Symbols and Numbers

<< notation, 35

* (asterisk)

in cron entry, 157

for globbing files, 306, 346–348

^ operator, 87

$( ) notation, 57, 66

$(( )) notation, 34–36

. (period)

escaping for grep command, 70

for hidden files, 12

to source script, 43

“404 Not Found” errors, preventing, 220

2001: A Space Odyssey (movie), 274


-a (logical AND), 25–26

access_log file, 235–239

splitting from error_log, 243

Acey Deucey, 290–297

addagenda script, 90–95

adduser script, 131–133

admin account, for apm, 226, 228

agenda script, 90–95

album script, 211–213

aliases, 104

alphanumeric input, validating, 15–17

alternatives system (Debian), 104

AND, logical (-a), 25–26

ANSI color sequences, 40–42

for region highlighting, 107–109

Apache web server

access_log file, 235–239

error_log file, 242–246

installing, 201

managing passwords, 223–229

apm-footer.html, 227–228

apm script, 223–229

apt package manager, installing with, 201


file, emailing or copying to cloud storage, 166

remote, for backups, 246–249

of removed files, 58–62

archivedir script, 169–171

area codes, looking up, 183–185

askvalue() function, 148–149

asterisk (*), in cron entry, 157

Atkin, sieve of, 287

automated screencapture, 263–266

awk command, 98, 181

for disk capacity, 125–126

for displaying random text, 213–214

general format for script, 189

printf command, 33–34



automated, based on sftp, 106, 229–233

of directories, 169–171

of files as they’re removed, 55–58

managing, 166–169

.bash_profile (login script), 4–5, 12

.bashrc (login script), 4–5, 12

bash shell, 1–2

customizing, 4

installing on Windows, 341–344

running commands, 3–4

running shell scripts, 5–7

batch files, 175

bc program, wrappers for, 34–36, 82–85

bestcompress script, 113–115

Bitcoin, address information retrieval, 192–194

blank phrase, vs. zero-character quoted phrase, 17

bold type, 41–42

border for image, 318–322

brew package manager, installing with, 329

broken internal links, identifying, 217–220

bugs. See debugging

bulkrename script, 346–348

bulkrun script, 348–351

bzip2, 109, 114


calc script, 82–85


currency values, 190–192

loan payments, 87–90


floating-point, 34–36

interactive, 82–85

calendar program, 90–95

capitals of states quiz, 282–284

carriage return, tr command to replace with newline, 262

case sensitivity, of Unix, 72

case statements, as regular expressions, 72

cat command

alternative to, 101–103

compressed files and, 109–112

-n flag, 98–99

OS X files and, 262

printing file contents to screen, 4

reading user data with, 81

Celsius units, translating between Fahrenheit or Kelvin and, 85–87

CentOS, cgi-bin directory for, 201

CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts, 199

running, 201

viewing environment, 202–203

cgrep script, 107–109

change mode (chmod) command, 7, 57

changetrack script, 194–197

chattr command, 64

checkexternal script, 220–222

checklinks script, 217–220

chmod (change mode) command, 7, 57

Chrome operating system (Google), 299

city, checking time in, 76

cleaning up after guest user, 141–143

cloud storage, 299

creating slide shows from photo streams, 304–306

emailing or copying archive file to, 166

keeping Dropbox running, 300–301

syncing Dropbox, 301–304

syncing files with Google Drive, 307–309

color sequences, ANSI, 40–42

for region highlighting, 107–109

command line interface, shell as, 2


count of those in PATH, 51–52

running, 3–4

running in bulk, 348–351

Common Gateway Interface. See CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts

Common Log Format, 235

composite utility, 317

compressed files, 109–112, 113–115

convertatemp script, 85–87

convertcurrency script, 190–192

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), 73


header in bc program, silencing, 36

issues, 207


archivedir in, 171

ensuring jobs are run, 159–162

scheduling jobs with, 154


entry for netstat log generation, 254

for office document synced with Google Drive, 308

validating user entries, 154–159

curl tool, 173–174, 182–183

currency, calculating values, 190–192

cut command, 19, 89


daemons, 119, 301

Darwin (Unix core), 261


checking size of, 70

searching with locate, 68–71

secure search, 127–131

data storage. See cloud storage; disk usage

date formats

normalizing, 17–20

validating, 29–32

variations in operating systems, 95, 149


calculating days between, 332–335

calculating days until specified, 335–339

finding day for specific past date, 330–332

finding moon phase for, 351–353

setting on system, 148–150

date utility, 95, 329–330, 334

dayinpast script, 330–332

daysago script, 332–335

daysuntil script, 335–339

Debian, cgi-bin directory for, 201


shell scripts, 45–49

using shell scripts for, 199

decimal separator, 22–23

deleted files, restoring, 55

.deleted-files archive, 55, 57

displaying content, 60, 62

pruning by timestamp, 62

deleteuser script, 136–138

deleting user accounts, 136–138

development folder, creating, 4–5

df utility

improving readability of output, 123–125

reports on disk usage, 125

dice, 287–290

diff command, 196–197


Apache support for password protection, 223

backing up, 169–171

bash search of, 3

displaying contents of, 65–68

name as Terminal window title, 266–267

for thumbnail images, 322

DIR script, 71–73

disabling user account, 133–136

diskhogs script, 121–123

diskspace script, 125–127

disk usage

analysis of, 119–120

available space, 125–127

managing quotas, 121–123

docron script, 159–162

domain names, requesting list from website, 179

dot (.) notation. See . (period)

double quotes, nested, 61

downloading files with FTP, 174–177


keeping running, 300–301

syncing, 301–304

du command, 119


echo command, 3

-n flag, 10, 33–34

echon command, 33–34


of archive file to cloud storage, 166

warnings about disk space consumption, 121–123

web page as, 209–211


GNU-style flags with quota, 103–104

MS-DOS environment, 71–73

encoded strings, transmitting, 201

end of file (EOF), unexpected, 47

end-of-line character, in OS X files, 262–263

env command, 202

environment variables, 11, 47. See also PATH environment variable

EOF (end of file), unexpected, 47

epoch time, 255, 330

Eratosthenes, sieve of, 287

error_log file, 235, 242–246

error messages

“404 Not Found,” preventing, 220

from date --version, 329

File does not exist, 243

from ImageMagick, 321

permission denied, 129

unable to read font, 318

esc variable, 42

/etc/crontab file, 160

/etc/daily directory, 160, 161

/etc/group file, 131

/etc/monthly directory, 160, 161

/etc/passwd file, 119, 131

/etc/shadow file, 131

/etc/skel directory, 132–133

/etc/weekly directory, 160, 161

eval command, 111, 149, 179


calendar, tracking, 90–95

web, logging, 203–206

exec call, 105

executable file, making, 6–7

EXIF (exchangeable image file format) information, removing, 324

EXIT (SIGEXIT) signal, 109

exit 0 command, 43

Extensible Markup Language (XML), 174

external links, report on broken, 220–222

extracting URL, from web page, 177–180


Fahrenheit units, translating between Celsius or Kelvin and, 85–87

file command, 314

File does not exist error, 243

file extension, for scripts, 5

filelock script, 37–40

filenames, user-specific database of, 129

file permissions, for executing script, 6–7


backing up as removed, 55–58

compressed, 109–112, 113–115


with additional information, 101–103

with line numbers, 98–99

by printing to console screen, 4

downloading with FTP, 174–177

finding by filename, 68–71

identify tool for information, 314–315

locking, 37–40

logging removals, 62–65

multiple, with same name, 57

renaming, in bulk, 346–348

sourcing, 42

storage. See cloud storage

syncing with SFTP, 229–233

uploading to FTP server, 177

File Transfer Protocol (FTP). See FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

