Your sense of worth and practical concerns.
The Pentacles suit represents the external world and the opportunities found there. On the most fundamental level, Pentacle cards reveal your financial concerns and prospects for monetary success. Pentacles (or Coins) are symbols for the element of Earth. In tarot, the Earth element governs money matters as well as your sense of worth and worthiness. Pentacle cards can easily reveal if you truly feel worthy of receiving what you value. Each of the Court cards in the Pentacles suit reveals an earthy figure.
Pentacles will always illuminate what is happening in the real world. They reveal if your plans are practical or if they are unrealistic. Pentacles also signify structure and stability. If you are wondering if external success is likely to manifest, take note of which Pentacle cards appear. Also, pay attention to Pentacle cards that appear at the foundation section of a tarot spread. They will reveal your current state of security.
The element of Earth encompasses far more than superficial markers of success. It rules stability, character, legacies, logistics, health, and prosperity. Pentacles will highlight your skill set and what you value. Pentacles will also reveal where more patience is needed. They encourage investment in bank accounts, property, people, projects, and businesses. When many Pentacle cards appear, they encourage you to be methodical and practical with the situation at hand. Other cards that appear amid clusters of Pentacle cards can reveal what may bring you prosperity or security.
Prosperous beginnings.
The Ace of Pentacles represents prosperous new beginnings. It symbolizes positive financial thinking and fresh prospects for success. A new opportunity is being presented. It is illuminating your pathway toward a wealthier state of mind. Prosperous thinking begins with knowing your self-worth and expressing gratitude for your existing blessings. Positive thoughts about your possibilities entice even more abundant opportunities to seek you out, like bees to honey. When the Ace of Pentacles appears, a gateway of prosperous opportunities is opening.
What is your attitude about your financial life? Do you feel open to receiving prosperity? Are you actively seeking out new opportunities to improve your financial life?
The imagery of this card shows a divine hand holding a shining, golden coin. This symbolizes that Spirit is blessing us with abundance and opportunity every moment of every day … we just might not be seeing it. Humans are impatient creatures prone to lethargy. We want it now! We often say to ourselves, “Why am I not getting my just reward? I’m spiritual! I thought I could just sit back and let opportunity find me; isn’t that how it works?” The Ace of Pentacles presents us with new opportunities but also requires us to do the work.
The Ace of Pentacles depicts a garden. Gardens take time, patience, and work to grow. If approached as a labor of love, the garden will flourish. This illustrates that while you can change your mind to think in wealth consciousness in an instant, it doesn’t mean that money will suddenly rain down from the sky. You must tend your state of mind just as you would tend a garden. This includes weeding out negative thoughts and habits while having patience with your unique growing process. You would never get frustrated with a flower for not blooming two days after the seeds were planted. Why would you then expect your life to display a finished product immediately?
The garden also features a gateway. This represents doors of success that are currently opening to you. In the distance beyond the gate are mountains. The mountains represent stability, reputation, and overcoming obstacles. It may be time to increase your public profile and be seen. In feng shui, it is believed that a picture of a mountain hung on your “fame wall” can increase personal renown. The fame wall is the wall that faces the door you habitually enter your home through. Are you courageously ascending the heights toward success?
The gateway also symbolizes that you must occasionally leave the comfort of the garden to improve it. This means going out into the external world and seeking out the elements that will help it flourish. Pursue opportunity and you will create it. Fortune consistently favors the bold.
The Ace of Pentacles asks you to tend your thoughts. New opportunities are presenting themselves to improve your life, but you must take full advantage of them. If you are willing to do the work, abundance and success will follow. Be grateful for the riches you already possess, and more will be on the way. Open your eyes to new opportunities!
Ace of Pentacles Reversed
If the Ace of Pentacles appears reversed, it indicates that procrastination may be the major obstacle to seeing your dream become a solid reality. Upright or reversed, the Ace of Pentacles exemplifies the Earth element. The element of Earth rules all that is solid, tangible, and real. When goals are acted upon (and not just thought about), success follows. The Ace of Pentacles reversed highlights a hesitancy to get the ball rolling. Many times, just getting started is the most challenging obstacle to seeing your dream manifest. Don’t let anxiety and resistance psych you out before you’ve even begun. If you act, you will undoubtedly win. If you avoid initiating the start of your project, you will block your own ability to succeed.
The Ace of Pentacles reversed encourages you to try. So many successful ideas are abandoned before they have a chance to take root because of fear and anxiety. Don’t talk yourself out of success. What do you have to lose (aside from your fear of being limited) if you bravely attempt your dream? Today, accept your worthiness. You deserve abundant new beginnings, prosperity, and a fulfilling life. Any thoughts to the contrary need to be weeded out and released. These thoughts are truly blocking your success. You can accomplish great things, but first you must begin!
The Two of Pentacles represents juggling unexpected events. These experiences aren’t bad or good—they are merely unpredictable. The infinity symbol binding the two coins represents the eternal truth that life does not always go according to plan. The juggler on the card survives the undulations of fortune because he remains flexible and adaptable. This is symbolized by the boats that remain afloat amid the tumultuous waters.
How do you respond when things don’t go according to plan? Do you get angry or become resistant? Are you able to retain your good humor?
The juggler depicted on the Two of Pentacles is an entertainer. He takes life’s lemons and makes lemonade. He transforms the troubles life sends him into entertaining, teachable moments to uplift himself and others. The Two of Pentacles reminds us not to fight the waves life hurls at us, but rather to float above them. Know that in life, there are always going to be waves. Don’t take them personally! Instead of asking yourself, “Why is this happening to me,” tell yourself, “Thank you for this valuable lesson to remain flexible.” In nature, life that cannot adapt becomes extinct.
The symbolism of the Two of Pentacles links it with two Major Arcana cards: the Magician (another juggler with an infinity symbol) and the Wheel of Fortune (the unpredictable ups and downs of life). In early French decks, the Magician was even called Bateleur (Juggler).24 Like the Magician, the juggler depicted here is in control of his response to the unpredictable motions of the Wheel of Fortune. His tall, funny-looking hat symbolizes that he is stretching his mind to transcend his struggles through humor and wisdom. Instead of thinking negatively and feeling victimized by life, the juggler views events lightheartedly. His hat also symbolizes that he is stretching his mind to align with a higher perspective.
The Two of Pentacles encourages you to ride the waves instead of fighting them. Let unexpected eventualities roll off your back. Learn to laugh at them and use them to stretch your own mind. You can juggle anything life sends your way with transcendent grace and ease. The Two of Pentacles can also indicate a juggling of finances. Transferring energy or assets flexibly will restore harmony.
