As the Moon orbits the Earth, it moves through the twelve zodiac signs and transitions into the next sign every two and a half days. The Moon influences us every day in different ways. You may wonder why some days it’s easier to perform certain tasks than it is on others: one day you’re super-focused and productive but the next you’re restless and easily distracted. Use your understanding of how each Moon sign can influence your mood, like a weather forecast. In a similar way to checking the weather, you can look up which zodiac sign the Moon is in for some clues as to what to expect during that time (see pages 55‒79). At the beginning of the month, you could use your Moon app to jot down the daily Moon signs in your diary and reflect on your plans. It may help you to get the best out of situations or choose auspicious days for setting dates. You needn’t cancel or postpone appointments if the Moon sign seems less favourable on a particular day, but keep in mind the undercurrent, use that awareness to your advantage and be prepared.
When I learnt about the daily Moon signs, it blew my mind. I went back through some dates that were notable to me, like a photoshoot, which had been super-easy. The Moon was in confident Leo ‒ no wonder I’d felt so relaxed in front of the camera. On another shoot day I’d felt really self-conscious and couldn’t get into the mood: the Moon was in introspective Cancer. And then there was the day when I took a situation personally and cried about it for hours: hello, Moon, in emotional Pisces.
While I’ve been writing this book, I’ve been utilizing the Moon signs to help me go with the flow. I booked a place in Margate as a writing retreat. I thought it would be an idyllic place for the words to flow but I didn’t consider that the Scorpio Moon was better suited to the crystal healing workshop and full Moon ceremony I hosted there: the Moon’s mood was reflective and transformative, rather than creatively expressive.
Just as you’d check the weather forecast to see what to pack for a holiday, or if you need to take an umbrella with you as you leave the house, use the Moon forecast to get the best out of a situation. You could use this information to help you plan an event, an ideal time to pitch an idea to your boss or to schedule a self-care day: in some Moon signs you’ll find it easier than in others to switch off and recharge. When we’re conscious of the varying factors that influence us, we can use them to benefit us instead of feeling we’re up against it.
Each Moon sign will be nuanced, depending on other planetary alignments, and I’d recommend tracking your moods, experiences, productivity and motivation each day. There are lots of mood-tracking apps ‒ for example, Daylio and Moodtrack Diary ‒ but you could simply add some emojis on your phone’s calendar that relate to what you’ve experienced that day.
There’s usually a new and full Moon once a month, unless we have a blue or black Moon (see pages 43–44).
Every new Moon falls in the sign of a zodiac season: for example, a new Moon in Leo occurs during Leo season (22 July‒22 August). Every zodiac sign has an astrological mirror, also known as a polarity. The zodiac wheel has 360 degrees, and the polar opposite sign always opposes the other at 180 degrees and there’s six months between them. The mirrored signs have a yin and yang effect: they’re (polarized) very different personalities but they’re also complementary and balance each other. You know what they say: opposites attract. This means that two weeks later the full Moon will fall in the opposite sign: if it’s a new Moon in Leo, the next full Moon will be in Aquarius. And six months after the new Moon in Leo, there will be a full Moon in Leo.
It can take six months for the intentions that you set on a new Moon to manifest, and you may see things culminate on the corresponding full Moon. On the new Moon in Taurus (2019), I led an online Moon ritual via Instagram Live and my friend Pip attended, using a piece of Pyrite for the crystal healing activation. Collectively we set our intentions for the new Moon: Pip was looking to open her own yoga studio and wanted to use the ritual to support the process. Fast-forward six months to the full Moon in Taurus, the day that the fitting-out was completed on Now Studio and Pip was ready to open the doors to her community.
This is one of the reasons why I recommend keeping a Moon diary so that you can record everything and observe your progress. It’s nice to be able to have proof of what can happen when you set your Moon intentions, or the manifestations and magic might go under the radar.
Sometimes manifestations can happen sooner, and there are times when they don’t come to life at all: trust in the process and timing. If it hasn’t happened (yet), remember that if you asked for something better (see page 191), something else may be on its way to you. If you’ve got a strong attachment to what you’re calling in, loosen your grip. Surrender. You could use one of the waning Moon rituals (page 246) to release any attachments to outcomes and create some space for what you’d like to happen in your life.
What is meant for you won’t pass you by.
Each new Moon corresponds with the zodiac season in which it falls, and two weeks later, the full Moon will be in the astrologically mirrored sign. New and full Moons don’t happen on exactly the same day but they always align with the same zodiac seasons every year. Please consult a Moon calendar or app for accurate days and times.