FileZilla, 174

find command, 165

-xdev argument, 120


files by filename, 68–71

programs in PATH, 11–15

specific commands, 3

findsuid script, 146–148

fixguest script, 141–143


default for commands, 79

GNU-style, emulating with quota, 103–104


calculations, 84

calculator, 34–36

input, validating, 26–29

fmt command, 53, 102

limitation of, 99

formatdir script, 65–68

formatting long lines, 53–55

<form> tag (HTML), 204

fquota script, 119–120

frameit script, 318–322

framing images, 318–322


command count, 52

ps output, 150

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

for downloading files, 174–177

limitations, 229

uploading to server, 177

ftpget script, 174–177

ftp program, secure version, 104–106

fuzzy matching, 284


games, 273

Acey Deucey, 290–297

dice, 287–290

hangman, 277–281

number-guessing game, 45–49

prime numbers, 285–287

state capitals quiz, 282–284

unscramble, 275–277

gedit, 5

geoloc script, 325–327

getbtcaddr script, 192–194

getdope script, 209–211

gethubuser script, 180–182

getlinks script, 178–180

getopts command, 39, 54, 151

getstats script, 250–251

GitHub, getting user information, 180–182


for bulk-renaming files, 346–348

disabling, 306

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), 73

GNU-style flags, emulating with quota, 103–104


Chrome operating system, 299

Currency Converter, 190–192

Drive, syncing files with, 307–309

GPS geolocation, interpreting information, 325–327

Grab utility, 263

graphics. See ImageMagick tool; images; photos

grep command, fixing, 107–109

compressed files and, 109–112

gsync subdirectory, 308

Guenther, Philip, 37

guest user, cleaning up after, 141–143

gzip, 109, 114


hangman game, 277–281

hangman script, 277–281

hard links, 111

here document, 35, 54

hidden files, period (.) for, 12

Holbrook, Bill, 207

home directory, identifying, 5

.htaccess data file, 223, 226, 228


for formatting online photo album, 212

parsing with lynx tool, 177

.htpasswd file, 223, 226, 228

HTTP_USER_AGENT string, for Safari web browser, 202–203

HUP (SIGHUP) hang-up signal, 135


iCloud (Apple), 299, 304

identify tool, 314–315, 325–327

IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers), 10

IFS (input field separator), 226

ImageMagick tool, 213, 313. See also images

convert tool

for animated GIF, 265

for borders, 318–322

display command and, 304–306

error messages from, 321–322

GPS geolocation interpretation, 325–327

identify tool, 314–315, 325–327

images. See also ImageMagick tool; photos

EXIF information, stripping, 324

framing, 318–322

inclusion from other website, 207–208

report on reference errors, 220

scaled versions, creating, 213, 306, 322–325

size analyzer, 314–315

watermarking, 316–318

imagesize script, 314–315

IMDb (Internet Movie Database), movie info, accessing, 187–190

#include feature, shell alternative to, 42

incremental backup, 166–169

initializeANSI script function, 40–42


extracting specified line from, 61

getting and passing to function, 13


alphanumeric, 15–17

floating-point, 26–29

integer, 23–26

phone number, 17

input field separator (IFS), 226

Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), 10

integer input, validating, 23–26

internal links, identifying broken, 217–220

Internet Movie Database (IMDb), movie info, accessing, 187–190

Internet tools. See also web pages

Apache access_log, 235–239

Apache error_log, 242–246

area code lookup, 183–185

Bitcoin address information retrieval, 192–194

currency value calculation, 190–192

extracting URL from web page, 177–180

FTP for downloading files, 174–177

GitHub user information, 180–182

identifying broken internal links, 217–220

IMDb, accessing movie info from, 187–190

logging web events, 203–206

monitoring network status, 249–255

photo album creation, 211–213

random text display, 213–215

scriptable, 173

search engine traffic, 239–242

tracking web page changes, 194–197

watermarking images, 316–318

weather, 185–186

ZIP code lookup, 182–183

isprime script, 285–287

italic type, 41–42

iTunes libraries, summary listings in OS X, 267–269


JPEG files, finding dimensions of, 314–315


Kelvin units, translating between Fahrenheit or Celsius and, 85–87

kevin-and-kell script, 207–208

