chapter four
Instant Magick Spells
Here is the heart of the book, the spells. Most people buy books on magick for the spells, and like any other book, you can use these as rotes, as pre-made formulas for you to use.
Many people think of spells like scientific formulas. Once concocted, they will always work, for anyone, but magick doesn’t work that way. It takes a personal connection to the forces of the universe to make magick work. No matter how perfectly you execute a spell technically, if you do not have an energetic connection on some level, little will happen. Most spells are designed to help you with that energetic connection, but they are not foolproof. Unfortunately people think spell books are keys that allow you to have “power” without doing any of the spiritual preparation to truly make effective life changes. You can take this section with the same attitude, and could still have some success with it, but you would be missing the point.
Unlike many other spell books focused strictly on technique and tools, however, I hope the previous information gives you the necessary skills to make your own instant magick spells, to fulfill whatever situation occurs in your life. Use these as inspiration, to show you how a spell can be crafted in the various paradigms. Explore these spells to find how you understand and perceive magick. You can try a spell, focusing on one aspect, one paradigm and discover it doesn’t work for you. You can try the same spell, using a different technique and get success. You have now discovered one aspect of magick that works for you, and one aspect that doesn’t. That will help your future spell crafting
Instant Magick Trigger
One of the things that allows a magical person to access these simple instant magick spells anywhere is through an instant magick trigger. This trigger is somewhat like a post hypnotic suggestion, a program in our consciousness. When we are in an altered state of mind, clear in will and prepared to focus energy, our three requirements to a spell, we can program our mind with a trigger to automatically and easily get us back in touch with that state of mind, even if on a lighter level. Programming the trigger is a mental suggestion coupled with a physical action, such as crossing your finger, which will trigger a return to that state of consciousness. With the trigger, you can enter this light altered state while driving, having a conversation or while at work, and set in motion your instant magick spells.
Some triggers have inherent qualities to themselves, like subtle energy psychic switches that can change consciousness. They are known as muddras in the eastern tradition. The first trigger I learned, crossing the first and second figure, I later discovered was a muddra and according to yogis, used to balance the electromagnetic field and make manifest wishes. It’s now easy to see our association with crossing our fingers for luck.
Other simple muddras used as a trigger include making a “ring” with your first finger and thumb, or your middle finger and thumb, or even your first two fingers and thumb. What separates a muddra from a trigger is the programmed intention to use it to enter a light meditative state.
Other triggers may not be as elegant. In Celtic myth, the Irish hero Finias MacCool sucked his thumb to gain wisdom, insight and magick. He was mimicking his own image of when he received his gifts, getting burned on the thumb from cooking the Salmon of Knowledge. When he sucked it, he gained the Salmon’s knowledge. Similar images are found with the Welsh bard Taliesin. Words of power, as well as more complex phrases or hand gestures can be used as a trigger to change consciousness. I even know of one California witch who naturally followed Samantha from the popular Bewitched television series, wiggling his nose as a focus for his instant magick.
For now I suggest you choose a simple trigger for the following exercise. Use something you can do casually, because that is when you will need it most. If you are unsure, I suggest the first one I learned, crossing your first two fingers. For this exercise, do it with both hands to give your flexibility. In life, your trigger will be active when you cross the fingers of either hand. If you should do it on both, it deepens your connection to the altered state. The same holds true for other hand muddras, such as the thumb and first finger together.
Programming Instant Trigger
Perform Exercise 1 and get into a meditative altered state. Stay at the place where you feel relaxed yet focused on the task at hand. Take a few more centering breaths after your countdowns.
Physically perform your instant magick trigger. If you chose crossing your first two fingers, do that now in both hands and hold it. Silently repeat these words to your own consciousness three times.
I program this as my instant magick trigger. With this trigger I can instantly access a light meditative state and all my magickal abilities, for the good of all, harming none.
You can end the third time with a “so mote it be”, “so be it”, or even “Amen” depending on what you are comfortable with. When done, release your trigger and return yourself to normal consciousness.
Ethics of Magick
You probably noticed that last exercise’s program ended with “for the good of all, harming none.” Another way to put it would be “in accordance with divine will” or even “true will.” With our discussion on the best magick being focused on true will, our higher will, we should keep that in mind when we are doing magick.
Magick is a science. The energies we are raising are real, and have a real affect. Our intentions govern this energy, but we must be clear in our intentions to be effective. They have an affect beyond the power of positive thinking. Someone does not need to believe in our magick, or even be aware of it, for it to work effectively. Most magick is subtle anyway, and the majority of people would not be aware of it. If magick is an energetic power, we always have to treat it with respect, not only in our actions, but our thoughts and minds.
Most traditions of magick believe in some form of universal self-regulating mechanism. It’s not moral or judgmental. It simply brings balance through adjustment of energies. Magick workers believe that energy returns to its source more powerful than when it left. In Wicca, it’s called the Law of Three, stating that energy returns three times as powerful as when it left. Other traditions believe similarly, but without the triune measurement. In Wicca, there is only one rule, one rede or credo, because with this knowledge, it simply makes common sense. “And let it harm none, do what you will.” Though it has many layers of meaning, the basic concept is you are free to explore your will through magick, but keep the guideline of harming none always in mind. If you do no harm, no harm will return to you. Do nothing you do not wish to return to you. Treat others as you wish to be treated. If you cannot love and embrace another, you don’t have to, but remain neutral in your heart and mind.
Intentions such as “true will,” “harm none” or “the highest good” are ways to program our magick and prevent harm when possible. But we have to believe in those phrases as much as we desire and focus on our intention. I truly rather have a spell fail, than cause harm to myself and others. If a spell conflicts with my true will, I wish it to fail and inform me. If my desire to succeed outstrips my desire to know my true will, then I am missing the spiritual path of magick and opening myself to harm on a variety of levels.
Treat your magick, and your will, with respect. Remember the first world you seek to change is your own, and then the outer world will change in sympathy with it. Do not force your will on others without regard to the consequences. Remember your freedom, but remember the forces of the universe may bend, but do not break and harmful actions eventually catch up to their source.
Magick or Coincidence?
With all magick, but particular acts of instant magick, acts that are more creative, spur of the moment and have less of the weight of centuries of formulaic tradition upon them, it is easy to get discouraged. We start to wonder if our time and effort is really having an effect, or is it all in our mind.
It is even easier to chalk up our true successes to coincidence. When we intend something to happen, we will it, we are doing magick! When it actually occurs and we don’t want to claim the enormity of our own personal power, and the underlying responsibility that goes with it to create our own reality, we run from it. We say to ourselves, “oh that would have happened anyway.” “That was just a coincidence.” “I was lucky that time.”
That is completely normal and really a part of the process of understanding our magical self. It’s rare to come across someone who has no magical experience, who truly assumes that all their magick will work all the time, that it is completely really and it no way could it be self delusional. Those thought, and doubts are normally and healthy. If you don’t have them, they you have either been blessed with an amazingly magical upbringing, an incredibly natural open mind and intuitive understanding of magick, or you are somewhat unbalanced. I think it’s hard to live in the rational world and keep traditional material responsibilities and not have such common sense thoughts. But what you do with the thoughts is what defines a witch, mage and mystic. If you let them prevent you from experiencing things and being open, than you will miss out in the magick of life.
If you persevere on the magical path, open to the experience, you soon realize that you are consistently “beating” the odds, and going beyond what could attributed to chance, luck or coincidence. Then you begin to truly understand how magick works in life, and how much personal empowerment it gives, as well as how much responsibility you hold for using it. You become responsible for all your thoughts, words and deeds, because you recognize all are triggers for magical change.
