Ag-gag laws, 3940

AHI. See Animal Health Institute

Air pollution caused by animal food production, 112, 126

Albatross, 146147

Albini, Steve, 189

Alda, Alan, xxvi

ALEC. See American Legislative Exchange Council

Alzheimer's, 94, 108

Ambrose, Stephen, 162

American Egg Board, 200, 222, 223

American Legislative Exchange Council, 4143

American Meat Institute, 20, 50

AMI. See American Meat Institute

Anhang, Jeff, 125

Animal antibiotics, regulation of, 6062

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, 44

Animal foods

Calcium, 194196

Diabetes, 8, 90, 9396

Disease, generally, 9194

Antibiotics, 104105

Cancer, 23, 28, 9495, 193197

Children, 106, 193, 196198

Effects on human health, 105

Externalized costs related to animal food consumption, 107

Heart disease, 9296

Human anatomy, 190191

Human evolution, 190192

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, 105

Price elasticity of demand, 97100, 204205

Quality of protein, 2728, 189

US consumption, 5, 202, 9192, 96100

Vitamin B12, obtaining, 191192

Animal Health Institute, 104

AquaBounty Technologies, 5658

Aquaculture. See Fish farming

AquAdvantage Salmon, 5556

Arthritis, 94

Atkins, Robert, 9192


Baird, C. C., 40

Barnouin, Kim, 69

Battery cages, 220223


Antibiotics, 104105

Campylobacter, 102103

Cancer, 95

Diabetes, 9394

Heart disease, 9296

Hormones, 106

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, 105

Price elasticity of demand, 98

Quality of protein, 2728

Beef industry

American Meat Institute, 20, 50

Subsidies, xv

Berra, Yogi, 73

Bovine growth hormone. See Recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST)

Broiler chickens, 77

Antibiotics, 104105

Campylobacter, 102103

E. coli, 103

Improvements in production, 74

Intelligence and personality, 225227

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, 105

Organic production, 115118

Salmonella, 103

Slaughter methods, 37

Treatment in factory farms, 218

Willingness to pay to end inhumane treatment, 141

Bush, George W., 89, 160


Albatross losses, 146147

Dolphin losses, 146

Economic costs of, 158

Flatfish-related losses, 158

Leatherback turtle losses, 145146

Nontarget, valuable species losses, 147

Shrimp-related losses, 147

Target species juvenile losses, 147

Worldwide total losses, 147


CAFOs. See Factory farms

Cage-free eggs

Denial of hens' urge to roost and dust-bathe, 225227

Enriched cages, 227228

Forced molting, 221222

Generally, 223225

Partial beak amputation, 218220

Calcitriol, 195

Calcium and bone health, 194196

Campbell, T. Colin, 1213, 28, 194

Campylobacter, 102103


Annual US health care cost, 107108

Incidence in US, 90

Incidence related to animal food production, 96

Meat consumption, 9496

Carter, Charles, Jr., 112

Cataracts, 94


Antibiotics, 104105

California “Happy Cows” lawsuit, 2223

Campylobacter, 102103

Hormones, 106

Improvements in dairy production, 74

Methane generation, 119

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, 105

Organic production, 117121

Production and water use, 118119

Slaughter methods, 4749

Treatment in factory farms, 2223, 4752, 217

Willingness to pay to end zero grazing, 141

Center for Food Safety, 58

CFE. See Customary Farming Exemptions

Charles, Prince of Wales, 117

Checkoff programs, 38, 1415, 174, 207

Cheeseburger laws, 4142

Chicken meat

Cholestorol content, 12, 93

Health effects, 17, 92, 94, 103, 105

Heart disease, 92

Historical price movement, 9697

Price elasticity of demand, 205

Treatment of broiler chickens, 218

Chickens. See either Hens (egg-producing) or Broiler chickens (meat-producing)

