
Chapter 1

1. Brian Marick mentioned this example to me.

Chapter 5

1. A model ENTITY is not the same thing as a Java “entity bean.” Entity beans were meant as a framework for implementing ENTITIES, more or less, but it hasn’t worked out that way. Most ENTITIES are implemented as ordinary objects. Regardless of how they are implemented, ENTITIES are a fundamental distinction in a domain model.

2. The WHOLE VALUE pattern, by Ward Cunningham.

Chapter 6

1. David Siegel devised and used this system on projects in the 1990s but has not published it.

Part III

1. Patterns as targets for refactoring were briefly mentioned in Gamma et al. (1995). Joshua Kerievsky has developed refactoring to patterns into a more mature and useful form (Kerievsky 2003).

Chapter 10

1. The WHOLE VALUE pattern, by Ward Cunningham.

Chapter 14

1. Reagan translated an old Russian saying that summed up the heart of the matter for both sides—another metaphor for bridging contexts.

Chapter 16

1. SYSTEM METAPHOR finally made sense to me when I heard Ward Cunningham use this firewall example in a workshop lecture.

2. POSA is short for Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, by Buschmann et al. 1996.