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abolitionist movement, 33, 284

accompaniment (skill-sharing), 103, 111

Aguilar, Ernesto, 164, 316–17

Alcorisa, Spain, 197–8

Alexander II, Tsar, 116, 118, 295, 305, 355

Alfonso XIII, King, 279

Alfred, Taiaiake, 164, 175

Alinsky, Saul, 172

Alliance of Socialist Democracy, 15

alterglobalization campaign, 1–2, 242

Altgeld, John, 23

Ambroise, Jacques (aka Han Ryner), 273

Amsterdam white bike scheme, 242

– anarchism: communist school of, 43, 192–5, 199–203

– ‘conundrum’ of, 247–54

– divergence from Marxism, 20–1, 35, 48, 151–5

– emergence of, 12–13

– etymology of, 11

– and feminism, 166–76, 235, 325

– individualist, 43, 121–5, 181–2, 199–203

– and intersectionality, 157–64

– leading figures in, 42–5

– organizationalist, 121–5

– persistence of, 242–7

– prospects for, 241

– and syndicalism, 123–4

– and terrorism, 37–41, 47, 117, 118

‘anarchism without adjectives,’ 347

Anarchist (journal), 302, 331, 338

Anarchist Black Cross, 136, 165, 350, 354

anarchist constitutions, 177–81

Anarchist Federation of Britain, 321

anarchist internationalism, 212–14

Anarchist League of Japan, 311

Anarchy (magazine), 174, 315

Anarchy Against Utopia! (statement), 203–4, 136, 137

Andrade, David, 202, 339

An Anarchist Plan for Campaign, 181–5

Andrews, Stephen Pearl, 43, 188–9, 223, 274

Angry Brigade, 132, 264, 350

Antifa movements, 245

Anti-Fascist League, 321

antimilitarism, 129, 131

anti-statism, 202

Antliff, Allan, 149

Aragon, Spain, 195–6

Arbeiter Zeitung (newspaper), 281, 295, 301

Arbeter Fraint (newspaper), 51, 300

Armand, Émile, 123, 180–1, 254, 317

art, transgressive, 265–6

arts and crafts movement, 273, 307

assassinations, 116, 117, 118–21, 282, 354, 355

Associazione (newspaper), 51

Avrich, Paul, 288

Axa, Zo d,’ 254, 317, 351–2

Ayres, Leonard, 91


Babeuf, ‘Gracchus,’ 47

Baconiana (magazine), 303

Baja California, Mexico, 52

Baker, Sir Herbert, 3

Bakunin, Michael: biographical summary, 274–6

– and burn out, 243

– and conspiracy, 47, 49

– critique of Marx, 14–15, 17–18, 26–7

– and education, 98, 104

– on human behaviour, 84

– and the International, 18–20

– on religion and authority, 68–71, 73–5

– revolutionary activities, 49–50

– on Rousseau, 63

– on theory and experience, 76, 251

Federalism, Socialism and Anti-Theologism (1867), 275

God and the State (1882), 276

The Paris Commune and the Idea of the State, 26, 35

Reaction in Germany (1842), 275

Statism and Anarchy (1873), 276

Barcelona, 40, 98, 120, 279–80, 345, 347

Bauer, A. J., 236–7

Bedborough, George, 302

Beeby, Elizabeth, 307

Belinsky, Vissarion, 275

Belmas, Julia, 324, 325

Berkman, Alexander, 85, 130, 151, 153, 282, 283, 306–7

Berneri, Camillio, 340

Berneri, Giovanna, 340

Berneri, Marie-Louise, 204, 208, 321, 340–1

Bevington, Louisa: biographical summary, 339–40

Common Sense Country (1895), 205–6, 207

Anarchist Manifesto (1895), 206

Bey, Hakim (aka Peter Lamborn Wilson), 138–40, 223, 318

biographies and life stories, in anarchist literature, 49–50

Bismarck, Otto von, 21

Black, Bob, 138–9, 173, 318

Black Cross Network, 316

Black Fist (anarchist collective), 316

Black Flag (journal), 354

Black Panther Party, 327–8, 335, 355–6

Black Rose collective, 245, 353

Blast (journal), 307

Blomfeld, Sir Reginald, 3

Blood of the Flower statement, 245–6

Boétie, Étienne de la, The Politics of Obedience, 262–3

Bolce, Harold, 210–11

Bolshevik revolution, 116, 127, 129, 130, 287

Bonanno, Alredo, 135, 166, 268, 319, 330

Bookchin, Murray: biographical summary, 320

– and class struggle, 136

– critique of, 238–9

– and democracy, 227

– rejection of consensus decision making, 232–3

– social anarchism, 142–3, 144, 237

– social ecology, 228–32, 246

Boston Anarchist Club, constitution, 185–6

Bresci, Gaetano, 293

Brontë, Charlotte, Jane Eyre, 59

Brown, Tom, 126, 320–1, 353

Brownstone Utopia (community), 274

Buber, Martin, 206, 207


Cabet, Étienne, 47

Cafiero, Carlo, 43, 100, 101, 117, 276–7, 291, 299

Cánovas del Castillo, Antonio, 347–8

Carnot, President, 118, 120, 321–2

Carpenter, Edward, 311, 313, 317

Caserio, Sante Geronimo, 120, 321–2

Ceylon Social Reform Society, 307

Chicago see Haymarket Affair, Chicago (1886)