Spells of Instant Magick
The following is a spell book of instant magick spells that have worked for me, my family, friends, coven mates and students. I share them with you to show you the wide range of results you can get from instant magick, but also to see the variety of ways you can execute an intention.
Figure 10: Banishing Pentagram
Each spell has a list of “correspondences” associated with it. They differ from the traditional correspondences because they are not herbs, stones or other typical associations. Here we have the more energetic correspondences, including the colors, elements, planets, spiritual entities and words of power/affirmations that can be used. When executing these spells, you do not have to incorporate all the correspondences. Pick the ones that resonate for you. If you work well with elemental energy, but have no connection with the planets, don’t try to draw upon the planetary paradigm to make it happen. Stick with the elemental associations. Be creative. For example, the WHEEL OF FORTUNE spell is prosperity magick based on Jupiter energy, and the imagery of the Wheel of Fortune tarot card. If those symbols don’t work for you, know that the element of Earth is also about abundance and prosperity. Call upon your connection to the Earth element, explored in Exercise 3, to help you create the flow of fortune you need. There are also correspondences to call upon a variety of beings, including animal, plant and stone spirits. To learn more about adapting these spells, and how to work with various correspondence systems and the spirits associated with it, look to Chapter Five and the Appendix 1. I suggest reading the entire book before attempting any spells in this chapter, so you have a complete idea of the system and how to work with it for your highest good.
Each spell has instructions as to how it was cast in the past, but you are not limited to those methods. These are now your instant magick spells. Feel free to adapt and change them as needed.
Alarm Clock
Intention: Waking up on time without an external alarm
Colors: Black, White, Gray, Yellow
Triplicy: Mutable, Cardinal
Element: Earth, Fire
Planet: Saturn, Sun
Chakra: Root
Entities: Any deities associated with time, sleep or dreams, such as Chronos, Hypnos, Morpheus, Phoebetor, Phantasus. Also gods associated with the Sun and dawn, including Ra, Horus, Sekmet, Bast, Shamash, Helios, Apollo, Balder, Bel, Lugh, and Amaterasu. Archangels Raphael and Michael. Rooster animal spirit. Mornings Glory plant spirit. Citrine stone spirit.
Words: Tomorrow, I will wake up at XX:XX AM/PM. So mote it be.
Description: Use this instant spell to set your internal alarm clock, your bodies physical rhythms to get up on time. I don’t use it every day, but when I do use it, it works! I hate getting up early, and usually work late. I hate the sound of alarm clocks and worry about being up on time when I need to get up, to get to an appointment or catch a plane.
When I need to get up at a specific time, I use this spell. Lie down in bed, get into my meditative state. I feel my physical body and its rhythms. Then I visualize an alarm clock, traditional or digital, at the time I desire to wake. I say my affirmation three times, specifying the time. I make sure I specify AM or PM, and that it is tomorrow for which I set my alarm clock. Then I go to sleep and let my body and inner consciousness wake me up one time. If you are unsure this will work, feel free to set your physical alarm clock a few minutes later, just to make sure you are up. Once you have had success with it, your confidence in the technique will grow and you will no longer need a back up.
Animal Communication
Intention: To send and receive information between you and an animal, usually domesticated.
Colors: Blue, Brown
Triplicy: Mutable
Element: Air, Earth
Chakra: Belly, Throat
Planet: Mercury, Earth, Moon
Entities: Many deities are associated with specific animal allies, while others are patrons of the entire animal kingdom. Many suitable gods include Artemis, Diana, Cybele, Heckate, Athena, Bast, Sehkmet, Innana, Rhiannon, Freyja, Frigga, Cerridwen, Pan, Poseidon, Faunus, Mercury, Hermes, Anubis, Thor, Odin, Freyr, and Indra. The archangel of communication is Raphael. Saint Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals. The animal spirit of the particular animal with whom you wish to communicate. Lapis and Turquoise stone spirits. Catnip plant spirit.
Words: I hear and speak the wisdom of the animal world.
Description: Mages, witches and shamans are known for their link to the animal world, being able to empathize and communicate with animals. You don’t hat have to be a fully initiated shaman to connect with a loved pet, but this technique can help you have greater, clear communication, both with domesticated animals and those you might safely encounter in the wild.
While holding your trigger, take a few deep breaths and focus your attention on the animal in question. Imagine a link of blue light connecting the two of you. The connecting line can be through the air, or though the land beneath you. It is important not to think of the connection as too projective or threatening, rather a soft and steady connection to the animal.
Imagine this as your “phone” line, translating your communications back and forth. Think your message in words, or better yet, in pictures. Allow the response to come to you. It too might be words or pictures. Animals, particularly wild ones, don’t recognize the words we use, but our psyche can seem to translate the message into ways we understand. I’ve had full fledged conversations with insects as well as four legged friends.
When done, say farewell and imagine the energetic link dissolving away harmless.
Astral Wind
Intention: Cleansing, Healing
Colors: Blue, White
Triplicy: Cardinal
Element: Air
Chakra: Throat
Planet: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus
Entities: All deities of the sky and storm, including Uranus, Zeus, Jupiter, Hera, Juno, Hecate, Amon-Ra, Nuit, Shu, Enlil, Inanna, Marduk, Indra, Shiva, Tyr, Thor, Odin, Freyja, Tarranis, Gwydion, Dagda, Nuada and Arianrhod. Raphael is the archangels of Mercury, Tzadkiel of Jupiter and Uriel is often associated with Uranus. Paralda, the elemental king of Air. Sky animals such as Eagle and hawk.
Words: I summon the astral wind to cleanse and clear.
Description: I first learned this technique from a magical healer. She would summon a current of astral energy, an astral wind, to cleanse the body or to cleanse a space. Since that session, I have tried it myself with wonderful results.
The effect is very easy to accomplish. You are simply calling the patterns of change that are already present on the energetic planes. When you perform your trigger and attract a wind, I usually experience as coming from behind me, and blowing all unwanted energies, either from my body, or from the space around me, away and off my future path.
The astral wind is particular effective for removing unwanted energies on the emotional and mental realms, including stress, tension, anger and the residue of emotions left from conflicts in the home or office.
Banish Illness
Intention: Removing all forces that are causing a physical illness, such as bacteria, viruses and malignant cells
Colors: Red, Red-Orange, Black, White, potentially any color that suits you.
Triplicy: Mutable
Element: All
Chakra: Root for physical illness, though theoretically all chakras, as the chakras closest to the afflicted body part are also part of the healing process.
Planet: Mars, Saturn, Moon, Mercury
Entities: All deities of healing and medicine, such as Sekmet, Isis, Bast, Thoth, Anubis, Imhotep, Apollo, Asclepius, Athena, Minerva, Hermes, Mercury, Hygeia, Pan, Gaia, Rudra, Shiva, Quan Yin, Bridget, Cernunnos, Bel, Dagda, Diancecht, Gwydion, Nuada and Merlin. Raphael is the archangel of healing, known as the physician. St. Luke is the patron saint of physicians. Our Lady of Lourdes is also known to heal bodily ills. Various herb and stone spirits, depending on the illness.
Words: I immediately banish all illness, with ease, grace and gentleness
Description: This instant spell is used to draw out the cause of an illness, much like drawing poison from a wound or bite. It may not literally draw out an illness, but it remove the etheric or astral energy of bacteria, virus particles, malignant cells, parasites, poisons or any other unwanted invader. Without the energetic imprint, the particles easily collapse and are healed by the immune system. I’ve even used it to banish excess alcohol after an evening of festivities before a hang over can occur.
