Sixteen. Large-Scale Structure


Thousands of people worked independently to create the AIDS Quilt.

A small Silicon Valley design firm had been contracted to create a simulator for a satellite communications system. Work was progressing well. A MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN was developing that could express and simulate a wide range of network conditions and failures.

But the lead developers on the project were uneasy. The problem was inherently complex. Driven by the need to clarify the intricate relationships in the model, they had decomposed the design into coherent MODULES of manageable size. Now there were a lot of MODULES. Which package should a developer look in to find a particular aspect of functionality? Where should a new class be placed? What did some of these little packages really mean? How did they all fit together? And there was still more to build.

The developers communicated well with one another and could still figure out what to do from day to day, but the project leaders were not content to skirt the edge of comprehensibility. They wanted some way of organizing the design so that it could be understood and manipulated as it moved to the next level of complexity.

They brainstormed. There were a lot of possibilities. Alternative packaging schemes were proposed. Maybe some document could give an overview of the system, or some new views of the class diagram in the modeling tool could guide a developer to the right MODULE. But the project leaders weren’t satisfied with these gimmicks.

They could tell a simple story of their simulation, of the way data would be marshaled through an infrastructure, its integrity and routing assured by layers of telecommunications technology. Every detail of that story was in the model, yet the broad arc of the story could not be seen.

Some essential concept from the domain was missing. But this time it was not a class or two missing from the object model, it was a missing structure for the model as a whole.

After the developers mulled over the problem for a week or two, the idea began to jell. They would impose a structure on the design. The entire simulator would be viewed as a series of layers related to aspects of the communications system. The bottom layer would represent the physical infrastructure, the basic ability to transmit bits from one node to another. Then there would be a packet-routing layer that brought together the concerns of how a particular data stream would be directed. Other layers would identify other conceptual levels of the problem. These layers would outline their story of the system.

They set out to refactor the code to conform to the new structure. MODULES had to be redefined so as not to span layers. In some cases, object responsibilities were refactored so that each object would clearly belong to one layer. Conversely, throughout this process the definitions of the conceptual layers themselves were refined based on the hands-on experience of applying them. The layers, MODULES, and objects coevolved until, in the end, the entire design followed the contours of this layered structure.

These layers were not MODULES or any other artifact in the code. They were an overarching set of rules that constrained the boundaries and relationships of any particular MODULE or object throughout the design, even at interfaces with other systems.

Imposing this order brought the design back to comfortable intelligibility. People knew roughly where to look for a particular function. Individuals working independently could make design decisions that were broadly consistent with each other. The complexity ceiling had been lifted.

Even with a MODULAR breakdown, a large model can be too complicated to grasp. The MODULES chunk the design into manageable bites, but there may be many of them. Also, modularity does not necessarily bring uniformity to the design. Object to object, package to package, a jumble of design decisions may be applied, each defensible but idiosyncratic.

The strict segregation imposed by BOUNDED CONTEXTS prevents corruption and confusion, but it does not, in itself, make it easier to see the system as a whole.

Distillation does help by focusing attention on the CORE DOMAIN and casting other subdomains in their supporting roles. But it is still necessary to understand the supporting elements and their relationships to the CORE DOMAIN—and to each other. And while the CORE DOMAIN would ideally be so clear and easily understood that no additional guidance would be needed, we are not always at that point.

On a project of any size, people must work somewhat independently on different parts of the system. Without any coordination or rules, a confusion of different styles and distinct solutions to the same problems arises, making it hard to understand how the parts fit together and impossible to see the big picture. Learning about one part of the design will not transfer to other parts, so the project will end up with specialists in different MODULES who cannot help each other outside their narrow range. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION breaks down and the BOUNDED CONTEXT fragments.

In a large system without any overarching principle that allows elements to be interpreted in terms of their role in patterns that span the whole design, developers cannot see the forest for the trees. We need to be able to understand the role of an individual part in the whole without delving into the details of the whole.

A “large-scale structure” is a language that lets you discuss and understand the system in broad strokes. A set of high-level concepts or rules, or both, establishes a pattern of design for an entire system. This organizing principle can guide design as well as aid understanding. It helps coordinate independent work because there is a shared concept of the big picture: how the roles of various parts shape the whole.

Devise a pattern of rules or roles and relationships that will span the entire system and that allows some understanding of each part’s place in the whole—even without detailed knowledge of the part’s responsibility.

Structure may be confined to one BOUNDED CONTEXT but will usually span more than one, providing the conceptual organization to hold together all the teams and subsystems involved in the project. A good structure gives insight into the model and complements distillation.

You can’t represent most large-scale structures in UML, and you don’t need to. Most large-scale structures shape and explain the model and design but do not appear in it. They provide an extra level of communication about the design. In the examples of this chapter, you’ll see many informal UML diagrams on which I’ve superimposed information about the large-scale structure.

When a team is reasonably small and the model is not too complicated, decomposition into well-named MODULES, a certain amount of distillation, and informal coordination among developers can be sufficient to keep the model organized.

Large-scale structure can save a project, but an ill-fitting structure can severely hinder development. This chapter explores patterns for successfully structuring a design at this level.


Figure 16.1. Some patterns of large-scale structure

Evolving Order

Many developers have experienced the cost of an unstructured design. To avoid anarchy, projects impose architectures that constrain development in various ways. Some technical architectures do solve technical problems, such as networking or data persistence, but when architectures start venturing into the arena of the application and domain model, they can create problems of their own. They often prevent the developers from creating designs and models that work well for the specifics of the problem. The most ambitious ones can even take away from application developers the familiarity and technical power of the programming language itself. And whether technical or domain oriented, architectures that freeze a lot of up-front design decisions can become a straitjacket as requirements change and as understanding deepens.

While some technical architectures (such as J2EE) have become prominent over the years, large-scale structure in the domain layer has not been explored much. Needs vary widely from one application to the next.

An up-front imposition of a large-scale structure is likely to be costly. As development proceeds, you will almost certainly find a more suitable structure, and you may even find that the prescribed structure is prohibiting you from taking a design route that would greatly clarify or simplify the application. You may be able to use some of the structure, but you’re forgoing opportunities. Your work slows down as you try workarounds or try to negotiate with the architects. But your managers think the architecture is done. It was supposed to make this application easy, so why aren’t you working on the application instead of dealing with all these architecture problems? The managers and architecture teams may even be open to input, but if each change is a heroic battle, it is too exhausting.