Two of Pentacles Reversed
If the Two of Pentacles appears reversed, it represents potential emotional turmoil that should be approached practically. Holding fixed expectations of how life should be is a swift route toward unnecessary suffering. The Two of Pentacles symbolizes unexpected events, and when reversed, the juggler loses his sense of humor, becoming rigid. Unforeseen responsibilities, deadlines, time restrictions, unexpected bills—the Two of Pentacles reversed highlights multiple life events that chaotically converge. The key to making this card work for you is to follow the example of the upright juggler and remain flexible and good-humored. Remember not to fight against the waves pictured on the card, but to sail over them. You must accept your present challenges without reacting explosively.
It may feel like you are being overwhelmed, but this is an illusion. Water in the tarot symbolizes feelings. When the Two of Pentacles appears reversed, it asks you to rise above the tumultuous illusion that your ship is sinking. Once you transcend your emotional reaction to the situation, you can get organized. Laugh at the all the craziness swirling around you instead of personalizing it. Turn it into a sarcastic joke. Use humor to buoy your ship above the waves. Before you know it, you will return to safe harbor.
The learning process.
The Three of Pentacles depicts a young man learning a trade at a monastery. This card symbolizes the refinement of skills or talents. The Three of Pentacles exemplifies work that is worthwhile and meaningful. In order to excel at it, you must be patient with the learning process. This means being open to making mistakes and not giving up when setbacks happen.
What skills are you currently learning? Are you expecting yourself to be perfect? Do you constantly compare your skills to those of others and feel that your abilities aren’t good enough?
Although the Three of Pentacles symbolizes “perfecting” a skill, it does not require us to be perfect. Quite the opposite—this card asks you to look at the big picture. Look at how far you’ve already come with what you are learning. Look at what you can still achieve! Improvement can only happen if you remain teachable. No matter how good you are at your talent or skill set, you can always get better.
In the learning process, mistakes will be your best teachers. Mastering anything is all about trial and error. You will make mistakes. The more mistakes you make, the better you will get. You may occasionally feel like you look stupid, but don’t give up. If you keep refining your skills, you will achieve your goal.
The learning process is rarely a straight beeline toward a goal. It is a winding path of hills and valleys. Sometimes the path loops around and makes us feel as if we are going backward and learning nothing at all. This is an illusion. Like a spiral, the path winds around and back, and yet always upward. Sometimes success isn’t achieved right away. It’s as if the Universe wants us to learn something important about where we are right now instead of rushing us to the next thing. Are you impatient to get this phase of your life over with? Slow down! You are probably missing something important. Other cards may reveal what that something is. Sometimes, the thing we are learning isn’t academic, but rather an important life lesson. The Three of Pentacles always highlights an area for self-improvement and refinement.
The Three of Pentacles can also foretell beginning an area of study or the acquisition of important knowledge that will have long-term implications for your future. Be patient with the learning process. Recall the passion you once felt for the skills you are honing.
The Three of Pentacles can also represent the manifestation of plans. On the image, one of the monks is handing the workman a set of plans for the architecture he is chiseling. If you look closely at the plans, they reveal the exact scene the workman is creating. This card can symbolize planning, perfecting, and enacting ideas that are destined for realization. Aside from themes of learning and teaching, the Three of Pentacles represents collaborative efforts that will prove successful if you cooperate with others.
Three of Pentacles Reversed
If the Three of Pentacles appears reversed, it asks you to identify what life lesson you seem to be relearning. This repetition will highlight one of the important things you agreed to work on while you’re on this planet. Instead of getting frustrated or just wanting to get the lesson over with, it must sink in before you can progress.
Perhaps you are struggling with learning to finally accept yourself and where you’re at. Perhaps you are learning patience. Maybe the frustration surrounding the skill, craft, or job you are perfecting is mirroring the self-improvement going on within. Accepting yourself without having achieved perfection is a tough lesson for many. Remember, the process of perfecting yourself never results in being perfect. If you are trying to improve yourself every day, that is enough to feel proud of.
We are all here to learn. Everybody is engaged in at least one learning process or another. Learning keeps us mentally engaged with life and enables us to evolve and grow. Learning involves setbacks, mistakes, disappointments, surprises, successes, and failures.
The Three of Pentacles reversed can illuminate the hard lessons where the greatest evolution for your soul is occurring. Never give up. Choose to view your life lessons with compassion. You may not always see it, but you are getting better, wiser, and stronger every day.
The search for security.
The Four of Pentacles represents material security and stability, which is very different from being secure in yourself. Although this a wonderful card financially speaking, it warns against the pursuit of security solely through the acquisition of external things. The Four of Pentacles reminds you to balance your expectations of worldly success with the needs of your Authentic Self.
Do you feel safe and secure? Are you erecting barriers between your Authentic Self and others? Do you sometimes feel that no matter how much you achieve or acquire, it still doesn’t feel like enough?
The miserly man depicted on this card had a difficult early life. He knows well what it was like to go hungry. He was the eldest child in a poor family. Dealing with extreme poverty in his childhood created a lot of emotional turmoil accompanied by feelings of being less than. One way for the man to medicate this sense of inequity was to make a lot of money. He decided to be the best at everything he did. He thought that if he gained enough money and status, he would finally prove to the world that he was worthy. The man moved to a big city buzzing with opportunity and flashy personalities. He did everything to gain the people’s acceptance and soon became the wealthiest man of them all. And yet, no matter how much money he earned or how much approval he gained, he still felt empty and insecure.
Here we see the miser clutching his four coins. They are symbols for status, money, power, and achievement. These are not bad attributes to have so long as they are held by one who is already secure in himself. As tightly as the miser holds these attributes, they never seem to bring him an authentic sense of security. Just look at his face. There is still suffering happening there. Internally, he remains a scared, neglected boy. Now, he’s in turn neglected the needs of his Inner Self. His four Pentacles have become barriers. The one on his head makes him forget his connection to Spirit. The one clutched to his heart blocks him from receiving love and feeling his feelings. The two Pentacles under his feet cut him off from being grounded in nature. His nature.
There are many towers depicted on this card, linking it with the Tower of the Major Arcana. The towers symbolize states of denial that can separate you from reality. One of the biggest lies people tell themselves is that they don’t matter unless they are validated by others. If you’ve been suffering, then you must stop looking to your internal miser to bring you security. It may be time to stop grasping for veneers and confront your heart’s truth.