Once tuned in to your body or the body of the recipient, though the use of your meditative trigger, hold the intention of finding the unwanted illness. If visual, you might perceive it as specks of dark colored light in the body. You could literally see it with your psychic eye, or see symbolic equivalents, such as sluggish microscopic monsters for malignant cells. You might feel or hear a discordant vibration in the overall sound of the body. However you perceive it, bring your attention to the invader. Outside of the body, create an illness magnet, a small ball of light that naturally attracts the illness. Imagine all of the particles gently flowing out of the body, through the pores, causing no damage on their exit. They gather outside of the body, around your self created magnet.
Once you have drawn out all the particles, banish them. You can use a banishing pentagram drawn over them, imagine them burning in fire and scattering the ashes in the astral wind, ground them into the earth to be recycled or send them into the heart of the Sun.
You can finish the process off and stimulate the immune system by using something similar to Gaia’s Fire (See below).
Clear Sky
Intention: Mental Clarity
Colors: Blue, White, Yellow
Triplicy: Mutable
Element: Air
Chakra: Throat
Planet: Mercury
Entities: All air and sky deities including Uranus, Zeus, Jupiter, Hera, Juno, Hermes, Mercury Amon-Ra, Nuit, Shu, Enlil, Inanna, Indra, Odin, Gwydion, and Arianrhod. Raphael is the archangels of Mercury and the element of Air. Paralda, the elemental king of Air. Ascended Master Kuthumi. Stones such as amethyst, kyanite, lapis lazuli and turquoise. Angelica and peppermint plant spirit.
Words: My mind is completely clear, relaxed and peaceful.
Description: Use this technique for mental clarity, for when your mind is running wild and racing with thoughts, preventing you from being present and focused.
With your trigger, take a few deep breaths. Imagine your mind like a stormy sky. If you are mentally agitated, it is filled with clouds. If you are emotionally agitated, it could be filled with rain, thunder and lightening, showing the mix of mind and emotion through the symbolic mixing of air and water.
Through an internal practice of “cloud busting” focus your intention on one cloud and one cloud only. Use your will to break it apart. The unwanted thought associated with that cloud is neutralized as well, at least for the time being. Don’t focus on what the cloud represents, but the cloud image itself. If you don’t see the cloud clearly because you are too scattered, know it is there, dissolving away. Work on your inner sky, one cloud at a time, focusing your mind on the task at hand, simultaneously bringing peace, clarity and greater awareness.
Computer Alignment
Intention: Magically improving the function of computers and other office equipment
Colors: Blue, White, Gray, Yellow
Triplicy: Mutable to adapt to new situation, Fixed to stabilize working order
Element: Air
Chakra: Throat, Third Eye, Solar Plexus
Planet: Mercury, Uranus
Entities: Deities of technology and innovation, including Prometheus, Athena, Minerva, Haephastus, Vulcan, Ptah, Khnemu, Thoth, Ea, Viskvakrma, Bridgit, Lugh, Diancecht, Goibnui, Weiland, and Merlin. Though Raphael is the archangel of Mercury, Gabriel, archangel of the Moon, is known as the messenger. Uriel is associated with Uranus, the planet ruling innovative technology and electricity. Saint Isidore of Seville is known by some as the patron of computer and internet users. Ascended master Hilarion.
Words: This (name the equipment) immediately works perfectly
Description: When I had an office job, I found myself strangely enough in charge of the computer system of the small office, even though I had no computer administration experience. I was just good at figuring things out, and soon found my job encompassing computers along with my usual assignments. I got my reputation for being a computer whiz by using magick. When all else failed, I would use a little instant spell to get things going again. It didn’t always work, but it did work enough times to truly teach me that magick can affect everything, including technology, even if many traditionalist disagreed. I started to evolve a paradigm that looked at computer as extensions of the spirits of information. When treated as such, they would often respond just like other spirit allies.
There is no simple way to explain this process. Each computer, each system, and each situation is different. Basically using your trigger, you envision the system working, performing whatever function it will not currently perform. I usually shut down the system, get into a light meditative state, and then envision myself operating the machine exactly how I want it to work. Sometimes I would imagine it surrounded in a blue or white light, or even an electric blue, to represent all the electrical links being made correctly. Then I wait a few more minutes, perhaps get a drink, come back and turn it back on. Strangely enough, suddenly it works, with no explanation. I usually thank the spirit animating the computer for its hard work
Cosmic Telephone
Intention: To contact someone psychically
Colors: Blue, Purple, Orange, Yellow
Triplicy: Cardinal
Element: Air, Spirit
Chakra: Throat, Third Eye, Crown
Planet: Mercury
Entities: Deities of communication such as Athena, Minerva, Hermes, Mercury, Thoth, Seshat, Anubis, Ea, Nabu, Sarasvati, Agni, Ganesha, Brigit, Ogma, Odin, Taliesin and Merlin. Gabriel is the archangel messenger. Paralda, the elemental king of Air. The animal spirits of Blue Jay, Crow and Raven. Plant spirits of Daffodil and Peppermint. Stone spirits of Kayanite, Lapis Lazuli and Turquoise.
Words: I am sending a message to (recipient’s name)
Description: Cosmic telephone is one of my favorite instant magick spells. I primarily use it when I have lost touch with a friend or colleague and want to contact them, but don’t know how. I don’t use it in place of traditional communication methods like the phone or email. We do this trick all the time. If you have ever thought of someone, and reminded yourself you have to contact that person and suddenly the phone rings and it’s the person you were just thinking of, then you have had a cosmic telephone synchronicity.
With your trigger held, or in a deeper meditative state, think about the recipient of your message. Say their name in your mind. Visualize them in your mind’s eye. Connect in whatever way you feel is appropriate. Once you feel connected, simply think your message, usually something like, “please call me.” Imagine them receiving the message before you come out of your meditative state. Then allow them to make contact.
Be sure your intention is not to force or compel the recipient to contact you. If they have chosen consciously not to, for whatever reason, you must respect that. You can only send the suggestion, not a command, or you would be violating the ethics most magical practitioners carry.
Direct Communication
Intention: Enhances communication between you and another person, on all levels.
Colors: Blue, Orange
Triplicy: Mutable
Element: Air
Chakra: Throat, Belly
Planet: Mercury
Entities: Deities of communication such as Athenea, Minerva, Hermes, Mercury, Thoth, Seshat, Anubis, Ea, Nabu, Sarasvati, Agni, Ganesha, Brigit, Ogma, Odin, Taliesin and Merlin. Gabriel is the archangel messenger. Paralda, the elemental king of Air. The animal spirits of Blue Jay, Crow and Raven. Plant spirits of Daffodil and Peppermint. Stone spirits of Kayanite, Lapis Lazuli and Turquoise.
Words: I am speaking and listening clearly.
Description: Many people have difficulties in communication because they are only focusing on one half of the process. Some struggle to be heard, and focus so much on expressing themselves, they are not listening to the other. Others focus on listening and responding to the other, they never express their own feelings on the subject at hand. We often react to the other’s words, rather than digest them and respond. In the heat of the moment, we process the exchange on all the subtle levels. Communication entails our words, but also our subtle energy. As our middle selves speak, we are also exchanging information on the higher and lower realms simultaneously. This magick can help us more consciously process our communication.
