
Abarbanell, L., 18485

Abi-Rached, L. M., 152, 154

Abramson, A., 41

Acheulian tools, 12627

acoustics: ape speech and, 13436; Bell Telephone Laboratories and, 134, 136; fundamental frequency (F) and, 39, 81, 192, 200; gender recognition and, 199202; Haskins Laboratories and, 13435; music and, 14, 38, 77, 81, 93, 148, 154, 173, 201; pitch and, 39, 81, 135, 192, 200201; quantal vowels and, 13738 (see also speech); Sound Spectrograph and, 41, 13435; supralaryngeal vocal tract (SVT) and, 200

adaptation: adult lactose tolerance and, 6869, 166; archaeology and, 88; brain design and, 23, 25; changes in ecosystems and, 73; evolution and, 7475, 78; exaptation and, 76; extreme altitudes and, 7071, 166; language and, 7273, 9091; preadaptation and, 76

Adapted Mind, The: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture (Cosmides and Toobey), 158

Adeylott, J., 84

Africa, 67, 6970, 87, 114, 122, 147, 15053, 15657

Aldridge, W., 17374

Alexander, G. E., 34, 111

alpha males, 19596

Altmann, J., 161

Altmann, S., 161

altruism, 3, 18586, 194

Alzheimer’s dementia, 42, 89

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 100, 103

American Sign Language (ASL), 91, 123, 17677

Amnesty International (AI), 180

Amunts, K. A., 16

amygdala, 910

anatomy: ape vocalization and, 13336; brain size and, 2, 11, 8388, 113, 118; neuroimaging studies and, 1118; speech and, 131f, 13443; swallowing and, 64, 79, 12932, 14446; as window on brain, 129. See also specific structure

anterior cingulate cortex (ACC): archaeology and, 129; attention and, 9, 3536; basal ganglia and, 80; brain damage and, 3536; brain design and, 3536; brain mechanisms and, 9, 22; cognition and, 9, 22, 129; evolution and, 7980; fossils and, 7980, 129; functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and, 80; Harris and, 22; initial role of, 9; laryngeal phonation and, 3536, lesions and, 79; mice and, 80; positron emission tomography (PET) scans and, 80

anterior insula, 9

apes: basal ganglia and, 95; brain mechanisms and, 23, 19, 23; brain size and, 83, 86; digestion and, 65, 130; evolution and, 83, 86, 191; mirror-test and, 198; neural circuits and, 98; sexual dimorphism and, 201; sign language and, 23, 123; simple tools and, 124; speech and, 95, 13336, 138, 140; tongue of, 12930. See also chimpanzees

aphasia: brain damage and, 9899; Broca’s area and, 2930, 32, 40, 45, 189; cognition and, 2930, 32, 40, 76, 9899, 189; cognitive flexibility and, 32; language and, 2930, 32, 40, 76, 9899, 189; lesions and, 99; motor control and, 76; sequencing errors and, 40; Wernicke’s area and, 2930, 189

Aplysia californica, 21

archaeology: Acheulian tools and, 12627; adaptation and, 88; anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and, 129; artifacts and, 12124, 151, 15354; brain size and, 2; cognitive studies and, 2, 12223, 139, 143, 147, 152; Cro-Magnon and, 145, 153; fashion and, 14752; fossils and, 114 (see also fossils); Homo erectus and, 86, 126; Homo habilis and, 86, 122, 125, 128; Homo sapiens and, 2, 153; Leakeys and, 12425; Levalloisian technique and, 12728; Neanderthals and, xi, 11320, 13840, 14447, 15255, 190; Oldowan tools and, 12528; Paleolithic Era and, 126, 128, 14547, 15354; slow change and, 12629; static periods and, 12425; survival and, 121, 129; transcription factors and, 121, 155

arithmetic, 51, 54, 106, 163, 2067

Arnett, J., 182

Arnhem Zoo, 19596

art: fashion and, 14752; gene for, 15657

artifacts, 12124, 151, 15354

Art Instinct, The (Dutton), 15658

ASPM gene, 113

Assad, W. F., 5758, 11112

associative learning, 2022, 5559, 10912, 164, 190, 203

atheism, 9, 18586

Australopithecus afarensis, 86

autism, 113, 120

automatization, 55, 5859

autopsies, 16, 2829, 46, 97

axons, 1820, 120

Aztecs, 188

Baboon Mothers and Infants (Altman), 161

backbone and transcriptional factors, 107

Baddeley, A. D., 50

Badre, D., 23, 51, 83, 85

Bantu, 70

Bar-Gad, I., 57, 111

Barney, H. L., 136

basal ganglia: anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and, 80; apes and, 95; automatization and, 55, 5859; birds and, 11617; brain damage and, 44, 98; caudate nucleus and, 33f, 34, 41, 46, 5254, 5758, 95, 1058, 112; circuits not domain specific, 5355, 7677; circuit uniqueness and, 9599; cognition and, 98, 105; cognitive flexibility and, 53, 1056; cortical-basal ganglia circuits and, 22, 2837, 3236, 41, 4458, 76, 94, 99100, 105; disinhibition and, 4849; dopamine and, 37, 57; emotion and, 94; engine of human creativity and, 99; event-related potentials (ERPs) and, 15; executive control and, 85; FOXP2human gene and, 19, 1067, 110, 112, 115; GABA and, 57; grooming patterns and, 173; information and, 190; KE family and, 80, 106, 110; language and, 28; learning and, 5559, 110, 14647, 203; lesions and, 41, 55, 80, 98, 105; levodopa and, 37, 49; local operations and, 3637, 44, 94, 110, 190; matrisomes and, 5559; mechanisms of, 9, 15, 2223; Monchi group and, 5153, 9495; monkeys and, 95; morals and, 18384; motor control and, 4446, 5559, 7678, 1056, 110, 112, 18384, 189; oxygen depletion and, 36, 4549, 69, 105; Parkinson disease and, 49, 53, 105; as pleasure center, 22; posterior cortex and, 105; preadaptation, cognition, and language, 7677; prefrontal cortex and, 2223, 49, 51, 5354, 85, 94, 99, 111, 18384, 18990; putamen and, 33f, 34, 41, 46, 5254, 57, 95, 1058; as sequencing engine, 37; speech and, 37, 41, 44; striatum and, 33f, 41, 57; unpredictability and, 99100, 18990