The pursuit of position and wealth is not inherently a bad thing. By all means, be a great financial success! The problem lies in distancing yourself from the truth of your humanity to gain status. Your humanity can be described as the part of you that feels love and compassion for yourself and others. It is the quiet, supportive voice of your Spirit. Many people in our culture use their work or worldly position to seek validation. And yet pharmaceutical, insurance, and social media companies are getting rich because these same people are depressed and miserable, seeking an authentic feeling in all that is artificial. Seeking security in someone or something outside of yourself will always lead to a sense of not quite measuring up.
Listen to the needs of your true nature. True security can only be found within.
On a purely financial level, the Four of Pentacles can symbolize good financial prospects and material security with a caution to be conservative with your money at this time. If you don’t know which financial action to take, save your money for another day.
Four of Pentacles Reversed
The Four of Pentacles reversed appears when you are courageously releasing avoidance behaviors that keep you from connecting with your true feelings. These behaviors could include excessive eating, drinking, working, or shopping, obsessively checking your phone, or binge-watching television. The Four of Pentacles reversed symbolizes the removal of barriers that prevent you from connecting with your feelings and with others.
The Four of Pentacles reversed can also represent giving and sharing. You may need to be more generous with your time, resources, or abilities to assist someone looking to you for help. The man on the card is suffering because he is not open to sharing. The Four of Pentacles reversed advises you to be generous while sharing your best qualities with others. This card could also indicate that you need to share your true feelings instead of bottling them up. The walls are coming down, and it is time for reconnecting—not just with your Inner Self, but with loved ones as well. Being openhearted and vulnerable will lead to healing. Have the courage to reject anything plastic or artificial and feel your real feelings.
The Four of Pentacles reversed represents transcending numbing distractions. Although it may feel like confronting your feelings will be uncomfortable, this card shows that the prolonged avoidance of them is what leads to more suffering. Give yourself the gift of quiet. Light some candles and some incense. Give yourself a reading. Take a contemplative walk in nature. Start a dialogue with your heart. Ask your heart how it’s been feeling these days.
Being open and honest will lead to a tremendous breakthrough.
Poverty consciousness.
The Five of Pentacles represents poverty and neediness. Poverty is not just a financial condition one suffers; it is a pervasive state of mind. “How am I going to pay for this?” “If I don’t give him more money for the hundredth time, will it be my fault if something bad happens?” “I wish I could get lucky and finally win the lottery.” “I’m just not good with money.” “When can I get out of this debt?” “Why am I so worthless?” “Why don’t they appreciate me?”
These are all examples of poverty consciousness. Even rich people can get stuck in poverty consciousness. This is because poverty isn’t just about money. It’s also about self-esteem.
Do you ever feel that success is granted to everybody else but continues to elude you? Are you adequately compensated for the work you do? Do you feel confident enough to put up boundaries with others? Do you value yourself and the services you provide? Do you need to get a new job?
The people depicted on the Five of Pentacles have been overrun by hard times. They are sick and injured. Behind them is a cathedral, glowing with light and emitting warmth. The poor folks on the card don’t even think to enter. They are rejected by society and consider themselves untouchables. They believe they have no place within and stay outside in the snow. The only other figure who walks over a snowy landscape in this deck is the Hermit. The people on the Five of Pentacles have numbed their feelings with ice. However, they lack the warmth of the starry lantern of the Hermit, leaving them simply feeling alone. Without the guiding voice of their inner Wise One, the poor people on the card truly don’t consider themselves worthy of belonging inside. They have allowed poverty consciousness to overthrow their sense of value. Once this corrosive belief is accepted, it’s challenging to cast out.
In ancient Greece, the Goddess of poverty was called Penia. This Goddess would wander from house to house, much like the vagabonds on the card. Penia would bang on the doors of everyone until someone without boundaries let her in. Once Penia was in the house, it was difficult to get her to leave. She would constantly make the occupants feel obligated, worthless, and guilty. Penia stayed indefinitely, draining the resources of her hosts until they took back their home by casting her out. In this case, the home is a symbol for one’s heart.
Giving to others and being of service must be done with boundaries. The old saying “give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime” encapsulates this truth.
There is one force on the planet that can eradicate poverty consciousness: self-esteem. When you feel smart, capable, competent, and confident, you believe in your worthiness. When you feel valuable, poverty consciousness cannot gain a foothold. Unscrupulous individuals can’t use people who are strong in their sense of self-worth. Users and manipulators are like predators. They go for the weakest one when hunting for their prey. The Five of Pentacles alerts you to any person or situation that seeks to make you feel “less than.” It’s time to create strong boundaries. If you are experiencing poverty consciousness, you need to examine the vitality of your self-esteem. To improve your self-esteem, work on yourself. Exercise, meditate, or place yourself among people who make you feel good.
Know your worth and value. Stop giving yourself away if you are running on empty. Put up boundaries with needy individuals and tell them, “No!” Speak up for yourself. Help others only if they are helping themselves. Go for your best opportunities.
Five of Pentacles Reversed
If the Five of Pentacles appears reversed, it asks you to identify any areas of your life that you are pouring energy into without seeing any improvement. This can come in the form of giving your energy to “psychic vampires,” wasting your time on people who don’t respect it or pouring your money into a situation or person who continues to deplete you. At the root of these experiences are questions of worth and, more importantly, what sort of life you feel you are worthy of. Stop spending energy, time, and money on people or situations that leave you feeling exhausted and empty. Ask yourself, “What area of my life is the biggest energy waster?”
The Five of Pentacles reversed also asks you to monitor the quality of your thoughts. You don’t have to hold on to thoughts just because you have them. Some thoughts are garbage and need to be thrown away. Upright or reversed, the Five of Pentacles asks you to reject any thoughts that undermine your sense of value. Affirm only those thoughts that make you feel good about yourself.
The Five of Pentacles reversed reminds you to stop depleting yourself with experiences that make you feel empty. You can choose to throw out any thought, influence, or experience that does not make you feel good about who you are, how far you’ve come, and where you are going. Become aware of the love, blessings, and abundance that surround you. You are coming out of the bitter snow and into the warmth of the hearth. Remember that you are worthy of each blessing you have and all those that are still on the way.
It’s time to raise your standards for what you believe you can receive.
Entertaining angels unaware.
The Six of Pentacles represents compassion, generosity, and hospitality. It encapsulates acts of kindness and the concept of good Karma. This card reminds you that the true quality of a person is not measured by how much they suck up to the influential people of society. Instead, it is measured by how they treat people they stand to gain nothing from. When you show kindness and generosity to those you would probably gain “nothing” from, you may find that you walk away with a gift far greater. Sometimes the one who most needs to accept the kindness being offered is you!