China Assassination Corps, 314

Chomsky, Noam, 226, 249–51, 341

Christie, Stuart, 257, 350

Churchill, Winston, 243

City Lights Bookstore, 309

class, and anarchist activism, 150–6

Class War (UK group), 156

class-struggle anarchism, 136–8, 150

Cleyre, Voltairine de: on anarchist optimism, 271

– biographical summary, 277–8

– critique of colonization, 77, 80–3, 84

– on cultural contexts of anarchism, 53

– notoriety of, 173

– on suffragette direct action, 168–71

Cluchette, John, 328

Cohn-Bendit, Daniel, 245, 351

collectivization, land, 195–9

colonization, 77, 78–83

Coming Insurrection, The (anarchist tract, 2007), 134–5

Common Ground (collective, New Orleans), 249, 259–61, 351

Commonweal (newspaper), 332

communalism, democratic, 228–32

Communards, 22, 23, 38

communism, and anarchism, 43, 192–5, 199–203

Communist Manifesto (1848), 47, 150

community associations, 165

Comstock Laws, 181, 343

conquest, 75–7

consensus decision-making, 227, 232–7

constitutions: anarchist, 177–81

– communist, 192–5

convergence, anarchization through, 254–61, 266–8

Coomaraswamy, Ananda, 78, 307–8

counter-cultural movements, 131

Courbet, Gustave, 23, 277

CrimethInc., 140

crow, scott, 248–9, 259, 351

Cuba, 148

Czolgosz, Leon, 282, 295


Dada, 265

De Ligt, Bart, 322–3

Debord, Guy, 230, 341–2

Deepwater Horizon disaster, 266

DeLeon, Daniel, 295

democracy, anarchist misgivings over, 224–8

democratic communalism, 228–32, 246

Der Sozialist (journal), 329–30

dialogues, used in anarchist propaganda, 254–7

Díaz, Porfirio, 290

direct action, 166, 168–72

Direct Action (Vancouver), 324, 325

Dirlik, Arif, 52

disjuncture, anarchization through, 261–8

disobedience, 265

domination: concept of, 58–60

– and conquest, 75–83

– and hierarchy, 68–75

– and law, 60–8

Dreyfus Affair, 292, 352

Droit Social, Le (newspaper), 331

Drumgo, Fleeta, 328

Dupuis-Déri, Francis, 132, 134

Anarchy Explained to My Father, 256–7


École Rénovée, L,’ 279

education: anarchist goals of, 83–7, 96–9, 112–13

– propaganda, 99–103

– schooling, 86, 87–94, 98

– skill-sharing, 103–12

egoism, 67, 145, 202, 330

Ehrlich, Carol, 245, 352

El Derecho a la Vida (newspaper), 36

Elizabeth, Empress of Austria, 118

Ellis, Havelock, Sexual Inversion (1896), 302

Eltzbacher, Paul, 42, 43

Ely, Richard, 19, 45

Emancipation of the Serfs (Russia, 1861), 29, 286

En-dehors, L’ (journal), 254, 258, 259, 317

Engel, George, 22, 23, 24, 37, 278–9

Engels, Friedrich, 47

Engländer, Sigmund: biographical summary, 308–9

– on domination and the law, 61–8

English Anarchist Circle, 302

Ère Nouvelle, L’ (journal), 317

Escapologists’ Manifesto, 140, 141