Design free-for-alls produce systems no one can make sense of as a whole, and they are very difficult to maintain. But architectures can straitjacket a project with up-front design assumptions and take too much power away from the developers/designers of particular parts of the application. Soon, developers will dumb down the application to fit the structure, or they will subvert it and have no structure at all, bringing back the problems of uncoordinated development.

The problem is not the existence of guiding rules, but rather the rigidity and source of those rules. If the rules governing the design really fit the circumstances, they will not get in the way but actually push development in a helpful direction, as well as provide consistency.


Let this conceptual large-scale structure evolve with the application, possibly changing to a completely different type of structure along the way. Don’t overconstrain the detailed design and model decisions that must be made with detailed knowledge.

Individual parts have natural or useful ways of being organized and expressed that may not apply to the whole, so imposing global rules makes these parts less ideal. Choosing to use a large-scale structure favors manageability of the model as a whole over optimal structuring of the individual parts. Therefore, there will be some compromise between unifying structure and freedom to express individual components in the most natural way. This can be mitigated by selecting the structure based on actual experience and knowledge of the domain and by avoiding over-constrictive structures. A really nice fit of structure to domain and requirements actually makes detailed modeling and design easier, by helping to quickly eliminate a lot of options.

The structure can also give shortcuts to design decisions that could, in principle, be found by working on the individual object level, but would, in practice, take too long and have inconsistent results. Of course, continuous refactoring is still necessary, but this will make it a more manageable process and can help make different people come up with consistent solutions.

A large-scale structure generally needs to be applicable across BOUNDED CONTEXTS. Through iteration on a real project, a structure will lose features that tightly bind it to a particular model and evolve features that correspond to CONCEPTUAL CONTOURS of the domain. This doesn’t mean that it will have no assumptions about the model, but it will not impose upon the entire project ideas tailored to a particular local situation. It has to leave freedom for development teams in distinct CONTEXTS to vary the model in ways that address their local needs.

Also, large-scale structures must accommodate practical constraints on development. For example, designers may have no control over the model of some parts of the system, especially in the case of external or legacy subsystems. This could be handled by changing the structure to better fit the specific external elements. It could be handled by specifying ways in which the application relates to externals. It might be handled by making the structure loose enough to flex around awkward realities.

Unlike the CONTEXT MAP, a large-scale structure is optional. One should be imposed when costs and benefits favor it, and when a fitting structure is found. In fact, it is not needed for systems that are simple enough to be understood when broken into MODULES. Large-scale structure should be applied when a structure can be found that greatly clarifies the system without forcing unnatural constraints on model development. Because an ill-fitting structure is worse than none, it is best not to shoot for comprehensiveness, but rather to find a minimal set that solves the problems that have emerged. Less is more.

A large-scale structure can be very helpful and still have a few exceptions, but those exceptions need to be flagged somehow, so that developers can assume the structure is being followed unless otherwise noted. And if those exceptions start to get numerous, the structure needs to be changed or discarded.

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As mentioned, it is no mean feat to create a structure that gives the necessary freedom to developers while still averting chaos. Although a lot of work has been done on technical architecture for software systems, little has been published on the structuring of the domain layer. Some approaches weaken the object-oriented paradigm, such as those that break down the domain by application task or by use case. This whole area is still undeveloped. I’ve observed a few general patterns of large-scale structures that have emerged on various projects. I’ll discuss four in this chapter. One of these may fit your needs or lead to ideas for a structure tailored to your project.

System Metaphor

Metaphorical thinking is pervasive in software development, especially with models. But the Extreme Programming practice of “metaphor” has come to mean a particular way of using a metaphor to bring order to the development of a whole system.

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Just as a firewall can save a building from a fire raging through neighboring buildings, a software “firewall” protects the local network from the dangers of the larger networks outside. This metaphor has influenced network architectures and shaped a whole product category. Multiple competing firewalls—developed independently, understood to be somewhat interchangeable—are available for consumers. Novices to networking readily grasp the concept. This shared understanding throughout the industry and among customers is due in no small part to the metaphor.

Yet it is an inexact analogy, and its power cuts both ways. The use of the firewall metaphor has led to development of software barriers that are sometimes insufficiently selective and impede desirable exchanges, while offering no protection against threats originating within the wall. Wireless LANs, for example, are vulnerable. The clarity of the firewall has been a boon, but all metaphors carry baggage.1

Software designs tend to be very abstract and hard to grasp. Developers and users alike need tangible ways to understand the system and share a view of the system as a whole.

On one level, metaphor runs so deeply in the way we think that it pervades every design. Systems have “layers” that “lay on top” of each other. They have “kernels” at their “centers.” But sometimes a metaphor comes along that can convey the central theme of a whole design and provide a shared understanding among all team members.

When this happens, the system is actually shaped by the metaphor. A developer will make design decisions consistent with the system metaphor. This consistency will enable other developers to interpret the many parts of a complex system in terms of the same metaphor. The developers and experts have a reference point in discussions that may be more concrete than the model itself.

A SYSTEM METAPHOR is a loose, easily understood, large-scale structure that it is harmonious with the object paradigm. Because the SYSTEM METAPHOR is only an analogy to the domain anyway, different models can map to it in an approximate way, which allows it to be applied in multiple BOUNDED CONTEXTS, helping to coordinate work between them.

SYSTEM METAPHOR has become a popular approach because it is one of the core practices of Extreme Programming (Beck 2000). Unfortunately, few projects have found really useful METAPHORS, and people have tried to push the idea into domains where it is counterproductive. A persuasive metaphor introduces the risk that the design will take on aspects of the analogy that are not desirable for the problem at hand, or that the analogy, while seductive, may not be apt.

That said, SYSTEM METAPHOR is a well-known form of large-scale structure that is useful on some projects, and it nicely illustrates the general concept of a structure.


When a concrete analogy to the system emerges that captures the imagination of team members and seems to lead thinking in a useful direction, adopt it as a large-scale structure. Organize the design around this metaphor and absorb it into the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE. The SYSTEM METAPHOR should both facilitate communication about the system and guide development of it. This increases consistency in different parts of the system, potentially even across different BOUNDED CONTEXTS. But because all metaphors are inexact, continually reexamine the metaphor for overextension or inaptness, and be ready to drop it if it gets in the way.

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The “Naive Metaphor” and Why We Don’t Need It

Because a useful metaphor doesn’t present itself on most projects, some in the XP community have come to talk of the naive metaphor, by which they mean the domain model itself.