Basket, F., 122

Battle of Culloden, 198

Beagle (ship), 61, 73, 122, 128

Bear, M. F., 20

Beckman, M. E., 138, 145

behavior, x; altruistic, 3, 18586, 194; animal, 148, 168, 173, 190, 194, 196; brain design and, 2627, 3436, 48; brain mechanisms and, 25, 13, 1924; brain size and, 118; cheater-detectors and, 15859; Chomsky on, 163, 165, 16768, 17173; conditioned reflex and, 20; developmental, 19192; entrenched genes and, 19192; evolution and, 61, 68, 71, 76, 78; fashion and, 14749; FOXP2 gene and, 107, 11214; gender and, 199202; gestures and, 42, 99, 104, 140, 177, 191, 200; human, 2, 5, 2227, 68, 71, 76, 114, 147, 149, 15859, 166, 17273, 18788, 19093, 200201; IN and OUT groups, 195, 197; KE family and, 107; language and, 163, 16568, 17173, 205; morals and, 197 (see also morals); natural selection and, 146, 19394; phrenology and, 68; rational conduct and, 22; selfish gene theory and, 3, 18586, 194; shyness and, 19293; stress and, 181, 19293; theory of mind and, 198; WEIRDO, 160, 18285, 198, 202. See also culture

Behavioral and Brain Sciences journal, 16061, 182

Bell Telephone Laboratories, 134, 136

Benson, D. F., 30

Bergman, H., 57, 111

Berridge, K., 17374

Bible, 67, 198

biological bases of unpredictability and creativity, 11, 7677, 10720, 18990

birds: basal ganglia and, 11617; brains of, 117, 168; Darwin and, 197; ducks, 91, 16869, 177; evolution and, 61, 64, 78, 197; Foxp2 animal gene and, 11617, 203; FOXP2human gene and, 108, 112; gender and, 201; neural circuits of, 11617, 203; pigeons, 64, 206; starlings, 174; vocalizations of, 11617, 135, 174; Zebra finches, 11617, 203

Birkbeck College, 84

Blair, R.J.R., 10

blood oxygen level depletion (BOLD) signal, 13

Boehm, C., 195

Boesch, C., 99, 124

Book of the Five Rings, The (Musashi), 56

Boston Language Development Conference, 100

Boston University, 174

Botticelli, S., 144

Bouhuys, A., 70

Bowerman, M., 169

Brainard, M. S., 112, 2023

brain damage: anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and, 3536; aphasia and, 9899; basal ganglia and, 44, 98; brain design and, 2736, 47; Broca studies and, 27; CM (patient) and, 4142, 44, 47, 80; comas and, 34, 41, 98; language and, 98; lesions and, 99 (see also lesions); mechanism effects and, 16, 18; motor control and, 76; Parkinson disease and, 99; speech and, 98; strokes and, 2729, 3435, 97; Tan (patient) and, 2728

brain design: adaptation and, 23, 25; anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and, 3536; axons and, 1820, 120; basal ganglia and, 2837, 41, 4458; behavior and, 2627, 3436, 48; brain damage and, 2736, 47; caudate nucleus and, 33f, 34, 41, 46, 5254, 5758; cognition and, 3137, 4159; cortical-basal ganglia-cortical circuits and, 3236; dendrites and, 1820, 36, 111, 120; emotion and, 3233, 35f, 3637, 54; executive control and, 44, 4954; fissures and, 10, 11f; functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and, 27, 36, 5155, 5859; hemispheres of, 10, 16, 97; hippocampus and, 54; information and, 27, 33f, 3436, 5053; learning and, 3738, 41, 5152, 5559; local operations and, 30, 32, 3637, 44, 5157; mathematics and, 2527, 59; memory and, 42, 5054, 57; modular theory and, 54, 76, 164, 208; monkeys and, 50, 58; motor control and, 32, 35f, 3637, 40, 4445; neural circuits and, 2836, 45, 49, 51, 5355; positron emission tomography (PET) scans and, 27, 36, 51, 5354; prefrontal cortex and, 3536, 4155, 58; putamen and, 33f, 34, 41, 46, 5354, 57; speech and, 2732, 35, 3747, 55, 5859; survival and, 3031, 4849, 61, 63; thalamus and, 30, 33f, 3436, 52, 55

brain mechanisms, 208; amygdala and, 910; anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and, 9, 22; assembly lines and, 56; behavior and, 25, 13, 1924; computational architecture of, 3; cortical malleability and, 18; emotion and, 9, 22; evolutionary psychology and, 23, 5, 24; functional architecture and, 4; hippocampus and, 23; information and, 8, 1415, 1819, 23; limited understanding of, ixx; local operations and, x, 4, 2122, 30, 32, 3637, 44, 5157, 77, 94, 100, 110, 190; mathematics and, 58; memory and, 8, 1923; modular theory and, x, 37, 54, 76, 164, 208; monkeys and, 16; motor control and, 3, 5, 9, 2123; neural circuits and, 34, 9, 14, 2123, 190; neuroimaging and, 1118; phrenology and, 68, 22; plasticity and, 18; positron emission tomography (PET) scans and, 1214; prefrontal cortex and, 810, 11f, 16, 17f; religion and, 3, 89, 22; speech and, 5, 14, 18, 2324; supercharged, 8283, 11218, 120; synapses and, 1821

brain size, 2, 84; apes and, 83, 86; ASPM gene and, 113; chimpanzees and, 11, 85; Darwin and, 8687; increasing of, 8688, 113, 118; Neanderthals and, 152; struggle for existence and, 87

breast cancer, ix

Broadbent, D. E., 139

Broca, P., 2728, 32

Broca’s area: aphasia and, 2930, 32, 40, 45, 189; basal ganglia and, 9, 15, 2223; entrenched genes and, 19193; fossils and, 26; language and, 2632, 189; morals and, 30; neural circuits and, 107; striatum and, 107

