
Maintaining Your Space


You have done very well to come this far! After all this hard work, it is important to be able to maintain the wanted energies of your spaces, and with a few simple habits, I promise you it will not be that hard. It is paramount to set up a series of routines.

One of the big ones is to make it a habit to cull clutter! I have been guilty of working very hard to clear space only to have it fill back up time and again with unnecessary or misplaced items. Make it a routine to avoid buying unnecessary items or follow the idea that when something new comes in, something old must come out. It helps to cut down on the amassing of things that fill your place and make it crowded. For some people it might be difficult to get rid of anything old, for various reasons. However, you need to move beyond the thought of “But I might need it later!” If you are not sure you want to get rid of an item, put a date on it and put it away. Give a deadline of one to a maximum of three months and see how frequently you used it, if at all. If you have not used it by that third month, let it go!

The same can be said about collections. Unless properly displayed, collections can begin to look like a garage sale. It is better to put some pieces out on display so they can be appreciated, and then rotate them throughout the year. That way each of your pieces can be given the spotlight and appreciated. When you put one item away and put out another item from your collection, it will seem new again because you have not seen it for a while. I always recommend, if at all possible, to display any collection in such a way that it is easy to maintain and dusting will be kept at a minimum, such as using a shadowbox or cabinet with glass windows.

So how do you know when there are too many items on display? That is very simple! Try the “ugh test.” This test describes the feeling when you have to do housekeeping and you look around, let out a great sigh and then say “Ugh! This is just going to be too much bother; I will just do this tomorrow.” Of course, tomorrow never comes and the dust bunnies grow bigger and more abundant until you repeat this process.

Let’s face it, it’s rare to find someone who enjoys housekeeping. Your place is supposed to keep you and yours happy, not become a burden. Better yet, do not let yourself get anywhere near that saturation point. Decide how much time you want to spend with housekeeping, find or make some earth friendly cleaning products, and then learn the most efficient way to do your chores. This is why, if you have ever been away, you will notice that hotel rooms, bed-and-breakfasts, or other places with tourists keep decorations at a minimum. The decoration is kept minimum not just because they want to keep things appealing to many tastes, but because cleaning crews need to be thorough and efficient to welcome the next set of guests as quickly as possible. Once you find your routines, you will see that this is much easier.

I cannot stress enough how much I like multifunctional items, and especially functional art! Items that perform more than one function not only will save you space, they will also save you time. I personally like functional art, such as decorated throw pillows or handmade pottery. They serve a dual function of beautifying my space and, because it is something that I use on a daily basis, I get to enjoy it every day and justify its existence in my home.

If you find yourself developing a clutter habit, or becoming a pack rat, pay attention to what might be causing you unrest. Clutter can be very much like stress eating! Sometimes when we are unhappy with ourselves, there will be a tendency to collect items by either impulse buying or becoming lazy about putting them away. Clutter can also be a response to trying to fill an empty place within yourself instead of something nourishing that has substance, such as getting counseling or making new friendships.

It is vital to keep things organized, rather than just neat. You can have a space that is neat as a pin but completely impractical. It can be extremely frustrating when something looks as perfect as a movie set, but everything you need requires an extra step to be able to get it or to put it away. In short time, you will find yourself falling into chaos because your place is arranged in a way that is not harmonious with your reasoning of where things should go. If something is organized, it will look tidy and have frequently used items easily accessible. Items that you use on a daily basis should be kept where you can have them on hand always. Other items that are seasonal or are rarely used can be stored in harder to reach places. There is no one right way to do this!

Yes, it is true that there are basic tips on how to keep things neat so that they are also organized, but only you can say what should take a prime position within a cabinet, drawer, or shelf. There is something to be said about proper storage. I recommend you keep yourself updated on how you organize your things so they can remain neat depending on your changing needs. Making sure that you have storage bins or other containers to keep things handy and easily put away is key. It will save you so much time when you need something and you know exactly where it is.

