
Note: Items in detailed checklists or assignments have not been indexed.

Air horns, 86

Alarms and alarm systems, remotely monitored, 108; structure hardening, 103–105

Allergies, medical supplies, 123

Ammunition, 69, 74, 123; and barter, 28; hidden storage, 75

Anaphylaxis, 49

Animals. See Pets

Arts and crafts projects, 65

Assignments. See specific topics

Asthma, medical supplies, 123

At-home income earning, 31–33

Attics, and hidden storage, 74

Automotive emergency kits, 62; safety issues, 47

Awareness, situational, 112–114; exercises, 39

Baby supplies, 99

Baby wipes, 13, 55

Backpacks, 22–23, 116

Bags. See specific type (Duffel; Garbage; etc.)

Baking supplies: staples, 143; stocking up, 38

Bandannas, as signal, 51, 121

Bark strips, 93

Barter/trade, 61; and networking, 61

Base metabolic rate, 38

Basements, and hidden storage, 74–75

Bathtubs, and water storage, 20

Battery chargers, 13

Becker BK9 Combat Bowie knives, 88

Bicycles, 70–71; locks, 68; tools, 13; trailers, 70

Bleach, and water purification, 12–13

Board games, 34

Body sprays, 55

Boiling water, 72

Books, 6; purging, 16; recommended, 42–43

Boredom, 65, 66, 118

Bottled water, 12, 15–18

Bottles, and water storage, 12–15

Boxes, and hidden storage, 75

Bug Out Bags. See Get Home Bags

Bug out route planning, 96

Building/repair, recommended reading, 35

Bulk buying, 22

Bungee cords, 92

Buy-in, by family, 12

Calcium hypochlorite, 42

Calories, calculating, 22

Camp showers, 55

Camp stoves, 72

Campfires, 23, 63

Can openers, manual, 118

Candles, 82; stocking up, 38

Carbon monoxide detectors, 73

Card games, 65

Casement windows, 106

Cast-iron cooking equipment, 72

Cell phones, 51

Chain saws, 77, 92

Charcoal grills. See Grills and grilling

“Check your six” (awareness), 113

Chemical toilets, 53

Children, 31; education, 35; entertainment, 65; hygiene, 15; medications, 13; nutrition, 34

Chimney cleaning, 93

Cigarettes, and barter, 123

Clayton, Bruce, 147

Cleaning products, 82

Cleanliness, personal, 53

Closets: cleaning/purging, 15–16; and hidden storage, 75

Clothing: and Get Home Bag, 22, 62, 96; purging, 16

Coffee, and barter, 28

Coffee filters, and water filtration, 43

Communications, 51–52, 84, 97. See also Radios

Condiments, 80

Container gardening, 45

Cooking, 18; equipment, 77; methods, 44; practice, 63; safety issues, 19; from scratch, 80

Coolers, 118

Cooper Color Code, 112

Cooper, Jeff, 112

Cord (firewood), measurement, 72

Craigslist, 72

Crank-powered flashlights, 23

Crank radios, 101

Creosote buildup, chimneys, 93

Curtains, 82

Dead-bolt locks, 52

Debris huts, 126

Defensive weapons, 68, 83

Dental issues, 59

Deodorants, 13, 28

Diabetes, medical supplies, 48

Diapers, 34, 55

Dice, 65

Digital scanners, 101

Dogs, 10, 36; and sanitation, 37. See also Pets

Doors, structure hardening, 103

Double-hung windows, 106

Drills, practice, 64

Duct tape, 13, 76

Duffel bags, 23

Dust masks, 16, 20

Ear plugs, 86

Education, for children, 35

Electricity, 55

Emergency kits. See specific type (Automotive; Evacuation; etc.)

Emergency shelters, public, and pets, 27

Entertainment, 65; 133; for children, 25 recommended reading, 42

Epipens, 49

Evacuation kits, 27; contents, 19; vs. Get Home Bag, 22; purpose, 20, 24; storage, 19

Evacuation plans, 37

Excursions, postcollapse, 116

Exercising, 39

Fall (Season Three), 46; assignments, 15, 18, 21, 25, 28, 30, 33, 35, 37, 40; bug out route planning, 20; communications, 51; firewood, 72; footprint reduction, 110; pantry items, nonfood, 100; regrouping, 97; site security survey, 104; situational awareness, 112; structure hardening, 103; 105, 108

Family buy-in, 12

Filtration of water, 42

Fire extinguishers, 86

Fire-making, 22. See also Firewood

Fire pits, 72

Firearms, 6, 68; cleaning, 20; practice, 63; recommended reading, 42; safety issues, 68;

Firewood, 72, 88; locating, 20; measurement, 38; stacking, 37; storage, 12; tools, 13; types, 13. See also Fire-making

First aid classes, 50

First aid supplies, 22; basic, 13; in Get Home Bag, 22; listing available items, 31; medications, 13; and pets, 20; special needs, 35

Flashlights, 23, 28, 86

Food: and children, 48; in Get Home Bag, 22; inventories, 119, 130, 140; for pets, 27; recommended reading, 42; stocking up, 38; storage, 19, 29

Footprint reduction, 110

Freecycle, 18, 70

Freeze-dried products, 38, 79

FRS (Family Radio Service), 51

Games. See Board games; Card games

Garbage bags, 99, 118; as toilet liners, 99

Gardening, 45

Generators, 61

Get Home Bags, 22; contents, 19; organizing, 46; purpose, 20; storage, 19; vs. evacuation kits, 27

Get Out Of Dodge (G.O.O.D.) Bags. See Get Home Bags

GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service), 51

Grills and grilling, 13

Groceries: final inventory, 29; overview, 148. See also specific grocery items (Food; Pantry items; etc.)