Brodmann, K., 1618, 94

Brodmann’s areas (BAs), 1618, 28

Bronowski, J., 90

Brooks, A. S., 150

Browne, J., 64, 116

Brown University, 31

Buckner, R., 89

Burling, R., 169

Button, J., 122

Cabela’s, 157

Calvin, W., 87

cancer, ix

Candide (Voltaire), 75

cardiovascular disease, 203

Carew, T. J., 21, 111

Carre, R., 138, 145

cars, 11718

Cartesian Linguistics (Chomsky), 170

cats, 12930

caudate nucleus: brain design and, 33f, 34, 41, 46, 5254, 5758; FOXP2 gene and, 1068, 112; KE family and, 1068; lesions and, 46, 105; Monchi group and, 95

Cavness, B., 133

cerebellum, 88, 108

Chagall, M., 148

Chao, L. L., 8889

Chapais, B., 15961

Chatelperronian culture, 15354

cheater-detectors, xi, 15859

Chie, U., 46, 105

Chimpanzee Politics: Power and Sex among Apes (de Waal), 19596

chimpanzees, 131f, 161; alpha-male status and, 19596; American Sign Language (ASL) and, 123, 177; as baseline, 12324; behavior and, 148; brain size and, 2, 11, 85; calls of, 13436; Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium and, 109; cognition and, 19596; cost-benefit analysis and, 19596; creativity and, 14748; Darwin and, x; fission-fusion society and, 194; food and, 194, 198; FOXP2human gene and, 152; Frido, 196; gender and, 201; genes shared with humans, 107; genetics and, ix, 24, 8283, 8586, 91, 9596, 99100, 107, 10910, 11315, 11718, 190, 19495; Gombe, 124, 194, 196, 198; groupings of, 19497; human superiority over, 30, 9596; hunting parties and, 198; Kanzi, 123; Leakeys and, 12425; learning and, 127, 161; mirror-test and, 198; morals and, 19498; neural circuits and, 7680, 9596; prefrontal cortex and, 85; reading and, 9596; sex and, 160; simple tools and, 12425, 14748, 195; speech and, 95, 13436; supercharged brains and, 82; syntax and, 123; tutoring and, 127; warfare and, 19596; Washoe, 91, 123, 177; Wilkie, 196

Chimpanzees of Gombe, The (Goodall), 124

China, 19798

Chinese, 7173, 143, 16465, 167, 204

choking, 23, 13032, 146

Chomsky, C., 169

Chomsky, N.: behavior and, 163, 165, 16768, 17173; bird brains and, 168; creationist linguistics and, 16266; Darwin and, 16466; determinism and, xxi; Everett paper and, 2056; evolutionary psychology and, 2, 5, 59, 6567, 7172, 92, 96, 1023, 127, 16277, 185, 2056, 208; Faculty of Language (FL) and, 96, 164, 167, 17273, 175, 178, 208; jargon of, 17172; language organ and, 6567, 7172, 92, 96, 1023, 127, 16278, 2058; Levalloisian technique and, 127; natural selection is meaningless, 16466; number faculty and, 2067; poverty of the stimulus and, 16970; recursion and, 17276, 2056; selfish gene theory and, 185; speech and, 16970, 172, 174; syntax and, 59, 6567, 102; transformational rules and, 17071; Universal Grammar and, 67, 7172, 96, 16269, 172; word concepts and, 92

Christianity, 180, 207; altruism and, 186; Bible and, 67, 198; Golden Rule and, 19899; Harris and, 810

climate change, 87

CM (patient), 4142, 44, 47, 80

cognition: anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and, 9, 22, 129; aphasia and, 2930, 32, 40, 76, 9899, 189; archaeological studies and, 2, 12223, 139, 143, 147, 152; basal ganglia and, 98, 105; biological bases of unpredictability and, 18993; brain design and, 3137, 4159; brain size and, 2, 11, 8388, 113, 118; chimpanzee mobs and, 19596; comprehension and, 5, 23, 2832, 44, 47, 5051, 5455, 5859, 76, 96, 98, 1026, 123; cost-benefit analysis and, 19596; creativity and, 118 (see also creativity); culture and, 2034; domain-general, 184; encephalization quotient (EQ) and, 86; evolution and, 7678; executive control and, 23, 44, 4954, 85, 95, 105, 107, 18384, 189; flexibility and, 23, 2224, 32, 4247, 5053, 95, 99, 1056, 111, 190, 196, 208; Foxp2 animal gene and, 117; FOXP2human gene and, 10812, 115, 119; genius and, 7, 113; gestures and, 42, 99, 104, 140, 177, 191, 200; higher, 85; highly accelerated regions (HARs) and, 113; inflexibility and, 42, 45, 48; innovation and, xi, 3, 2324, 15152, 155; Institute for Child Health (ICH) and, 104; KE family and, 10110; language and, 15, 31 (see also language); learning and, 22 (see also learning); lesions and, 98 (see also lesions); levodopa and, 37, 49, 55; memory and, 8, 95 (see also memory); morals and, 19798; motor control and, 5, 4445, 7677, 108 (see also motor control); negative feedback and, 52; neural circuits and, x (see also neural circuits); number faculty and, 2067; Odd-Man-Out (OMO) test and, 4244, 47, 1045; oxygen depletion and, 36, 4549, 69, 105; prefrontal cortex and, 85, 9495; syntax and, 5, 44, 51, 56, 5859, 65, 72, 100, 1036, 123, 16970, 174, 178; vision and, 18, 21, 74, 101; von Humboldt opus and, 204; Wechsler Intelligence tests and, 1046; Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and, 47, 51, 54, 104