21 March–19 April: Aries season
New Moon in Aries/full Moon in Libra
20 April–20 May: Taurus season
New Moon in Taurus/full Moon in Scorpio
21 May–20 June: Gemini season
New Moon in Gemini/full Moon in Sagittarius
21 June–22 July: Cancer season
New Moon in Cancer/full Moon in Capricorn
23 July–22 August: Leo season
New Moon in Leo/full Moon in Aquarius
23 August–22 September: Virgo season
New Moon in Virgo/full Moon in Pisces
23 September–22 October: Libra season
New Moon in Libra/full Moon in Aries
23 October–21 November: Scorpio season
New Moon in Scorpio/full Moon in Taurus
22 November–21 December: Sagittarius season
New Moon in Sagittarius/full Moon in Gemini
22 December–19 January: Capricorn season
New Moon in Capricorn/full Moon in Cancer
20 January–18 February: Aquarius season
New Moon in Aquarius/full Moon in Leo
19 February–20 March: Pisces season
New Moon in Pisces/full Moon in Virgo
It is so liberating to really know what I want, what truly makes me happy, what I will not tolerate. I have learned that it is no one else’s job to take care of me but me.
Just like daily Moon signs (see page 47), the zodiac signs bring a different flavour to all of the new and full Moons. You could think of the zodiac wheel as a curriculum for personal development and the signs as dynamic teachers. Each new Moon is the beginning lesson, bringing an opportunity to reflect on and cultivate different aspects of your life as you navigate through the cycle. By the time of the full Moon, six months later, you could be reaping the rewards of the work you began at the new Moon.
In this section you’ll find a guide to the daily Moon signs (also known as Mooncast), each new and full Moon according to the twelve zodiac signs, and journal prompts to help you reflect on the specific Moons. You can do this alongside one of the Moon rituals (see pages 217‒256), the corresponding Moon phase oracle spread, or create your own Moon ceremony (see page 198).
Recommended crystal to work with this Moon
Planet associated with this zodiac sign
Element associated with this Moon
When the Moon is in this sign, people may be convinced they know best (yourself included), and it may be tricky to find the middle ground. This energy is great for feeling bold and starting new projects, but when it comes to teamwork, there’s a chance you could end up locking horns. Instead of challenging authority, be mindful and strategic in the way you introduce your ideas. There may be a sense of impatience in the air. Don’t give in to the pressure, especially if you aren’t ready.
Take some overdue action and say yes to whatever lights you up. Less procrastination equals more manifestation. When self-starting Aries is aligned with the new Moon, it can bring a fresh dose of optimism and you may notice a boost in confidence. Focus on setting intentions and committing to the things that will help you do things your way. It’s time to be your own cheerleader.
Make some moves that are going to upgrade your life. Dare to dream big. No one knows what you are capable of (including you). Rather than focusing on what you can’t do, channel your energy into what you can do and work out how to turn your challenges into game-changing opportunities. Don’t be shy about talking up your achievements and promoting yourself. If you’ve been dimming your light to fit in, this fiery full Moon will pass over the mic so that you can show the world exactly what you can do.
Taurus can be stubborn so this isn’t the ideal time to initiate new ideas: whoever you’re pitching them to is likely to want a guaranteed outcome before they commit. You may find yourself drawn to being in nature and craving open skies, especially if you’re in the city. The hustle can seem less important during this time. It’s all about finding the balance between working hard and indulging yourself. This sensual sign adores food and the finer things in life: book a table at your favourite restaurant or plan a date night. It’s a good time to practise self-care.
Create habits that are going to give you lasting results. Forget the fad diets or get-rich-quick schemes. Slow and steady wins the race. Be clear on your goal and break it down into small (realistic) steps. Just think: if you do one thing every day for the next year, those 365 actions will undoubtedly make a difference to your life. You could open a savings account with monthly standing orders, give yourself goals to aim for at work, or set some targets with a friend to help you stay accountable. It’s the small steps that add up to the big shifts.
Rose quartz
Get in the slow lane and tune into what you need. If your self-care practices have fallen by the wayside, now is the time to take care of your body. Make sure that you’re getting enough sleep, drinking enough water and doing the things that nourish you. Make pleasure a priority. Indulge yourself. When was the last time you let someone treat you (for a change)? Practise being receptive and allow things to come to you. When was the last time you asked for help or support? Being stubborn might be keeping you stuck. This full Moon can put money and our values under the spotlight: use it as an opportunity to affirm the ways that you’re abundant and (re)focus on what’s important to you.