One trouble with this term is that a mature domain model is anything but naive. In fact, “payroll processing is like an assembly line” is likely a much more naive view than a model that is the product of many iterations of knowledge crunching with domain experts, and that has been proven by being tightly woven into the implementation of a working application.

The term naive metaphor should be retired.

SYSTEM METAPHORS are not useful on all projects. Large-scale structure in general is not essential. In the 12 practices of Extreme Programming, the role of a SYSTEM METAPHOR could be fulfilled by a UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE. Projects should augment that LANGUAGE with SYSTEM METAPHORS or other large-scale structures when they find one that fits well.

Responsibility Layers

Throughout this book, individual objects have been assigned narrow sets of related responsibilities. Responsibility-driven design also applies to larger scales.

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When each individual object has handcrafted responsibilities, there are no guidelines, no uniformity, and no ability to handle large swaths of the domain together. To give coherence to a large model, it is useful to impose some structure on the assignment of those responsibilities.

When you gain a deep understanding of a domain, broad patterns start to become visible. Some domains have a natural stratification. Certain concepts and activities take place against a background of other elements that change independently and at a different rate for different reasons. How can we take advantage of this natural structure, make it more visible and useful? This stratification suggests layering, one of the most successful architectural design patterns (Buschmann et al. 1996, among others).

Layers are partitions of a system in which the members of each partition are aware of and are able to use the services of the layers “below,” but unaware of and independent of the layers “above.” When the dependencies of MODULES are drawn, they are often laid out so that a MODULE with dependents appears below its dependents. In this way, layers sometimes sort themselves out so that none of the objects in the lower levels is conceptually dependent on those in higher layers.

But this ad hoc layering, while it can make tracing dependencies easier—and sometimes makes some intuitive sense—doesn’t give much insight into the model or guide modeling decisions. We need something more intentional.


Figure 16.2. Ad hoc layering: What are these packages about?

In a model with a natural stratification, conceptual layers can be defined around major responsibilities, uniting the two powerful principles of layering and responsibility-driven design.

These responsibilities must be considerably broader than those typically assigned to individual objects, as examples will illustrate shortly. As individual MODULES and AGGREGATES are designed, they are factored to keep them within the bounds of one of these major responsibilities. This named grouping of responsibilities by itself could enhance the comprehensibility of a modularized system, since the responsibilities of MODULES could be more readily interpreted. But combining high-level responsibilities with layering gives us an organizing principle for a system.


Look at the conceptual dependencies in your model and the varying rates and sources of change of different parts of your domain. If you identify natural strata in the domain, cast them as broad abstract responsibilities. These responsibilities should tell a story of the high-level purpose and design of your system. Refactor the model so that the responsibilities of each domain object, AGGREGATE, and MODULE fit neatly within the responsibility of one layer.

This is a pretty abstract description, but it will become clear with a few examples. The satellite communications simulator whose story opened this chapter layered its responsibility. I have seen RESPONSIBILITY LAYERS used to good effect in domains as various as manufacturing control and financial management.

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The following example explores RESPONSIBILITY LAYERS in detail to give a feel for the discovery of a large-scale structure of any sort, and the way it guides and constrains modeling and design.

Example: In Depth: Layering a Shipping System

Let’s look at the implications of applying RESPONSIBILITY LAYERS to the cargo shipping application discussed in the examples of previous chapters.

As we rejoin the story, the team has made considerable progress creating a MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN and distilling a CORE DOMAIN. But as the design fleshes out, they are having trouble coordinating how all the parts fit together. They are looking for a large-scale structure that can bring out the main themes of their system and keep everyone on the same page.

Here is a look at a representative part of the model.


Figure 16.3. A basic shipping domain model for routing cargoes


Figure 16.4. Using the model to route a cargo during booking

The team members have been steeped in the domain of shipping for months, and they have noticed some natural stratification of its concepts. It is quite reasonable to discuss transport schedules (the scheduled voyages of ships and trains) without referring to the cargoes aboard those transports. It is harder to talk about tracking a cargo without referring to the transport carrying it. The conceptual dependencies are pretty clear. The team can readily distinguish two layers: “Operations” and the substrate of those operations, which they dub “Capability.”

“Operational” Responsibilities

Activities of the company, past, current, and planned, are collected into the Operations layer. The most obvious Operations object is Cargo, which is the focus of most of the day-to-day activity of the company. The Route Specification is an integral part of Cargo, indicating delivery requirements. The Itinerary is the operational delivery plan. Both of these objects are part of the Cargo’s AGGREGATE, and their life cycles are tied to the time frame of an active delivery.

“Capability” Responsibilities

This layer reflects the resources the company draws upon in order to carry out operations. The Transit Leg is a classic example. The ships are scheduled to run and have a certain capacity to carry cargo, which may or may not be fully utilized.

True, if we were focused on operating a shipping fleet, Transit Leg would be in the Operations layer. But the users of this system aren’t worried about that problem. (If the company were involved in both those activities and wanted the two coordinated, the development team might have to consider a different layering scheme, perhaps with two distinct layers, such as “Transport Operations” and “Cargo Operations.”)

A trickier decision is where to place Customer. In some businesses, customers tend to be transient: they’re interesting while a package is being delivered and then mostly forgotten until next time. This quality would make customers only an operational concern for a parcel delivery service aimed at individual consumers. But our hypothetical shipping company tends to cultivate long-term relationships with customers, and most work comes from repeat business. Given these intentions of the business users, the Customer belongs in the potential layer. As you can see, this was not a technical decision. It was an attempt to capture and communicate knowledge of the domain.

Because the association between Cargo and Customer can be traversed in only one direction, the Cargo REPOSITORY will need a query that finds all Cargoes for a particular Customer. There were good reasons to design it that way anyway, but with the imposition of the large-scale structure, it is now a requirement.


Figure 16.5. A query replaces a bidirectional association that violates the layering.


Figure 16.6. A first-pass layered model

While the distinction between Operations and Capability clarifies the picture, order continues to evolve. After a few weeks of experimentation, the team zeroes in on another distinction. For the most part, both initial layers focus on situations or plans as they are. But the Router (and many other elements excluded from this example) isn’t part of current operational realities or plans. It helps make decisions about changing those plans. The team defines a new layer responsible for “Decision Support.”

“Decision Support” Responsibilities

This layer of the software provides the user with tools for planning and decision making, and it could potentially automate some decisions (such as automatically rerouting Cargoes when a transport schedule changes).

The Router is a SERVICE that helps a booking agent choose the best way to send a Cargo. This places the Router squarely in Decision Support.