Europe, hegemony of, 77–9

evolutionist-revolutionist debate, 125–7, 128


Fabian Society, 338

fascism, 130

Feigenbaum, Anna, 133

feminism, 105, 166–76, 173, 235, 325

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 100, 309

Ferrer, Francisco, 40, 279–80

– Modern School, 98, 104

Fielden, Samuel, 22, 23, 28–9, 280

First International see International Workingmen’s Association (IWMA)

Fischer, Adolph, 22, 23, 36, 37, 86, 281

Forester, Werner, 335

Forward Group, 288

Fotopoulos, Takis, 214

Fourier, Charles, 47, 90, 208

France: anarchist assasinations, 118, 321

– national identity, 76

– Paris Commune (1871), 21, 21–41

– Tarnac activists (2008), 135

Franco, General, 195, 350

Franco-Prussian war (1870-71), 21

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, 116

Free Currency Propaganda (campaigning group), 303

Free Press Defence Committee, 302

‘free skools,’ 98

Freedom (newspaper), 25, 51, 287, 315, 338, 341

Freedom Defence Committee, 288, 313, 349

freedom of speech, 249–50

Freiheit (journal), 294–5, 344

Freire, Paulo, 98–9

Frick, Henry, 282, 306

Front de Libération du Québec, 324


Galliffet, Gaston, 38

Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 275

General Union of Anarchists, 195

Geneva Federation, 286

Genoa, G8 summit (2001), protests, 2

Gill, Eric, 2, 4–7, 261, 273

Ginsberg, Alan, 309

Girodias, Maurice, 336

Glasgow Committee of 100, 350

global justice movements, 1–2, 226

globalization, 210–11

Godwin, William, 42, 47, 89, 102, 281–2

Goldman, Emma: biographical summary, 282–3

– campaigner for free speech and women’s rights, 50

– disillusioned with Bolshevism, 130

– on the failure of the women’s movement, 263

– and feminist anarchists, 173

– “if you can’t dance, it’s not my revolution,” 146

– and Mother Earth (newspaper), 51

– on proletarians, 104

– on success and failure, 244

– Voltairine de Cleyre’s defence of, 278

Goodman, Paul: on the benefits of anarchism, 271

– biographical summary, 310

– concept of science, 106–7

– on education, 90–1, 92–6

– on ‘empty society,’ 93, 105, 131

– and philosophy, 251–3

Gothenburg EU summit (2001), protests, 2

Goyens, Tom, 224

Graeber, David, 235, 236, 342

grass-roots activism, 53, 166, 175, 226, 235, 245

Grave, Jean, 43, 51, 54, 278, 283–4

Greek polis, 231, 237

Green, Debbie Tucker, 335

Grinnell, Julius, 24

‘guerrilla gardening,’ 165

Guillaume, James, 127, 199, 286, 323–4


Hannah, Gerry, 324

Hansen, Ann, 174, 324–5

Harman, Moses, 181, 285, 343–4

Harris, Frank, The Bomb, 288

Havas, Charles, 308

Haymarket Affair, Chicago (1886), 22–40, 279, 280, 281, 288, 295, 296–7, 301, 303