If you sit still for too long when the Moon is in Gemini, you may find yourself easily distracted and restless. As much as you might want to take it easy and recharge, lie-ins and slow, lazy days are unlikely during this time. Gemini rules communication so if you’ve been on the lookout for inspiration, use this energy to brainstorm, collaborate with like-minded people, and innovate. This dynamic energy is ideal if you’re in sales, public speaking, teaching, writing or making new friends. These days are light-hearted and expansive. People may be chattier than usual: try not to get caught up in gossip.
Tune into your next big idea. One of Gemini’s themes is communication: do you feel you’re being heard and seen? If not, how can you change that? You could use this new Moon to reflect on how you want to collaborate with others. Gemini can be chatty and sociable so there’s an emphasis on broadening your network. Sign up to a course, start reading the personal-development book that’s been gathering dust on your bedside table, go to a talk or workshop, and catch up on a documentary that will expand your mind.
Expand on everything you’ve been learning, whether it’s from working with the Moon and personal realizations you’ve had or in a professional or educational capacity, and how you’re going to implement it all. The cosmic forecast could read gossipy: don’t get caught up in conversations that you’ll only feel bad about. Channel this full Moon to ensure you’re using your voice to make a difference. Pay attention to what you’re saying: words are like spells. What we say can influence us so much more than we realize. If you catch yourself saying something limiting or judgemental, get creative with those words and see if you can reframe them in a more expansive and compassionate way.
As the Moon moves through Cancer, you may feel you’re riding a rollercoaster of emotions. Take some time out to do what nurtures you. Most importantly, reach out and ask for support: you don’t have to go through this alone. If you’ve noticed that someone has been quieter than usual, don’t take it personally. If you’re concerned, don’t be shy about checking in to see if they’re okay. When the Moon is in Cancer, you may be drawn to spend more time at home and make it feel like a sanctuary. It’s a good time to cultivate healthy boundaries and give yourself permission to take a step back if you’re feeling overcrowded and overwhelmed.
Make sure your home feels like a sanctuary and give yourself space to experience all of your feelings. You might find yourself more emotionally sensitive than usual: have a good cry or do something that will help you release some emotional energy, like reiki, yin yoga or boxing. Or is it time to find a good therapist? You could focus your new Moon intentions on things and actions that will make you feel more secure and cultivate more trust in your life.
Set some boundaries and practise forgiveness. The full Moon in Cancer might make you feel nostalgic and sentimental, or cause you to feel triggered by someone who hurt your feelings but you never spoke about it. Tread carefully: this can be a time of heightened sensitivity. How can you respond or share how you truly feel rather than reacting unconsciously? This Moon can highlight what makes you feel safe, including financial security: perhaps this is a good time to open a savings account. If not now, then when? Even if it’s just a small percentage of your earnings, it all adds up.
Mangano calcite
If you’re naturally shy or introverted, your confidence may be boosted when the Moon is in Leo, which allows you to be more comfortable receiving attention. This can be beneficial if you have a photoshoot or interview, a public-speaking engagement, or are hosting a party. It’s all about self-expression and sharing your truth: think of a lion roaring. Egos can be like peaches during this time: easily bruised. Be mindful in the way that you communicate.
Tune into how you can take the lead. Don’t wait for opportunity to come knocking on your door: make it happen. This lunation could have you craving more action and adventure. Check in with how often you say yes to things you don’t want to do against what brings you joy. You need to put yourself in the way of inspiration. It’s unlikely to find you while you’re scrolling on the phone or hunched over a laptop. Get fired up about what you really want and go for it.
Amp your confidence and speak up for what you’re passionate about. You might notice that you’re wearing your heart on your sleeve and have a strong desire to tell people how you feel. If you aren’t getting the attention and adoration you’re craving, it could trigger some insecurities. Remember: it isn’t all about you. How can you channel your big-heart energy into being generous to yourself and others? Share the glory (rather than trying to steal the show).
Golden topaz
Keep meaning to colour-code your bookshelf and get your life/home/business organized? The Moon in Virgo is the one for this. It’s all about attention to detail and getting projects finished. Being practical and methodical is likely to come easily during this time. Perfectionist tendencies might be activated so don’t give your inner critic too much airtime. Keep your boundaries in mind or you may burn yourself out.
Tidy up, declutter and get some systems in place so that you’ve more time for self-care. You’ll most likely be feeling those back-to-school vibes. What have you been putting off until the perfect moment? The time is now. The settings don’t have to be perfect: you just need to be methodical. This stabilizing new Moon can help you put some well-laid plans in place. Virgo is health-conscious: you may feel the urge to nourish yourself with wholesome food and movement to elevate your well-being.