Whenever entering a conversation of importance with another, from business meeting to potential personal argument, take the time to tune into your subtle energy. Use your trigger. If the person is open to magick, you can do it together. If not, or its not appropriate to bring up the subject of magick and spirituality, then do so silently. I call upon my higher selves and my highest guides and deities to be with me, as well as the higher self and guides of the person with whom I am communicating. Then I imagine a beam of energy connecting us—not chaining or linking us in an unhealthy way, but a temporary line of communication opening, like opening a phone line. While in this conversation, I not only use my logic and reason, but pay attention to my empathy and intuition to make my decisions and choose my words. I pause, feeling no rush, when responding, so I don’t react, or worse yet, over react. I respond to the situation. Sometimes the ideal is not met, but the process is definitely helpful.
When done, I thank and release those I have evoked and imagine the line gently dissolving away.
Dream Walking
Intention: Lucid Dreaming, Dream Communication with others
Colors: Blue, Purple, White, Silver
Triplicy: Mutable
Element: Water
Chakra: Belly, Third Eye
Planet: Moon
Entities: Deities of dreaming, such as Morpheus, Phoebetor, Phantasus, Gaia, Selene, Isis, Osiris, Asclepius, Lilith and Chandra. Archangel Gabriel, as the angel of the Moon. Angel Asariel . Niksa, the elemental king of water. Animal spirits of dolphin and lizard. Plant spirits Chamomile, Juniper, St. John’s Wort and Valerian. Moonstone stone spirit.
Words: I am dreaming consciously.
Description: Dreamwalking is an act of instant magick to do before bed, to create clear, conscious, lucid dreams. It is particularly powerful for those who have difficult and disturbing dreams to take some measure of self control and empowerment in the dream state.
While in bed, through the use of your trigger, consciously program yourself to awaken in your dream, to realize it is a dream and to have control over it. You can repeat the affirmation and do petitions to spiritual entities, but I find imagining myself in a place of power, or near an unusual and startling object, is a great way to “awaken” my dream self. I imagine myself at the top of a castle tower for a place of power. For an unusual object, I rarely dream about balloons, so programming myself to be holding a bunch of pink balloons triggers my mind to remember this strange command, and know that it is a dream. Then, once in a lucid state, I can more consciously guide the dream and take control when needed. Even in situations I cannot completely control, I can use my imagination to prevent and fear or potential harm. I think it’s good not to banish disturbing images and scenes immediately, until you understand them, but you don’t have to react to them in fear. You can create shields around you, become invisible, immaterial or anything else you can imagine. It is your dream.
Deeper states of dream walking can occur between people with a strong emotional or psychic link. Don’t enter into this process lightly, but if you feel drawn to do it, you can “send” dreams to others, giving them a message, often in much more detail than the previous “cosmic telephone” though you run the risk of the longer message being misunderstood or garbled if the recipient is not versed in dream magick and mental clarity. Intimate groups, such as covens and lodges can do dream work together, having group dreams and journeys for magick, ritual, healing and self discovery of the group identity.
Electromagnetic Protection
Intention: Protecting energetically sensitive items from electromagnetic scanning devices.
Colors: white
Triplicy: fixed
Element: fire, earth
Chakra: crown, third eye, root
Planet: Saturn, Sun
Entities: Protection deities, including Athena, Minerva, Hecate, Hera, Juno, Artemis, Diana, Zeus, Jupiter, Isis, Hathor, Anubis, Hathor, Bast, Selqet, Horus, Inanna, Sin, Ninurta, Indra, Thor, Odin, Dagda, Cerenunnos, Herne, Macha, Freyr, Tyr, Heimdall and Thor. The four Archangels of the Watchtowers, particularly Michael and Uriel. Ascended master Hilarion.
Words: These items (name them) are complete protected from all harmful energy.
Description: As I continue to travel and teach, I use this magick to protect any important ritual tools for the disruptive energy that is found when one goes through major airport security screening, such as X-rays. When I travel with ritual tools, tarot cards, crystals or flower essences, I perform this spell. Much like Psychic Shield, imagine the object you wish to protect encased in a sphere. This sphere can be complete opaque though. You don’t have to let any energy in and out as you would in the crystalline sphere of a traditional protection shield. It will protect the magickal intentions you have consecrated your ritual tools. When your travels are over, imagine the opaque shield dissolving away.
Intention: To Keep a Cleansed Space Purified
Colors: White, Gold, Yellow, Orange, Red
Triplicy: Cardinal
Element: Fire
Chakra: Root, Belly, Solar Plexus
Planet: Mars, Pluto
Entities: Deities of purification, like Artemis, Diana, Hera, Juno, Hecate, Isis, Horus, and Bel. Michael as the archangel of fire, while Samael is the archangel of Mars. Angel Cassiel and archangel Samael. King Djinn of the element of Fire. Any totem animal spirits, but in particular Crab, Crow, Dog, Porcupine, Turtle and Wolf. Plant spirits aconite, angelica, basil, blackberry, cinquefoil, lavender, mandrake, mugwort, rose, vervain, vinca and yarrow. Stone spirits fluorite, garnet, jasper and turquoise.
Words: I charge this gateway to neutralize all the unwanted, inappropriate energies of anyone who passes through it.
Description: I created this spell for when I am doing public workshops and rituals. Usually before doing any magical work, even a simple lecture, I like to cleanse a space. I will cleanse it with incense or pure visualization (See Violet Flame below). But many times I do not have the opportunity, nor would it be appropriate, to smudge each individual who enters the room. Everybody carries their own energies with them, and sometimes one person having a bad day, who cannot put that energy aside for the event at hand, or one person with an attitude, can imbalance an entire group. Often cleanse the space will help a person be uplifted when they enter, but other times, they bring that energy into the space and there is not a lot anyone can do.
To prevent this from happening, I would cleanse the space normally, and then draw a banishing pentagram over the entrances to the room, surrounded by a counter clockwise circle, tracing the doorframe so in reality it would look more like a five pointed star in a rectangle than a traditional pentacle. I would imagine the image like a spider’s web, or a mesh net over the door. The web would allow all balanced energy to pass through, but will hold back imbalanced, harmful energy, absorb it and neutralize it. I would imagine a line from the bottom of the rectangle down through to the flood and into the earth, to ground unwanted energy so it would not harm anybody else.
When I did this trick, I found in general I had much more balanced, pleasant experiences than when I didn’t do it, so it became a standard part of my space preparation. Long time students even commented on feeling something different than usual, but they weren’t sure what.
It didn’t necessarily solve any long term problems for the individual, but provided a stable environment for my presentations and rituals. I use it in my office and even my home when having a social gathering. I’ve found no need to banish and dismantle the construct, as it will eventually face, usually by the end of the evening.
Gaia’s Fire
Intention: Physical Healing
Colors: Green, Blue
Triplicy: All
Element: Earth
Chakra: Root, but potentially all chakras.
Planet: Earth
Entities: Gaia—Mother Earth, and all deities that embody the Earth, such as Demeter, Ceres, Cybele, Tellus Mater, Isis, Inanna, Freyja, Modron and Danu.
Words: I am completely healthy.
Description: Gaia’s Fire is a method used to heal the body and reduce pain. It’s particularly useful after immediate minor injuries or flare ups of older injuries. Working with earth energy, both the element and the planet, it taps into the primal renewing energy of the planet which resonates with our physical bodies, made of the Earth. The healing energy manifests as a green flame engulfing the body, “burning” away all injury, returning your body to its primal, uninjured pattern. It helps to have a strong relationship with the Earth Goddess and to do this spell with her permission and blessing.
Sit comfortably, ideally with either the souls of your feet, or the base of your spine on the ground. Contact with the ground stimulates the connection to Earth energy. Even if you are indoors or on an upper floor, the position still facilitates the connection.