comas, 34, 41, 98

computational efficiency, 100

computed tomography (CT) scans, 11, 29, 97, 122

conditioned reflex, 20

Conference on the Origins and Evolution of Language and Speech, 16566

Conrad, J., 90

Cools, R., 5354

Coop, G., 115

Cooper, F. S., 134, 135

Cooper, L. N., 20

Cortés, H., 188

Cortés, M., 188

cortex: 11, cortical-basal ganglia circuits and, 22, 3236, 5255, 76, 94, 99100, 105, 11011, 115, 146, 203; cortical-basal ganglia circuits and, 22, 3236, 5255, 76, 94, 99100, 105, 11011, 115, 146, 183, 203; cortical-striatal-cortical circuits and, 108. See also specific structure

cortical malleability, 18

Cosmides, L., 158

Costa, R. M., 11112

creationist linguistics, 16266

creativity, 189; basal ganglia and, 99100; chimpanzees and, 14748; fashion and, 14752; Indian ingenuity and, 1, 25; information and, 89; innovation and, xi, 1, 3, 2325, 15152, 155; religion and, 150. See also unpredictability

Crelin, E. S., 7778, 13540, 144, 199

Cro-Magnon fossils, 145, 153

culture, 3; as agent of genetic change, 6871, 2025; artifacts and, 12124, 151, 15354; Aztec, 188; Chatelperronian, 15354; cognition and, 2034; dialects and, 71, 136, 143, 171, 200201; Eskimo (Inuit), 2045; evolutionary psychology and, 15861, 16566, 17987; fission-fusion society and, 194; genetic variation and, 193; gestures and, 200201; Golden Rule and, 19899; honor killing and, 179; IN and OUT groups, 195, 197; intellectual attainments of, 204; Jewish, 181, 198; language and, 71, 2038 (see also language); Mayan, 18485; morals and, 24, 107, 160, 17985, 19399, 202; natural selection and, 6771; Neanderthals and, xi, 11320, 13840, 14447, 15255, 190; Piraha, 173, 17576, 2057; thought and, 2035; unpredictability and, 191; variation and, 179; Vikings and, 24, 17980, 197; WEIRDOs and, 160, 18285, 198, 202

Cummings, J. L., 34, 49, 80, 111

Current Anthropology (Everett), 2056

Curtiss S., 117

Darlington, R., 83

Darwin, C.: apes and, 191; Beagle voyage and, 61, 73, 122, 128; birds and, 197; brain size and, 8687; changing structural roles and, 2; chimpanzees and, x; Chomsky and, 16466; criticism of, 60, 7576; DNA and, x, 60; emotion and, 191; finch studies of, 61, 70; fossils and, 6162, 64; lungfish and, 7374; Malthus and, 63; natural selection and, ix, 6172 (see also natural selection); Neanderthals and, 11416; On the Origin of Species and, 60, 64, 73, 12930, 165, 197; religion and, 185; Royal Medal of, 64; struggle for existence and, 63, 68, 79, 87, 109, 115, 142, 153, 186, 193, 19697; survival and, 6870, 73, 87, 109, 116; tongues and, 12930; transmutation and, 61, 186, 191; variation and, xxi, 6364, 70, 73, 115, 165

Darwin, E., 61

DaSent, G. W., 179

David, king of Israel, 198

Dawkins, R., 2; religion and, 18586; selfish gene theory and, 3, 65, 178, 18588, 194

Deacon, T., 85, 96

De Boer, B., 138, 140, 145

deer, 157, 2012

DeLong, M. R., 34

Democritus, 90

dendrites, 1820, 36, 111, 120

Denisovans, 11416, 11920, 152, 190

de Onate, J., 188

d’Errico, F., 151

Descartes, R., 164, 167

determinism, xxi, 159, 161, 188

developmental psychology, 19193

de Villiers, J., 174

Devlin, J. T., 1516

de Waal, F., 19596

diabetes, ix, 203

dialects, 71, 136, 143, 171, 200201

Díaz del Castillo, B., 18788

Dietrich, G. L., 157

diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), 14, 21, 32, 35, 95, 98

digestion, ix, 68, 166

diseases, 157; Alzheimer’s dementia, 42, 89; aphasia, 2930, 32, 40; autism, 113, 120; brainstem damage and, 97; breast cancer, ix; cardiovascular, 203; clean water and, 62; Darwin on, 116; endemic, 182; life expectancy and, 62; Parkinson, 3237, 4051, 55, 57, 76, 80, 9899, 105, 11213, 189; pestilence and, 63; plant, 194; resistance to, 71, 152; schizophrenia, 113

disinhibition, 4849

Disraeli, B., 14849

diversity, 19394, 204

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): ancestry and, 82; Darwin and, x, 60; Foxp2 animal gene and, 1078, 110, 114, 11617, 203; FOXP2human gene and, 80, 100115, 117, 11921, 138, 15152, 190, 202; genetics and, x, 60, 82, 10710, 115, 120, 202; genotyping uses and, 82; information and, x, 60, 82, 10710, 115, 120, 202; paternity tests and, 82; RNA and, 1078; transcription factors and, 1078