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 70

Heiminsha (‘Commoners’ Society), 328, 334

Heine, Heinrich, 308

Helcher, Herman, 278

Henry, Émile, 118–19, 292, 326

Herzen, Alexander, 275

Hewetson, John, 315

He-Yin Zhen, 170–2, 325

Heywood, Ezra, 284–5

Uncivil Liberty, 33

High Treason Incident (Japan, 1910), 41, 108, 120, 328–9, 337

Hill, Gord, 100, 326–7

Hill, Joe, 41, 285–6

hooks, bell, 162–3, 257, 327

‘Human Cost’ (performance art), 265–6

Humbolt, Alexander von, 107

Hurricane Katrina, 249, 259–61, 356


illegalism, 123, 132

Imperial War Graves Commission, 3–6

India, English colonization of, 78–9

India Society, 307

individualist-anarchists, 121–5, 127, 181–2, 199–203

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW or Wobblies), 137–8, 285, 297

insurrectionary anarchism, 134–6

International Alliance of Social Democracy, 276

International Anti-Militarist Bureau/ Union, 322, 333

International Labor Defence, 297

International League for the Rational Education of Children, 279

International London Anarchist Congress, 117

International of Anarchist Federations (IAF-IFA), 136, 137

International Workers’ Association (IWA), 138

International Workingmen’s Association (IWMA or First International), 13–14, 18–21, 26, 291

internationalization, anarchist, 210–14

intersectionality, 157–64

Invisible Committee, 134, 264

Ishikawa, Sanshiro, 108, 311

Ishill, Joseph, 303

Isou, Isidore, 342

Ito Noe, 334


Jackson, George, 133, 327–8

Jacobs, Harriet, 29

Japan: Anarchist League of Japan, 311

Heiminsha (‘Commoners’ Society), 311, 328, 334

– High Treason Incident (Japan, 1910), 41, 108, 120, 328–9 see also Ishikawa Sanshiro; Kotoku Shushi; Miyashita Takichi; Osugi Sakae; Uchiyama Gudo