Green calcite
Start recognizing your hard work. It’s too easy to lose sight of how far you’ve come. You may be more aware of your boundaries (or lack thereof), and that you’re giving too much to others. Use what isn’t working to help you decide what will support you and how you want to move forward. This can also relate to your diet and how you’re nourishing your body. If you haven’t been practising any kind of self-care, you may notice old thought patterns are triggered. Be kind to yourself. Loosen your grip on everything you’ve been trying to control and give your inner critic the day off (until further notice).
Black moonstone
You may find yourself seeking more balance in your life when the Moon is in Libra. This peace-loving sign brings a dose of harmony so it could be easier to forgive and resolve disputes, as long as the outcome is fair. This is a time when people may be more approachable and cooperative. Watch out for those rose-tinted glasses and check in with your ‘why’ when making big decisions. You may be swayed by people-pleasing tendencies or over-romanticizing. Being sociable is likely to come easily, and you’ll appreciate being around art and beauty.
Take time to pause and reflect. This new Moon could have you craving more balance and inner peace. If you’re feeling conflicted with something that your intuition is trying to tell you, it’s likely you’re over-thinking it rather than taking a leap of faith. It’s time to take responsibility for your decisions, rather than letting other people call the shots. Romance may be in the air, and Libra’s harmonizing influence can put an emphasis on relationships and revive those warm, fuzzy feelings. If you aren’t in a relationship, you may be tempted to sign up to some dating apps.
Create more balance in your life. When we’re busy, stressed and overwhelmed, self-care is often one of the first things to be made redundant from the to-do list, but we need it to keep us feeling connected. You could use this full Moon as a reason to pamper yourself (not that you need one). You may find that you get fired up about equality: educate yourself and listen to other people’s opinions (keep it diverse) so that you can establish your own. Being an activist in progress is better than no progress at all.
The mood can feel intense when the Moon is in Scorpio: you may find yourself deep-diving into conversations you weren’t expecting to have and your emotions could catch you off-guard. You may find yourself craving intimacy but at the same time preferring your own company. Situations and other people’s actions may trigger your insecurities, and there’s a chance you may obsess over a comment that you can’t let go. Take a step back and a few deep breaths before you react. This is just showing you the areas of your life that need TLC. You won’t be the only one feeling this way so don’t fight crazy with crazy. A little bit of compassion can go a long way. Use these days to work on things behind the scenes: reflect, research and refine your master plan.
Explore the realms of your subconscious to uncover some buried desires. This new Moon can feel intense because it’s here to wake you up to your own magic. It’s an invitation to call your power back from the situations that have had you under a spell and living life on auto-pilot. Don’t get caught up in the blame game: start making some new rules. This is a potent time to break bad habits, heal a broken heart and connect with your life purpose.
Smoky quartz
Pluto and Mars
Rise above difficult times. You may notice that your intuitive senses are heightened so you are quick to call out anyone who isn’t being real with you. This full Moon can illuminate anything that’s inauthentic in your life so that it can be released. What have you been clinging to? You’re being called to be fearless and surrender. At times it can feel as if the universe is working against you, but these moments are the catalysts that will make you wiser and stronger. You don’t have to hold it all together. Loosen your grip. Allow yourself to heal and be supported.
Pluto and Mars
You’re likely to be feeling upbeat when the Moon is in Sagittarius, planning your next big adventure, looking up flights, or booking tickets for a festival during your lunch break. You may be researching your latest idea or wanting to break free, convinced there must be more to life than being stuck at a desk from nine until five. You may feel unstoppable, tempted to take a risk. There’s a fine line between spontaneity and being reckless. Check your facts, responsibilities and bank balance before taking a leap of faith. You may find yourself being flirtatious: give yourself the push to go on a date.
Broaden your horizons ‒ the world is your oyster! This new Moon can feel expansive and optimistic. You may not be able to jump on a plane to the other side of the world tomorrow but you can start making plans. Itchy feet? Find out if any cultural experiences are happening locally, explore your neighbourhood, start learning a new language, or go on a spontaneous day out. If you’re feeling stuck in a rut, channel this Sagittarian energy to start exploring new interests, or learning about other philosophies to expand your mind, and get real about what’s been holding you back.
Get clear on what (or where) you’re aiming for, just like the archer preparing to shoot their arrows. A full Moon brings culmination: as these moonbeams join forces with Sagittarius you may feel it’s time to spread your wings. This lunar dose of optimism may help you take some necessary risks. Be mindful when dropping truth bombs that you aren’t burning bridges: you won’t know if you may need them again. There will be times where you feel you’re taking one step forward and two steps back but just think of an arrow being launched: it has to be pulled backwards before it can take flight.