Dobzhansky, T., 76, 84

dogs, 2, 20, 23, 99, 12930, 140, 148, 157, 191

Dolma, Lhakpa, 31

domain-general networks, 184

dopamine, 3637, 41, 5354, 57, 111

Doupe, A. J., 112, 116, 2023

Dronkers, N. F., 28, 30

ducks, 91, 16869, 177

Duncan, J., 9, 54

Dutton, D., 15658

Ebner, F. F., 20

ecosystems, 6162, 6870, 73, 161, 202, 208

Edinburgh University, 167

Eiseley, L., 13334

electroencephalography (EEG), 27

Emory University, 910

emotion: basal ganglia and, 94; brain design and, 3233, 35f, 3637, 54; brain mechanisms and, 9, 22; Darwin and, 191; evolution and, 76, 191; gestures and, 191; moral faculty and, 178; selfish gene theory and, 178

Enard, W., 10910, 115

encephalization quotient (EQ), 86

English, 90, 128, 158, 191; Americans and, 16667, 201; brain design and, 4041; brain mechanisms and, 5, 89; changes in, 100; dialects and, 136; Eskimos (Inuits) and, 2045; evolution and, 6667, 7173, 76, 78; Kanzi and, 123; KE family and, 10110, 202; phonemes and, 141; syllable time and, 143; Universal Grammar and, 100101, 16467, 17074; Yaghans and, 122

entrenched genes, 19193

epigenetics, 2023

epiglottis, 132

Erikson, D., 199

Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700–2010, The (Fogel), 62

Eskandar, E. N., 58, 11112

Eskimos, 2045

esophagus, 130

Essay on the Principle of Population, An (Malthus), 6263

Essay on the Shaking Palsy, An (Parkinson), 37

ethics, 24, 97, 178

Evans, N., 175

event-related potentials (ERPs), 1415

Everett, D., 173, 17576, 2057

evolution, ix; adaptation and, 7475, 78; Africa and, 67, 6970, 87, 114, 122, 147, 15053, 15657; anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and, 7980; apes and, 83, 86, 191; Australopithecus afarensis and, 86; behavior and, 61, 68, 71, 76, 78; birds and, 61, 64, 78; brain design and, 2; brain size and, 2, 11, 8388, 113, 118; changing structural roles and, 2; chimpanzees and, 2; cognition and, 7678; Denisovans and, 11416, 11920, 152, 190; emotion and, 76, 191; fossils and, 6162, 64, 67, 125; FOXP2human gene and, 1079, 121; genetics and, xxi, 6364, 70, 73, 100101, 115; geography and, 7071; Homo erectus and, 86, 126; Homo habilis and, 86, 122, 125, 128; Homo sapiens and, 2, 153; information and, 64, 66, 72; isolating mechanisms and, 71; knowledge of language and, 6567, 7172, 163, 171 (see also language); learning and, 66, 69, 71; lungfish and, 7374; motor control and, 7680; mutations and, 23, 61, 68, 70, 72, 1089, 115, 151, 158, 182, 186, 191; Neanderthals and, xi, 11320, 13840, 14447, 15255, 190; nonbelief in, 60; On the Origin of Species and, 60, 64, 73, 12930, 165, 197; proximate logic of, 2; religion and, 60; selective sweeps and, 68, 70, 72, 109, 115, 151, 158, 182; slow change and, 12629; speech and, 66, 80, 147, 158, 165; struggle for existence and, 63, 68, 79, 87, 109, 115, 142, 153, 186, 193, 19697; survival and, 61, 63, 6870, 73, 87, 109, 116; tongue and, 12930; transcription factors and, 1079; transmutation and, 61, 186, 191; unpredictability and, 19093; utility of cars and, 11718; variation and, xxi, 6364, 70, 73, 115, 159, 165; vision and, 74; wings and, 7576

evolutionary biology: aggression versus cooperation, 19497; shrugging and Darwin, 190; shyness and, 19093

evolutionary psychology: art and, 15657; brain mechanisms and, 23, 5, 24; cheater-detectors and, 15859; Chomsky and, 2, 5, 59, 6567, 7172, 92, 96, 1023, 127, 16277, 185, 2056, 208; creationist linguistics and, 16266; culture and, 15861, 16566, 17987; Dawkins and, 2, 65, 18586; Dutton and, 158; Faculty of Language (FL) and, 96, 164, 167, 17273, 175, 178, 208; gene game and, 65, 191, 2078; Harris and, 2, 810, 22, 177; Hauser and, 2, 65, 17273, 17780, 18385, 205, 208; innate knowledge and, 58, 66, 7172, 9192, 102, 15657, 16273, 178, 184, 188, 191, 2068; Kagan studies and, 192; language and, 3, 96, 156, 15859, 16278, 185, 188, 208; modular theory and, 57, 25, 208; morality gene and, xi, 3, 24, 65, 17785, 2078; Pinker and, 2, 45, 92, 100101, 1034, 15658, 177; selfish gene theory and, 3, 30, 65, 178, 18588, 194; sex and, 15961; Universal Grammars and, 16269, 172, 208; unpredictability and, 23, 191; variation and, 64; Washoe and, 91; WEIRDO culture and, 160, 18285

Evolution of Language, The (Fitch), 96, 140

Evolution of the Human Head, The (Lieberman), 86, 130

executive control: brain design and, 44, 4954; cognition and, 23, 37, 4955, 85, 95, 105, 107, 18384, 189; levodopa and, 37, 49, 55; memory and, 5054; Parkinson disease and, 4953

Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, The (Darwin), 191

Faculty of Language (FL), 96, 164, 167, 17273, 175, 178, 208

Faculty of Driving parody, 16263

Faith Instinct, The (Wade), 159

famine, 63, 193, 2023

fashion: early signs of, 15051; as index of creativity, 14752

Fedorenko, E., 58

finches, 61, 70, 11617, 203

Finlay, B., 83

Fisher, S., 107

fissures, 10, 11f

Fitch, T. W., 96, 140, 173, 2012, 205

Flowers, K. A., 42

Fodor, J., 5, 7576, 92

Fogel, R., 62

food, 87, 171; agricultural production and, 63; chimpanzees and, 194, 198; choking and, 23, 13032, 146; digestion and, ix, 65, 68, 130, 166; epiglottis and, 132; evolution and, 6165, 6870, 150, 15253; famine and, 63, 193, 2023; green revolution and, 194; Malthusian population growth and, 6263; milk, ix, 68, 130, 166; natural selection and, 6869; as reward, 50, 58; swallowing and, 64, 79, 12932, 14446; tongues and, 13032; working memory and, 50

Ford, Henry, 56

formant frequency, 39, 133, 13640, 14243, 145, 200202

fossils: anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and, 7980, 129; Broca’s area and, 26; Cro-Magnon, 145; Darwin and, 6162, 64; evolution and, 6162, 64, 67, 125; Homo habilis and, 125; Leakeys and, 12425; Mammuts and, 88; Neanderthals and, 114, 116, 139, 14546; Oldowan tools and, 12528; Paleolithic, 145; Shanidar 2, 146; Skhul V, 14546; supralaryngeal vocal tract (SVT) and, 14447

Foster, M., 196

Fouts, R., 91

Foxp2 animal gene: birds and, 11617, 203; cognition and, 117; mice and, 108; transcription factors and, 1078, 110, 114, 11617, 203

FOXP2human gene: associative learning and, 190; basal ganglia and, 19, 110, 115; behavior and, 107, 11214; birds and, 108, 112; caudate nucleus and, 1068, 112; chimpanzees and, 152; cognition and, 10812, 115, 119; evolution and, 1079, 121; fashion and, 151; Geschwind and, 112; globus pallidus and, 1067; information transfer and, 109, 11112; KE family and, 80, 10610, 202; language and, 100109; learning and, 11112; mice and, 10912; Neanderthals and, 11415, 11920, 152; neural circuits and, 100120; Parkinson disease and, 112; putamen and, 1067; speech and, 1045, 109, 120, 138; synaptic modification and, 111; thalamus and, 108, 111; transcription factors and, 80, 100115, 117, 11921, 138, 15152, 190, 202; uncertainties concerning human form, 11315, 120

François-Brousseau, F.-E., 53

Franklin, B., 123, 198

Frederici, A., 15

French, 15859, 164, 169, 191

Freud, S., 207

Frido, 196

Friedman, J., 51

frontal cortex, 85

Frontal Lobes, The (Stuss and Benson), 30

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI): anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and, 80; brain design and, 27, 36, 5155, 5859; brain mechanisms and, 1215, 18; KE family and, 107; language and, 8890, 165; Moral Sense Test and, 183; neuroimaging and, 1215, 18, 27, 36, 5155, 5859, 80, 8890, 107, 165, 177, 183; religion and, 177

fundamental frequency (F), 39, 81, 192, 200

GABA, 57

Gage, P., 4849

Gardner, A., 91, 123, 148

Gardner, T., 91, 123, 148

Gay, T., 143

gender: acoustics and, 199202; birds and, 201; chimpanzees and, 201; formant frequency and, 200202; Hamann study and, 910; pitch and, 200201; survival and, 201

Genesis, Bible book of, 67

genetically modified organisms (GMOs), ix, 10912, 115

genetics: ancestry and, 82; art and, 15657; cheater-detectors and, 15859; chimpanzees and, ix, 24, 8283, 8586, 91, 9596, 99100, 10910, 11315, 11718, 190, 19495; computational efficiency and, 100; culture and, 2025; determinism and, xxi, 159, 161, 188; diversity and, 19394, 204; DNA and, x, 60, 82, 10710, 115, 120, 202; entrenched genes and, 19193; evolutionary biology and, 19093; evolutionary psychology and, 23, 15961 (see also evolutionary psychology); Foxp2 animal gene and, 1078, 110, 114, 11617, 203; FOXP2human gene and, 80, 100115, 117, 11921, 138, 15152, 190, 202; highly accelerated regions of human genome, 113; IN and OUT groups, 195, 197; innate knowledge and, 58, 66, 7172, 9192, 102, 15657, 16273, 178, 184, 188, 191, 2068; monkeys and, 193; mutations and, 23, 61, 68, 70, 72, 1089, 115, 151, 158, 182, 186, 191; Neanderthals and, 113; nineteenth-century models of, x; research advances in, ixx, 99100; RNA and, 1078; selective sweeps and, 68, 70, 72, 109, 115, 151, 158, 182; sex and, 15961; shyness and, 19293; social environment studies and, 2023; speech and, 113; variation and, xxi, 6364, 70, 73, 100101, 115, 19397

genius, 7, 113

genocide, 18082

George, king of England, 19899

German, 158, 16465, 169, 204

Geschwind, D., 29, 112

gestures, 42, 99, 104, 140, 177, 191, 200

Getty Foundation, 31

Gibbons, A., 119

Global Crop Diversity Trust, 194

globus pallidus, 33f, 3436, 55, 106

Goffman, L., 169

Goldberg, R., 25, 7374, 80

Golden Rule, 19899

Gold’s theorem, 16970

Gombe Stream National Park, 124, 194, 196, 198

Gonzalez, A., 22

Goodall, J., 124, 147, 19495

Gopnick, M., 100106

gorillas, 15960, 201

Gottlieb, G., 16869

Gould, S. J., 7476

Graybiel, A. M., 57, 112

Green, R. E., 11314, 154

Greene, J. D., 184

green revolution, 194

Gross, M., 103

Grossman, M. S., 51

Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 75, 9192

gyrus, 28, 106

hallucinations, 48

Hamann, S., 9

harems, 161

Harlow, 49

Harris, K., 7778, 135

Harris, S., 2, 810, 22, 177

Harvard University, 89, 119, 18385, 192

Hasbro Children’s Hospital, 105

Haskins Laboratories, 13435, 14143

Hauser, M. D.: evolutionary psychology and, 2, 65, 17273, 17780, 18385, 205, 208; Faculty of Language and, 178; morality gene and, 65, 17780; Universal Moral Grammar and, 17879, 18384, 208

