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Activity and exercise
benefits and importance, 42, 56, 71, 89, 173
diabetes prevention and, 44, 45, 47. See also Diabetes (high blood sugar)
lack of, risks, 38–39
recommended amount of, 56
self-care schedule and, 82–83
types of, ideas for, 89, 99, 111, 191–92, 194
Activity and exercise habits, 189–204
about: avoiding sitting and lack of, 38–39, 195, 199, 201, 202, 221; overview of, 189–90; sitting during, 191
avoiding sitting in front of TV, 202
being active an hour a day, 201
building muscle, boosting metabolism, 185
exercising first thing, 200
exercising last thing, 204
exercising with others, 198
housework, 196
inconveniencing yourself, 194
multitasking your workout, 203
redefining exercise (in METS), 191–92
running daily (5–10 minutes), 193
standing up after sitting, 195
for stress management (efffects and time commitment), 89
tracking activity, 197
for weight management, 173
working activity into workday, 199
Addictions and heart-harmful habits, 205–28. See also Overeating, habits to overcome
about: overlap between habit and addiction, 205; overview of, 206
electronics addiction, 221–23
tobacco use disorder. See Smoking, quitting
definition of a drink, 143
food addiction and, 220–21
group support for eliminating, 111
impacting healthy eating habits, 181
lowering risk of heart disease, 56, 142–43
mocktail alternative (recipe), 230
moderate intake of, 42, 43, 56, 142–43, 181
overuse/addiction to, 206, 214–16, 220
Angina, 20–21
Aortic aneurysms, 24–25, 26, 27–28, 142
Arteries and veins
circulation of blood and, 12–14
how your heart functions and, 15–17
Atherosclerosis, 17–19, 22, 29, 31, 34, 37, 63, 149
Breathing deeply, 85–86
Brushing teeth after meals, 149
Chiropractors, 60
heart disease risk and, 17, 29
high, risk factors, 19, 26, 29, 32, 36, 39, 72, 142
high, treating/reducing, 30, 48, 49, 55, 56, 62, 125, 224
metabolic syndrome and, 34. See also Metabolic syndrome
types and numbers (levels), 29
Circulatory system diagrams, 13–14
Congestive heart failure (CHF), 23
Coronary heart disease. See Heart disease
Decluttering space, 94
Dementia, heart disease and, 22, 77
Depression. See also Mental health; Stress; Stress management habits
addressing, 224–28
alcohol use and, 215
heart disease and other risks of, 34
mental health providers to help with, 58–59
metabolic syndrome and, 48
reducing, 35, 49–50, 54, 87, 90, 93, 100, 105–6, 108–9, 198, 224–25
stress and, 39
talking with someone about, 228
Diabetes (high blood sugar)
behavioral strategies for beating, 47
biology of, 30–31
heart disease risk and, 30, 31–32
ketoacidosis and, 30
lowering risk of/preventing, 32
measuring high blood sugar, 31
metabolic syndrome and, 34. See also Metabolic syndrome
nutrition plan importance, 57–58
obesity and, 32
other diseases/issues caused by, 32
preventing/curing, healthy habits for, 44–47, 56, 62, 72, 122–23, 125, 133, 155, 168, 183–84, 185, 187–88, 193, 202, 231
risk factors, 30–31, 35–36, 38, 39, 72, 152, 165
self-care and, 82–83
types of diabetes, 30
Diet, heart disease risk factors, 35–37. See also Lifestyle and diet changes; Nutrition habits; Recipes; Weight loss habits
fats, 37
sodium and salt, 36
Disease risk factors for heart disease, 27–35. See also specific diseases
Doctors, to help with changing habits, 59–60
Drinks, 140–43, 230. See also Alcohol
ECG (electrocardiogram), 16–17
Exercise. See Activity and exercise
Fake it ‘til you make it, 88
Fats, heart disease and, 37, 129–30
Food. See Diet, heart disease risk factors; Nutrition habits; Recipes
Forgiving, 96–97
Gardening, 93
Gender, heart disease and, 27
Genetics and family history, heart disease and, 26
Gratitude journal, keeping, 92
Habits, changing. See also Healthy habits
about: definition and power of habits, 66–67
behavioral strategies, 53–54
breaking habits down for, 74–75
changing your identity and, 73–74
commitment contract for, 74
components of, 53–57
craving, coping and habit, 67–69
creating your own program, 62–64
doctors to help with, 59–60
how lifestyle change programs affect habits, 53
importance/power of habits and, 52–53
medications and, 62
mental health providers to help with, 58–59
nutritional approaches, 55–56
nutrition experts for, 57–58
nutrition plan importance, 55–56
physical activity, 56
physical health professionals and, 60–61
protecting yourself from stress and, 71–72. See also Stress
by repetition, 75–76
resources (other) on, 61–62, 76
rules and, 73
team of professionals for, 57–61
tips for making habits stick, 72–76
tying new habit to existing one, 75
weight management, 56
Healthy habits. See also Activity and exercise habits; Habits, changing; Nutrition habits; Sleep habits; Stress management habits; Weight loss habits
