Chapter 2: The Strategy to Tame Me

   1.  Barna Research Group, “Americans Are Most Likely to Base Truth on Feelings,”, February 12, 2002,

   2.  Ibid.

   3.  Ibid.

Chapter 4: When They Say I Must

   1.  Alison Flood, “Fifty Shades of Grey Sequel Breaks Sales Records,” Guardian, June 2, 2015,

Chapter 5: When They Say I Can’t

   1.  David Barton, America: To Pray or Not to Pray (Houston: Wallbuilders Press, 1997), 97–105.

   2.  Ibid.

   3.  Ryan T. Anderson, “In NM, Same-Sex Marriage Trumps Religious Liberty,” Christian Post, August 26, 2013,\.

Chapter 7: End-Times Insanity

   1.  Jack Hyles, “Exploring Prayer with Jack Hyles,” Jack Hyles Home Page, accessed July 7, 2017,

Chapter 8: The Art of Dying

   1.  George Barna, Third Millennium Teens (Ventura: Barna Research, 2000), 56–57.

Chapter 9: It’s a Control Issue

   1.  Martin Luther King, Jr., in a speech aired February 27, 1967, in San Francisco. KPIX Eyewitness News, “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Racial Segregation” (video), San Francisco Bay Area Television Archive, updated October 22, 2011,