Are you forgetting to see the divine spark in the eyes of those around you? Do you have difficulty accepting help when it’s offered? Does making eye contact frighten you, causing you to avoid connecting with others?
The rich merchant on this card has worked hard to escape the crushing poverty of his youth. However, he will always remember what it was like. He had to deal with a lot of other poor people in survival mode. The merchant knows that he could have ended up just like the people society ignores. If he’d been born without certain privileges, had not had mentors, had gotten sick, had a disability, had made a wrong decision somewhere in the past—well then, he might be begging for scraps, too. By valuing the beggars pictured here (so like the figures on the Five of Pentacles), the merchant affirms their worth as human beings. This act validates the dignity of people who may feel they are not welcome.
The merchant holds the scales. This shows he sees both sides. He also remembers that many poor people showed him loyalty and kindness in his youth. These folks embodied qualities far more valuable than what can be found among the upper echelons. He learned the dignity of hard work and how to keep fighting to overcome obstacles. Therefore, he sees value in people society might overlook. You see the merchant here, willingly handing out four coins to a beggar in need. Four is a number associated with creating new, solid foundations. The merchant hands the coins to a beggar in a gesture of blessing that mirrors the Hierophant. This symbolizes there is a higher, spiritual purpose to this act that transcends mere generosity.
The merchant also knows another magical truth from his youth: that angels disguise themselves as social outcasts all the time, waiting to bless those who stop and notice the light in their eyes.
There are many myths, fairy tales, and religious stories that stretch far back into human history and share the same theme. A test is presented to someone who is privileged in some way. A God, a fairy, or an angel appears before the fortunate individual, disguised as a beggar. If the individual treats the beggar kindly, the divine being offers some sort of magical assistance (such as the Goddess Hera disguised as a crone before helping Jason retrieve the Golden Fleece). If, however, the privileged person treats the beggar as worthless, something terrible always happens. The uncaring person undergoes a horrible transformation. Their outsides begin to reflect the ugliness they harbor within. Remember the fairy’s curse in Beauty and the Beast?
Giving strangers a warm welcome, offering food, and showing respect was one of the most sacred customs in ancient Greece. It was a custom decreed by their king of the Gods, Zeus. The Greeks believed that Gods and Goddesses appeared before men as “lowly people” all the time, testing their humanity. If the Gods were treated well, they could miraculously change one’s fortunes. Some Christian stories also describe angels doing the exact same thing.
Today, you too could be interacting with an angel unaware. Don’t ignore the light within the eyes of those around you. Also, don’t assume you know another’s “societal worth” by their outward appearance. Spiritual beings love to disguise themselves as what society deems as outcasts or “crazy people.” I believe angels or Gods can take over their bodies (I’ve seen it myself). It’s probably easier for angels to take over the minds of eccentric people. People without an open mind seem to have a “closed” sign up for the angels.
What will you do today to ensure your own good Karma? Perhaps you already have been doing this work. If so, your rewards are currently finding their way to you.
What goes around comes around.
The Six of Pentacles can often signify that another person may be playing the part of an angel for you. Offerings of assistance, opportunities, and support may appear from a benefactor who wishes to invest in you. Allow yourself to receive when these magical helpers appear. Being able to receive is an indication that you feel worthy.
Six of Pentacles Reversed
If the Six of Pentacles appears reversed, it can represent a lack of confidence in your abilities as a result of placing others on a pedestal. Thinking that you can’t achieve your goals without the blessing of someone you are placing on a pedestal is a form of devaluing yourself. When you look to others to take control and hand them the power over your dreams, you surrender control over your own destiny.
Sometimes this card appears when we think we need someone we perceive to be better than ourselves because they hold a higher social position or are further along with something we wish we could excel at. Although you may not realize it, this is an unconscious form of devaluing yourself, and it can lead to an erosion of self-confidence. Upright or reversed, the Six of Pentacles represents assistance offered from others; however when it is reversed, it warns of excessively looking to others for help before looking within yourself.
The Six of Pentacles reversed asks if you are truly valuing your skills, your creativity, and yourself. If you feel you aren’t succeeding, it probably isn’t because you don’t know the right people or have the right connections. You may have forgotten to take a good long look in the mirror and see the light of worthiness within your own eyes.
The Six of Pentacles is always a card of assistance. When it appears reversed, it asks if you are honoring the light assisting you from within. This card reminds you that you are qualified, competent, and deserving. All the elements for your eventual success are already found within you. You may just need to accept it. What we admire most in others we already possess and are developing within ourselves (see PAGE OF WANDS). Gladly accept help when it’s offered, but don’t become dependent on it.
Acknowledge your progress.
The Seven of Pentacles represents acknowledging and appreciating your progress. It symbolizes the need to periodically evaluate your accomplishments, what you have improved, and what goals you’re still working toward. The road may not have been easy, and the work may not be over, but your foundations are firmly rooted. This card reminds you to stop ignoring or minimizing your successes!
What positive results have you manifested in your life? Have you ever written down your achievements to review how much you’ve done? Do you ever stop to look around and appreciate all that you’ve manifested?’
The farmer depicted on the card is taking a break from working in the fields. His crop isn’t quite ready for harvest, but he surveys the work that he did with a sense of pride. He did this himself, and he sees the results he created. He leans on his garden tool, much as the Hermit leans on his staff of wisdom. The field has been the farmer’s sanctuary of self-awareness and exploration. He sees the fruits of his labors, not just a finished job. These accomplishments are tangible proof of what he’s manifested. The farmer allows himself to stop being productive long enough to truly appreciate his progress. He is humble, yet he possesses the healthy sense of self-esteem that only hard work can engender.
Are you able to recognize the progress you’ve made in your life? Begin by writing five life accomplishments you’ve fought hard to achieve. Recall five things that you could have given up on if you had taken the easy way out. These five things proved you can succeed! What accomplishments illustrate that you can persevere? What achievements are you most proud of ? Take your time and think … Got your list?
Now look at the items on the list as if you were a stranger seeing them for the first time. Remember the phase in your life before you achieved them. Do you remember what life looked like then? What fears did you challenge to get to this point? What was going through your head at that time? Take pride in each item on your list. Thank your body for not quitting and your mind for not breaking. Thank your heart for mending itself through the painful times. Thank your Spirit for raising you up and over the obstacles. This is what you manifested, and your Inner Self needs to be thanked for it. To continue making progress, you must clearly see (and appreciate) what you’ve already manifested.
You can achieve any positive result you want for your future. Just look at your list; you’ve done it before!
The Seven of Pentacles always implies that there has been a great deal already accomplished, but that there is still more work to do. You have gotten over the hump. The tough work of tilling the soil and planting the seeds of your success has taken root. Now you just need to be consistent and gently tend your garden until harvest time. Keep working at it, and you will succeed!
