
How to Use This eBook


List of Sidebars

List of Charts

Index of Photos and Maps



Andreas J. Köstenberger

The Word’s Eternal Preexistence (1:1–2)

The Word’s Involvement in Creation (1:3–5)

John the Witness to the Light (1:6–8)

The World’s Rejection of the Light (1:9–11)

Believing in His Name (1:12–13)

The Incarnation of the Word (1:14)

John’s Witness (1:15–16)

The Superior Revelation Brought by Jesus (1:17–18)

John’s Witness to the Priests and Levites (1:19–28)

John’s Witness at Christ’s Baptism (1:29–34)

Andrew, Another Disciple, and Then Peter Follow Jesus (1:35–42)

Philip and Nathanael Follow Christ (1:43–51)

The Wedding at Cana (2:1–11)

The Setting (2:1–2)

Jesus Turns Water into Wine (2:3–11)

Return to Capernaum (2:12)

The Cleansing of the Temple (2:13–25)

Jesus’ Conversation with Nicodemus (3:1–21)

John the Baptist’s Witness Concerning Christ (3:22–36)

Christ Witnesses to the Woman at the Well (4:1–26)

The Disciples Rejoin Jesus (4:27–38)

Many Samaritans Believe (4:39–42)

Return Trip to Galilee (4:43–45)

Jesus Heals the Royal Official’s Son: His Second Sign in Cana (4:46–54)

The Healing at the Pool of Bethesda (5:1–15)

Jesus’ Defense (5:16–30)

Testimony Regarding Jesus (5:31–47)

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand (6:1–15)

Jesus Walks on the Water (6:16–24)

Jesus the Bread of Life (6:25–59)

Many Disciples Desert Jesus (6:60–72)

Jesus Goes to the Feast of Tabernacles (7:1–13)

Jesus Teaches at the Feast (7:14–24)

Is Jesus the Christ? (7:25–44)

The Unbelief of the Jewish Leaders (7:45–52)

[Jesus and the Adulterous Woman (7:53–8:11)]

The Validity of Jesus’ Testimony (8:12–30)

The Jews’ and Jesus’ Relationship to Abraham (8:31–59)

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind (9:1–12)

The Pharisees’ First Interrogation of the Formerly Blind Man (9:13–17)

The Pharisees’ Interrogation of the Man’s Parents (9:18–23)

The Pharisees’ Second Interrogation of the Formerly Blind Man (9:24–34)

The Pharisees’ Spiritual Blindness (9:35–41)

The Shepherd and His Flock (10:1–21)

The Unbelief of the Jews (10:22–42)

Jesus Learns of Lazarus’s Death (11:1–16)

Jesus Comforts Lazarus’s Sisters (11:17–37)

The Raising of Lazarus (11:38–44)

The Plot to Kill Jesus (11:45–57)

Jesus Anointed at Bethany (12:1–11)

The Triumphal Entry (12:12–19)

Jesus Predicts His Death (12:20–36)

The Jews Continue in their Unbelief (12:37–50)

Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet (13:1–17)

Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial (13:31–38)

Jesus Comforts His Disciples (14:1–4)

Jesus the Way to the Father (14:5–14)

Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit (14:15–31)

The Vine and the Branches (15:1–17)

The World’s Hatred of the Disciples (15:18–16:4)

The Work of the Holy Spirit (16:5–16)

The Disciples’ Grief Will Turn to Joy (16:17–33)

Jesus Prays for Himself (17:1–5)

Jesus Prays for His Disciples (17:6–19)

Jesus Prays for All Believers (17:20–26)

Jesus’ Arrest (18:1–11)

Jesus Taken to Annas (18:12–14)

Peter’s First Denial (18:15–18)

Jesus Before the High Priest (18:19–24)

Peter’s Second and Third Denials (18:25–27)

Jesus Before Pilate (18:28–40)

Jesus Sentenced to Be Crucified (19:1–16a)

The Crucifixion (19:16b–27)

The Death of Jesus (19:28–37)

The Burial of Jesus (19:38–42)

The Empty Tomb (20:1–9)

Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene (20:10–18)

Jesus Appears to His Disciples (20:19–23)

Jesus Appears to Thomas (20:24–31)

Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish (21:1–14)

Jesus Reinstates Peter (21:15–25)

Credits for Photos and Maps

The New International Version Appendix