Journal of Eugenics, 344

Jubilee Street anarchist club, 300

Jura Federation of the International, 19, 286, 299, 323

Justice (newspaper), 338


Kaczynski, Ted (Unabomber), 316

Kanak rebellion (1878), 34, 294

Kate Sharpley Library, 354

Kenyon, Sir Frederic, 2–5

Kinckel, Gottfried, 308

King, Martin Luther, 115, 119

Knights of Labor, 296, 297, 303

knowledge hierarchies, 96

Kotoku, Shushi, 120, 311, 337

Kropotkin, Peter: on anarchist movements, 52

– on Bakunin, 27

– biographical summary, 286–7

– on class struggle, 34–5

– and communist school of anarchism, 43

– and co-operation, 259

– economic plan of, 208–14

– and education, 88

– in the First World War, 127, 129, 292

– hostility to Marxism, 20, 27

– on human behaviour, 84

– on individualism, 122

– and knowledge exchange, 107–8, 110

– on the Paris Commune, 25, 35

– on revolution, 125–6

– on Rousseau, 63

– and unions, 124

– translations of, 51

An Appeal to the Young (1880), 51–2, 103, 258

The Conquest of Bread, 52, 209–10, 329

Fields, Factories and Workshops, 208–9, 211–12, 223

Freedom (newspaper), 51

Ku Klux Klan, 172

Kugel, Marie, 317

Kurdish Workers Party, 246, 354

Kwakwaka’wakw nation, 326

Kwiatowski, Antonia, 275, 286


labour unions, 123, 137

Landauer, Gustav, 153–4, 164, 329–30

Landstreicher, Wolfi, 135, 330

law, and domination, 60–8

League of Peace and Freedom, 275

LeCompte, Marie Paula, 152, 330–1

Legitimation League, 302

Lehr-und-Wehr Verein (armed defence group), 281, 303

Leighton, Marian, 245–6, 352–3

Lenin, Vladimir, 20, 120, 130, 287

Letterist International (LI), 342

Leval, Gaston, 199

Levine, Cathy, 245–6, 353

Liberate Tate (network), 265

Liberator (newspaper), 297

Liberty (newspaper), 51, 181, 186, 278, 302, 305, 349

libertarian communists, 192–5

‘Licence to Spill’ (performance art), 265

Ligt, Bart de, 129–30

Lingg, Louis, 22, 23, 27–8, 32, 287–8

Liu Shipei, 325

Loach, Ken, Land and Freedom (film, 1995), 196

Locke, John, 60, 75

Lohr, Frederick, 33, 96, 288–9

Lohr, Mary Rebekah, 288

Lombroso, Cesare, 39

London Anarchist Congress (1881), 277, 287, 291, 293

London Freedom group, 204, 288, 338, 348

Londoner Deutsches Zeitung (newspaper), 308

Lorde, Audrey, 157

Lorenzo, Anselmo, 347

Lucifer the Lightbearer (newspaper), 181, 343

Lum, Dyer D., 278

Lutyens, Sir Edwin, 3

Lynd, Alice, 311

Lynd, Staughton, 111, 311


Mackay, John Henry, 43, 126, 139, 268–70, 289, 317

MacLean, Sharley, 289

Madero, Francisco, 290

Magón, Ricardo Flores, 52, 150, 290–1

Makhno, Nestor, 102, 124, 192, 223, 312

Malatesta, Errico: biographical summary, 291–2

– and class analysis, 155

– and communist school of anarchism, 43

– compassion of, 50

– critique of Kropotkin, 135, 145

– critique of the Platform, 192

– and Luigi Parmeggiani, 333

– and organizationalism, 121–2, 124

– and propaganda, 101–2

– and ‘propaganda by the deed,’ 100, 117

– runs Associazione (newspaper), 51

Fra Contadini, 51, 254–6

Malato, Charles, 43, 54, 120, 292, 346

Manifesto of the Sixteen, 292

Marcuse, Herbert, 131

‘Markland Letter,’ 343

Mármol, Fernando Tárrida del, 196, 278, 330, 347–8

Marx, Karl: anarchists’ critique of, 20–1

– Bakunin’s critique of, 14–15, 17–18

– Bookchin’s rejection of, 228

– critique of Proudhon, 15–16

– materialism, 69–70

– and Sigmund Engländer, 308

The Civil War in France, 23, 26

Communist Manifesto (1848), 47, 150