Guns. See Firearms

Hair spray “flamethrower,” 82

Ham radios, 84; clubs, 84; equipment, 12; licensing, 32

Hand lotion, 55

Hand sanitizer, 23, 54, 56

Hand tools, 13; automotive, 124; bicycle, 70; firewood, 72; listing available items, 31; safety issues, 68

Handguns, 68

Headlamps, 23

Heirloom seeds, 45; and barter, 45

Herbs, 79

Holiday sales, stocking up, 38

Home library, 132

Homeschooling, recommended reading, 35

Homesteading skills, recommended reading, 132

Horses, 70

Human waste disposal, 53

Hunting rifles, 68

Hurricane lamps, 135

Hygiene supplies: and barter, 28; for children, 25; listing available items, 31. See also specific items (Baby wipes; Toilet paper; etc.)

Income, extra, 31

Inventories: of basics, 119; final, 10; initial, 20

Jacks, automotive, 121

Kindling, 63

Kitty litter, 53; and human waste disposal, 53

Knife sheaths, 23, 76

Knives, 23; selection, 140; types, 13. See also specific knives

Krehbiel, Jane-Alexandra, 47

Ladders, 20

Lamps. See Lighting

Latrines, 53

Lean-to shelters, 126

Lighters, and barter, 25

Lighting, emergency, 12

Liquor, and barter, 28

Listmaking. See Inventories

Locks: bicycle, 70; deadbolt, 149

Log racks, 92

Log splitters, 92

Machete-type knives, 88

Maps, 23

Masks, dust, 24, 47

Meal ingredients (spices, mixes, etc.), 25; baking staples, 79; condiments, 80; herbs, 57; spices, 38

Meal plans, 39

Medical issues, 13, 27; recommended reading, 42. See also Medical supplies; Medications. etc.

Medical supplies, 123; and barter, 28; basic, 49; in Get Home Bag, 22; listing available items, 31; medications, 13, 27; and pets, 20; special needs, 35

Medications, 13, 27; for children, 25; over-the-counter, 13, 22; prescription, 27, 48; rotation, 20; storage, 19, 25

Medicinal plants, recommended reading, 132

Milk jugs, 20

Month One (basics), 25; assignments, 15, 18, 21, 25; Get Home Bags, 22; listing available items, 31; purging, 16; totals, 15; water storage, 19

Month Two (basics) 142; assignments, 28, 30, 33, 35, 37, 40; buy-in, 12; children, 31; evacuation kits, 27; food storage needs, 29; income, extra, 31; pets, 27

Mosin Nagant rifle, 38

Motion lights, 108

Motorcycles, 70

Mouthwash, 55

MREs (Meals Ready to Eat), 22, 149

Musical entertainment, 65

N95 masks, 86, 118

Natural remedies, 57, 59

Networking, 146

Nutrition, for children, 35

Oil lamps, 135

Organize Your Life website, 14

Outbuildings, structure hardening, 72

Outhouses, 53

Ovens, Solar-powered, 72

Over-the-counter medications, 13; 22

Pantry items, 100; nonfood, 100; stocking up, 38. See also Food

Paper goods (plates, etc.), 99; stocking up, 38

Paper towels, 99

Paracord, 23

Part-time work, 32

Pepper spray, 82

Pets, 27; carriers, 37; collars, 36; dogs, 36; 97; and emergency shelters, 27; food, 12; identifying, 127; medical supplies, 123; photos, 27; water, 12; waste disposal, 53

Phones, cell, 12

Plants, recommended reading, 45

Plywood, 105

Pocketknives, 28, 88, 89

Police scanners, 101

Pool shock, 42; and barter, 28

Power. See Electricity

Power tools, 13

Practice drills, 47

Preparation: basic, 22; financing, 25; year-long, 16

Prepper Savings Account: final inventory, 39; overview, 148

Prescription medications, 27, 48; for allergies, 46; for asthma, 49; for diabetes, 48

Purging of possessions, 16

Purification of water, 22

Radios: crank, 51; ham, 84; shortwave, 84, 101; two-way, 51

Rallying points, 97

Recreational reading, 65, 133

Regrouping, 98

Resources: pooling, and networking, 61; recommended, 42

Revolvers, 68

Rifles, 68, 74

Route planning for bug out, 19

Safety glasses, 78, 86

Safety issues, 47; automotive tools, 124; candles, 128; cooking, 18; firearms, 68; hand tools, 77