keywords, use in search engines, 239

KILL (SIGKILL) signal, 135

killall script, 150–154

killing processes by name, 150–154


large numbers, presenting attractively, 20–23

leading slash, 13

leap years, 29–32, 330

left-rooting pattern, 153

length, in bc, 36


iTunes, summary listings in OS X, 267–269

of scripts, building, 42–45

library-test script, 43–45

line feeds, for Unix, 262

lines of text

context in file, displaying with grep, 107–109

displaying numbers for, 98–99

end-of-line characters, 262–263

extracting from input, 61

formatting long, 53–55

merging paired, 67

wrapping only long, 99–101


identifying broken internal, 217–220

symbolic vs. hard, 111


netstat command output format, 250

ps command output format, 151

systems, designed to run as servers, 159

loancalc script, 87–90

loan payments, calculating, 87–90

local permissions, FTP to retain, 231

.locatedb file, separate for each user, 127

locate script, 69

locating. See finding

lockfile program, 37, 137–138

locking files, 37–40

log-duckduckgo-search script, 203–206

log files

Apache access_log, 235–239

Apache error_log, 242–246

displaying in order, 99

netperf script for contents analysis, 255

ownership permission, 64–65

rotating, 162–166

splitting for web server, 243


file removals, 62–65

web events, 203–206

logical AND (-a), 25–26

login script, 4–5, 12

logrm script, 62–65

long-words.txt file, 275–277


area code, 183–185

ZIP code, 182–183

ls command, 12, 60–61, 65

for displaying backed-up file, 169

file listings in chronological order, 58

lynx tool, 173–174

extracting URLs with, 177–180

identifying broken internal links with, 218–220


MacKenzie, David, 329

mailbox, remote, as archive, 247

MAILER environment variable, 11

Mailinator, 209


OneDrive, 299, 304

Windows, bash on, 341–344

mklocatedb script, 68–71

mkslocatedb script, 127–128

mogrify utility, 322

monthNumToName() function, 17–20

moon phase, finding by date, 351–353

moonphase script, 351–353

more utility, 81, 98

compressed files and, 109–112

moviedata script, 187–190

movies, info from IMDb (Internet Movie Database), 187–190

MS-DOS environment, emulating, 71–73

multiprocessor machines, bulk-running commands on, 348–351

mysftp script, 104–106



finding files by, 68–71

killing processes by, 150–154

renicing processes by, 255–259

ncal program, 330–331

NcFTP, 174

neqn shell script, 5–6

nested double quotes, 61

netperf script, 251–253, 255

netstat command, 249–250, 253

netstat log file, 253–254

network, monitoring status, 249–255

network filesystem (NFS), lockfile and, 40

Network Time Protocol (NTP), 150

newdf script, 123–125


causing unexpected end of file, 47

echo and, 10, 33–34

tr command to replace carriage return with, 262

newquota script, 103–104

newrm script, 55–58

NFS (network filesystem), lockfile and, 40

nicenumber script, 20–23, 89, 236

nroff command, 53

NTP (Network Time Protocol), 150

number-guessing game, 45–46

numberlines script, 98–99

numbers. See also calculations; floating-point

integers, validating input, 23–26

large, presenting attractively, 20–23

number-guessing game, 45–46

prime, 285–287

scientific notation, 28–29


OneDrive (Microsoft), 299, 304

open2 script, 269–271

open application, 262

open command, fixing in OS X, 269–271

OpenOffice documents, page count for folder of, 7–8

operating systems. See also individual operating systems

MS-DOS, emulating, 71–73

number of commands available in, 52


automated screencapture, 263–266

command count, 52

date format, 149

fixing line endings, 262–263

killing all csmount processes on, 153

open command, 269–271

ps output, 151

summary listings of iTunes libraries, 267–269

Terminal app, 2

setting title dynamically, 266–267

user account database for, 131

voice synthesis system, 309–312

output device, redirecting, 221–222


PAGER environment variable, 11

paging, 81

paired lines, merging, 67

palindrome checker, 274

parsing HTML, with lynx tool, 177

password-protected account, FTPand,177


for Apache, 223–229

changing for user, 135

htpasswd program for encryption, 226

PATH environment variable, 3

checking for valid directories, 139

configuring, 4–5

count of commands in, 51–52

finding programs in, 11–15

pax command, 168

period (.)