Children and animal food consumption, 106, 193, 196198


Animal foods, xx, 12, 93, 140, 197

Consumption guidelines, 101102

Different effect of plant- and animal-based diets, 167

Egg consumption, 198200

No human need for dietary consumption of, 101


Effect of taxes on demand, 169171

Price elasticity of demand, 96

Clark, Daniel, 40

Clean Air Act, 129

Clean Water Act, 129

Clinton, Bill, 28, 109

Cohen, Stanley, 24

Colbert, Stephen, 21

Colony Collapse Disorder, 123124

Common law, 3435

Commonsense Consumption Act. See Cheeseburger laws

Compassion by the Pound, 134

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, 129

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). See Factory farms

Controlled molting. See Forced molting

Cows. See Cattle

Crohn's, 94

Customary Farming Exemptions, 3638



Bone health, 194196

Calcium, 194196

Cancer, 193194

Children, 169198

Health effects, generally, 192198

Price elasticity of demand, 205

Recombinant bovine somatotropin, 5960

Treatment of cows in factory farms, 2223

US consumption levels, xxi, 5

Dairy industry

Influence in research process, 911

National Dairy Council, 13, 28

Davis, Karen, 226

Dealing Dogs, 40

Debeak. See Partial beak amputation

Defamation laws, 38


Dairy, xxi, 5

Effect of price increase on, 96100

Law of, 9699

Meat, xxii, 114

Demand elasticity. See Price elasticity of demand

Descartes, René, 136

Dew, Thomas, 181


Annual US health care cost, 107

Incidence in US, 8, 90, 95

Incidence related to animal food production, 96

Red meat consumption, 9394

Dickens, Charles, 213

Dirksen, Everett, xxv

Dumping, 8486

Dust Bowl, 120, 124


E. coli, 6566, 103, 105, 107, 112

Ecological rotation, 114117

Ecoterrorism laws, 4345


Battery cages, 220221

Cage-free eggs, 223225

Denial of hens' urge to roost and dust-bathe, 225227

Enriched cages, 227228

Forced molting, 221222

Health effects, 198200

Improvements in production, 74

Partial beak amputation, 218220

Plant-based substitutes, 143

Price elasticity of demand, 98, 205

Production and water use, 118119

Treatment of laying hens in factory farms, 218228

Elasticity of demand. See Price elasticity of demand

Energy industry, 76, 113

Enriched cages, 227228

Environmental Protection Agency

Administrator Stephen L. Johnson, 128

Deficiencies in enforcing green laws against factory farms, 128129

EPA. See Environmental Protection Agency

Esselstyn, Caldwell, 178

Eutrophication, 153

Evans, Chris, 225

Externalized costs of animal food production

Air pollution, 126

Animal cruelty, 141

Antibiotics, 107

Bycatch, 158

Cancer, 107108

Climate change, 125

Diabetes, 107

E. coli, 107

Effect of proposed Meat Tax, 166, 176

Electricity generation, 76, 113

Fish farming, 157158

Fish production, 157158

Generally, 165, 202

Health care costs, 107109

Heart disease, 107

Illusion of low prices, 7576

Incidence, xx, xxv, 59, 75

Manure remediation, 126127

Overfishing, 157158

Overview, 165, 202

Pesticides and fertilizers, 125126

Salmonella, 107

Soil erosion, 124125

Water pollution, 126127

Externalized costs of fruit and vegetable production, 78


Factory farms

Battery cages, 220221

Broiler chickens, treatment, 218

Cage-free eggs, 223225

Cattle, treatment, 2223, 4752, 217

Consolidation, 74, 217

Dairy cows, treatment, 2223

Denial of hens' urge to roost and dust-bathe, 225227

Effect on local communities, 8384

Effect on tax revenues, 84

Enriched cages, 227228

Forced molting, 221222

Laying hens, treatment, 218228

Partial beak amputation, 218220

Pigs, treatment, 134, 213215

Veal calves, treatment, 216

Willingness to pay to end inhumane practices, 141

Factory fishing

Bycatch, 147

Fishery collapse, 148149

Jevons Paradox, 155

Longlining, 146

Overfishing, 149, 153155

Trawling, 146

Faison, F. J. “Sonny,” 214215