Marxism, 20, 35, 69, 101, 151–5

Mas de las Matas, Spain, 196–7

Mazade, Justin, 331

Mazzini, Giuseppi, 275

McKinley, President, 118, 282, 295

McWhorter, Ladelle, 163

Meiji, Emperor, 119, 120

Melbourne Anarchist Club, 181, 339

Meltzer, Albert, 350, 353–4

Men and Women’s Club, 338

Merlino, Francesco Severino, 43, 293

Merriman, John, 22, 38

Mexican Revolution, 80–3, 290

Michel, Louise, biographical summary, 293–4

– and communist school of anarchism, 43

– and education, 98

– on European supremacism, 34

– and feminism, 172, 173

– on French republicanism, 25

– and the Paris Commune, 23, 50

– on tyrannicde, 119

Michelet, Jules, 253

Michels, Robert, 149

Midnight Notes (collective), 238–9, 348

millenarianism, 47

Milstein, Cindy, 142, 331

Miyashita Takichi, 337

Modern Schools, 98, 104, 279, 306

Modern Times (utopian community), 274

Monjuich fortress, Barcelona, 120, 196, 280, 347–8

More, Thomas, Utopia, 207

Morral, Mateo, 279

Morris, William, 229, 273, 307, 313

Most, John, 13, 25, 117–18, 189, 282, 294–5

Mother Earth (newspaper), 51

Mujeres Libres (association), 173

Munich Soviet (1919), 223

Muñoz, Vladimiro, 9, 36, 273–4

Mutual Study Society, 311


Natanson, Mark, 306

National Secular Society, 302

Natural Justice (journal), 325

Neebe, Oscar, 22, 23, 86, 295

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 307

Nettlau, Max, 177–8, 344–5

New Caledonia, 22, 34, 292, 294

New Orleans, USA, 249, 259–61

Newman, Saul, 225, 262–3, 345

Nicoll, David, 118, 331–2

Nieuwenhuis, Ferdinand Domela, 129, 300, 322, 332–3

nihilism, Russian, 47

Nolen, W. L., 328

non-violent activism, 129, 131, 147


Öcalan, Abdullah, 246–7, 354–5

Occupy movement (2011), 227, 233, 235–7, 342

Onward (newspaper), 316

Oppenheimer, Franz, 202–3

Orage, Alfred, 312

organizational debate, 121–5, 126, 127–8

Orwell, George, Homage to Catalonia, 341

Osugi Sakae, 176, 334–5

Owen, Robert, 208


Paine, Tom, 236

panarchy, 177–9

Paris Commune (1871), 21–2, 23, 25, 26, 32–3, 283, 294

Parmeggiani, Luigi, 123, 127, 333–4

Parrini, Ugo, 331

Parsons, Albert, 22, 23, 24, 28, 30–2, 36, 66, 117

– biographical summary, 296–7

Parsons, Lucy, 33, 84, 115, 297

Peace Pledge Union, 288

pederasty, 289

Pelloutier, Ferdinand, 345

permanent autonomous zone (PAZ), 223

Perovskaya, Sophia, 305, 355

Pessoa, Fernando, 202, 345–6

Pi y Margall, Francesco, 347

Pinker, Steven, 258

Pioneer Health Centre, London, 165

Pissaro, Camille, 352

Pissaro, Lucien, 352

Pittsburgh Manifesto (1883), 25

Platform, The, 124–5, 137, 192–5, 207, 224–5

political theology, 69

Porter, David, 243

postanarchism, 144–5

post-left anarchism, 138–40, 318

Prague Spring, 165

prefiguration, 167, 171–2

Price, Wayne, 157–8, 160, 162

private property: and colonization, 79

– Proudhon’s argument against, 16, 28

Project of a Democratic Syria, The (peace plan), 247

propaganda, 99–103, 254–7

‘propaganda by the deed,’ 19, 99–101, 116, 117, 118, 120, 291

‘protest tourism,’ 115

Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph: anti-feminism, 173

– biographical summary, 298

– ‘father of French anarchy,’ 42–3

– and hierarchical leadership, 238

– and individual conscience, 263

– Marx’s critique of, 15–16

– on Rousseau, 63

– and utopian thinking, 251

What is Property? 7–8, 15, 33, 304

Publications, Les (newspaper), 284

Pussy Riot, 266, 357–8

Putin, Vladimir, 358