Rutilated quartz
If there’s something you’ve found yourself procrastinating over, you may experience a boost in motivation and focus when the Moon is in Capricorn. It’s time to work out your strategies and make some big plans. This zodiac sign is tenacious and practical; it creates an ideal climate for business and professional ventures. Self-discipline may come easier when the Moon is in Capricorn. The general mood may be sober and conservative. You may also notice an undercurrent of anxiety, depression and doubt. Keep your eyes on your prize and believe in yourself.
Time to set some goals, which all new Moons are about, but with Capricorn’s tenacious influence you may find it easier to see things through to the finish. Your goals may feel like mountains you have to climb but when this zodiac sign joins forces with the new Moon, it may give you the self-discipline to stay focused. Implement some structure and strategies so that you can turn your dreams into plans. Set high standards, but check in with the ways in which you are too critical of yourself and others. Sometimes done is better than perfect.
Reflect on the goals you set during the new Moon in Capricorn and what you’ve achieved in the last six months: you may be surprised by just how much has manifested if you’ve kept your eye on the prize. Make sure you celebrate your accomplishments. Take note of the lessons you’ve learnt along the way and how they’ve made you stronger. If you’ve been more procrastination than manifestation, these moonbeams may re-motivate you.
It’s time to think outside the box as the Moon moves through Aquarius. We’re all weirdos at heart: embrace what makes you different and use it to your advantage. Aquarius is known to be cutting-edge and visionary: you may feel an urge to rebel against political systems or at least the latest rule your boss is trying to enforce. Reality (and fact) check yourself, if you’re inclined to challenge the status quo. At this time, people may seem outgoing and open to new ideas: explore alternative therapies, pioneering technology, trailblazing thought-leaders and activism. Harness this collaborative energy to make the world a better place.
Rationalize how you feel with the truth of the matter. This cosmic check-in can help you detach from your emotions and become crystal clear on what actually needs attention. Aquarius is known to be the visionary of the zodiac and its influence can inspire you to embrace what makes you unique. If you’ve got an idea for something that may be considered ‘woo-woo’ or has never been done before, trust yourself and go with it. Follow an unbeaten path, whether it’s related to your career, relationships or lifestyle: your family, friends and peers may not agree but it makes total sense to you, as long as you aren’t putting yourself in danger or hurting anyone.
Uranus and Saturn
Reflect on what is relevant to you. Circumstances change but we’re often caught up in doing things on auto-pilot. Let go of what isn’t working for you, use what you’ve learnt and innovate. Is it time for a rebrand or reboot? Aquarius is known to be the eccentric of the zodiac and it can be an idealist at heart. It’s ruled by Uranus, the planet associated with awakening and sudden changes. Under this influence things may seem unpredictable and have the potential to take you down a new path that you would never have imagined. Surrender and stay open.
Uranus and Saturn
Feeling feelings: this describes the Moon’s energy as it moves through Pisces. Empathy can be running high during this time: be careful not to drown in other people’s emotions as the lines may blur between what’s yours to process and what’s theirs. Boundaries are important: without them, you may feel overwhelmed and easily triggered. On the flipside, the mood can be romantic, comforting, dreamy, sleepy and artistic. Use this time to unleash your inner mystic: meditate, immerse yourself in a ritual bath, do an oracle or Tarot reading for yourself, cast spells. You may notice that your dreams are more vivid: keep a dream journal close by so that you can interpret any hidden messages from your subconscious.
Turn up the volume to your intuition and cultivate a deeper connection with the world around you. These moonbeams can seem ethereal and tug at your heartstrings. You may notice that you’re more emotionally sensitive, and if you need to have a cry, let the tears fall. Ask for support or a hug if you need it. Pisces’ influence on the new Moon can act as a spiritual healing. Align with this lunation to pinpoint what prevents you from listening to your inner guidance. Make time for things that nourish your soul, like art, music, poetry, spirituality and mysticism. Don’t hide your magic.
Lapis lazuli
Dive into the depths of your emotions to understand what you need to release. When the full Moon joins forces with Pisces, the conjunction may feel like an emotional rollercoaster. It can turn up the volume to your psychic abilities, which may be overwhelming for some: it’s tempting to block them out because you’re feeling too much. During this lunation, make sure you put some boundaries in place so that you can process what’s coming up for you. This is a potent time to ride the waves that can lead you to cultivate compassion and forgiveness.