This also applies to thinking ahead before you start collecting and displaying your treasures. Label things and make a list of every item as you put it away so that you know what is in a certain box or basket. Label boxes on more than one side. Trust me, it will help you save a ton of time! The few extra seconds you take in patiently making a label will prevent a huge amount of frustration and delay when you no longer remember what you have placed in a particular container.

Remember that your space is an extension of you, and, in turn, both you and your place are extensions of our beautiful Earth Mother. The reason I mention this is because you will find that your space will have its own form of moods. These moods will become very palpable when you walk into a space and can feel how the ambience has changed.

One way to keep your place in balance is to keep it in sync with the seasons. From a practical standpoint, adjusting to these changes, such as using more natural lighting when it is a bright day or closing windows on a cold night, will save you energy. Also, decorating your place in relation to the seasons can help to bring the outside in and reinforce the connection of your space as being part of the greater planet. Pay attention to anything that has gone on in your space has been tense, anxiety-filled, or depressed. Take steps to clear and clean your area not only physically but energetically. If you do this, you will find that the ambience will always feel fresh and full of life. It is much nicer to walk into a space that is inviting and feels open and ready to receive you versus one that feels stressful from the activities or disputes that might have gone on in it.

The only constant is change! We are always evolving and changing, therefore it is important to make sure that your place is kept current. The areas that you and those who reside with you spend the most time in should reflect the changes of mood and interest as all of you change over time. This is especially true during times of transition where there can be profound internal shifting that affects lifestyle, traditions, and routines.

What I find interesting is that people will naturally change their homes for the coming of a baby or the addition of a new animal companion, but for some reason they are reluctant to do this when it comes to turning a page in their own lives. It is okay. We all do this and it is normal. The reason being is that there is the thought, conscious or subconscious, that if you let things go or update them, you will lose the echo of memory of a special loved one or of your children when they were happily running throughout your house. Yes, you are right, but I would like to remind you of a greater truth.

What you value never leaves you! Just like you, your home or work space is meant to evolve and change expression to reflect where you are now. Think back on what used to give you joy and security as a child. Now, imagine yourself doing those activities exactly like that today. I can feel your grin from here. It would seem absurd! And, of course, you are right. I value friendship. When I was younger and several of us were not yet married nor had children, it was easy enough to go out, or have people come over and stay until late into the evening. As the years passed and my children came into the picture, that was no longer the case. Fast-forward several more years and now they are grown and starting their own adult lives. I have let go of my bigger home and table because all that they would be doing is taking up space. Doing so has given back to me a huge amount of time and allowed for me to write my books and enjoy spending time with you, dear reader. I have since changed up those large furniture pieces for some smaller, cozier items and smaller tables, which aid in having pleasant conversations in a warm, intimate setting. I still value friendship and always will, but its expression has evolved between my friends and I. Going with the flow of change as the years have winged by has allowed for our friendships to become stronger and not stilted by trying to hold on to a past that has long since ceased to be.

Resetting Energy After a
Major Loss or Transition

On the Good Red Road, things are not seen in a straight line, but rather as a Sacred Hoop. Events come and go, expressing themselves a little bit differently every time. These changes don’t necessarily follow just the death of a loved one, but it could be the ending of a stage of life for you. The most common are becoming an empty nester, retirement, or a sudden change in life that feels traumatic or unsettling. Regardless of the triggering event, it is important to have compassion for yourself and others.

In order to avoid creating stagnant energy, or, even worse, a place that seems like it sucks the life force out of everything and everyone, it is mandatory to let go of the old energy in order for it to move on.

Life is an ever-flowing cycle of new beginnings growing into new ways of being, letting go, and death in order to be able to make space for new life and energy to begin the process all over again. Death and loss are as much of a part of life as is birth and growth. In several Native American traditions, after someone crosses over there is a releasing ceremony. Within the first moon or month from when their bodies die, there is typically a form of a giveaway ritual. As is the custom on the Good Red Road, everything has to be both spiritual and practical in order for it to be useful.