Farm Bill, 49, 80, 85, 8789

FDA. See Food and Drug Administration

Fedoroff, Nina, 113

Fertilizers, 125126


Blindness caused by fish farming, 158

Capacity to feel fear and anxiety, 137138

Capacity to feel pain, 136137

Health effects, generally, 200201

Mercury content, 140, 200201

Polychlorinated biphenyls content, 140, 200201

Slaughter methods, 139140

Stress related to tight stocking density, 138139

Susceptibility to parasitic infection, 138139

Willingness to pay to end inhumane treatment, 141

Fish farming

Cage systems, 149153

Escapes harming wild populations, 153

Generally, 149157

In US, 157

Jevons Paradox, 155

Parasitic infection, 138139

Pen systems, 149153

Sea lice, 138139

Slaughter methods, 139140

Stocking densities, 138139

Sustainability, 151153

University of Maryland, 150

Waste generation, 153

Willingness to pay to end inhumane practices, 141

Fishery collapse, 148149

Fishing subsidies, 148

Fitzgerald, Peter, 65, 174

Food and Drug Administration

Bovine growth hormone (rBST), 5960

Regulation of animal antibiotics, 6062

Scope of responsibility for animal foods, 56

Food miles, 121123

Forced molting, 221222

Francione, Gary, 178

Freedman, Rory, 169

Frost, Robert, xxi


Galbraith, John Kenneth, xiii

Gandhi, Mohandas, 183, 185

Garner, Joseph, 137138

German, Mike, 4445

Godwin, Jerry, 214

Goldfish, capacity to feel fear and anxiety, 137138

Goodland, Robert, 125

Gottleib, Robert, 180

Gout, 94

Government speech, 6

Grandin, Temple, 47

Green Scare, 4245

Ground beef

Cholesterol content, 93

E. coli, 103


HAACP. See Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points

Halal, 47

Ham, 26, 96

Historical price movement, 74

Harkin, Tom, 129

Hayes, Rutherford B., 164

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points, 65

Heart disease

Annual US health care cost, 107

Chicken consumption, 92

Incidence in US, 90

Incidence related to animal food production, 96

Red meat consumption, 20, 93

Hegsted, D. Mark, 195196


Battery cages, 220221

Cage-free conditions, 223225

Campylobacter, 102103

Consumer willingness to pay to move to free-range system, 141

Enriched cages, 227228

Forced molting, 221222

Free-range, 223225

Improvements in production, 74

Inability to roost in factory farms, 225227

Intelligence and personality, 225227

Organic production, 115118

Partial beak amputation, 218226

Salmonella, 103

Slaughter methods, 37

Treatment in factory farms, generally, 218228

HMSA. See Humane Methods of Slaughter Act

Hogs. See Pigs

Hormones in beef and dairy, effects on human health, 106

Hughes, Arthur, 49

Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, 24, 4750, 52

Humane Society of the United States, 44, 49, 227

Huxley, Aldous, 3, 14


IMTA. See Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture

Incidental taking. See Bycatch

Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture, 150151

Iron, 191


Jefferson, Thomas, 53

Jevons Paradox, 155

Johnson, Jewel, 224

Johnson, Stephen L., 128

Joshi, Anupama, 180

Joy, Melanie, xxiii


Kashrut, 47

Katz, Theodore, 62

Kimbrell, Andrew, 58

Klaper, Michael, 193, 215216

Kosher meat, 47

Kourda, Dina, 184


Laws affecting animal food production

Ag-gag laws, 3940

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, 44

Cheeseburger laws, 4142

Clean Air Act, 129

Clean Water Act, 129

Common law, 3435

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, 129

Customary Farming Exemptions, 36

Defamation laws, 38

Early legislation, 3536

Ecoterrorism laws, 4345

Endangered Species Act, 145

Enforcement challenges, 3840

Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, 24, 4750, 52

Twenty-Eight Hour Law, 4547

LCA. See Life Cycle Assessment

Leatherback turtle, 145146

Lewis, John, 169

Life Cycle Assessment