Enter your meditative state. Create a link from your body down into the Earth, like dropping an anchor. Imagine it connecting deep into the planet. Feel this line of energy act like a straw, and draw up the healing energies of the planet. As it enters your body, it ignites as green fire. The fire dissolves away your illnesses and injuries. The energy physically rejuvenates you. Feel the fire flow through your body and escape through the skin as it ignites. You are releasing energy as you draw up more. The exchange releases the energy of pain and injury and will stimulate rapid healing.
Do this for at least two minutes. You can hold it as long as you can concentrate and your intuition guides you. It doesn’t take long to make a lasting effect. I normally do no more than ten minutes. When you are done, stop drawing the energy up. Thank Mother Earth. Let the remaining energy within you burn. Count up from your meditative state and ground as needed. Notice the healing change in your body.
You can do this spell for others when they desire to be healthy and give you permission. If possible, guide them through it as a meditation. If not, have them repeat the affirmation while you move the energy.
Golden Thread
Intention: Finding Lost Objects
Colors: Gold—any color will actually work, though gold or green are the traditional colors of attraction.
Triplicy: Mutable
Element: Water, Earth
Chakra: Heart
Planet: Venus
Entities: Deities of attraction, such as Aphrodite, Venus, Isis, Hathor, Inanna, Ishtar, Astarte, Freyja and Branwen. Haniel as the archangel of Venus. St. Anthony of Padua, as the patron saint of lost objects. Animal spirits eagle, hawk and falcon, for keen eyesight and the ability to see things from above.
Words: I immediately locate (fill in the object).
Description: This spell was first taught to me by a traditional witch. Since then I’ve used it to find things when I misplace them. While using your trigger, imagine the object that is missing tied with a gold thread. Imagine the other end of the gold thread in your hand. “Pull” on the psychic thread and visualize the object coming to you. Then go looking for your lost item. A parent has told me that it also works for misplaced children.
Intention: Bringing Personal Energy and Focus to the Material World.
Colors: Earth tones—black, brown, tan, rust
Triplicy: Fixed
Element: Earth
Chakra: Root
Planet: Earth, Saturn
Entities: Earth deities such as Gaia, Tellus Mater, Cybele, Demeter, Ceres, Persephone, Proserpina, Chronos, Saturn, Pan, Seb, Osiris, Ea, Enlil, Dumuzi, Inanna, Nerthus, Freyja, Frey, Cernunnos, Danu, Modron and Danu. Earth elementals, including the King of Earth Elementals, Ghob. Sandolphan, archangel of Earth. Spirit animal of snake and turtle. Plant spirits of Dandelion and stone spirits Garnet and Malachite.
Words: I am fully grounded. I am fully present.
Description: Ground simply means anchoring yourself to the physical, earthy plane. When we meditate and journey, we are naturally ungrounded and have to bring awareness back to function in the world. High energy rituals, such as the magick circle, can often cause one to be ungrounded. The circle exists between the worlds and focused the participants attention between the worlds. The energy of the ritual can charge individuals, and part of the grounding process is to release excess energy that is not appropriate for material world functioning, into the land. This is also called grounding or “earthing” the energy. It allows the practitioner to come back to the world more easily. Often eating or drinking something, the traditional cakes and ale, or feasting in the pagan world, can ground. When you are digesting something, your energy is concentrating on the physical process and can bring you back to the physical world. Ungrounding also occurs involuntarily during shock and trauma. Your energy and spirit find the body to uncomfortable or even painful to be, and partially leave the body, creating a state of ungrounded-ness. Some people are more naturally ungrounded, often described as flighty, and need these techniques when having to focus on material concerns.
Grounding is more of a basic life skill than an instant magick spell, but when framed in terms of a spell, it can be more effective for some people. If you have to ground yourself, it can be difficult under certain circumstances, but if you think of it like all other acts of magick, all other shifts of consciousness, and evoke the powers of a planet, chakra or deity, you can have greater success. You are automatically evoking those qualities within you, but thinking of the planet Saturn or the color brown can be the focus to truly get you grounded. You can also apply the principles of a spell to help another ground. Teachers of metaphysical classes are often called upon to help students ground after difficult experiences. Partially they are guiding the student’s consciousness into self-grounding, but at times they are also guiding the student’s energy to ground when the student is not aware.
Many grounding technique exist using the correspondences above. Some simply will themselves back. Most techniques include body movement, to bring the body back to awareness. Pressing down your feet activates earth awareness. If you press down with your hands, or bend over and release excess energy, you are earthing it and coming back to material awareness. This is traditional after ritual. Some kneel down in a reverent bowing fashion, imagining the energy is pouring from the hands and crown. Visually you can imagine a beam of light descending from the root chakra into the earth like an anchor. Some of my friend describe it as tying down a balloon. You can visualize the legs as roots that dig deep into the earth, anchoring your like a tree or strong plant. Some imagine sinking into the sand to get grounded. If all else fails, eating something will usually bring your energy back to the body.
Intention: To make you, someone or something else less noticeable, particularly less noticeable by those you wish to avoid.
Colors: Black, White, All colors
Triplicy: Mutable
Element: Water
Chakra: Third Eye, Crown
Planet: Neptune
Entities: Hermes, Mercury, Hades, Gwydion, Loki and Odin. Archangel Gabriel and elemental King Niska. Some of the Goetic spirits confer the gifts of invisibility, but I suggest not working with them unless you are well versed in ceremonial magick. Animal spirit of Coyote and Fox.
Words: I am completely invisible from all those I wish to avoid.
Description: Invisibility spells don’t really make anyone literally invisible. They help you energetically blend in with the environment so that others take less notice of you. Think of it as a magical camouflage spell. You can use it to prevent attracting attention when you want to maintain a low profile. When I perform this spell, while holding my instant magick trigger, I imagine a ring of light around me, much like casting a magick circle, but this ring is bending light around me, making me blend in with the surroundings, as if I am “wearing” the colors of everything around me. You can put out the intention of being invisible to a certain person, group or segment of the population. I cast this invisibility ring around my car and ask to be protected from all police officers who wish to pull me over and ticket me, and I ask this be for the highest good, harming none.
Iron Will
Intention: Perseverance in Difficult Situations
Colors: Black, White, Red
Triplicy: Fixed
Element: Earth, Fire
Chakra: Root, Solar Plexus, Heart, Crown
Planet: Mars, Saturn
Entities: Any deity known for its will power and strength, including Ares, Mars, Prometheus, Ra, Isis, Osiris, Horus, Set, Durga, Odin, Rhiannon, Pywll, Morrighan and Lugh. Archangel Michael and Samael, King Djinn, and all fire elements. Stone spirits of Citrine, Garnet and Ruby.
Words: I am strong. I am powerful. I am persevering.
Description: Magick can be used to strengthen our personal will. The exploration of magic is the exploration of will, and if you apply yourselves to a disciplined magical practice, you will find your natural will expanding. You will find yourself capable of things you did not imagine of yourself, including feats of physical and metal fortitude. Many of the yogic and marital art traditions build the spiritual/magical will through physical feats and tests. Early in my practice I never linked those teaching to magick, but as I continued by a tradition of witchcraft and yoga, I noticed how my magical will allowed me to succeed at physical tests that I felt were beyond me. In truth, they were mental feats, not physical ones. I only had to overcome my doubts to get in touch with my power. Magick and the martial arts teach us a certain detachment, learning that our body, mind, heart and even will are extension of the true self, they are the tools of the magician warrior, things the true self own. We are not solely our body, mind, heart or will. We are something vast and beyond it. That is why the pentacle, blade, cup and wand are the four tools of the magician.