When you give away a deceased person’s possessions, what you are doing from an energetic and spiritual standpoint is releasing the earthly hold upon their spirits so they may journey in peace. From a physical and practical viewpoint, these items can go on to help others and, if appropriate, act as mementos. This is not to say that you are not allowed to keep precious items! Significant keepsakes serve an important function of holding close to us the loving energy and memories of that very special person or animal that we miss so much. Allowing time for proper grieving and processing the sorrow will ease the transition, both physically and in your heart, to be receptive for new life.

It is a very normal reaction to want to hold on to these items as long as you can because, in a way, it is like being able to hold on to the one you love, but it is not healthy. Since grief is a very personal thing, you must allow yourself the time you need and go through the natural process of it. It is okay to have a place of remembrance so long as it does not prevent you from moving forward, a spot where there are photographs that bring you happy memories of your loved ones and perhaps a few sentimental items that you hold dear. As for the rest of the possessions that belonged to that individual, it is not really the physical items that you want to hold on to. I recommend taking a picture of the items and then writing the memory and feeling that these things represent. Donate what is usable to another person so it can enrich their lives and know that the energy and blessing will move onto them.

However, it can also be that the person whom you are releasing may have had some toxic energy attached to them and this nasty residue clings to their possessions. In this particular case, cleanse the items before you donate them. That way the person who receives these objects will be able to make good use of them without bringing in unwanted energy unknowingly.

Getting Rid of Clutter

Compare what you have in relation to how well it matches your future purposes. In order to determine what stays and what goes, follow some simple guidelines. How easy is it to maintain? Is the item truly something that you will use? Does the item in question not only serve its function but help to support the overall feeling and energy that you are trying to create? Sometimes it can be very difficult to decide whether you should keep an item or not. This is how we end up accumulating things. More often than not, an item is kept because it keeps the feeling of a memory alive. The phrase “But I might need it someday” is the bane of being able to live simply.

Use my suggestion from earlier about putting items into a box and seeing if you use them in a three-month time span. If you have not opened the box by that point, then you do not need that item! I know for many people clothing items can be the bigger issue. I follow a similar strategy here. At the beginning of a season I hang all of the hangers in the opposite direction from what I regularly would. When I use an item of clothing I put the hanger back in the way that it would normally go. By the end of a season, I can instantly see which articles of clothing I consistently used and which I did not.

If you do not usually hang your clothes but instead put them into drawers, when you fold your clothing, put it upside down or facing the opposite direction in the drawer than you normally would. I like wearing heavier sweaters during the winter. Sometimes I am not too sure if the sweaters still suit my style but I really want to keep them. I fold them up carefully and put them with the neck facing the bottom of the drawer, which is the opposite way that I normally would store it. The same rules apply here: anything that remains upside down or facing the opposite direction needs to be given away.

If you have a hard time figuring out where to begin, then remove the biggest items first. You will find that if you move the biggest items first it begins to create a positive domino effect. Of course, moving that big object forces you to look at other smaller possessions that are on the shelf or are cluttered on top of or around a piece of furniture. Focus on one thing at a time! Although it might be tempting to want to tackle the whole room at once, tackling the biggest item first and thoroughly resolving it will help to build excitement and momentum for continuing on with the smaller things.

This habit of streamlining is not only limited to possessions. Remember that you are trying to create a space that will support you and those who are with you now, in addition to the different events that will be held at your place in the future. It is necessary to take time to see how old ways of thinking and old habits have allowed things to become stagnant and impractical. This can be as simple as finding new ways of doing your housekeeping chores that save you time, or eliminating things that are contradictory to the function of a room, like removing idle pastimes if you are trying to design an office that is meant for productivity.