Seven of Pentacles Reversed
If the Seven of Pentacles appears reversed, it represents mistaking negative thinking for being realistic. Too often we accept a negative thought as true while being resistant to positive thinking. In truth, this means that we’ve trained ourselves to believe that setbacks and hardships are more likely than limitless opportunity. Believing the worst about your prospects will not protect you from future disappointments. In fact, it guarantees disappointment before you’ve even given your best effort. Just because something is negative, does not mean it is more likely or real. Life does not have to be approached with an attitude of toil and struggle.
The Seven of Pentacles reversed can also represent feeling discouraged by too many details. Try to work in broad strokes to get yourself started. Like an artist refining a rough sketch, you can always circle back and fill in the details later. Formulate a broad plan of action. The Seven of Pentacles (upright or reversed) is a card that rewards effort. The greatest work that needs to be done now is training your mind into thinking positively. Success can be just as realistic as failure if you believe it is possible.
Meaningful work.
The Eight of Pentacles represents immersing yourself in work that gives your life meaning. It suggests giving 110 percent to the tasks in front of you. This card reminds you to value the skills you are mastering and acknowledge how they improve the lives of others. Giving your best effort ensures that you can go out into the world with your head held high, confident in your abilities and your value.
Do you truly appreciate the work you do? What skills are you honing each day to improve your life? Is it time to stretch yourself past your comfort zones toward fulfilling work?
The craftsman on the card busily inscribes his Pentacles (symbols for manifestation) with a hammer and chisel. Hammers represent focused power and accuracy. They channel energy toward their target. We’ve all heard the phrase, “Hitting the nail on the head.” The craftsman loves his work. It provides a means of focusing his powerful creative energy. He wears a blacksmith’s apron, giving him the power to bend even the strongest materials toward his vision. A pathway connects his workshop to the little village in the distance. This symbolizes that his work connects him with others. To the townspeople, he is not just “the craftsman.” He is also the master of eight apprentices and the beloved teacher at the monastery, gaining the town’s affection for his compassion and kindness. The craftsman is also very funny, bringing laughter to the villagers with his dry wit and humor. The craftsman doesn’t just do work for the village for financial gain. Each day, he uses his work as a vehicle to improve his community, connect with others, and better himself.
Being fully engaged in the work that you do is very empowering. It transforms your energy from being reactive to being proactive. Your job is not merely a means of making money. The skills you are mastering connect you with society, which provides you with a platform to improve it. This allows you to put your own unique stamp on the world and to change the energy of your environment. How are you improving your world with the work you do? Are you making it a better place?
Today, enthusiastically take up the tasks in front of you, giving them 110 percent. Value the work that you do, and others will, too. Work isn’t just labor. It is your contribution for the betterment of all. If your current work feels limiting, then it’s time to find something that utilizes your best attributes and talents. Instead of resenting the job at hand, change the energy. This may require you to place yourself in a new position that brings more learning or fulfillment. You are in control of how you employ your skill set and where you focus your energy.
Don’t just endure work. It’s more than a job; it’s your platform for making the world a better place. The Eight of Pentacles foretells hard work ahead, but with great success as a result.
Eight of Pentacles Reversed
If the Eight of Pentacles appears reversed, it urges you to be mindful of the energy you are infusing your work with. If you feel that you are grinding every day on the same joyless hamster wheel, then it’s time for a change. If you find yourself complaining about the tasks ahead, you are injecting your life with the expectation of strife and conflict. What you energetically put out into the world is exactly what you will receive. It’s difficult to feel love for what you do when you are stressed. The work you choose to do in this life should fill you with a sense of purpose and joy. If it isn’t meaningful to you, then perhaps it’s time to affirm your self-esteem and redirect your energy into something that brings you bliss. You don’t necessarily have to quit your current day job, but you may need to secure a window of time each day and pour your energy into another pursuit that really gives you purpose. Perhaps it’s time to hatch new plans about the future.
The Eight of Pentacles reversed also asks if you have been depleting your energy on a pursuit that isn’t showing signs of progress. Western culture continually sends us the message that hard work and achievements will cure all your suffering. This is not always the case. This card can represent an overdrive of productivity. Are you excessively stressing?
The Eight of Pentacles reversed always asks your heart, “Am I enjoying this?” No matter if the answer is yes or no, there is always an opportunity to make the task before you more meaningful. How can you infuse your work with more joy?
Finally, the Eight of Pentacles reversed can indicate that you may be neglecting important self-work that must be done. Make sure you are giving yourself just as much care and attention as you give to your job, loved ones, or family.
The wealth card.
The Nine of Pentacles represents wealth and security. It also symbolizes luxuriating in your accumulated successes. Every financial guru teaches that gratitude leads to more wealth. The Nine of Pentacles teaches that wealth follows your focus, which must be trained. Being truly prosperous is more a state of mind than a dollar amount. If you want to experience even more wealth, you will have to slow down, acknowledge your success, and be mindful of where you place your focus.
Do you take the time to slow down and savor your successes? Are you truly opening yourself to prosperity? Does your environment feel like it exudes “wealth energy”? (If not, it might be time to get a book about feng shui from the library.)
The wealthy woman on this card admires her abundant garden. It shines with the golden light of success. Her palace sits aloft the hills in the distance. She is training her pet falcon. She wears a glove over her left hand to protect herself from the falcon’s sharp talons. The left hand is associated with receptivity. The woman is protective and selective about what she is allowing herself to receive. Falcons are famous for their acute vision and powers of focus. The woman has placed a training hood over her falcon. This symbolizes that she has learned how to train her own focus. She knows that whatever she places her attention on, she receives. The falcon is not racing ahead for a hunt or frantically looking for his next prey. He is instead enjoying the affection of his mistress. He is also listening carefully to her encouraging words.
The woman has another pet with her in the garden; this one is rather difficult to see but also teaches a very important lesson. Look closely. Can you spot it?
Far down in the left-hand corner of the image is a snail. Snails are sloooooowwwwww. They take their time to reach their destination. In fact, destinations aren’t really important to them, because snails are always home. The woman keeps the snail in her garden. Snails are very sensitive to their environments. This reminds her that, in order to ensure that even more wealth flows, she needs to slow down and clear her environment of burdensome energy. The wealthy woman makes sure her garden is only filled with imagery that conjures up a sense of abundance. This keeps her little companions healthy, ensuring wealth is continuously attracted to her.