By tapping into that solid warrior strength you can preserve in difficulty mental, emotional and physical situations. In the more dire situations, you can use it to endure pain, illness and injury, and allowing yourself to respond in a balanced way, rather than panicking. It doesn’t mean you ignore the problem, but you respond in the best way possible, rather than react foolishly. We can endure less dire situations of family difficulties. Anytime I need to fortify myself, I try this technique.
I imagine myself in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual perfection, my idealized self. I often feel like I am transformed by the spiritual fires into a clear, shiny metallic or stone being. I am solid, stable and eternal. I identify with the solid core, the divine self, rather than the fluid wave of physical sensations, mental thoughts, feelings and desires.
When I am done my challenging situation, I imagine the same spiritual forces returning me back to a more normal state of consciousness and ground myself as needed.
Parking Space
Intention: To find an open parking space near the door of wherever you are going.
Colors: Blue, Orange
Triplicy: Cardinal, Mutable
Element: Earth, Air
Chakra: Third Eye
Planet: Jupiter, Mercury
Entities: Hermes, Mercury, Artemis, Diana, Hercules, Janus, Anubis, Thor and Lugh.
Words: I have an open parking space exactly where I want, waiting for me when I arrive at (fill in the location).
Description: This is by far my favorite instant magick spell because it was my first. The continued success of this spell under many circumstances made me a true believer in both magick and the practicality of magick in daily life. While holding your instant trigger, visualize a parking space wherever you are going, near the door. Imagine yourself pulling your car into it. Or call upon whatever powers and correspondences that you can use to connect you to that space. You can imagine blue or orange light guiding you to the space, or your connection to a spirit holding the space for you. It might seem silly or trivial, but magick is a practical art and can be applied in all aspects of life.
Plant Communication
Intention: Communication with the Spirit of Plants
Colors: Green, Blue
Triplicy: Mutable
Element: Earth, Air
Chakra: Belly, Heart, Throat
Planet: Mercury, Venus
Entities: Deities of Nature, including Gaia, Tellus Mater, Pan, Artemis, Diana, Cybele, Hecate, Athena, Minerva, Faunus, Dionysus, Bacchus, Damuzzi, Vajrapani, Frey, Cernunnos, Blodeuwedd, Ceridwen and Merlin. Stone spirit of moss agate.
Words: I am in communion with the plant world.
Description: Echoing the magick of Animal Communication above, Plant Communication uses the same skills, if through slightly different channels, to resonate with the plant world. Herbs, flowers and trees are filled with consciousness, and their consciousness is willing to communicate and partner with us if we only listen to it. Modern thought would have us believe a lot of our herbal knowledge is trial and error, but any spiritual herbalist, from any tradition or place in the world, will tell you that the plant want to be involved in our lives, and will tell us their properties if we would listen to them.
My first experiences with plants were quite startling. Through workshops involving plant spirits and their magical and medicinal uses, I learned how to “communicate” with a plant, simply by getting into proximity with it, getting into a light meditative state and having a firm intention and receptivity to its message. The Yarrow flower told me its use as a flower essence, and though it used different worlds, I could corroborate its information in a book with what other flower essence practitioners believe yarrow’s properties are. Since then I’ve had lots of information for both medicine and magick come through the green world. Some is corroborated in traditions, and some may be just for me and my practice.
Messages can come in words, pictures and feelings within your body. All are ways to commune with the plant. You can imagine colored lights encompassing you both, beams of light connecting you, or do simple rituals and evocations to connect. I’ve found it quite easy to just sit and meditate near a plant or tree and have its world open up to me, with no formal technique or ritual.
A lot of confusion and concern is around exactly who is communicating. People use the words devas, faeries, nature spirits, elementals and plants spirits, sometimes synonymously. The exploration of the green world is a bit vast for this book, but this magick focuses on the living consciousness of a particular plant, what I will call its plant spirit. The plant spirit not only contains information regarding its particularly species, and its medicinal or magical uses, as well as that particular plant’s needs and concerns. It is through this work you will know if a plant needs more water, light, fertilizers, or is happy with its current situation. I think such communications are the first steps in building a green relationship. Then you can dive deeper into the esoteric information regarding the plant world.
Like any conversation, when done, thank the plant and release or reverse any techniques you used to get into communion with it, closing the space. I simply thank it and say good bye.
Intention: Protection on All Levels
Colors: Crystaline White, Purple, Violet, Deep Blue
Triplicy: All Three
Element: All
Chakra: All, but particularly the root, solar plexus, heart and crown
Planet: Saturn, Mars
Entities: Deities of Protection, including Athena, Minerva, Hecate, Hera, Juno, Artemis, Diana, Zeus, Jupiter, Isis, Hathor, Anubis, Hathor, Bast, Selqet, Horus, Inanna, Sin, Ninurta, Indra, Thor, Odin, Dagda, Cerenunnos, Herne, Freyr, Tyr, Heimdall, Michael as the archangel of fire, while Samael is the archangel of Mars. Angel Cassiel and archangel Samael. King Djinn of the element of Fire. Any totem animal spirits, but in particular Crab, Crow, Dog, Porcupine, Turtle and Wolf. Plant spirits aconite, angelica, basil, blackberry, cinquefoil, lavender, mandrake, mugwort, rose, vervain, vinca and yarrow. Stone spirits fluorite, garnet, jasper and turquoise. Ascended masters El Moyra and Sananda.
Words: I am completely protected on all levels.
Description: Like grounding, psychic shielding is a basic life technique that we all use, consciously or unconsciously. Our energy field, our aura, creates a boundary of protection for us, our personal space. When we consciously engage the energy around us, we can create an even more effective personal protection shield.
Get into a light meditative state and be aware of the energy around you. Feel yourself encompassed by a sphere or egg shape of energy. This is your aura. Be aware of the boundary around your aura. Using your imagination and will, transform the edge of the aura into a crystalline shield of light, translucent and prismatic. Charge it will your protection mantra, “I am completely protected on all levels.” Repeat as many times as you need to feel confident in your shield. It will block out harmful energy, and allow what you need and want to pass through the shield. When visualized with only opaque white light, it can create a feeling of being closed in psychically, not allowing anything in our out. For physical dangers, it will not necessarily stop them. Don’t expect to be invulnerable to physical blows. It can act as part of your early warning system, using your intuition to help guide you out of harm’s way. Reestablish the shield often to make it stronger.
Once you feel confident in making your shield, you can extend your talents to create shield around your home, office or car, simply by crystalizing and programming the energy around the object or location. Everything has an aura, and can be used to create a zone of psychic safety and protection.
Intention: Psychically Viewing the Past, Present or Future
Colors: All, but blue, indigo, purple and violet are very effective
Triplicy: All, depending on when your target is—mutable would be future, fixed is the past and cardinal would most likely be the present.
Element: Water
Chakra: Belly, Third Eye
Planet: Jupiter, Neptune
Entities: Deities of fate and prophecy, such as the Norns or Moirai, Fortuna, Janus, Gaia, Apollo, Maat, Odin and the archangels Ratziel and Tzaphkiel. Ascended master Hilarion. Animal spirit snake. Stone spirits amethyst and moonstone.
Words: I am seeing psychically into the past/present/future.