Puydt, P. E., and panarchy, 177–9


Questione Sociale, La (newspaper), 51


Radical Review (journal), 305

Rahim, Malik (Donald Guyton), 260, 355–6

Ravachol, 292

Read, Herbert, 90–2, 229, 312–13, 348

Reclus, Élie, 275

Reclus, Élisée: and Bakunin, 275–6

– biographical summary, 298–9

– on European colonization, 77–80, 106

– and evolution, 125

– and the Paris Commune, 23, 43

– and rural workers, 153

Red Army Faction, 132, 324

Regeneracíon (newspaper), 290

representation, 225

Reuter, Paul Julius/ Reuter news agency, 308–9

Revolt! (journal), 321, 353

Révolté, Le/Révolte, La (newspaper), 51, 283, 287, 299, 331, 346, 347

Revolucíon (newspaper), 290

Revolutionary Review (journal), 302

Revue Blanche, La, 347

Richards, Vernon, 315, 321, 340

Ritter, Carl, 298

Robespierre, Maximilien de, 62

Rocker, Rudolf: biographical summary, 300

– and culture, 56–8, 253

– and the development of anarchism, 53

– on dictatorship and the state, 130

– labour organizer, 50

– runs Arbeter Fraint, 51

– and syndicalism, 123–4

Nationalism and Culture, 112

Rojavan cantons, Syria, 246–7

Rothbard, Murray, 262, 356

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 62, 63–4

Rubin, Jerry, 242, 356–7

Ruskin, John, 273

Russia: assassination of Tsar Alexander II, 116, 118, 295, 305, 355

– Bolshevik revolution, 116, 127, 129, 130, 287

– civil war, 124

– education in, 88

– Emancipation of the Serfs (1861), 29

Russian nihilism, 47


Sacco, Nicola, 41, 297, 300–1

sacrifice, and anarchization, 268–70

Saint-Just, Louis Antoine de, 62

Saint-Simon, Henri de, 47, 208

Samutsevich, Yekaterina, 266, 357–8

Sansom, Philip, 315

Schaack, Michael, 38–9, 42, 43, 45, 47, 48, 120

Scheuck, Susan, 343

Schnaubelt, Rudolph, 288

schools/ schooling see education

Schwab, Michael, 22, 23, 39, 301

Scott, James, 247–8, 251

‘Scottsboro Eight,’ 297

SCUM Manifesto (1967), 171–2, 335–6

Seattle, World Trade Organization protests (1999), 1

Second International, 20, 41, 329, 332

Seeds for Change (advocacy group), 233–5

Seurat, Georges, 346

Seymour, Henry, 49, 126, 302–3, 317

Shaffer, Kirwin, 148

Shakai Kakumeito (revolutionary party), 328

Shakespeare, William: King Lear, 55

Merchant of Venice, 30

Shakur, Assata, 133, 335

Shakur, Zayd, 335

Shannon, Deric, 213

Shifu (Liu Shaobin), 85, 104, 313–14

Shusi, Kotoko, 328–9

Signac, Paul: biographical summary, 346

In the Time of Harmony (1894-5), 206, 207, 346

Situationist International (SI), 342

skill-sharing, 103–5, 107–12

slavery, abolition of (US, 1865-6), 29–30

Slobodinsky, Rachelle, 349

small ‘a’ anarchism, 145–9

Smith, Adam, Wealth of Nations, 208–9

social anarchism, 140, 142–4

Social Anarchism (journal), 352

social ecology, 228–32, 246, 320

socialism, 13–14, 18–20, 45, 47

Socialist League, 330, 332

Society of the Friends of Russian Freedom, 338

Solanas, Valerie, 335–6

SCUM Manifesto (1967), 171–2

Solnit, Rebecca, 226–7, 347

South Africa, 137

Spain: anarchist organization in, 130–1

– assassination attempts on Alfonso XIII, 279, 292

– collectivization of land, 195–9

– execution of Francisco Ferrer, 280

– and feminism, 174

– and Modern Schools, 98, 279

– torture of anarchists, 40, 120, 278, 347–8

Spain and the World (journal), 340

Spanish Revolution, 130–1, 146, 195–9

Spanish-American war (1898), 80

Spies, August, 22, 23, 37, 303

Spies for Peace, 350