Hazy, T. E., 8, 54

Hebb, D. O., 20, 111

Hebrew Bible, 198

Heimlich maneuver, 132

Hemings, B., 187

Hemings, J., 187

Hemings, S., 82, 187

Henrich, J., 16061

Henshilwood, C. S., 151

Herculano-Houzel, S., 83

Heyder, K. B., 23

highly accelerated regions of genome (HARs), 113

Hiiemae, K. M., 145

Hillel, 198

hippocampus: Alzheimer’s dementia and, 89; brain design and, 54; brain mechanisms and, 23; language and, 89; maternal grooming and, 202; memory and, 8384, 8889; mice and, 84; size of, 8485

Hiroshima, 198

History of the Conquest of Mexico (Prescott), 18788

Hitch, 50

Hitler, A., 177, 182

Hochstadt, J., 51, 105

Holy Trinity, 175

Homo erectus, 86, 126

Homo habilis, 86, 122, 125, 128

Homo sapiens, 2, 153

honor killing, 179

How the Mind Works (Pinker), 4

humans: adaptability of, 2; brain size and, 2, 11, 8388, 113, 118; choking and, 23, 13032, 146; creativity and, 12 (see also creativity); digestion and, 65; FOXP2human gene and, 100120 (see also FOXP2human gene); Golden Rule and, 19899; Homo sapiens and, 2, 153; information storage and, 2 (see also information); larynx and, 3839, 81, 9698, 13033, 136, 14446, 192, 200; migration and, 88; neck and, 23, 13233, 14447; quantal vowels and, 13738; skulls and, 68, 15, 2627, 33f, 130, 132, 139, 14445; speech and, 2324, 3739 (see also speech); superiority over chimpanzees, 30, 9596; theory of mind and, 198; tongue and, 12946; unique neural circuits of, 9399; unpredictability of, 2 (see also unpredictability)

Hunnicutt, C. W., 157

hypophonation, 80, 98

hypoxia, 48, 105

imitation: brain design and, 2324, 37, 59; evolution and, 69; learning and, 2324, 37, 59, 69, 96, 116, 135, 14855, 164; lack of in Neanderthals 15253

India, 1, 69, 89, 155, 191, 19394

information, 2; basal ganglia and, 190; brain design and, 27, 33f, 3436, 5053; brain mechanisms and, 8, 1415, 1819, 23; brain size and, 8388, 113, 118; Chomsky on, 103; comprehension and, 5, 23, 2832, 44, 47, 5051, 5455, 5859, 76, 96, 98, 1026, 123; cortical-basal ganglia circuits and, 22, 5255, 76, 94, 99100, 105, 11011, 115, 146, 203; creativity and, 89; data transmission rate and, 39; DNA and, x, 60, 82, 10710, 115, 120, 202; evolution and, 64, 66, 72; Foxp2 animal gene and, 1078, 110, 114, 11617, 203; FOXP2human gene and, 80, 100115, 117, 11921, 138, 15152, 190, 202; gestures and, 42, 99, 104, 140, 177, 191, 200; GMO mice and, 10910; innate, 58, 66, 7172, 9192, 102, 15657, 16273, 168, 178, 184, 188, 191, 2068; Internet and, 141; Kegl’s errors and, 176; learning and, 190 (see also learning); medicine and, 171; negative, 16970; neural circuits and, 120 (see also neural circuits); pop neuroscience and, 811; prefrontal cortex and, 9495; RNA and, 1078; semantic, 103; speech and, 39, 14043 (see also speech); supercharged brains and, 8283, 11218, 120; supralaryngeal vocal tract (SVT) and, 146; syllable rate and, 143; synapses and, 1821, 111, 11920; syntax and, 5, 44, 51, 56, 5859, 65, 72, 100, 1036, 123, 16970, 174, 178; thalamus and, 34; transfer of, 19, 33f, 95, 10912, 119, 141, 190; Universal Grammars (UGs) and, 67, 7172, 96, 100104, 16269, 172; unpredictability and, 19091; vision and, 18, 21, 74, 101

IN groups, 195, 197

innate knowledge: arithmetic and, 2067; art and, 1567; cheater-detectors and, 1589; language and, 58 (see also Chomsky, N.); sexual mores and, 15961; words and concepts, 92

innovation, xi, 3, 2324, 15152, 155

“In Praise of Tedius Anatomy” (Devlin and Poldark), 15

Institute for Child Health (ICH), 102, 104, 106

intelligence quotient (IQ), 105

Into Thin Air (Krakauer), 48

Inuits, 2045

isolating mechanisms, 71

Iwatsubo, T., 97

Japan, 19798

Jefferson, T., 82, 187, 198

Jellinger, K., 98

Jeong, J. H., 105

Jerison, H. J., 86

Jews, 181, 198

Jin, X., 11112

jitter, 19293

Johanson, D., 86

Johnson, M., 103

Joshua, M., 57, 11112

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135

Journal of Zoology, 202

Jung, C., 207

Jurgens, U., 9798

Kagan, J., 19192, 203

Kaminski, J., 99, 140

Kandel, E. R., 21

Kanzi, 123

Karr, J.-B. A., 92

Kearney, H., 1014

KE family: basal ganglia and, 80; caudate nucleus and, 1068; cognition and, 10110; FOXP2human gene and, 80, 10610, 202; functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and, 107; language and, 10110, 202; learning and, 110; putamen and, 1068; speech and, 1045, 109; syntax deficits of, 1036