Description: Scrying, sometimes spelled Skrying, is the art of gazing to induce mystical vision. Traditionally one scrys into a reflective surface or some sort, like a crystal ball, polished mirror or still body of water. Scrying can also be done in whispy smoke, blazing fire or simply staring off into the corner of the room. While in a trance state, the shapes and reflections offer symbolic suggestions that can be interpreted, much like gazing at clouds. If you ask a yes or no question, and see a “Y” or a “+” sign, the answer would be affirmative. Images reminiscent of a crown can indicate power or authority. A flower could indicate issues of love and relationship. A ship, plane or car could indicate travel. Animals all have their own unique animal medicine messages cover in detail within other books. Each image carries its own meaning, to be interpreted by the scryer. A knowledge of mythology, magick, alchemy, tarot or any esoteric art expands your knowledge and ability to interpret universal symbols.
This act of scrying instant magick is the first I learned, and really requires no tools, or even the use of outer vision. Get into a meditative state, and using your will and psychic energy—create a reflective surface. When I initially learned it, the surface was a rectangular gem imbedded in the left hand. Later, I created a mirror out of silver liquid in front of me. The benefit of an inner scrying device is that the images can be more literal and often clearer than the flashes and shadows from traditional tools, at least initially. Working with traditional tools can develop a strong detailed sight, but I often prefer the inner scrying to answer my direct questions.
Once you have created your inner scrying device (which you can also do in your Inner Temple, see Chapter Six), ask whatever questions you have and let the images take form. They will most often be symbolic and have to be interpreted, but some answers could be literal.
When done, deconstruct your scrying object, returning it back to the basic elements from which you created it. Bring yourself out of the meditative state and ground as necessary.
Intention: To Induce Restful Sleep
Colors: Blue, Indigo, Black
Triplicy: Fixed, Mutable
Element: Water
Chakra: Third Eye
Planet: Neptune
Entities: Deities of sleep and dreams, including Hypnos, Morpheus, Phoebetor, Phantasus. Plant spirits chamomile and valerian.
Words: I am sleeping peacefully.
Description: Even with all my meditative training and practice, one of the biggest problems I have is difficulty falling asleep. Since sleep is something that must be surrendered to, I have a hard time letting go and relaxing my mental focus. I’m much better at it now, thanks to this spell.
While in bed and feeling restless, I simply count down into a meditative state. I made my petitions to the gods of sleep and dreams, and imagine a deep indigo mist rising around my bed. I know the mist is empowered to bring deep, restful sleep. As it surrounds me, I imagine breathing it in. Each breath brings me to a more peaceful state, until I doze off in a deep cloud of rest.
Usually this works quite well. The only complaint I’ve had from some who I have shared it with is that they have difficulty waking up in the morning. It can be combined with the Alarm Clock instant spell.
Spider’s Web
Intention: Creates stability in chaotic environments
Colors: White, Grey
Triplicy: Fixed
Element: Earth
Chakra: Root
Planet: Saturn
Entities: Spider Grandmother, Arachne, Athena, Minerva and Arianrhod. Animal spirit spider.
Words: I create order and structure in the environment around me.
Description: I have an affinity for the magick of spiders and webs. I love the patterns and structure to the shape of the web. Though my relationship with my spider totem, I learned this technique to bring structure to chaotic situations. I don’t use it often, since chaos is often needed, but if things seem energetically out of control, particularly in large groups such as parties, meetings and public rituals, this can help even out the energy.
Calling upon spider spirit with my instant magick trigger, I imagine a “psychic” web being weaved from the center of the room to its edges. The web is charged with a solid, stable, fixed energy that brings everyone to center, calms harsh emotions and puts everyone and everything in the proper place for the bigger picture, the bigger pattern. It doesn’t always last long, and if people have decided to cause conflict, nothing you do can prevent that, but the effect often creates a safe space to take a peaceful breath, clear your head and sort out any difficulties that have arisen.
Usually I don’t deconstruct the web, but let it dissolve naturally, much like a spider’s own web.
If you don’t feel an affinity to spider, you might try this effect through other means. I hope it inspires you to new acts of instant magick, calling upon the individual gifts of your animal spirit guides.
Spirit Bandage
Intention: For long term healing, to keep healing energies flowing even when you cannot focus on the healing.
Colors: Green, Gold
Triplicy: Mutable
Element: All
Chakra: Root, Heart, all chakras
Planet: Mercury
Entities: All deities of healing such as Sekmet, Isis, Bast, Thoth, Anubis, Imhotep, Apollo, Asclepius, Athena, Minerva, Hermes, Mercury, Hygeia, Pan, Gaia, Rudra, Shiva, Quan Yin, Bridget, Cernunnos, Bel, Dagda, Diancecht, Gwydion, Nuada, Merlin and archangel Raphael. Ascended master St. Germaine.
Words: Every moment I’m growing more and more healthy
Description: Through this spell, I imagine myelf being wrapped up in bands of healing energy, much like the bandages of a mummy. If I have an injury or affliction, I put the bandage around that specific area. If I am working on any mental-emotional-spiritual healing, or an overall illness, I imagine the bandages mummifying me completely, soaking my body with healing. I find this technique particularly helpful when I’m going to bed. When I wake up, I’m feeling much better, as if my healing ritual continued throughout the night.
Spirit Gate
Intention: Opens a Temporary Gateway Between Worlds
Colors: Any color, though I usually use blue and purple
Triplicy: Mutable
Element: Depends on the gate, but usually Water works best because of its association with the West and the land of the ancestors.
Chakra: Third eye
Planet: Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury
Entities: Psychopomps and Guardians of the Gateways and Cross Roads, deities of the underworld, including Hermes, Mercury, Hecate, Hades, Persephone, Pluto, Proserpina, Anubis, Osiris, Hel, Morgan, and Cernunnos. Animal spirits crow, raven and ant. Plant spirits of poisonous herbs, particularly aconite, mandrake and nightshade. Obsidian and onyx stone spirits.
Words: I open this gate to the spirit world for the highest good.
Description: Working with spirit gates are usually done through more complicated rituals, though they can be effectively created when using instant magick. Spirit gates are only created with reason, and are not something to be played with. Make sure you close the gate once you are finished, to prevent anything else from crossing through it.
The first time I used one I didn’t entirely know what I was doing. I simply followed my guidance. While driving home from school one day, I saw a crow that was hit by a car. One wing looked mangled, and it was trying to fly with its one good wing, with no success. I instinctively went to pull over to try to help it, having no idea what I would actually do, but I have a connection to crows and needed to do something. Before I could reach the bird, another car struck it and killed it. A flashing insight from my spirit guides asked me to create a blue sphere around the body, so soothe the crow’s spirit, with the intention of a gateway to send it gently from its state of pain and confusion to the peace of the realm of the dead. I did so, and immediately felt a shift in myself and the area. I then collapsed the ball of light to close the gateway. Though I’m sure the crow’s spirit would have made it to the next world, pain and confusion can cause it to linger in torment. I have subsequently used this technique when finding animal bodies that have died violently, usually by automotive death. I’ve also used it in situations when I am cleansing a house where spirits seem to be lingering. Persistent or malicious spirits are not so easily banished, but I’ve found this technique helpful in situations where the spirit is simply confused and needs help crossing over.
Sword of Truth
Intention: To Know When the Truth Is or Is Not Spoken
Colors: Blue, White
Triplicy: Cardinal
Element: Air
Chakra: Throat
Planet: Jupiter, Venus
Entities: Deities of Truth and Justice, such as Artemis, Diana, Hera, Juno, Zeus, Jupiter, Apollo, Ares, Mars, Athena, Minerva, Themis, Heckate, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Maat, Anubis, Tyr, and Odin. Archangel Raphael, angel of Air and King Paralda, ruler of the element of Air. Crow animal spirit. Lapis Lazuli and Turquoise stone spirit. Ascended masters Sananda and Serapis Bey.