The references within this model are all consistent with the three layers except for one discordant element: the “is preferred” attribute on Transport Leg. This attribute exists because the company prefers to use its own ships when it can, or the ships of certain other companies with which it has favorable contracts. The “is preferred” attribute is used to bias the Router toward these favored transports. This attribute has nothing to do with “Capability.” It is a policy that directs decision making. To use the new RESPONSIBILITY LAYERS, the model will have to be refactored.


Figure 16.7. Refactoring the model to conform to the new layering structure

This factoring makes the Route Bias Policy more explicit while making Transport Leg more focused on the fundamental concept of transportation capability. A large-scale structure based on a deep understanding of the domain will often push the model in directions that clarify its meaning.

This new model now smoothly fits into the large-scale structure.


Figure 16.8. The restructured and refactored model

A developer accustomed to the chosen layers can more readily discern the roles and dependencies of the parts. The value of the large-scale structure increases as the complexity grows.

Note that although I’m illustrating this example with a modified UML diagram, the drawing is just a way of communicating the layering. UML doesn’t include this notation, so this is additional information imposed for the sake of the reader. If code is the ultimate design document for your project, it would be helpful to have a tool for browsing classes by layer or at least for reporting them by layer.

How Does This Structure Affect Ongoing Design?

Once a large-scale structure has been adopted, subsequent modeling and design decisions must take it into account. To illustrate, suppose that we must add a new feature to this already layered design. The domain experts have just told us that routing restrictions apply for certain categories of hazardous materials. Certain materials may not be allowed on some transports or in some ports. We have to make the Router obey these regulations.

There are many possible approaches. In the absence of a large-scale structure, one appealing design would be to give the responsibility of incorporating these routing rules to the object that owns the Route Specification and the Hazardous Material (HazMat) code—namely the Cargo.


Figure 16.9. A possible design for routing hazardous cargo


Figure 16.10

The trouble is, this design doesn’t fit the large-scale structure. The HazMat Route Policy Service is not the problem; it fits neatly into the responsibility of the Decision Support layer. The problem is the dependency of Cargo (an Operational object) on HazMat Route Policy Service (a Decision Support object). As long as the project is committed to these layers, this model cannot be allowed. It would confuse developers who expected the structure to be followed.

There are always many design possibilities, and we’ll just have to choose another one—one that follows the rules of the large-scale structure. The HazMat Route Policy Service is all right, but we need to move the responsibility for using the policy. Let’s try giving the Router the responsibility for collecting appropriate policies before searching for a route. This means changing the Router interface to include objects that policies might depend on. Here is a possible design.


Figure 16.11. A design consistent with layering

A typical interaction is shown in Figure 16.12 on the next page.


Figure 16.12

Now, this isn’t necessarily a better design than the other. They both have pros and cons. But if everyone on a project makes decisions in a consistent way, the design as a whole will be much more comprehensible, and that is worth some modest trade-offs on detailed design choices.

If the structure is forcing many awkward design choices, then in keeping with EVOLVING ORDER, it should be evaluated and perhaps modified or even discarded.

Choosing Appropriate Layers

Finding good RESPONSIBILITY LAYERS, or any large-scale structure, is a matter of understanding the problem domain and experimenting. If you allow EVOLVING ORDER, the initial starting point is not critical, although a poor choice does add work. The structure may well evolve into something unrecognizable. So the guidelines suggested here should be applied when considering transformations of the structure as much as when choosing from scratch.

As layers get switched out, merged, split, and redefined, here are some useful characteristics to look for and preserve.

Storytelling. The layers should communicate the basic realities or priorities of the domain. Choosing a large-scale structure is less a technical decision than a business modeling decision. The layers should bring out the priorities of the business.

Conceptual dependency. The concepts in the “upper” layers should have meaning against the backdrop of the “lower” layers, while the lower-layer concepts should be meaningful standing alone.

CONCEPTUAL CONTOURS. If the objects of different layers should have different rates of change or different sources of change, the layer accommodates the shearing between them.

It isn’t always necessary to start from scratch in defining layers for each new model. Certain layers show up in whole families of related domains.

For example, in businesses based on exploiting large fixed capital assets, such as factories or cargo ships, logistical software can often be organized into a “Potential” layer (another name for the “Capability” layer in the example) and an “Operations” layer.

Potential. What can be done? Never mind what we are planning to do. What could we do? The resources of the organization, including its people, and the way those resources are organized are the core of the Potential layer. Contracts with vendors also define potentials. This layer could be recognized in almost any business domain, but it is a prominent part of the story in those businesses, such as transportation and manufacturing, that have relatively large fixed capital investments that enable the business. Potential includes transient assets as well, but a business driven primarily by transient assets might choose layers that emphasize this, as discussed later. (This layer was called “Capability” in the example.)

Operation. What is being done? What have we managed to make of those potentials? Like the Potential layer, this layer should reflect the reality of the situation, rather than what we want it to be. In this layer we are trying to see our own efforts and activities: What we are selling, rather than what enables us to sell. It is very typical of Operational objects to reference or even be composed of Potential objects, but a Potential object shouldn’t reference the Operations layer.

In many, perhaps most, existing systems in domains of this kind, these two layers cover everything (although there could be some entirely different and more revealing breakdown). They track the current situation and active operational plans and issue reports or documents about it. But tracking is not always enough. When projects seek to guide or assist users, or to automate decision making, there is an additional set of responsibilities that can be organized into another layer, above Operations.

Decision Support. What action should be taken or what policy should be set? This layer is for analysis and decision making. It bases its analysis on information from lower layers, such as Potential or Operations. Decision Support software may use historical information to actively seek opportunities for current and future operations.

Decision Support systems have conceptual dependencies on other layers such as Operations or Potential because decisions aren’t made in a vacuum. A lot of projects implement Decision Support using data warehouse technology. The layer becomes a distinct BOUNDED CONTEXT, with a CUSTOMER/SUPPLIER relationship with the Operations software. In other projects, it is more deeply integrated, as in the preceding extended example. And one of the intrinsic advantages of layers is that the lower layers can exist without the higher ones. This can facilitate phased introductions or higher-level enhancements built on top of older operational systems.

Another case is software that enforces elaborate business rules or legal requirements, which can constitute a RESPONSIBILITY LAYER.