When the Nine of Pentacles appears, it heralds a time to open yourself to wealth. Take control of where you place your focus. Enhance your environment so that it evokes feelings of wealth, success, and prosperity. Perhaps you need more greenery in your home. Maybe your house needs to be cleared of clutter. Like the snail, you are very sensitive to your environment. See to it that your home gives you a positive sensory experience in each room. Light some candles and accent your place with some richly colored pillows. Place some abundant plants by the windows or get a money tree. Ensure that your home smells good and pleases all the senses. I find the scent of cinnamon always makes me feel prosperous. When you look around, you should see an abundant environment that reflects feelings of success.
Slow down and create an environment that emanates prosperity. Abundance will follow. The Nine of Pentacles always promises prosperity, success, and comfort.
Nine of Pentacles Reversed
If the Nine of Pentacles appears reversed, it asks if you are tolerating anything in your life that is beneath your personal standards of excellence. Often when you are immersed in a messy relationship, environment, or situation, you can slowly become blind or numb to it. After a while, you forget to even notice anything that is out of balance. This becomes the new normal.
Living with garbage can unconsciously make you feel like garbage. Take an honest assessment of your personal environment. Look within your heart for any garbage that needs to be taken out. Do your environment and state of mind meet with your best standards of excellence? Are you happy with the way things are? Is there some work you need to do on yourself or your personal space to improve?
Much like the beautiful garden on the card, your environment needs to exemplify stately beauty. This includes your state of mind. Know that you deserve the best and refuse to accept anything that undermines your sense of self-worth. Speak up and take control of your personal garden today. Take the hood off the falcon and train your focus on improving anything that does not meet your standards. You deserve the best!
The Ten of Pentacles symbolizes the legacy that you will eventually leave. It represents investment in the things that really last. This card also highlights the value of family and tradition. When the Ten of Pentacles appears, it asks if you are truly leaving the world a better place than you found it. Cultivating your personal legacy can include caring for future generations, cultivating a talent that positively impacts the world, or exemplifying what is best in you.
What legacy do you want to leave? Where does the best part of yourself shine through? How can you ensure that your light continues to shine long after you are gone?
The old man on this card reflects on a life well lived. The roots of wealth are firmly established for the future generations surrounding him. He didn’t grow up in a wealthy home. He sacrificed and scraped throughout his youth so that he could leave something better for his children and grandchildren. He is not only leaving his family a house or money. He is leaving them with his example. He is sharing himself and his wisdom with future generations. The love he has for his family is the greatest legacy he will leave. The family is prosperous and has more than it needs. His children have been raised right and will pass on all the love and learning they received to their children. The two dogs symbolize loyalty and devotion. Hidden above the old man’s head is a coat of arms depicting the scales (see also JUSTICE and the SIX OF PENTACLES). Perhaps the man is an older version of the merchant on the Six of Pentacles. Regardless, the old man deserves the secure life he is surrounded by. The scales symbolize honesty, justice, and the cultivation of good Karma.
The Ten of Pentacles asks you to look at your progress toward your larger goals. The legacy you are establishing will remain long after you have gone. Your personal legacy could be a book, a business, an art form, a property, or your example. Perhaps your life’s work is merely to be your best self and to spread kindness and love in a world that really needs it right now.
The Ten of Pentacles also asks you to place your focus on your family or community. Reconnect with loved ones. The love you share with others will always be your greatest legacy. Release pettiness and squabbles. Forgive past slights. Every human being has a mixture of good and bad. Nobody has a perfect family.
The Ten of Pentacles assures you that what you invest your energy in now will create results well into the future. When this card appears, your life is becoming more secure. There is no need to fear the future when the Ten of Pentacles appears. Keep an eye on the long game and be patient. Reinforce stable foundations for future success.
Ten of Pentacles Reversed
If the Ten of Pentacles appears reversed, then it is time to acknowledge your ancestors in some way. This will ensure that the legacy they worked so hard to leave survives. Sometimes this card asks you to confront generational problems that continue to emerge in your family line. What qualities did you learn from loved ones who have passed on? Perhaps it’s time to learn more about your grandparents and great-grandparents or your genealogy. What adversity did your ancestors overcome in their time? What can you learn from their example? Did you have a special relationship with someone who has now passed on?
The greatest tribute you can give to those who have passed on is to champion their best qualities and pass them down to the present generation. This will ensure the legacy they worked a lifetime to establish will live on. You share not only genetics with your ancestors, but also a soul connection and traditions. Bring your ancestors’ best qualities into the present generation. Allow their determination to inspire you to overcome present challenges. If they could overcome adversity, then you can, too! History is a poignant teacher. By learning from the past, we can ensure we aren’t doomed to relive its darkest hours. Take what you have learned from those who have gone before and utilize this wisdom to be your best. One hundred years from now, you will be the ancestor. What do you want those future generations to remember about you?
Passion for learning.
The Page of Pentacles represents the passion you feel for what really interests you. This can be a goal, a talent, a creative pursuit, or a career you love. To get better at anything, you must work at it. When your interests become work, it can be easy to forget why you used to love it. The job to do (and the anxiety to do it well) can soon take the place of the passion. The process of getting better at anything is strewn with mistakes. Errors are your best teachers. If you don’t remind yourself what you love about the work you do, your morale can quickly sink. Throw in comparing yourself to others who do it “better,” and you’ve got a perfect recipe for anxiety, apathy, or avoidance. In order to reclaim your passion, get back to the basics. It’s time to remind yourself what initially made you passionate about this pursuit in the first place!
Why did you choose to go into the work you do? What stoked your enthusiasm when you were just getting started? Has perfecting your talents become something that gives you more anxiety than joy? How has an area of study enriched your life?
The Page holds up his pentacle with reverence. It is a symbol of his passion for learning, perfecting, and understanding. He lives in a fertile valley in the shade of trees and mountains. However, every image on this card is in its beginning stage. The cluster of trees is not yet a forest. The lone mountain in the distance is not yet a range. The small cultivated garden is hardly an expansive field of crops ready for harvest. These all symbolize the idea of something yet to come. Although the Page of Pentacles is a child of the Earth element, he always seems to have his head in the clouds. This kid is going places! His red hat symbolizes the passion he has for the creative ideas he is just getting started with. He is not just a dreamer, but also a doer. His green tunic represents the abundance that will result from making his ideas tangible successes in the external world.
Sometimes anxiety about doing well or being perfect causes avoidance of the very things that used to bring joy. The Page of Pentacles asks you to remember what ideas imbue you with a sense of passion and excitement. Did your passion make you feel good, or did it help someone? Is it something that highlights your unique brilliance?