Sales, seasonal, and stocking up, 38

Sanitation issues: for humans, 13; for pets, 27

Savings, overview, 9. See also Preparation, financing

Scanners, police, 101

Scarves, shemagh, 24

“Scouts,” post-collapse, 35

Seasonal planning/preparation. See specific season

Security, and networking, 146

Seeds, 31; and barter, 28

Sewing materials, 118

Shampoo, 13

Shatter-resistant film, for windows, 105

Sheath knives, 48, 88, 149

Shelf life, of products, 42

Shelters: inventory taking, 119; public, and pets, 27; temporary, 23

Shemagh scarves, 24

Shortwave radios, 84

Shotguns, 68

Shutters, 106

Site security survey, and structure hardening, 103

Situational awareness, 112; exercises, 39

Skills, and barter, 31

Sliding windows, 106

Smoke detectors, 86

Snow caves, 35

Soap, 28

Soda can alarms, 108

Soda can weapons, 23

Solar-powered: battery chargers, 51; generators, 61; lights, 16; ovens, 72; panels, 140

Sounding boards, and networking, 61

Space blankets, 22

Spare tires, 121

Special needs, medical considerations, 13

Spices, 38

Spotlights, handheld, 135

Spring (Season One), 53; assignments, 117, 119, 122, 125, 127, 129, 131, 134, 136, 138, 140; cleanliness, 117; communications, 51; entertainment, 65; fire-making, 22; first aid supplies, 14; gardening, 45; medical/dental issues, 59; medications, 13; networking, 61; waste disposal, 53; water issues, 12

Square foot gardening, 45

Stockpiling/stocking up: pantry items, 38; barter items, 28

Storage: hidden, 74. See also specific items (Food; Water; etc.)

Stress, 34, 63

Structure hardening: alarms, 103–105; doors, 27; outbuildings, 106; site survey, 14; windows, 20

Summer (Season Two), 67; assignments, 69, 71, 73, 75, 78, 81, 83, 85, 87, 90; cooking, 18; firearms, 68; ham radio, 84; hand tools, 13; knives, 82; meal ingredients, 25; safety equipment, 77; storage, hidden, 19; transportation, 23; weapons, improvised, 82

Supplies, miscellaneous, 14; listing available items, 31. See also specific supplies

“Survival knives,” 82

Survival skills, recommended reading, 63

T-shirts, as wipes, 53

Tape. See Duct tape

Tarps, 92

Tasers, 82

Tasks, overview, 148. See also specific tasks

Taurus .357 revolver, 68

Tinder, 22

Tires, spare, 121

Tobacco, and barter, 123

Toilet paper, 13, 23

Toilets, 12; chemical, 42

Tools, hand, 13; automotive, 124; bicycle, 70; firewood, 72; listing available items, 31; safety issues, 47

Tools, power, 49

Toothbrushes, 13

Toothpaste, 13

TOPS B.O.B. (Brothers of Bushcraft) knives, 88

Totals: Month One (basics), 25; year, 16

Trailers, bicycle, 70

Transceivers, 84

Transportation, 70; bicycles, 70–71; motorcycles, 70; walking, 60

Trash bags, 111, 118; as toilet liners, 99

Turkeys, stocking up, 12

12 gauge shotguns, 61

22LR rifles, 68

Two-way radios, 51

Vegetables, canned, stocking up, 15

Vehicle emergency kits, 62; safety issues, 47

VHS movies, purging, 16

Victorinox Swiss Army Tinker knives, 88

WakaWaka Light, 51

WakaWaka Power, 51

Walking, 60

Wasp/hornet spray, 82

Waste disposal: for humans, 13; for pets, 27

Water, 13; boiling, 42; filtration, 22; final inventory, 119; in Get Home Bag, 22; inventory taking, 57; listing available items, 31; needs, 35; for pets, 27; purification, 77; storage, 19, 29, 74. See also Bottled water

Water BOB, 20

Water bottles (built-in purification), 12

Water heaters, and water storage, 12, 19

Water-purification tablets, 13

Weapons: defensive, 82, 110; improvised, 76; positioning, 82. See also specific weapons

Weekly assignments, overview, 9. See also specific tasks

Wilderness survival skills, recommended reading, 63

Windows, structure hardening, 103; types, 13

Winter (Season Four), 115; assignments, 117, 119, 122, 125, 127, 129, 131, 134, 136, 138, 140; barter items, stockpiling, 119; drills, practice, 55; electricity, 55; excursions, post-collapse, 116; inventory taking, 57; lighting, 82; pantry items, stocking up, 99; resources, recommended, 34; shelters, temporary, 23; supplies, miscellaneous, 13; vehicle emergency kits, 62

Wipes. See Baby wipes; T-shirts

Wood pallets, 93

Work boots/gloves, 77

Wound supplies, 47

Writer’s Market, 31