Policy. What are the rules and goals? Rules and goals are mostly passive, but constrain the behavior in other layers. Designing these interactions can be subtle. Sometimes a Policy is passed in as an argument to a lower level method. Sometimes the STRATEGY pattern is applied. Policy works well in conjunction with a Decision Support layer, which provides the means to seek the goals set by Policy, constrained by the rules set by Policy.

Policy layers can be written in the same language as the other layers, but they are sometimes implemented using rules engines. This doesn’t necessarily place them in a separate BOUNDED CONTEXT. In fact, the difficulty of coordinating such different implementation technologies can be eased by fastidiously using the same model across both. When rules are written based on a different model than the objects they apply to, either the complexity goes way up or the objects get dumbed down to keep things manageable.


Figure 16.13. Conceptual dependencies and shearing points in a factory automation system

Many businesses do not base their capability on plant and equipment. In financial services or insurance, to name two, the potential is to a large extent determined by current operations. An insurance company’s ability to take on a new risk by underwriting a new policy agreement is based on the diversification of its current business. The Potential layer would probably merge into Operations, and a different layering would evolve.

One area that often comes to the fore in these situations is commitments made to customers.

Commitment. What have we promised? This layer has the nature of Policy, in that it states goals that direct future operations, but it has the nature of Operations in that commitments emerge and change as a part of ongoing business activity.


Figure 16.14. Conceptual dependencies and shearing points in an investment banking system

The Potential and Commitment layers are not mutually exclusive. A domain in which both are prominent, say a transportation company with a lot of custom shipping services, might use both. Other layers more specific to those domains might be useful too. Change things. Experiment. But it is best to keep the layering system simple; going beyond four or possibly five becomes unwieldy. Having too many layers isn’t as effective at telling the story, and the problems of complexity the large-scale structure was meant to solve will come back in a new form. The large-scale structure must be ferociously distilled.

Although these five layers are applicable to a range of enterprise systems, they do not capture the salient responsibilities of all domains. In other cases, it would be counterproductive to try to force the design into this shape, but there may be a natural set of RESPONSIBILITY LAYERS that do work. For a domain completely unrelated to those we’ve discussed, these layers might have to be completely original. Ultimately, you have to use your intuition, start somewhere, and let the ORDER EVOLVE.

Knowledge Level


[A KNOWLEDGE LEVEL is] a group of objects that describes how another group of objects should behave. [Martin Fowler, “Accountability,”]

KNOWLEDGE LEVEL untangles things when we need to let some part of the model itself be plastic in the user’s hands yet constrained by a broader set of rules. It addresses requirements for software with configurable behavior, in which the roles and relationships among ENTITIES must be changed at installation or even at runtime.

In Analysis Patterns (Fowler 1996, pp. 24–27), the pattern emerges from a discussion of modeling accountability within organizations, and it is later applied to posting rules in accounting. Although the pattern appears in several chapters, it doesn’t have a chapter of its own because it is different from most patterns in the book. Rather than modeling a domain, as the other analysis patterns do, KNOWLEDGE LEVEL structures a model.

To see the problem concretely, consider models of “accountability.” Organizations are made up of people and smaller organizations, and define the roles they play and the relationships between them. The rules governing those roles and relationships vary greatly for different organizations. At one company, a “department” might be headed by a “Director” who reports to a “Vice President.” In another company, a “module” is headed by a “Manager” who reports to a “Senior Manager.” Then there are “matrix” organizations, in which each person reports to different managers for different purposes.

A typical application would make some assumptions. When those didn’t fit, users would start to use data-entry fields in a different way than they were intended. Any behavior the application had would misfire, as the semantics were changed by the users. Users would develop workarounds for the behavior, or would get the higher level features of the application shut off. They would be forced to learn complicated mappings between what they did in their jobs and the way the software works. They would never be served well.

When the system had to be changed or replaced, developers would discover (sooner or later) that the meanings of the features were not what they seemed. They might mean very different things in different user communities or in different situations. Changing anything without breaking these overlaid usages would be daunting. Data migration to a more tailored system would require understanding and coding for all those quirks.

Example: Employee Payroll and Pension, Part 1

The HR department of a medium-sized company has a simple program for calculating payroll and pension contributions.


Figure 16.15. The old model, overconstrained for new requirements


Figure 16.16. Some employees represented using the old model

But now, the management has decided that the office administrators should go into the “defined benefit” retirement plan. The trouble is that office administrators are paid hourly, and this model does not allow mixing. The model will have to change.

The next model proposal is quite simple: just remove the constraints.


Figure 16.17. The proposed model, now underconstrained


Figure 16.18. Employees can be associated with the wrong plan.

This model allows each employee to be associated with either kind of retirement plan, so each office administrator can be switched. This model is rejected by management because it does not reflect company policy. Some administrators could be switched and others not. Or the janitor could be switched. Management wants a model that enforces the policy:

Office administrators are hourly employees with defined-benefit retirement plans.

This policy suggests that the “job title” field now represents an important domain concept. Developers could refactor to make that concept explicit as an “Employee Type.”


Figure 16.19. The Type object allows requirements to be met.


Figure 16.20. Each Employee Type is assigned a Retirement Plan.

The requirements can be stated in the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE as follows:

An Employee Type is assigned to either Retirement Plan or either payroll.

Employees are constrained by the Employee Type.

Access to edit the Employee Type object will be restricted to a “superuser,” who will make changes only when company policy changes. An ordinary user in the personnel department can change Employees or point them at a different Employee Type.

This model satisfies the requirements. The developers sense an implicit concept or two, but it is just a nagging feeling at the moment. They don’t have any solid ideas to pursue, so they call it a day.

A static model can cause problems. But problems can be just as bad with a fully flexible system that allows any possible relationship to be presented. Such a system would be inconvenient to use and wouldn’t allow the organization’s own rules to be enforced.

Fully customizing software for each organization is not practical because, even if each organization could pay for custom software, the organizational structure will likely change frequently.

So such software must provide options to allow the user to configure it to reflect the current structure of the organization. The trouble is that adding such options to the model objects makes them unwieldy. The more flexibility you add, the more complex it all becomes.

In an application in which the roles and relationships between ENTITIES vary in different situations, complexity can explode. Neither fully general models nor highly customized ones serve the users’ needs. Objects end up with references to other types to cover a variety of cases, or with attributes that are used in different ways in different situations. Classes that have the same data and behavior may multiply just to accommodate different assembly rules.

Nestled into our model is another model that is about our model. A KNOWLEDGE LEVEL separates that self-defining aspect of the model and makes its constraints explicit.