The Page of Pentacles symbolizes honing your skills and ideas. He represents the excitement that accompanies the transformation of ideas into solid reality. This can be done through school, training, or personal study. In the case of new goals, this card holds the promise for their realization.
For success to take root, the love for your idea must supersede your anxiety about it.
When the Page of Pentacles represents a person, he symbolizes a precocious younger individual (perhaps a student) who is still undergoing a learning process. His ideas are usually brilliant, and he shows a great potential for future success. The Page of Pentacles is especially talented in the realm of teaching, learning, or perfecting. Pages can represent the young-at-heart of any gender.
Page of Pentacles Reversed
If the Page of Pentacles appears reversed, he asks if you are losing your passion for what used to interest you. If you feel blasé about your goals, it’s time to remember why you love the work you do. This could be a pivotal moment when the direction of your energy needs to change. The Page of Pentacles reversed can symbolize feeling burnt-out with a skill, subject, or routine. Check in with yourself and ascertain if excitement for your passions feels blocked. This card can often appear for people who turn hobbies or interests into their careers. If purposeful work is not periodically injected with joy and excitement, it can soon feel like a daily grind.
The Page of Pentacles reversed reminds you to marry enthusiasm with your pursuits. Perhaps you need to take a break from work and create something just for the love of it. The Page of Pentacles loves to stimulate the mind. Allow yourself to participate in something that reignites your interests. Seek out fascinating people and exchange ideas.
Often, the Page of Pentacles reversed represents relearning a life lesson that we thought we completed. This may be a time when you are circling back over your life and reinforcing the fundamentals of who you are. This will strengthen who you are becoming.
If the Page of Pentacles reversed represents a person, he symbolizes someone who is too hard on themself. He is a perfectionist and is often nitpicking his appearance, abilities, or talents. Although others may see him as “together,” he rarely sees this himself. The Page of Pentacles reversed needs to understand that he is worthy, even if he is still a work in progress.
Managing expectations.
The Knight of Pentacles represents a need for patience and perspective when our current life does not measure up to our expectations. It is a card that teaches us how to use setbacks as opportunities for resilience. Only hindsight will reveal just why something we hoped for or expected didn’t quite pan out the way we thought it should have. Life has a way of steering us to even better blessings than the ones we expected.
Has something not panned out the way you hoped it would? Do you feel bad about the present because you don’t have something that you think others have? Are you able to see that the game isn’t over yet and that there are still marvelous things in store for you?
The Knight of Pentacles rides in the fields, dreaming of the future. He is utterly disappointed with the present. The fields he surveys are brown and don’t seem to be growing anything. How many more years does he have to keep pacing the same fields before they grow?! It can be so frustrating! In order to become a king, this Knight needs to demonstrate that he can make a field grow. Here’s the rub: the field will never grow until he learns to be at peace with himself and his present lesson of patience and self-acceptance.
It is interesting to note that of all the Knights in the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot, the Knight of Pentacles is the only Knight who is seated on a horse that is not moving forward. This indicates that events are at a standstill. Although the Knight is eager to progress, he must learn something important that can only be found where he is now, in the present. His helm and the horse’s bridle are decorated with oak leaves. Oak is the tree of wisdom, and wisdom can only be gained by experiencing both successes and failures. It is in the present where wise breakthroughs are happening for this Knight, even if he is unable to recognize them.
The Universe has a way of providing teachable moments. The lessons appear in the form of recurring setbacks that repeat themselves over and over until you absorb what you need to change about your mindset. At first glance, it might just seem like you are getting thwarted again. That’s when you need to ask, “How can I use this as an opportunity for resilience?” Perhaps the recurring situations you face are teaching you patience and self-acceptance. Perhaps they are teaching you about boundaries or not needing others to validate you. Perhaps you just need to learn to be at peace with where you are in the present. When the Knight of Pentacles appears, you are exactly where you need to be, even if it doesn’t feel like it. Be now.
Today, the challenge is to look at setbacks and see them as opportunities for growth. Look back at how past disappointments made you stronger and led you to even better blessings than what you thought you wanted.
Be patient and resilient.
The Knight of Pentacles can also represent a person with great potential who is still growing into their shoes. He may also symbolize someone who is frustrated with their current lot. This card is ripe with potential, and success is assured for this individual in time. Knights can represent youngish adults of any gender. Knights are usually people who are phasing out of one way of life and into another.
Knight of Pentacles Reversed
If the Knight of Pentacles appears reversed, he represents managing negative expectations. This card often appears when we are bracing ourselves for something that we assume is going to be bad. It asks you to turn your expectations on their head. How could the situation you are dreading turn into an unexpected blessing? By confronting this situation, what are you gaining? Sometimes this card indicates that you just need to be more practical and not buy into assumptions without evidence to back them up. The field in the background of this card may look brown, but there is magic happening beneath the surface. Germinating seeds will manifest into autumn’s harvest. Although the Knight may be impatient, he must accept patience before he succeeds. Patience brings your awareness to the present. This moment is where your power truly resides.
Today, accept that not everything you want or desire is going to happen right away. Perhaps you need to make peace with the idea that your goal won’t manifest in quite the way you planned. Sometimes things we don’t get in life are blessings in disguise. Don’t judge your current progress by how it appears in the barren fields of winter. Even in winter, new life is stirring beneath the surface. Progress may feel slowed, but this is an illusion. With patience and hindsight, you will see why this situation took the turns it did.
When the Knight of Pentacles reversed represents another person, he is often impractical and chronically seems to get stuck. He may represent a slow learner who tends to repeat a similar lesson over and over. You may want to avoid financial dealings with this individual.
Everything is growing in its perfect time.
The Queen of Pentacles represents success gained after patient effort. Everything growing in her garden was guided by her skilled hands. In the image, the Queen is calmly sitting, admiring her coin. Even though not everything in her garden is in full bloom yet, she finds contentment in the moment. She’s present.
Are you content with your life just as it is right now? Do you fret about achieving tangible success? Does your fear and anxiety rob you of enjoying your life right now?
The Queen of Pentacles is seated on a sturdy throne decorated with the emblem of Capricorn, the astrological goat. The sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, also known as Father Time. The Queen of Pentacles knows how to use time and patience to achieve her ultimate success. She also has a great sense of timing. She wisely keeps an eye on the long game.