Generally, 121122

New Zealand lamb and powdered milk, 122


Cash donations and influence, 3334

Expenditures, 19, 32

Regulatory influence, 6162, 66, 68

Local production of animal foods, 121123

Longevity of vegans and omnivores, 95

Lorenz, Konrad, 222223

Lovitz, Dara, 43

Lusk, Jayson, 134, 140141


Marine ecosystem services, 159

Market failure, xxivxxv

Martin, Dick, 3536

Masson, Jeffrey, 213214, 225

McConnell, Mitch, 42

McCrary, Jeffrey, 156

McDougall, John, 189190

McLuhan, Marshall, xxvi

McWilliams, James, 122, 130132

Mead, Margaret, 184

Meat Tax, proposed

Benefits, 176177

Economic effects, 204212

Effect on demand, 207208

Feasability, 183184

Objections, 177184

Overview, 172173

Tax credit, 173

Meat, plant-based, 168

Medicaid, 165, 176, 209211

Medicare, 176, 209211

Mencken, H. L., 14

Merberg, Adam, 115117

Mercury in fish, 140, 200201

Mercy for Animals, 51

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, 105

Mill, John Stuart, 182

Miller, Gregory, 1011, 14, 28

Miller, Peter, 123

Mills, Milton, 190191

Monsanto, 5859, 6869, 8687

MRSA. See Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus


National Academies' Institute of Medicine, 101

National Pork Board, 20, 37

National Restaurant Association, 41

Nestle, Marion, 34, 69

New River manure spill, 111112

Norwood, F. Bailey, 134, 140141



Cheeseburger laws, 4142

Effect of animal foods, 167

Low-income consumers, 175

Percentage of Americans affected, xxii, 8

Robert Atkins, 9192

US rate compared to rest of world, 95

Oil industry, xxii, 59

Omega-3s, 154, 160, 200201

Oppenlander, Richard, 116

Organic Consumers Association, 69

Organic production of animal foods

Baby food containing neurotoxin, 67

Labeling requirements, 6668

Pasturing requirement for ruminants, 6768

Oski, Frank A., 198

Overfishing, 149, 153155

Overpeck, Jonathan, 125


Painter, Stanley, 50

Parkinson's, 94, 108

Partial beak amputation, 218220

Pascal, Blaise, 148

PCBs. See Polychlorinated biphenyls

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, 2223

Pesticides, 78, 118, 124126, 129

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, 23, 64

Pigou, Arthur, 169

Pigovian tax

Cigarettes, 169171

Generally, 169171


Antibiotics, 104105

Campylobacter, 102103

Consumer willingness to pay to move to shelter pasture system, 141

Intelligence and personality, 213214

Organic production, 118119

Treatment in factory farms, 213214

Pimentel, David, 130

Pink Slime, 1819

Plant-based diet

Calcium, obtaining, 191, 196

Indicated by human anatomy, 190191

Omega-3 fatty acids, obtaining, 201

Quality of protein, 2728, 189190

Substitutes for meat and dairy, 98, 143, 168

Vitamin B12, obtaining, 191192

Pollan, Michael, xix, 114115, 224

Polychlorinated biphenyls, 68, 140, 160, 200201

Polyface Farm, xix, 114117


Children, 20

E. coli, 103, 105

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, 105

Quality of protein, 189190

Pork industry

Consolidation, 74, 83

National Pork Board, 20, 37

National Pork Producers Council, 16

Subsidies, xv

Potter, Will, 43

Price elasticity of demand

Animal foods generally, 97100, 204205

Beef, 98

Chicken meat, 205

Cigarettes, 96

Coca-Cola, 98

Dairy, 205

Eggs, 98, 205

Generally, 9799

Soft drinks, 98

Weighted average for all animal foods, 99, 172, 205


Animal-based, as cause of cancer, 28, 194

Deficiency, 2425

Origin of recommended consumption levels, 2930

Production and water use, 118120

Quantities in plant foods, 2528


Qureshi, Adnan, 198199


rBST. See Recombinant bovine somatotropin

Reagan, Ronald, 31, 82

Recombinant bovine somatotropin, 5960

Red meat

Antibiotics, 104105

Cancer, 95

Children, 106, 197

Diabetes, 9394

Heart disease, 20, 93

Human anatomy, 190191

Quality of protein, 189190

Rees, William, 123