KNOWLEDGE LEVEL is an application to the domain layer of the REFLECTION pattern, used in many software architectures and technical infrastructures and described well in Buschmann et al. 1996. REFLECTION accommodates changing needs by making the software “self-aware,” and making selected aspects of its structure and behavior accessible for adaptation and change. This is done by splitting the software into a “base level,” which carries the operational responsibility for the application, and a “meta level,” which represents knowledge of the structure and behavior of the software.

Significantly, the pattern is not called a knowledge “layer.” As much as it resembles layering, REFLECTION involves mutual dependencies running in both directions.

Java has some minimal built-in REFLECTION in the form of protocols for interrogating a class for its methods and so forth. Such mechanisms allow a program to ask questions about its own design. CORBA has somewhat more extensive but similar REFLECTION protocols. Some persistence technologies extend the richness of that self-description to support partially automated mapping between database tables and objects. There are other technical examples. This pattern can also be applied within the domain layer.

Comparing the terminology of KNOWLEDGE LEVEL and REFLECTION


Just to be clear, the reflection tools of the programming language are not for use in implementing the KNOWLEDGE LEVEL of a domain model. Those meta-objects describe the structure and behavior of the language constructs themselves. Instead, the KNOWLEDGE LEVEL must be built of ordinary objects.

The KNOWLEDGE LEVEL provides two useful distinctions. First, it focuses on the application domain, in contrast to familiar uses of REFLECTION. Second, it does not strive for full generality. Just as a SPECIFICATION can be more useful than a general predicate, a very specialized set of constraints on a set of objects and their relationships can be more useful than a generalized framework. The KNOWLEDGE LEVEL is simpler and can communicate the specific intent of the designer.


Create a distinct set of objects that can be used to describe and constrain the structure and behavior of the basic model. Keep these concerns separate as two “levels,” one very concrete, the other reflecting rules and knowledge that a user or superuser is able to customize.

Like all powerful ideas, REFLECTION and KNOWLEDGE LEVELS can be intoxicating. This pattern should be used sparingly. It can unravel complexity by freeing operations objects from the need to be jacks-of-all-trades, but the indirection it introduces does add some of that obscurity back in. If the KNOWLEDGE LEVEL becomes complex, the system’s behavior becomes hard to understand for developers and users alike. The users (or superuser) who configure it will end up needing the skills of a programmer—and a meta-level programmer at that. If they make mistakes, the application will behave incorrectly.

Also, the basic problems of data migration don’t completely disappear. When a structure in the KNOWLEDGE LEVEL is changed, existing operations-level objects have to be dealt with. It may be possible for old and new to coexist, but one way or another, careful analysis is needed.

All of these issues put a major burden on the designer of a KNOWLEDGE LEVEL. The design has to be robust enough to handle not only the scenarios presented in development, but also any scenario for which a user could configure the software in the future. Applied judiciously, to the points where customization is crucial and would otherwise distort the design, KNOWLEDGE LEVELS can solve problems that are very hard to handle any other way.

Example: Employee Payroll and Pension, Part 2: KNOWLEDGE LEVEL

Our team members are back, and, refreshed from a night’s sleep, one of them has started to close in on one of the awkward points. Why were certain objects being secured while others were freely edited? The cluster of restricted objects reminded him of the KNOWLEDGE LEVEL pattern, and he decided to try it as a way of viewing the model. He found that the existing model could already be viewed this way.


Figure 16.21. Recognizing the KNOWLEDGE LEVEL implicit in the existing model

The restricted edits were in the KNOWLEDGE LEVEL, while the day-to-day edits were in the operational level. A nice fit. All the objects above the line described types or longstanding policies. The Employee Type effectively imposed behavior on the Employee.

The developer was sharing his insight with his colleagues when one of the other developers had another insight. The clarity of seeing the model organized by KNOWLEDGE LEVEL had let her spot what had been bothering her the previous day. Two distinct concepts were being combined in the same object. She had heard it in the language used on the previous day but hadn’t put her finger on it:

An Employee Type is assigned to either Retirement Plan or either payroll.

But that was not really a statement in the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE. There was no “payroll” in the model. They had spoken in the language they wanted, rather than the one they had. The concept of payroll was implicit in the model, lumped together with Employee Type. It hadn’t been so obvious before the KNOWLEDGE LEVEL was separated out, and the very elements in that key phrase all appeared in the same level together . . . except one.

Based on this insight, she refactored again to a model that does support that statement.

The need for user control of the rules for associating objects drove the team to a model that had an implicit KNOWLEDGE LEVEL.


Figure 16.22. Payroll is now explicit, distinct from Employee Type.


Figure 16.23. Each Employee Type now has a Retirement Plan and a Payroll.

KNOWLEDGE LEVEL was hinted at by the characteristic access restrictions and a “thing-thing” type relationship. Once it was in place, the clarity it afforded helped produce another insight that disentangled two important domain concepts by factoring out Payroll.

KNOWLEDGE LEVEL, like other large-scale structures, isn’t strictly necessary. The objects will still work without it, and the insight that separated Employee Type from Payroll could still have been found and used. There may come a time when this structure doesn’t seem to be pulling its weight and can be dropped. But for now, it seems to tell a useful story about the system and helps developers grapple with the model.

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At first glance, KNOWLEDGE LEVEL looks like a special case of RESPONSIBILITY LAYERS, especially the “policy” layer, but it is not. For one thing, dependencies run in both directions between the levels, but with LAYERS, lower layers are independent of upper layers.

In fact, KNOWLEDGE LEVEL can coexist with most other large-scale structures, providing an additional dimension of organization.

Pluggable Component Framework

Opportunities arise in a very mature model that is deep and distilled. A PLUGGABLE COMPONENT FRAMEWORK usually only comes into play after a few applications have already been implemented in the same domain.

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When a variety of applications have to interoperate, all based on the same abstractions but designed independently, translations between multiple BOUNDED CONTEXTS limit integration. A SHARED KERNEL is not feasible for teams that do not work closely together. Duplication and fragmentation raise costs of development and installation, and interoperability becomes very difficult.

Some successful projects break down their design into components, each with responsibility for certain categories of functions. Usually all the components plug into a central hub, which supports any protocols they need and knows how to talk to the interfaces they provide. Other patterns of connecting components are also possible. The design of these interfaces and the hub that connects them must be coordinated, while more independence is possible designing the interiors.

Several widely used technical frameworks support this pattern, but that is a secondary issue. A technical framework is needed only if it solves some essential technical problem such as distribution, or sharing a component among different applications. The basic pattern is a conceptual organization of responsibilities. It can easily be applied within a single Java program.


