Acknowledgments |
ix |
One Introduction: Imperfection and Amendability
Sanford Levinson |
3 |
Two How Many Times Has the United States Constitution Been Amended? (A) < 26; (B) 26; (C) 27; (D) > 27: Accounting for Constitutional Change
Sanford Levinson |
13 |
Three Constitutionalism in the United States: From Theory to Politics
Stephen M. Griffin |
37 |
Four Higher Lawmaking
Bruce Ackerman |
63 |
Five Popular Sovereignty and Constitutional Amendment
Akhil Reed Amar |
89 |
Six The Plain Meaning of Article V
David R. Dow |
117 |
Seven Amending the Presuppositions of a Constitution
Frederick Schauer |
145 |
Eight Merlin’s Memory: The Past and Future Imperfect of the Once and Future Polity
Walter F. Murphy |
163 |
Nine The Case against Implicit Limits on the Constitutional Amending Process
John R. Vile |
191 |
Ten The “Original” Thirteenth Amendment and the Limits to Formal Constitutional Change
Mark E. Brandon |
215 |
Eleven Toward a Theory of Constitutional Amendment
Donald S. Lutz |
237 |
Twelve The Politics of Constitutional Revision in Eastern Europe
Stephen Holmes and Cass R. Sunstein |
275 |
Thirteen Midrash: Amendment through the Molding of Meaning
Noam J. Zohar |
307 |
Appendix: Amending Provisions of Selected New Constitutions in Eastern Europe |
319 |
Contributors |
325 |
Index |
327 |