Springer, Simon, 110

‘Squamish Five,’ 132, 324–5

Sri Lanka (Ceylon), 307

Stewart, Doug, 324

Stirner, Max, 42, 43, 145, 304

– and education, 87–8, 95–6

Stratigopoulos, Christos, 319

suffrage campaigns, 167–71, 172

Sun Yat Sen, 314

Surrealism, 265

‘Swadeshi’ movement, 307

syndicalism, 123–4, 129, 137

Syndicalist Workers’ Federation (SWF), 321

Syria, 246–7


tactical diversity, 133

Tagore, Rabindranath, 307, 313

Tarnac, France, 135

Tate Gallery, 265

Taylor, Brent, 324

Tchaikovsky Circle, 286, 306, 355

temporary autonomous zones (TAZ), 139, 223

Temps nouveaux, Les (newspaper), 283, 284

terrorism, and anarchism, 37–41, 47, 117, 118

Teruel, Spain, 195–9

Thiers, Adolphe, 21

Tochatti, James, 339–40

Tolstoy, Leo, biographical summary, 304–5

– and defamiliarization, 102

– dispute with Bakunin, 68–9

– and education, 105

– and individual susceptibility, 263

– Eltzbacher defines as anarchist, 42

– ‘Master and Man,’ 71–5

The Slavery of Our Time, 51–2

– and translation, 108

Tongmenghui (resistance movement), 314

Torrens, J., 331

Traven, I. B., 83, 314–15

Tristan, Flora, 167, 336–7

Tucker, Benjamin: biographical summary, 305

– and capitalism, 200

– and evolutionism, 126

– and individualism, 43, 182

– and John Henry Mackay, 289

– and Liberty (newspaper), 51, 186, 302, 349

Turgenev, Ivan, 275


Uchiyama Gudo, 119, 269, 337

UK Anarchist Federation (Afed) Women’s Caucus, 160

Ukraine, 124

Umberto, King, 293, 322

Unique, L’ (journal), 317

United States of America: abolition of slavery (1865-6), 29

– American anarchism, 53

– “American exceptionalism,” 249–50

– Comstock Laws, 181

– Haymarket Affair, Chicago (1886), 22–41

– Hurricane Katrina, 249, 259–61

– Pittsburgh Manifesto (1883), 25

– and racism, 29–30

– Zuccotti Park occupation, 236–7, 342

Universal Peace Society, 284

urban guerrilla groups, 131, 132

urbanization, 230–1

utopianism, 47, 203–7

utopias: enduring, 208–14

– transitory, 214–24


Vaillant, August, 321

Valloton, Félix, 352

Vaneigem, Raoul, 341

Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 41, 297, 306

Vienna uprising (1848), 308

vigilantism, 166

violence, and anarchist activism, 116–21, 129–33


War Commentary (journal), 288, 313, 315, 321, 340, 349

War Resisters International, 322

Ward, Colin, 89–90, 204, 217, 315

Anarchy in Action (1973), 165–6, 315

Warhol, Andy, 336

Warren, Josiah, 43

Watkins, Gloria Jean see hooks, bell

Weil, Simone, 76

Why? (magazine), 288

Widmer, Hans, bolo’bolo, 214–24, 348

Willems, Nadine, 108

Wilson, Charlotte, 119, 302, 338

Wilson, Matthew, 144

Wilson, Peter Lamborn see Bey, Hakim

Wimmin’s Fire Brigade, 324

Windischgrätz, General, 308

Wobblies (Industrial Workers of the World), 137–8

Wollstonecraft, Mary, 281–2

women, and property, 33–4

Women’s Bell, The (manifesto), 325

women’s movement, 263 see also feminism

Woodcock, George, 210, 225, 229, 250, 348–9

Workers International Industrial Union, 295

World is Not Enough, The (film, 1999), 1–2

World Trade Organization protests, Seattle (1999), 1

Wright, Joe, Darkest Hour (film, 2017), 243


Yarros, Victor, 200, 224, 305, 349–50

Anarchism: Its Aims and Methods, 185–91

You Can’t Blow Up a Social Relationship (pamphlet), 132


Zabalza Anarchist Communist Front, 137

Zapatista uprising, 245

Zenker, E. V., 42–9, 48

Zerzan, John, 105–7, 315–16

Zuccotti Park occupation, 236–7, 342