Routine Spiritual
and Practical Housekeeping

I am now going to tackle a subject that nobody likes: housekeeping. The maxim that things must be both practical and spiritual also applies to housekeeping being done on a regular basis in order for your place to remain vibrant and alive. I want you to imagine, for a moment, that you washed your body only as often as you have done spiritual and energetic cleaning of your place. Are you grossed out yet? If so, then you understand that you need to perform regular hygiene of your home or work place not only physically but energetically as well. This will keep your place optimal and you will be happy with a place that is clean in spirit, body, and mind.

As said before, your home and work spaces are extensions of your body and, in turn, you and your place are directly connected to and are an extension of Earth Mother, both physically and spiritually. I will give you a few simple things to do so that it will be easy to keep up with housekeeping as you go along. Usually, maintaining your space is a simple affair, except if something dramatic or traumatic has happened. At that point a deeper cleansing might be necessary in order to reset your place.

I personally follow a regimen of monthly maintenance. You will find that once you have your routine set you will move through it very quickly and that it is no trouble at all. The reason why I advise doing it this frequently is because you can catch changes sooner instead of later if the energy starts going out of alignment. It is much easier to correct the energy if it is caught early versus when the misalignment grows in magnitude as time goes on. I liken this very much to routinely looking at and checking the food in your cupboard or in your refrigerator to make sure that you do not have any biology experiments growing in there. Getting rid of things that no longer serve you is much like throwing out food that has gone bad. It makes space for that which is nutritious and healthy.

Spiritual Housekeeping

Begin spiritually cleansing your space by going to the Heart of it and offering smudge to the Seven Arrows. You will only have to do this once in the beginning for the entire process. Connect with the Heart of your space by sitting there and reflecting on what the essence of the space is about. While putting your hands upon the item that represents the Heart of your space, feel within your own Heart the purpose of why you have created this place. Feel the emotional energy building up within you and then transfer that energy into the item that holds the Heart energy. Repeating this process with any significant possession fuels it. Do not forget to do the same procedure if you have honoring spaces to divine beings, Ancestors, and/or grids.

When you do this for your Ancestors, reflect on each one of them in turn and thank them for blessing and protecting your home. For a grid, focus while you are in the center of the room and when you are ready to release the Power you have built up inside your Heart, touch each of the stones and crystals briefly. When recharging your grid, touch the stones in the same order that you set them up in. If the space you’re cleansing is a work space that houses reminders of your achievements, take time to look upon the items and remember the joy and pride of receiving these awards and certificates. Gently touching them while exhaling will release energy from within you and revitalize your connection.

If your space is established for honoring a divine being, a spiritual cleanse really should be done more frequently than once a month. However, this does depend on the god or goddess in question and how frequently they require your devotion. Take time to sit in respectful meditation and prayer, open your own heart, and allow yourself to receive messages from divine beings. While you are contemplating if you are moved, speak words of gratitude for the blessings you have received and are yet to receive.

If there are offerings or certain meditations or prayers that need to be done, do them at this time. I find that it is very effective to go with smudge throughout my entire place, cleaning the flow of energy through the corridors and in the rooms. Remember that you do not have to use smoke. If needed, you can make or purchase a spray made of essential oils or a light infusion of herbs. I make my own disinfecting all-purpose cleaner. I like putting in a small drop or two of essential oils, such as lavender or a combination of sage, cedar, and sweetgrass, so that whenever I am polishing or wiping down the items in my house I am also cleansing them spiritually.

I will share with you the recipe for the all-purpose cleaner that is environmentally friendly. It was given to me many years ago by my son’s pediatrician because he was born prematurely. His lungs were very delicate and anything harsh, such as cleaning chemicals, would have made him seriously ill or even killed him. This all-purpose cleaner is pet friendly, in addition to being welcoming for sacred spirits. You may change the essence of the oil if you prefer a different scent. The idea is that not only is the cleaner pleasing to you, but it also has spiritual properties that help you to revitalize your space as you are doing your chores.