addictions to be replaced with. See Addictions and heart-harmful habits; Alcohol; Overeating, habits to overcome; Smoking, quitting
“evidence-based,” 77
longevity and, 42–43
making lasting change, 50–51
Ten Top Tips for weight loss and, 52
about: overview of heart science, 11
beats per second/per day, 16
blood circulation and, 12–14, 15–17
circulatory system diagrams, 13–14
function of, what it does, 12–14
how it does its job, 15–17
Heart attack (myocardial infarction or MI)
brain issues and, 22
definition and cause, 22
ECG showing one in progress, 17
MINOCA and, 23–24
Heart disease. See also Heart attack
about: coronary heart disease (CHD/CAD), 17
angina, 20–21
atherosclerosis, 17–19, 22, 29, 31, 34, 37, 63, 149
brain issues and, 22
complications of, 22–23
defined, 17
diseases related to, 24–25
ECG indicating, 16–17
microvascular disease, 20, 22, 23, 119
preventing, 7
without obstructed arteries (MINOCA), 23–24
Heart disease risk factors, 25–39
dietary factors, 35–37
disease factors, 27–35
gender, 27
genetics and family history, 26
lifestyle factors, 37–39
race/ethnicity, 26
stress, 39
Heart failure, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 35, 92
High blood pressure
conditions contributing to, 32, 35–39, 72
defined, 28
effects of, 27–28
heart disease risk and, 29
metabolic syndrome and, 34. See also Metabolic syndrome
other diseases caused by, 24
reducing, 28, 49, 54, 56, 62, 71, 84–86, 87, 100, 101, 105, 133, 139, 141, 142, 184, 187, 207, 224
High blood sugar. See Diabetes (high blood sugar)
Imperfection, practicing, 104
Inactivity, risks of, 38–39
Inflammatory diseases, 34
Lifestyle and diet changes
about: overview of this book and, 7–8
components of, 53–57
creating your own program, 62–64
diabetes prevention/cure and, 44–47
effectiviness of, 49–50
heart disease risk factors and, 37–39
how they change habits, 53
lasting change, 50–51
longevity and, 42–43
medications and, 62
metabolic syndrome and, 48–49
preventing heart disease, 7
resources (other) on, 61–62, 76
team of professionals for, 57–61
Meats, heart disease and, 36, 138
Medications, 62, 63–64, 105, 187, 188, 213–14, 220, 224, 228
Mental health. See also Depression; Stress; Stress management habits
addressing, leading to physical health, 224–25
providers, lifestyle changes and, 58–59
questionnaires to assess (PHQ-9, GAD-7), 225–27
Metabolic syndrome, 26, 32, 34, 48–49, 125
Microvascular disease, 20, 22, 23, 119
MINOCA, 23–24
Music, listening to, 84
Myocardial infarction. See Heart attack
Myocardial infarction with nonobstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA), 23–24
Naturopaths, 60
“No,” learning to say, 95
Nutrition habits, 115–50. See also Diet, heart disease risk factors; Lifestyle and diet changes; Recipes; Weight loss habits
about: how to eat, 146–50; how to shop, 144–45; nutrition experts for help, 57–58; overview of, 115; plant-based diet, 55; superfoods, 120; what not to eat, 136–39; what to drink, 140–43. See also Alcohol; what to eat, 116–36
aiming for eight fruit/vegetable servings daily, 116–18
aiming for three whole grain servings, 122–24
avoiding processed foods, 137
brushing teeth after meals, 149
chewing fruits/vegetables, 121
choosing healthier fats, 129–30
drinking tea/coffee regularly, 141
eating colorful and cruciferous plants, 119–20
eating dark chocolate weekly, 133–34
eating sitting and slowing down, 148
eating with others, 109
four servings of nuts weekly, 131–32
grocery shopping and, 144–45
having fiber-rich foods daily, 125–26
hydrating right, 140
limiting meats, 138
limiting sodium/salt intake, 139
making regular and recurring meal choices, 147
making well-balanced meals, 146
omega-3s daily, 127–28
putting it all together, 150
spicing (and herbing) up foods, 135–36
Obesity and overweight. See also Overeating, habits to overcome; Weight loss habits
avoiding when quitting smoking, 211
defined, calculations, 33
healthy weight benefits, 56
making lasting change, 50–51
metabolic syndrome and. See also Metabolic syndrome
risk factors, 26, 27, 36, 72, 183
risk of other conditions from, 32–33, 35, 38
specialists providing help with, 59, 187–88
Ten Top Tips for weight loss, 51, 52
weight loss impact, 32–33
Overeating, habits to overcome, 216–21
about: binge eating disorder, 219–20; case study, 217; food addiction, 220–21; mental health and, 224–28; Overeaters Anonymous case study, 224–25; stress eating, 216–17
being prepared, 219
pausing and reflecting on, 218
Peripheral arterial diseas (PAD), 25, 27, 142, 195
Pets, for stress management, 98
Physical health professionals, 60–61
Plaque, 17–19, 20, 22, 23–25, 27, 29, 31, 37, 133, 149
Positive thinking, feeling, 87
Processed foods, 35–36, 137. See also Meats
Race/ethnicity, heart disease and, 26
Recipes, 230–50