Words: I speak the truth and know when the truth is spoke to me.
Description: We’d all like to think we know the truth when its spoken, and ideally we do when we listen to our intuition and inner voice. Though there are times when others can fool us, or we fool ourselves into hearing what we want to hear, or what we are afraid to hear, rather than knowing the truth. The tool of the element of air, the blade, is often embodied in myth as the sword of truth—both the faculties of reason and the powers of justice, of higher truth. By invoking the highest powers of the elemental of air and of the powers of truth and justice, you can have greater clarity in knowing when a communication is truth or falsehood, and base future decision upon it. I’ve found the technique particularly helpful in business negotiations.
Through your instant trigger, call upon the powers of truth, however you embody them—the element of air, a particular entity, color or planet—and then visualize a blazing sword between you and the person you are communicating with. I imagine it with electric blue flames. If you are conversing through the computer, simply imagine it psychically between you, if not literally. Divine the truth by the flames brightness and darkness. When the flames are dim around the sword, the communication is somehow false, consciously or unconsciously. If the flames glow brightly, it is true.
When done with the exchange, thank and release the sword, mentally erasing it from the space between the two of you.
Intention: Cleansing, Purifying
Colors: Violet
Triplicy: Mutable
Element: Fire, Spirit
Chakra: Crown
Planet: Jupiter, Pluto
Entities: The ascended master known as Saint Germain, master of the seventh, or violet ray, Tzadkiel, archangel of Jupiter.
Words: I call upon the Violet Flame to cleanse this space.
Description: Violet flame mythology is found more in New Age esoterics based upon Theosophy than in traditional magick, but I find this technique so powerful, I couldn’t help but include it. In the Theosophical model, the divine is divided into a variety of “Rays”, each corresponding to a color, a purpose and spiritual being said once to be human, but who ascended from the wheel of rebirth to be a spiritual teacher and master. The model is not so different from our chakra or planetary paradigms. The seventh ray, or violet ray concerns ceremony, magick and healing, and is headed by the modern mythic figure Saint Germain. Considering his association with alchemy and hermetics, he is an ideal theosophical patron from modern witches and mages. Many believe him to be the Arthurian mage Merlin, or at least one of the Merlin priest mages, in a past incarnation, before ascending in the life of the European alchemist. Saint Germain is credited with quite a number of channeled books, articles and healing systems. Some individuals claim to be his sole earthly voice, but I have found the ascended masters, much like all divine figures, are available to all.
The violet flame is a cleansing light, being the highest part of the color spectrum. Calling upon the violet flame, often through the mediating intelligence of Saint Germain, creates a zone of cleansing and purification, banishing all unwanted forces and entities. I envision violet flame before and after all my sessions, classes and rituals, using it much like the traditional purification rituals of salt, water and incense, or the ceremonial Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. I personally still use these rituals, but often back them up with the violet flame, or use only the violet flame when I’m in a rush and can’t perform full rituals.
The flame, often described as a red-violet with hints of silver flickering in it, starts in the center of the space, and expands outward, raising the vibration of the area. Working on the same principle as high vibrational incense and oils, anything of a lower, dense or harmful vibration must either transform, or leave the space. The flame quickly dies back, leaving the space balanced and clear.
Well of Compassion
Intention: Creating A Flow of Compassion Energy
Colors: Green, Pink, Turquoise
Triplicy: Mutable
Element: Water
Chakra: Heart
Planet: Neptune
Entities: Goddess or Gods associated with wells, healing and/or compassion. I call upon Brid. Other possibilities include Quan Yin, Tara, Maat, Amaterasu, Shiva and the archengles Gabriel and Michael. Ascended master Sananda and Kuthumi.
Words: I am infinite compassion
Description: The well of compassion is a technique I when I became overwhelmed with being in public situations. Since then I have shared it with healers, social workers and therapist who are versed in magick, and we have all found it a staple in our magickal bag of tricks.
Some situations require you to be present, attentive and compassionate, but on the personal level, you are having difficulties because a person is too overwhelming, draining, talkative or depressed. You can be fully protected, having your boundaries and shields in place, and not be losing energy, but your heart just isn’t in it.
As you are working with an individual or group, subtly do your instant magick trigger, and call upon a healing, compassionate deity. Visualize a well or spring overflowing in your heart. Silently state your affirmation. Feel the universal, divine compassionate energy flow from your heart, fill you and spill out to the room and people you are working with. It’s not your personal energy, so you will not be drained. Its flowing through you.
Notice how your mood, attitude and the general dynamic of the situation changed for the better. When you are done, simply thank the deity and allow the image of the well to fade from your heart.
Wheel of Fortune
Intention: Manifesting “good luck” and prosperity
Colors: Green, Blue, Purple
Triplicy: Mutable
Element: Earth, Fire
Chakra: Heart, Throat, Third Eye
Planet: Jupiter, Venus
Entities: Hermes, as a god of Gambling, and other deities associated with good fortune and luck, such as Zeus, Jupiter, Saturn, Hecate, Fortuna, Isis, Lakshmi, Ganesha, Freyja, Thor, Gefion and Danu. Angel Sachiel archangel Tzadkiel. Plant spirits Money Plant, Cinnamon, Cloves and most spicy herbs. Stone spirits amethyst, citrine, emerald, purple fluorite, lapis lazuli and malachite.
Words: I am prosperous and fortunate.
Description: The Wheel of Fortune tarot card often signifies a change of fortune, a change of probability in the cycles of life. Usually it means an opportunity of prosperity or good luck. By using it as an instant magick symbol, we can create prosperity and good luck in our life. Magick wielders know there is no such thing as good or bad luck, or random chance. Everything occurs for a reason, but the source of our difficulties is unclear, it can appear to be luck. Misfortunate is often simply an energetic block, and this wheel can clear energetic blocks that not longer serve a higher purpose.
I have used it for a more immediate effect in games of chance, such as the slot machines at a casino, but never to any great winnings. It can also be used to change the general outcome and fortune when you feel like you are continually blocked, when the wheel’s polarity is not spinning in favor of you. Other spells can be done for a specific effect—money, new job, etc.—but this act will simply turn the tides and bring you many previously unseen opportunities.
Through a light meditative state, imagine a wheel of light spinning in front of you. Like a roulette wheel, imagine it stopping in a place that symbolizes you “winning.” Feel your excitement from the “game” you have won, and as you feel the energy of your meditation, draw it into you. Imagine the wheel vibrantly filled with light, and as you inhale, bring that fortunate energy into you, into your body and aura. Return to normal state of consciousness, and allow the fortunate “luck” to come into your life.
At first this section reminded me too much of a sci-fi fantasy role playing game book, with such specific spells and correspondences. And in the modern rites of magick, using both ancient and modern models and lore, there is nothing wrong with that. Our fantasy comes from our past mysticism and magick. I recently had someone not involved in magick ask me if I played a lot of the Dungeon and Dragons game as a kid, because my classes and correspondences seemed to be outlined in similar levels. I had a hard time explaining to this person that the idea of such levels of initiation and correspondence come from traditions of ritual and magick across the world and across the ages. They didn’t start in a role playing game.
In the spirit of modern magick, use whatever images and correspondences activate your magickal mind. Many modern magician’s borrow from popular lore, including the stories of H.P. Lovecraft, Anne Rice or even Buffy the Vampire Slayer, working with new thoughtforms society is placing a lot of energy into. Though it’s personally not my cup of tea, find your own magical inspiration. Remember this is only a springboard for you learning to integrate your magick into daily life. Once you understand how magick is not something you do, but something you are, there will be little need for rotes and spell books.