All-Purpose Cleaner Recipe (One Gallon)

This recipe comes from a book called Clean & Green: The Complete Guide to Nontoxic and Environmentally Safe Housekeeping by Annie Berthold-Bond. I have increased the proportions because I use this so much in my home.9

Pour the following ingredients into a one gallon container:

• Two tablespoons plus two teaspoons of borax

• One tablespoon plus a teaspoon of washing soda

• One cup of vinegar

• One tablespoon and a teaspoon of a vegetable-based soap, such as castille soap. I personally like to use Dr. Bronner’s with the essence of lavender because I can spiritually clean my home with the lavender the same time I am physically cleaning it. You can also use an unscented vegetable soap and add a few drops of essential oils or herbal infusions. Do not add too much or else you will leave an oily film or stain your items or counters when using this cleaner. If vitamin E or vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is not listed in the ingredients of your vegetable soap, you need to add a couple of drops of either one (usually found at your local health food store) per half gallon of liquid soap when you open the bottle for the first time to protect against possible nitrosamine contamination.10

Combine all of these ingredients with hot water to fill the gallon container. Shake until everything is completely dissolved. Pour the solution into any spray bottle you use to clean your space.

The solution will keep for up to three months, but must be stored in a cool, dark place. This has been a very good cleaner and has kept my spaces spotless through the years. You will find that making your own cleaners is not only friendly to our Earth Mother, but that you will feel good, in addition to saving a lot of money. I also play music while cleaning and find that it makes me happy while doing chores. Music can be used on a daily basis to reset and realign energy. Music is a very powerful and universal tool. The end result will be a place that you are very content to be in and others that come to visit you or stay with you will also feel the difference.

Annual Grand Housekeeping

Even though, ideally, you would do your physical and spiritual housekeeping on a weekly or monthly basis, it is still important to do at least one major cleansing annually. You could do it on a significant date, such as the start of the new year or the anniversary of when you acquired your space. Taking time to assess what is going on throughout the entire year will give you clear insight to decide if your place needs to be gently realigned, mildly reinforced, or if it needs to be entirely rebooted.

Imagine that you have just been through a rough year. For the year to come, you might wish to feed the Heart of your space with extra energy for healing. Or perhaps you have major life changes coming, such as a new child, or the expansion of a business venture. Infusing your place with energy that attracts abundance and asking your spiritual helpers to guide you with managing prosperity is a very wise course of action.

Give thanks for what you have been given throughout the year. In order to reinstate the current energy or to fine-tune it for what is coming, create an activity that embodies your intentions for the coming year. It could be as simple as you doing an activity that represents healing or prosperity. The more people that participate in the activity and share the same intention, especially by those who live or work in the same space, the greater the Power that is generated to sustain all of you for the rest of the year. There does not need to be a set time for the duration of this activity, but do not rush it! Taking time to show gratitude, mindfulness, and respect is a fundamental principle of the Heart of the Earth technique, which is both a spiritual and practical method. Just as you are performing this event charged with spiritual intention, so it must be followed through with the practical.

Do a walk-through of your place and assess if you need to get rid of anything old or if there is a need to bring in anything new. See if there have been any shifts of energy and where there may need to be some realignments. What is key during your annual grand housekeeping is to have a personal celebration that helps to revitalize and realign the Heart of your space. If you have any places that honor Ancestors or divine beings, there should be a spiritual rededication in each of these places and a reinforcing of the invitation.

Don’t forget to reestablish the connection in honoring the natural world as you do this major cleansing and rededication. Just as you are strengthening the bonds of love and trust with your loved ones, seen and unseen, do not forget your wild relatives and the beings of nature. Creating this reestablished connection could be as simple as feeding the birds or supporting a charity that helps protect the environment and animals. You will be surprised at how good you will feel as their appreciation of your thoughtfulness is returned to you with many blessings being showered upon you and yours through the coming year.

Doing this annual grand housekeeping will be worth the trouble because as you do this, not only are you showing love and respect for those who support you, you are also performing some much-needed self-care. Make a habit of rewarding yourself every day by giving yourself a wonderful place to return to and to be in. Very few things in this world can be as comforting at the end of a long day as knowing you have a safe place to return to.