about: appetizers, 234–35; breakfast, 154, 231–33; desserts, 248–50; mains, 245–47; salads, 155–56, 236–41; soups, 242–44
Almost Homemade Corn Tortilla Chips with Black Bean Salsamole, 234–35
Antioxidant Chili, 243–44
Apple Cinnamon Walnut Overnight Oats, 233
Bubbly Minty Mojito Mocktail, 230
Cherry Chocolate Overnight Oats, 232
Dark Chocolate–Dipped Strawberries, 248–49
Filling Fruit and Nut Bowl with Greek Yogurt, 231
Niçoise-Style Sardine Salad, 240–41
Nutty Tabbouleh Salad, 236–37
Orange Pistachio Dark Chocolate Bark, 250
Overnight Oats, 232–35
Secret Ingredient Baltimore-Style Salmon Patties with Not-Oily Aioli, 245–46
Summer Corn, Tomato, Spinach, and Basil Salad, 238–39
Superfood Lentil Soup, 242–43
Super-Simple Cashew Stir-Fry, 247
Relationships. See Social support habits
Rewards, changing habits and, 72–73
Risk factors. See Heart disease risk factors; specific risk factors
Self-care schedule, creating, 82–83
amount needed by age, 38
deprivation, risks of, 35, 38, 54
disorders, 35
electronics addiction and, 221–22
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 35
Sleep habits for your heart, 105–8
creating consistent bedtime routine, 107
creating consistent sleep/wake schedule, 105–6
fortifying your foundation, 186
saying no to screens, 108
Smoking, quitting, 206–14
about, 57; heart disease risk and, 37, 42, 206–7; metabolic syndrome and, 48; overview of, 206–7
considering medications, 213–14
knowing who to call when needing support, 212
not gaining weight, 211
plan as more important than motivation, 208
rewarding yourself, 210
tying quit date to another event, 209
Social support habits, 108–14
about: benefits of, 54
connecting with technology, 112
eating with others, 109
exercising with others, 198
joining a group, 111
living in a community, 113–14
losing weight as a team, 172
nurturing best relationships, 110
for quitting smoking, 212
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD), 24
Stress. See also Stress management habits
diseases related to, 39. See also specific diseases
eating (comfort/emotional eating). See Overeating, habits to overcome
metabolic syndrome and, 48–49
negative effects of, 39
protecting yourself from, 71–72
tips/tricks for making new habits stick, 72–76
unhealthy coping behaviors, 39
Stress-induced heart failure, 24
Stress management habits, 82–104. See also Activity and exercise habits
breathing deeply, 85–86
creating self-care schedule, 82–83
cuddling a pet, 98
decluttering space, 94
fake it ‘til you make it, 88
forgiving, 96–97
getting a massage, 100
growing garden, 93
having cup of tea, 101
keeping gratitude journal, 92
learning to say “No,” 95
listening to music, 84
practicing imperfection, 104
protecting yourself from stressful people, 102–3
thinking, feeling positive, 87
volunteering, 90–91
walking in nature, 99
causes of, 22, 24, 25, 27–28, 34, 35
defined, 25
family history and, 26
reducing risk of, 55, 62, 116, 119, 129, 130, 142, 153, 193, 195, 210
Sugars and artificial sweeteners, 162–65. See also Diabetes (high blood sugar)
Tea, having cup of, 101
Technology, 221–22
about: electronics addiction, 221–23
connecting with others using, 112
making it harder to use your device, 222
saying no to screens, 108
using technology to control yours, 223
Volunteering, 90–91
Walking for stress management, 99. See also Activity and exercise habits; Exercise
Weight loss habits, 151–88. See also Nutrition habits; Obesity and overweight; Overeating, habits to overcome
about: breakfast and, 154; checking meal makeup, 180; how to eat, 166–71, 183–88; impact of, 51; overview of, 151–52; troubleshooting habits, 178–83; what not to eat, 162–65; what to do (actions for weight loss), 172–78; what to eat, 152–61
alcohol use and, 181
avoiding artificial sweeteners, 165
avoiding sugars, refined carbs, and sneaky added sugars, 162–64
balancing salad ingredients, 155–56
being restaurant savvy, 160
brown-bagging it, 159
building muscle, boosting metabolism, 185
considering consulting obesity specialist, 187–88
considering flours and starches, 179–80
considering more individualized plan, 182
controlling portion size, 167
eating more, filling up with fruits/vegetables, 152–53
exercising, 173, 185. See also Activity and exercise habits; Exercise
focusing on food, 168
fortifying your foundation, 186. See also Sleep habits for your heart
having balanced snacks, 161
intermittent fasting, 183–84
limiting snacking, 170
making first meal of day healthy, 154
making healthy meals at home, 157–58
making it a team effort, 172
monitoring intake, 174
rewarding yourself for achievements, 177–78
serving buffet-style, not family-style, 166
signaling end of meal, 169
staying in conrol without depriving, 171
sticking to a routine, 176
weighing yourself regularly, 175