Regulatory capture, xvii, 5859, 70, 133

Reich, Robert, 5253

Rivera-Ferre, Marta, 99

Robbins, John, 216

Rodemeyer, Tracy, 20

Rohrabacher, Dana, 31

Rose, James, 134

Runkle, Nathan, 51


Salatin, Joel, 117


AquAdvantage Salmon, 5556

Cholesterol content, 12, 93

Decline of fisheries, 144145

Farmed, and sea lice, 138139

Farming of, 138140, 149153

Fish farm escapes and wild populations, 153

Hatcheries, 145, 155

Sea lice, generally, 152

Sea lice, harm to wild populations, 152

Slaughter methods, 139140

Stress related to sea lice, 139

Stress related to tight stocking density, 138

Susceptibility to parasitic infection, 138, 152

Unsustainability of farming operations in Sweden's coastal waters, 156


Externalized costs related to animal food consumption, 107

Sarcopenia, 25

Saturated fat

Consumption guidelines, 101102

No human need for dietary consumption of, 101

US consumption of, xx, 8, 91, 102

Schlosser, Eric, 68, 103

Scully, Matthew, 214215

Sea lice, 138139, 152

Seng, Joe, 39

Siri-Tarino, Patty, 1113, 20, 198

Slaughter methods

Cattle, 4749

Chickens, 37

Fish, 139140

Halal, 47

Kashrut, 47

Kosher, 47

Smithfield Foods Inc., 180181

Soil erosion caused by animal food production, 124125

Sowell, Thomas, 177

Sows. See Pigs

Spock, Benjamin, 197198

Stanger, Janice, 190

Stigler, George, 58

Subsidies to animal food production

As cause of factory farms' rise, 8384

Beneficiaries, 8081, 8687

Distortion of market forces, 8183

Dumping, 8486

Effects on developing nations, 8485

Effects on taxpayers, 88

Fishing, 148

Generally, 7989

Local production, 121123

Reform, proposed, 175

Sullivan, Mariann, 32, 36

Supply management, 82

Supply-driven forces, 96, 100, 116, 145, 155, 159, 164

Sussman, Robert, 192

Sustainability of animal food production, 117121

Air pollution, 112, 126

Climate change, 125

Ecological rotation, 114117

Fertilizers, 125126

Generally, 131132

Local production, 121123

Organic production, 117121

Pesticides, 125126

Water pollution, 126127

Water use, 118120

Swine. See Pigs

Swine flu, 1618


Tax on animal foods. See Meat Tax, proposed

Tax credit, proposed, 173

Terrorism, 4344

Tilapia, 154156

Tobacco industry, xx-xxi, 109, 177

Torell, Ron, 135


Capacity to feel pain, 136137

Slaughter methods, 139140

Stocking density in fish farms, 138139

Stress related to tight stocking density, 138139

Unsustainability of farming operations in Sweden's coastal waters, 156

Tuttle, Will, xix

Twain, Mark, 17, 173

Tyson Foods, 19, 48, 87


US Department of Agriculture

Beef recall, 4950

Cholesterol guidelines, 63, 79

Enforcement of Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, deficiencies in executing, 4850

Food Safety and Inspection Service, 52

Inability to issue mandatory recall, 66

Inherent conflicts of interest, 6269

Inspection duties, deficiencies in executing, 4850

Involvement in checkoff programs, 6

Labeling duties, deficiencies in executing, 6668

Office of Inspector General, 65, 66

Protein guidelines, 26, 2930

Reduction in subsidy payments, proposed, 175

Reform, proposed, 174

Reminded by Congress to enforce Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, 49

Revolving door of industry personnel, 6869

Saturated fat guidelines, 101102

Scope of responsibility for animal foods, 56

Secretary Tom Vilsack, 17, 6869

United Poultry Concerns, 222, 226

Unruh, Jesse “Big Daddy”, 33

USDA. See US Department of Agriculture


Vanderbilt, William, 52

Veal calves, treatment in factory farms, 216

Vegetables, quality of protein, 198200

Vilsack, Tom, 17, 6869

Vitamin B12, 191192

Voit, Carl von, 29


Warhol, Andy, 166

Water pollution caused by animal food production, 126127

Wilde, Oscar, 114

Wilson, Woodrow, 163

Winfrey, Oprah, xvii, 38

Wolfson, David, 32, 36

Wordsworth, William, 184

Wynn, Steve, 109