Heart Renewing Ceremony

I would like to share with you a ceremony that could act as an example or springboard of one that you can create for yourself to use during your annual grand housekeeping. You will need:

• Smudge (using a smoke free version is fine)

• Paper and pen

• Candle or kindling of natural wood, grasses, plus some smudge if lighting a fire

• Matches or a lighter

• A way to extinguish fire if you light one

• Natural pipe tobacco if not using fire

• Any items you would like to add to strengthen the Heart of your space, sanctuary room, honoring places, or sacred spaces devoted to divine beings

• Any items for your celebration depending on what you have planned, such as food and nonalcoholic drinks

• (Optional) Gentle music, such as Native American flute music or meditative drumming

You need to know what the focus of your intentions will be to determine what items you will need ahead of time. In many Native American traditions, ceremonies start with prayers of gratitude and end with prayers of gratitude. In between the prayers of thanks, a strong Heart renewing ceremony would have three phases: release, renew, realign. Begin by smudging yourself, anyone else in attendance if you have invited others to participate, and all items. Offer the smudge to the Seven Arrows.


One cannot fill a cup that is already full. You must release something before being able to receive. Think about what it is that you need to let go of in order to make space for the new. Doing a detailed cleaning of your home or work space and getting rid of all those white elephants is a wonderful way to kick off an annual releasing. I promise you it is worth the effort because you will have instant gratification and your place will begin to feel lighter and the energy will flow smoother.

Ritualistically, in order to let go of old energies or things that cause sorrow or chaos, there are two simple ceremonies that I would offer you. The first one is to light a fire in a safe place using some smudge. It does not have to be a big fire. It can be the size of a candle or it can be the size of a small bonfire, it is up to you. As always, safety first and follow all precautions in regards to handling a live flame, regardless of size. Take as many pieces of paper as you need to write down all the things that are toxic for you and that you wish to release. They can be personal things, but never write anything with the intention to harm or interfere with the welfare of another! Hold the piece of paper in your hand and put that hand against your heart. Release into that paper all those things which are negative and heavy. When you are ready, toss the paper into the fire. Please know that this is a sacred fire of purification and nothing else is to be allowed to be cast into it! It is permissible to snuff out the fire or pour water on it to douse it. You do not have to wait for the fire to completely burn out.

The second option, if fire is not practical or safe for you, is a similar ritual performed with natural pipe tobacco. As you did with the paper, take a pinch of tobacco and hold it in your hand and place that hand upon your heart. Just as you did with the paper, release into it all the things that you want to be free of for the coming year. Then, release the tobacco into the wind.

If you have done this properly, you will feel lighter and spiritually more clean, and have a sense of relief knowing that what you have asked to be taken from you by the Great Spirit is now leaving you to make space for that which is good and wonderful for the coming year.


In this portion of the ceremony, you would do things that affirm the values you live by, the blessings you are requesting, and strengthen the bonds of your helpers, seen and unseen. The idea is to show appreciation by celebrating those who have been with you and will continue to be by your side as you move forward.

This ritual is one of sharing favorite memories of the past season or year. If you are sharing this ritual with others, it should have a feeling of happiness, merriment, and community. If you are by yourself, the ritual should have a feeling of warmth and comfort, much like snuggling into blankets to enjoy a good rest after a long day. The ritual can also include enjoying some favorite foods and drinks. In many Native American traditions, before the community eats or drinks, a small plate is set aside with a taste of all the different foods that are being shared at the celebration. This plate is then placed outside and a splash of drink given to the Earth. This is known as a spirit plate. The idea is to give back gratitude and acknowledge all the blessings that you have been given.

When you are finished with this portion of the celebration, you should feel refreshed and clear as to your purpose and reason for living in your home or staying at your work place. It should be uplifting and meaningful.


