwood 50; leaves island 177

Moore, Sir John 69

Moreau 97, 98

Murat, General 14, 125


Napier, Sir William 58

Napoleon, Emperor

abdication 17

ambitions 117

amused by writings on himself 65, 71, 104, 112, 116–8, 147

arsenic in system 202–5

birthday 32, 77, 140

cheats at cards 49

claims legal expertise 136

claims popular international support 113

complains about Longwood restrictions and conditions 68–9, 75–6, 83, 88, 138, 145

death, preoccupation with, 180; death 185

depressed 65, 99, 109

early days on St Helena 55–6

fatalism 123, 136

fears poison 67–8, 84, 157, 204

female society, partial to 119

funeral 187–8

gifts to O’Meara and others 102–3

habits and manners 29–30, 48, 54, 68, 73, 103, 118

handwriting 126

health, state of, 67, 70, 78, 83, 84, 90, 91, 92, 97, 101, 117, 150, 152, 172, 174

‘inner force’ theory 204

hopes to live in England 18, 26, 56, 76, 85–6, 177; in Malta 140

how referred to 77, 88–9, 90, 110, 137, 157–8, 165, 173, 188

lays down protocol for Longwood 54

makes will 180; adds codicil 183

medical theory and practice 70, 84, 154, 168

memoirs and other writing 48, 74, 100, 126

on attempts to assassinate him 105, 116, 117, 119

on battles and sieges: Acre 36; Toulon 40; Turkey 108; Wagram 39–40; Waterloo 74, 108, 118

on complying with local customs 118

on Corsica and the Corsicans 125

on creating titles 89, 147

on dealing with mobs 115

on England and the English 70, 95, 101, 109, 119, 120, 133, 146, 163, 167; English eating and drinking habits 70, 71, 146; English army and navy 66, 73, 89–90, 122; the war with England 90; his surrender to England 101–2, 135

on eunuchs 123–4

on France: old French nobility 81–2; the Bourbons 81; natural boundaries 117, 172; French love of glory 109; relations with America 31; French navy 39–40; the Revolution 164

on his treatment by the Allies 117

on invasions: Ireland 37, 120; Egypt 40, 105; England 105–6, 170; India 108, 146, 152; Rome 165; Russia 31, 47, 92–3, 121, 126; Venice 166

on Jews 91–2

on leadership 129

on religion 31, 91–2, 93, 145, 148

on Russia 37, 125, 131, 132 (barbarians of the North) 108,

on sailors and soldiers 33, 89–90, 92, 93–4, 120, 122

on the Red Sea canals 114–5

on treatment of prisoners 127–8

on women and marriage 70, 129–30, 146

post-mortem 184, 186–7

reburial in France 202–3

recipe for racial harmony 163

rejects suicide 141, 155

religious beliefs 115, 180, 183

shows his wounds 94, 102–3

suggests O’Meara write a diary 56, 114

threatens to kill anyone who forces way into his room 67, 138, 177

tooth extracted 86

Napoleon II (Napoleon’s son) 104, 135, 135–6, 134–5, 138, 159–60, 169, 183

Napoleon, St 154

Nelson, Admiral 70, 103

Nicholls, Captain 177

Noverraz 61


O’Connor, Arthur 120

O’Hara, General 57

O’Meara family 7–8, 199–200

O’Meara, Barry, first meeting with Napoleon 5–6; family, early life and career 7–9; medical and surgical education 8; in Messina 10, 13, 14; in Egypt 12; court-martialled 13; naval career 14–16; mentioned in dispatches 15; becomes doctor to Napoleon 26; describes St Helena 41, 42; moves to Longwood 50; starts diary 56, ambiguous position 66–7; discussions with Hudson Lowe 87, 92; faints in Napoleon’s presence 96; recommends Las Cases Jnr return to Europe 101; receives snuffbox from Napoleon 103; medical bulletins 97, 155, 158, 173; opinion of Napoleon (given to N) 110; accused by Lowe of spying 158; interrogated by Lowe 161, 169–70; Napoleon bids adieu 173, 176; imprisoned by Lowe 174; leaves island 177; reports to Admiralty 189–90; suggests Lowe deliberately hastened Napoleon’s death 190, 193; removed from Naval list 190; works as dentist, involved in Queen Caroline’s case 191; marries Lady Leigh 196; dies 197; sale of Napoleon’s relics 197; Exposition 176, 192; Napoleon in Exile 193, 199

O’Connell, Daniel 103, 193, 196–7

O’Meara, Dennis 9, 197, 199

O’Meara, Terence 199, 200

Ossulston, Lord 60


Palmerston, Lord 201

Paoli, Pascal 18, 109

Paul, Emperor of Russia 37, 107–8

Peake, Lieutenant Thomas 15

Pichegru (would-be assassin) 116, 127

Pillet, Major-General (author) 104–5

Piontkowski 83, 86, 89, 92

Poppleton, Captain 51–2, 68, 74, 75, 76, 78, 82, digging potatoes 114

Porteous, Henry 44


Raffles, Stamford 68

Reade, Colonel Sir Thomas 61, 74, 78, 84, 86, 109, 119, 122, 125; opinion of Napoleon 100

Ricketts, Charles, visits Napoleon 177

Robertson, Captain 114

Robertson, Colonel 10, 13

Robespierre 99, 142

Ross, Captain 31

Rous, Captain Henry 55

Rousseau 89

Russell, Rev. George 31

Rutledge, Dr 210


Santini 61, 88, 89; threatens Lowe 171

Savary (chief of police) 20, 89

Scott, James 95, 106

Shortt, Dr 210

Sidmouth, Lord (Addington) 155

Smith, Hamilton 204

Smith, Sir Sidney 58, 93, 119

Soult, Marshal 98

St Denis 95–6, 210; throws eau de cologne in Napoleon’s face 100

Stanfell, Captain, on Napoleon 117–8

Stokoe, Dr John 178–80

Stuart, Major-General Sir John 10

Sturmer, Baron 71, 102

Sturmer, Madame 122

Sussex, Duke of 24


Talbot, Captain (later Sir) John 15, 16

Talleyrand, Madame 114

Talleyrand, Prince de 144; Napoleon’s opinion of 94, 114

Thiers, Adolphe 201, 202

Troy, Captain 13


Usher, Sir Thomas 29, 36


Veitch, Mr 35

Verling, Dr James Roche 178

Villeneuve 70


Warden, Dr (author) 111–13, 114, 116, 149

Wellington, Duke of 4, 9, 13, 14, 40; and St Helena 25, 59, 144, 189; opinion of Hudson Lowe 58–60; opinion of Napoleon 62; Napoleon’s opinion of 151

Wharton, Dr 29

Whitworth, Lord 126–7

Wilks, Colonel 44, 65

Wilks, Laura 65

Windham, Lord 12

Wright, Captain 116, 127, 149–150


Younghusband, Mrs 122