escaping for grep command, 70

for hidden files, 12

to source script, 43


default, for newly created file, 57

FTP to retain local, 231

log file ownership, 64–65

phase of the moon, finding by date, 351–353

phone number, validating, 17

photos. See also images

creating slide show from cloud storage, 304–306

creating web-based album, 211–213

pickCard function, 291, 295

pipe, with sftp program, 231

portable shell scripts, 7

POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface), 10–11

Preview utility, 263

prime numbers, 285–287

priority of task

changing, 255–259

for time-critical programs, 258


killing by name, 150–154

renicing by name, 255–259

running in parallel, 348–351

.profile (login script), 4–5, 12

prompt, for bash shell, 4

protocols, information on supported, 249–250

ps command, 150–151, 300


query from web client, 202

QUERY_STRING variable, 205

quota, emulating GNU-style flags with, 103–104

quota analysis, of disk usage, 119–120


$RANDOM environment variable, 47

random number, generating, 46–47, 287–290

randomquote script, 213–215, 276

random text, displaying, 213–215

read command, 81

realrm command, 56

records, 82

Red Hat Linux, ps output, 151

region, checking time in, 76

region highlighting, ANSI color sequences for, 107–109

regular expressions, 70, 86

case statement conditional tests as, 72

for variable slicing, 14

remember script, 80–82

remindme script, 80–82

remote archive, for backups, 246–249

remotebackup script, 246–249

remote host, prompting for, 104–106

removed file archive, 58–62

renaming files in bulk, 346–348

renice command, 153–154, 255

renicename script, 255–259

reset sequence, for ANSI color sequences, 41

restoring deleted files, 55

retransmission percentage, for network traffic, 254

return code, from awk, 243

rev command, 274, 317

right-rooting pattern, 153

rm command, 55

rolldice script, 287–290

root user, running script as, 69

rot13, 274

rotatelogs script, 162–166


commands, 3–4

commands in bulk, 348–351

script, as root user, 69

RVM (Ruby version manager), 4


Safari web browser, HTTP_USER_AGENT string for, 202, 203

sayit script, 310–312

say utility (OS X), 309–312

scale, in bc, 36

scheduling jobs, with cron, 154

scientific notation, 28–29

screencapture, automated, 263–266

screencapture script, 263

screencapture2 script, 264–266

scriptbc script, 34–36, 82–85, 194, 236

for converting GPS data, 327

scripts. See shell scripts

scripts directory, 4–5, 12

search engine traffic, 239–242

searchinfo script, 240–241

secure locate, implementing, 127–131


for apm script, 229

CGI scripts and, 199

for images, 316–318

risk in web form collection of email address, 200–201

script as root and, 69

setuid and, 64, 146

sed statement, 102, 178, 253

substitution, 86

transform based on, 16

semaphore, 37

sendmail, 200–201

servers, Linux systems designed to run as, 159

server-side include (SSI) capability, of web servers, 213–215

setdate script, 148–150

setgid command, checking for improper protection, 146–148

setuid command, checking for improper protection, 146–148

setuid permission, 64

SFTP, syncing files with, 229–233

sftpsync script, 229–233

wrapper for, 232–233

sftp utility, 104–106

sh command, 6

shebang, 6, 12

shell alias, 71

shell scripts, 1–3

calling directly, 6–7

debugging, 45–49

determining line count, 118

file extension for, 5

library of, 42–45

programming environment, 9–10

reasons for using, 7–8

running, 5–6

shift command, 54

showCGIenv script, 202

showfile script, 101–103

.shtml file extension, 215

shuffleDeck function, 290–291, 295

shutdown of system, cron job and, 159

sieve algorithms, for prime numbers, 287

SIGEXIT (EXIT) signal, 109

SIGHUP (HUP) hang-up signal, 135

SIGKILL (KILL) signal, 135

SkyDrive, 304

slideshow script, 304–306

.slocatedb file, 130–131

slocate script, 128–129

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 131

Solaris, command count, 52

Soundex algorithm, 284

source command (bash), 43

sourcing a file, 42–43

ssh (Secure Shell), 104–106, 229

SSI (server-side include) capability, of web servers, 213–215

ssync script, 232–233

startdropbox script, 300–301

state capitals quiz, 282–284

stderr, 221–222

stdin, 81

stdout, 221–222

Stickies, 80

storage. See cloud storage; disk usage

subshell, 5

substitution cipher, 274

su command, 120, 129–130

sudo command, 120, 130, 150

Sundaram, sieve of, 287

suspending user accounts, 133–136

suspenduser script, 133–136, 137

symbolic links, 111

syncdropbox script, 301–304

syncgdrive script, 307–309

syncing files

in Dropbox, 301–304

with Google Drive, 307–309