Distill an ABSTRACT CORE of interfaces and interactions and create a framework that allows diverse implementations of those interfaces to be freely substituted. Likewise, allow any application to use those components, so long as it operates strictly through the interfaces of the ABSTRACT CORE.

High-level abstractions are identified and shared across the breadth of the system; specialization occurs in MODULES. The central hub of the application is an ABSTRACT CORE within a SHARED KERNEL. But multiple BOUNDED CONTEXTS can lie behind the encapsulated component interfaces, so that this structure can be especially convenient when many components are coming from many different sources, or when components are encapsulating preexisting software for integration.

This is not to say that components must have divergent models. Multiple components can be developed within a single CONTEXT if the teams CONTINUOUSLY INTEGRATE, or they can define another SHARED KERNEL held in common by a closely related set of components. All these strategies can coexist easily within a large-scale structure of PLUGGABLE COMPONENTS. Another option, in some cases, is to use a PUBLISHED LANGUAGE for the plug-in interface of the hub.

There are a few downsides to a PLUGGABLE COMPONENT FRAMEWORK. One is that this is a very difficult pattern to apply. It requires precision in the design of the interfaces and a deep enough model to capture the necessary behavior in the ABSTRACT CORE. Another major downside is that applications have limited options. If an application needs a very different approach to the CORE DOMAIN, the structure will get in the way. Developers can specialize the model, but they can’t change the ABSTRACT CORE without changing the protocol of all the diverse components. As a result, the process of continuous refinement of the CORE, refactoring toward deeper insight, is more or less frozen in its tracks.

Fayad and Johnson (2000) give a good look at ambitious attempts at PLUGGABLE COMPONENT FRAMEWORKS in several domains, including a discussion of SEMATECH CIM. The success of such frameworks is a mixed story. Probably the biggest obstacle is the maturity of understanding needed to design a useful framework. A PLUGGABLE COMPONENT FRAMEWORK should not be the first large-scale structure applied on a project, nor the second. The most successful examples have followed after the full development of multiple specialized applications.

Example: The SEMATECH CIM Framework

In a factory producing computer chips, groups (called lots) of silicon wafers are moved from one machine to another through hundreds of steps of processing until the microscopic circuitry being printed and etched into them is complete. The factory needs software that can track each individual lot, recording the exact processing that has been done to it, and then direct either factory workers or automated equipment to take it to the next appropriate machine and apply the next appropriate process. Such software is called a manufacturing execution system (MES).

Hundreds of different machines from dozens of vendors are used, with carefully tailored recipes at each step of the way. Developing MES software that could deal with such a complex mix was daunting and prohibitively expensive. In response, an industry consortium, SEMATECH, developed the CIM Framework.

The CIM Framework is big and complicated and has many aspects, but two are relevant here. First, the framework defines abstract interfaces for the basic concepts of the semiconductor MES domain—in other words, the CORE DOMAIN in the form of an ABSTRACT CORE. These interface definitions include both behavior and semantics.


Figure 16.24. A highly simplified subset of the CIM interfaces, with sample implementations

If a vendor produces a new machine, they have to develop a specialized implementation of the Process Machine interface. If they adhere to that interface, their machine-control component should plug into any application based on the CIM Framework.

Having defined these interfaces, SEMATECH defined the rules by which they could interact in an application. Any application based on the CIM Framework would have to implement a protocol that hosted objects implementing some subset of those interfaces. If this protocol were implemented, and the application strictly observed the abstract interfaces, then the application could count on the promised services of those interfaces, regardless of implementation. The combination of those interfaces and the protocol for using them constitutes a tightly restrictive large-scale structure.


Figure 16.25. The user places a lot in the next machine and logs the move into the computer.

The framework has very specific infrastructure requirements. It is tightly coupled to CORBA to provide persistence, transactions, events, and other technical services. But the interesting thing about it is the definition of a PLUGGABLE COMPONENT FRAMEWORK, which allows people to develop software independently and smoothly integrate them into immense systems. No one knows all the details of such a system, but everyone understands an overview.

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How can thousands of people work independently to create a quilt of more than 40,000 panels?

A few simple rules provide a large-scale structure for the AIDS Memorial Quilt, leaving the details to individual contributors. Notice how the rules focus on the overall mission (memorializing people who have died of AIDS), the features of a component that make integration practical, and the ability to handle the quilt in larger sections (such as folding it).

Here’s How to Create a Panel for the Quilt

[From the AIDS Memorial Quilt Project Web site,]

Design the panel

Include the name of the person you are remembering. Feel free to include additional information such as the dates of birth and death, and a hometown. . . . [P]lease limit each panel to one individual . . . .

Choose your materials

Remember that the Quilt is folded and unfolded many times, so durability is crucial. Since glue deteriorates with time, it is best to sew things to the panel. A medium-weight, non-stretch fabric such as a cotton duck or poplin works best.

Your design can be vertical or horizontal, but the finished, hemmed panel must be 3 feet by 6 feet (90 cm × 180 cm)—no more and no less! When you cut the fabric, leave an extra 2–3 inches on each side for a hem. If you can’t hem it yourself, we’ll do it for you. Batting for the panels is not necessary, but backing is recommended. Backing helps to keep panels clean when they are laid out on the ground. It also helps retain the shape of the fabric.

Create the panel

In constructing your panel you might want to use some of the following techniques:

• Appliqué: Sew fabric, letters and small mementos onto the background fabric. Do not rely on glue—it won’t last.

• Paint: Brush on textile paint or color-fast dye, or use an indelible ink pen. Please don’t use “puffy” paint; it’s too sticky.

• Stencil: Trace your design onto the fabric with a pencil, lift the stencil, then use a brush to apply textile paint or indelible markers.

• Collage: Make sure that whatever materials you add to the panel won’t tear the fabric (avoid glass and sequins for this reason), and be sure to avoid very bulky objects.

• Photos: The best way to include photos or letters is to photocopy them onto iron-on transfers, iron them onto 100% cotton fabric and sew that fabric to the panel. You may also put the photo in clear plastic vinyl and sew it to the panel (off-center so it avoids the fold).

How Restrictive Should a Structure Be?

The large-scale structure patterns discussed in this chapter range from the very loose SYSTEM METAPHOR to the restrictive PLUGGABLE COMPONENT FRAMEWORK. Other structures are possible, of course, and even within a general structural pattern, there is a lot of choice about how restrictive to make the rules.