In the foreground of the card (bottom right-hand corner) is the Queen’s pet rabbit. Rabbits can symbolize nervous energy. This reminds us that we must still act toward our dreams even when we are afraid. Rabbits can also symbolize fertility (hence the Easter Bunny and the budding of spring). Rabbits were believed to bring good luck and swift fortune. The rabbit can symbolize the Queen’s nervous energy, and yet the Queen of Pentacles doesn’t drive the rabbit out of her garden. The Queen knows that nervous energy can be useful when properly channeled to get something done. Just now, however, the Queen is ignoring the fears of her rabbit and is instead focusing on the coin in her lap. This symbolizes that the Queen is not letting her anxieties distract her from what she is trying to manifest.
Even the Queen of Pentacles gets nervous, but you would never guess it by looking at her calm and stately appearance. Allow your anxiety to chatter in the background without losing focus on what you are trying to manifest. Don’t make war with your anxiety. It can be a tremendous asset when there is a deadline to meet or an opportunity that needs to be acted upon swiftly. The key is not to make the rabbit (anxiety) the center of your focus. Be like the Queen of Pentacles and keep your eyes on the prize, symbolized by the coin.
The Queen of Pentacles also reminds you to ground yourself in the pleasures of the physical world. Acknowledge the warmth of your home, the flavors of the food you are eating, the green spirits calling from the trees, and the smell of the raindrops misting outside. Experience life’s beauty with your senses. Be like the Queen of Pentacles and enjoy what you have while still holding space for what is currently manifesting. The Queen of Pentacles assures you that your efforts are ripening and blooming in their perfect timing. She is confident that you will know when the time is right to act. For now, relax in your garden. Be content. The Queen of Pentacles promises financial success and security despite your greatest worries.
If the Queen of Pentacles represents a person, she is an earthy woman who is secure financially, understands money, and can open doorways for you. She is dependable, faithful, and realistic about life. She can also advise you in long-term investments and financial planning. Queens can be mature individuals of any gender who wield strong feminine power.
Queen of Pentacles Reversed
The Queen’s jittery rabbit now appears on the top of the card. The rabbit calls your attention to unsubstantiated anxiety about the future, which may be clouding your perspective of reality. The rabbit is a worrier. He frets about being late, danger, pitfalls, traps, and potential enemies. All the while he is unable to feel at peace in the present moment. The rabbit mistakenly thinks that if he braces for all potential fears, he will be ready for them when they arrive. In actuality, the constant worry leads to unnecessary suffering and tension.
The Queen’s garden is growing in perfect timing but requires a peaceful environment (mentally and physically). Excessive anxiety wastes personal power and quickly depletes energy. Today, emulate the wise and patient upright Queen. Find your center. Send calm, loving energy to the nervous rabbit within. The blossoms will still open, whether you worry about them or not.
If the Queen of Pentacles reversed represents another person, she may represent someone who periodically struggles with anxiety. Soothing places in nature can have an amazing effect on them. Upright or reversed, the Queen of Pentacles is prone to overwork. She also prefers stability, consistency, and predictability. Try to use facts to assuage some of her fears. This will give her a reassuring sense of solidity.
The King of Pentacles represents the golden path to worldly success. He possesses the internal and external markers of wealth and bearing. The bulls on his throne are symbols for the astrological sign of Taurus. They represent stubborn tenacity and a commitment to reaching your goals. The King is surrounded by abundant possessions and lives in a shining castle. The King of Pentacles is looked upon by others as wealthy. However, his wealth stems from knowing that success grows from patience, preparation, and willingness.
Are you feeling nervous about your financial future? Is there something you want to achieve, but you don’t even know where to begin? Would you say your thoughts about wealth in your life are positive or negative at this time?
The King of Pentacles is among the favorite children of his mother, the Empress. He alone has been entrusted with her golden scepter, which makes all things grow. The reason the Empress trusts the King of Pentacles is because he has proven himself to be patient and prepared, and he approaches his tasks with loving willingness. He also wears the armor of his father, the Emperor, and has built a stone wall around his abundant vineyard to protect his domain. The King of Pentacles has balanced both the masculine and the feminine principles within himself.
The King’s robes are covered with grapes. Grapes are notoriously fickle and need a lot of patience to cultivate. This is especially true when transforming the grapes into pleasure-bringing wine. The King of Pentacles has the perfect temperament for nurturing these magical berries. He is out in the vineyards long before the growing season, tending the soil and preparing the vines for the coming harvests. His patience and skill have made him wealthy, as everyone wants to taste his magical brew. The King understands that to truly get success from life’s pursuits, you must enjoy them. You must appreciate your responsibilities, taking them up with gratitude for the security they will provide. All the King’s labors are undertaken with love for what he is doing. This ensures that as the grapes grow, they are infused with sweetness, not bitterness.
To achieve the success of the King of Pentacles, you will need several things. First, you need patience. Not every day is sunny. Be reminded that the rainy days contribute life-giving water. Anything of worth requires time to develop. This includes your goals, skills, and gifts. The grapes on the vine cannot be hurried and must be tended kindly and consistently.
Second, you need to prepare for the future. Establish your goals. Write them down. Break them up into achievable bits. This can bolster your sense of accomplishment.
Last, you need to approach what you are doing with love. Infuse your responsibilities with a willing and grateful heart. This will bring much better results than if your tasks are approached with resentment, fear, or worry. This attitude will also guarantee that the grapes you cultivate are sweet grapes and not grapes of wrath.
The King of Pentacles signifies health, wealth, money, stability, success, and joy.
When the King of Pentacles represents a person, he is financially stable and secure. He also has a great mind for business, entrepreneurship, and finance. This King prefers stability and low-risk investments. He can also represent a stable family man who always plans for future security. Kings can be mature people of any gender who are leaders or figures of authority.
King of Pentacles Reversed
If the King of Pentacles appears reversed, he signals that it is time to get organized in your thinking. Future goals can quickly become overwhelming if you try to tackle every single detail from the start. The King of Pentacles advises you to break up your major goals into smaller achievable tasks. Be patient with yourself and with the process.
What is the most pressing issue that needs to be addressed in order to begin the journey toward your goal? What seems to be habitually holding up progress? Are you avoiding something out of fear? What do you need to learn more about to take your next steps?
Take your major goal and break it up into a manageable sequence of steps. Organize your tasks into a schedule and take action. The King of Pentacles is a master organizer. He patiently and lovingly tends his vineyard over time, ensuring the sweetest grapes. The best grapes cannot be hurried. The King’s example can help you remove the mental clutter blocking your progress. He exemplifies the notion that Rome was not built in a day. However, the King of Pentacles (upright or reversed) reassures you that Rome was eventually built!
If the King of Pentacles reversed represents another person, he could be someone in a position of leadership who is overwhelmed by his duties. He might appear unqualified or may need to receive more training. He can also represent someone who wants to take financial shortcuts.
24. Pollack, Tarot Wisdom, 28.