At times, because the events of the previous season or year have knocked you off course or because what you achieved so far is not quite in alignment with where you are going, there is a need for realignment. This realignment will bring in new energies that must be introduced for the coming season or year to get everything back on track. The idea here is to do an activity that is an expression of the energy that you are trying to bring in.

The activity could be a simple ceremony of introducing an item that is symbolic of a quality or the energy that you are bringing in. If you’re sharing the ceremony with others, gifting new things to each other could also be an activity to bring new energy in. Some examples of things you could introduce for new energy might include a water fountain to honor the element of water, planting a tree to honor the element of earth, or doing acts of kindness or charity to honor the element of spirit.

At the end of the Heart Renewing Ceremony, remember to complete the Sacred Hoop by giving thanks and do a closing thought and prayer. Just as your physical loved ones like being asked to come and thanked before they leave, the same thing applies to our allies in the spirit realms.

Additional Thoughts to Consider
for Your Heart Renewal Ceremony

What you need for your Heart Renewal Ceremony depends on what you have planned. Having a simple and intimate gathering where everyone shares memories over food and drink would require a lot less planning and energy than if you are planning a party for a larger number of people. Another idea for a gathering activity that many people are drawn to is a drumming circle. Of course, this too would require a little bit of forethought and planning, including finding a place that enjoys the sound of drums, and possibly of people singing or chanting.

Although optional, I strongly counsel you to check with a good spiritual source as to what type of energy the year or season will bring. I am trained to interpret sacred time and the energy it will bring, which is also known as the Flow of the River. Weekly and annually, I share with my community and any who will listen what to anticipate and how to move harmoniously with the Flow of the River. I perform ceremonies to honor the turning of each of the four seasons and do prayers and meditations to learn what messages the divine spirits have for us. Spiritual connection gives you insight as to what types of energies and elements need to be introduced to stay in balance with Earth Mother and what to watch out for.

As a personal practice, I also pay attention to current affairs because I can then adjust my prayers and lifestyle changes to help the greater good. For example, one year I was working on bringing in creativity and prosperity, but I also kept hearing about companies that had bad practices that destroyed the rainforests and kept communities in poverty. Spiritually, I sent healing energy to the forests and all who dwell in them and to the communities seeking justice. I introduced more representations of the element of water, such as tiny fountains and sea shells, to my daily practices because one of its qualities is compassion to all living beings. I went out of my way to research companies that followed ecologically sustainable and fair trade practices. If I really liked their products, I would write great reviews and recommend them to others. I wrote to companies that had poor practices and told them why I was boycotting them. In my home and office, I placed stones and crystals that would hold those prayers and intentions. I did my best to follow through and work for—in a practical way—what I was asking for.

Some of you might refer to astrological events, others prefer to ask someone they trust for spiritual advice. When you create these traditions, keep them simple. The idea is that these will be rituals that you look forward to hosting and participating in. Be creative! Remember, these rituals represent you and the uniqueness of your space. If you find that a certain type of gathering becomes a chore or meaningless after a period of time, then it is perfectly okay to stop and develop a new one.

If you choose not to do any of this, nothing bad will happen to you. However, in time, spiritual energy may feel and become increasingly discordant with the turning of the years and with the people who dwell or work with you. What is of paramount importance here is to reinforce your values within your space that deepen the bonds of fellowship with family and friends and all of your helpers seen and unseen. Just as a strong body gives you the capacity to live a vibrant and dynamic life, the same is true for the energetic Heart of your place when you realign it with the Heart of the Earth.


9. Annie Berthold-Bond, Clean & Green: The Complete Guide to Nontoxic and Environmentally Safe Housekeeping (Woodstock, NY: Ceres Press, 1994), 25.

10. Anne Minard, “Shampoo, Cosmetics May Form Cancer-Causing Substance in Water Supplies,” National Geographic, May 1, 2010, https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/5/100429-shampoo-cancer-causing -substance/#close.