For example, RESPONSIBILITY LAYERS dictate a kind of factoring of model concepts and their dependencies, but you could add rules that would specify communication patterns between the layers.

Consider a manufacturing plant where software directs each part to a machine where it is processed according to some recipe. The correct process is ordered from a Policy layer and executed in an Operations layer. But inevitably there will be mistakes made on the factory floor. The actual situation will not be consistent with the rules of the software. Now, an Operations layer must reflect the world as it is, which means that when a part is occasionally put in the wrong machine, that information must be accepted unconditionally. Somehow, this exceptional condition needs to be communicated to a higher layer. A decision-making layer can then use other policies to correct the situation, perhaps by rerouting the part to a repair process or by scrapping it. But Operations does not know anything about higher layers. The communication has to be done in a way that doesn’t create two-way dependencies from the lower layers to the higher ones.

Typically, this signaling would be done through some kind of event mechanism. The Operations objects would generate events whenever their state changed. Policy layer objects would listen for events of interest from the lower layers. When an event occurred that violated a rule, the rule would execute an action (part of the rule’s definition) that makes the appropriate response, or it might generate an event for the benefit of some still higher layer.

In the banking example, the values of assets change (Operations), shifting the values of segments of a portfolio. When these values exceed portfolio allocation limits (Policy), perhaps a trader is alerted, who can buy or sell assets to redress the balance.

We could figure this out on a case-by-case basis, or we could decide on a consistent pattern for everyone to follow in interactions of objects of particular layers. A more restrictive structure increases uniformity, making the design easier to interpret. If the structure fits, the rules are likely to push developers toward good designs. Disparate pieces are likely to fit together better.

On the other hand, the restrictions may take away flexibility that developers need. Very particular communication paths might be impractical to apply across BOUNDED CONTEXTS, especially in different implementation technologies, in a heterogeneous system.

So you have to fight the temptation to build frameworks and regiment the implementation of the large-scale structure. The most important contribution of the large-scale structure is conceptual coherence, and giving insight into the domain. Each structural rule should make development easier.

Refactoring Toward a Fitting Structure

In an era when the industry is shaking off excessive up-front design, some will see large-scale structure as a throwback to the bad old days of waterfall architecture. But in fact, the only way a useful structure can be found is from a very deep understanding of the domain and the problem, and the practical way to that understanding is an iterative development process.

A team committed to EVOLVING ORDER must fearlessly rethink the large-scale structure throughout the project life cycle. The team should not saddle itself with a structure conceived of early on, when no one understood the domain or the requirements very well.

Unfortunately, that evolution means that your final structure will not be available at the start, and that means that you will have to refactor to impose it as you go along. This can be expensive and difficult, but it is necessary. There are some general ways of controlling the cost and maximizing the gain.


One key to keeping the cost down is to keep the structure simple and lightweight. Don’t attempt to be comprehensive. Just address the most serious concerns and leave the rest to be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Early on, it can be helpful to choose a loose structure, such as a SYSTEM METAPHOR or a couple of RESPONSIBILITY LAYERS. A minimal, loose structure can nonetheless provide lightweight guidelines that will help prevent chaos.

Communication and Self-Discipline

The entire team must follow the structure in new development and refactoring. To do this, the structure must be understood by the entire team. The terminology and relationships must enter the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE.

Large-scale structure can provide a vocabulary for the project to deal with the system broadly, and for different people independently to make harmonious decisions. But because most large-scale structures are loose conceptual guidelines, the teams must exercise self-discipline.

Without consistent adherence by the many people involved, structures have a tendency to decay. The relationship of the structure to detailed parts of the model or implementation is not usually explicit in the code, and functional tests do not rely on the structure. Plus, the structure tends to be abstract, so that consistency of application can be difficult to maintain across a large team (or multiple teams).

The kinds of conversations that take place on most teams are not enough to maintain a consistent large-scale structure in a system. It is critical to incorporate it into the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE of the project, and for everyone to exercise that language relentlessly.

Restructuring Yields Supple Design

Second, any change to the structure may lead to a lot of refactoring. The structure is evolving as system complexity increases and understanding deepens. Each time the structure changes, the entire system has to be changed to adhere to the new order. Obviously that is a lot of work.

This isn’t quite as bad as it sounds. I’ve observed that a design with a large-scale structure is usually much easier to transform than one without. This seems to be true even when changing from one kind of structure to another, say from METAPHOR to LAYERS. I can’t entirely explain this. Part of the answer is that it is easier to rearrange something when you can understand its current arrangement, and the preexisting structure makes that easier. Partly it is that the discipline that it took to maintain the earlier structure permeates all aspects of the system. But there is something more, I think, because it is even easier to change a system that has had two previous structures.

A new leather jacket is stiff and uncomfortable, but after the first day of wear the elbows have flexed a few times and are becoming easier to bend. After a few more wearings, the shoulders have loosened up, and the jacket is easier to put on. After months of wear, the leather becomes supple and is comfortable and easy to move in. So it seems to be with models that are transformed repeatedly with sound transformations. Ever-increasing knowledge is embedded into them and the principal axes of change have been identified and made flexible, while stable aspects have been simplified. The broader CONCEPTUAL CONTOURS of the underlying domain are emerging in the model structure.

Distillation Lightens the Load

Another crucial force that should be applied to the model is continuous distillation. This reduces the difficulty of changing the structure in various ways. First, by removing mechanisms, GENERIC SUBDOMAINS, and other support structure from the CORE DOMAIN, there may simply be less to restructure.

If possible, these supporting elements should be defined to fit into the large-scale structure in a simple way. For example, in a system of RESPONSIBILITY LAYERS, a GENERIC SUBDOMAIN could be defined in such a way that it would fit within a single layer. With PLUGGABLE COMPONENTS, a GENERIC SUBDOMAIN could be owned entirely by a single component, or it could be a SHARED KERNEL among a set of related components. These supporting elements may have to be refactored to find their place in the structure; but they move independently of the CORE DOMAIN, and tend to be more narrowly focused, which makes it easier. And ultimately they are less critical, so refinement matters less.

The principles of distillation and refactoring toward deeper insight apply even to the large-scale structure itself. For example, the layers may initially be chosen based on a superficial understanding of the domain; they are gradually replaced with deeper abstractions that express the fundamental responsibilities of the system. This sharpedged clarity lets people see deep into the design, which is the goal. It is also part of the means, as it makes manipulation of the system on a large scale easier and safer.