with SFTP, 229–233

syslog data stream, adding entry to, 64

system daemons, user IDs for, 119

system() function, 124

system maintenance, 145

backups, 166–171

ensuring cron jobs are run, 159–162

killing processes by name, 150–154

rotating log files, 162–166

setting system date, 148–150

tracking set user ID applications, 146–148

validating user crontab entries, 154–159


tail command, for monitoring website searches, 206

tarball, 232

tar command, 168, 248–249

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

netstat command for information, 253

script analysis of, 249–250

tcsh shell, 2

temperatures, converting, 85–87

Terminal app

opening window, 2

setting title dynamically, 266–267

text, displaying random, 213–215

TextEdit, 5

text editors, 5

thousands delimiter, international variations, 22–23

thumbnails script, 322–325


displaying in different time zones, 73–77

validating specifications, 32

timed(8), 150

timein script, 73–77


adding to renamed files, 348

for backup, 168

changing, 58

pruning .deleted-files archive by, 62

time zones, 73–77

titleterm script, 266–267

toolong script, 99–101


calendar events, 90–95

web page changes, 194–197

trap command, 108–109

traverse.dat file, 220

traverse function, 218

tr command, 19, 34, 86

to replace carriage return with newline, 262

trimmailbox script, 249

type effects, 41–42

TZ time zone variable, 73



cgi-bin directory for, 201

command count, 52

default web root on, 212

umask value, 57

unable to read font error, 318

underlined type, 41–42

unexpected end of file (EOF), 47


case sensitivity, 72

early development, 10

netstat command output format, 250

philosophy, on commands, 52

tweaking, 97–115

file display with additional information, 101–103

file display with line numbers, 98–99

GNU-style flags, emulating with quota, 103–104

grep, customizing, 107–109

maximizing file compression, 113–115

sftp, customizing, 104–106

working with compressed files, 109–112

wrapping long code lines, 99–101

unrm script, 58–62

unscramble (word game), 275–277

uploading files to FTP server, 177

uppercase letters, requiring in input, 17


extracting from web page, 177–180

user visit prior to page request, 236

user accounts

adding, 131–133

deleting, 136–138

suspending, 133–136

user IDs for, 119

user commands, 51–53

user IDs, for system daemons and user accounts, 119

user input. See input

user management, 117–118. See also user accounts

available disk space, 125–127

cleaning up after guest user, 141–143

df output readability, 123–125

diskhogs script, 121–123

disk usage analysis, 119–120

getting GitHub information, 180–182

secure locate, 127–131

user environment validation, 139–141

/usr directory, 119

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), 73

uuencode command, 248



alphanumeric input, 15–17

date formats, 29–32

floating-point input, 26–29

integer input, 23–26

phone number input, 17

time specifications, 32

user environment, 139–141

validator script, 139–141

valid-date script, 29–32

van den Berg, Stephen, 37


echo command to track, 45

names for search value, 241

naming scheme for, 254

variable-slicing syntax, 13, 14, 141

verifycron script, 154–159

Vim, 5

voice synthesis system, 309–312


watermarking images, 316–318

watermark script, 316–318

wc (word count) command, 100

weather, 185–186

Weather Underground, 185

webaccess script, 236–239

web-based photo album creation, 211–213

web client, query from, 202

weberrors script, 242–246

web events, logging, 203–206

web form, collecting email address, as security risk, 200–201

web pages

building on the fly, 207–208

as email message, 209–211

extracting URL from, 177–180

tracking changes, 194–197

user visit prior to page request, 236

web servers

managing, 235

server-side include (SSI) capability, 213–215

splitting logs, 243


getlinks for site analysis, 180

tail command for monitoring searches, 206

which command, 3

while loop, 22, 98, 286

whoami command, 69

Windows 10, bash shell, 341–344

word count (wc) command, 100

wrappers, 53

for bc program, 34–36, 82–85

installing, 63

open2 script, 269–271

for rm command, 62–65

for sftpsync, 232–233

wrapping only long lines of text, 99–101


X11 (graphics library), 304

xargs command, 67

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 174

xmllint, calling, 186

XQuartz software package, 304


Yahtzee, 289

yum package manager, installing with, 201


zcat command, 109–112

zero-character quoted phrase, vs. blank phrase, 17

zgrep command, 109–112

ZIP code lookup, 182–183

zmore command, 109–112

zsh shell, 2