Kegl, J., 17678

Khmer Rouge, 184

Klatt, D., 135

Klein, R. G., 147, 151

knock-in mice, 10912, 115

knowledge of language, 6567, 7172, 163, 171

Konopka, G., 112

Kosslyn, S. M., 89

Kotz, S. A., 51, 54, 106

Kourtzi, Z., 89

Krakauer, J., 48

Krause, J., 114

Kuhl, P., 146

Kuoppamaki, M., 105

Kuypers, H., 9697

Labov, W., 171

Ladefoged, P., 139

Lai, C. S., 108

Lai, S. J., 104

Lamarck, J.-B., 61

Lange, K. W., 50, 112

language: adaptation and, 9091; Americans and, 16667, 201; aphasia and, 2930, 32, 40, 76, 9899, 189; basal ganglia and, 28; behavior and, 163, 16568, 17173, 205; brain damage and, 98; Broca’s area and, 2632, 189; Broca-Wernicke theory and, 2730; Chinese and, 7173, 143, 16465, 167, 204; Chomsky and, 6567, 7172, 92, 96, 1023, 127, 16277, 2058; comprehension and, 5, 23, 2832, 44, 47, 5051, 5455, 5859, 76, 96, 98, 1026, 123; Conference on the Origins and Evolution of Language and Speech and, 16566; consonants and, 3841, 45, 72, 80, 98, 105, 133, 135, 138, 142, 158; creationist linguistics and, 16266; English, 5, 89, 4041, 6667, 7173, 76, 78, 90, 100104, 12223, 128, 136, 141, 143, 158, 164, 16674, 191, 201, 2045; Eskimos (Inuits) and, 2045; evolution and, 15859; evolutionary psychology and, 3, 156, 15859, 16278, 185, 188; Faculty of Language (FL) and, 96, 164, 167, 17273, 175, 178, 208; formant frequency and, 39, 133, 13640, 14243, 145, 200202; FOXP2human gene and, 100109; French, 15859, 164, 169, 191; functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and, 8890, 165; German, 158, 16465, 169, 204; Geschwind paper and, 29; Gold’s theorem and, 16970; Gopnick studies and, 100106; hippocampus and, 89; imitation and, 15255; innateness and, 58, 66, 7172, 9192, 102, 15657, 16273, 178, 184, 188, 191, 2068; KE family and, 10110, 202; knowledge of, 6567, 7172, 163, 171; learning and, 6667, 7172, 8992, 100101, 122, 128, 148, 16364, 16869, 171, 207; Linguistic Relativity and, 2045; memory and, 105, 143, 15657; modular theory and, 164; My Fair Lady and, 40; native, 7172, 100101, 165, 169, 204; neuroimaging and, 8990; Nicaraguan Sign Language (NSL), 17677; nineteenth-century models and, x; Optimality Theory (OT) and, 7172, 167; Oxford English Dictionary and, 9091; oxygen depletion and, 36, 4549, 69, 105; Parkinson disease and, 1056; phonetics and, 5, 40, 54, 71, 136, 14143, 146; phrenology and, 6, 2730, 164; Pinker and, 5; Piraha, 173, 17576, 2057; positron emission tomography (PET) scans and, 88, 98, 107; poverty of the stimulus and, 16970; prefrontal cortex and, 94; quantal vowels and, 13740, 14447; recursion and, 17276, 201, 2056; Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and, 2035; sign, 23, 91, 102, 123, 127, 140, 148, 17677; Sound Spectrograph and, 41, 134; supralaryngeal vocal tract (SVT) and, 3941, 13340, 14447, 200; syllables and, 27, 54, 66, 72, 101, 105, 14243, 167; syntax and, 5, 44, 51, 56, 5859, 65, 72, 7778, 100, 1036, 123, 143, 16970, 174, 178; thought and, 2035; as tool, 2057; transcription factors and, 107, 117; transformational rules and, 17071; Tseltal, 18485; Universal Grammars (UGs) and, 67 (see also Universal Grammars (UGs)); variation and, 171, 179; voice onset time (VOT) and, 4142; von Humboldt opus and, 204; vowels and, 3839, 72, 105, 131f, 133, 13547, 200; Wernicke’s area and, 2632, 189; word concepts and, 8992; worldview and, 2034

Language Instinct, The (Pinker), 104, 156

Language: The Cultural Tool (Everett), 206

Lartet, E., 87

laryngeal phonation, 27, 35, 42, 98

larynx: animal, 2012; cricoid cartilage of, 14445; human, 3839, 81, 9698, 13033, 136, 14446, 192, 200; Neanderthals and, 14446; speech and, 27, 35, 3839, 42, 81, 9698, 13033, 136, 14446, 192, 200202; swallowing and, 13032, 14446; tongue and, 13033, 136, 14446. See also supralaryngeal vocal tract (SVT)

Lashley, K., 78

Leakey, L., 12425

Leakey, M., 12425

learning: animal, 23, 8283, 112, 11617, 123, 148, 161, 169, 174, 177, 203; associative, 2022, 5559, 10912, 164, 190, 203; automatization and, 55, 5859; autopsies and, 16, 2829, 46, 97; basal ganglia and, 5559, 110, 14647, 203; brain design and, 3738, 41, 5152, 5559; brain size and, 2, 11, 8388, 113, 118; chimpanzees and, 127, 161; cognitive flexibility and, 23, 2224, 32, 4247, 5053, 95, 99, 1056, 111, 190, 196, 208; comprehension and, 5, 23, 2832, 44, 47, 5051, 5455, 5859, 76, 96, 98, 1026, 123; conditioned reflex and, 20; cortical-basal ganglia circuits and, 22, 5255, 76, 94, 99100, 105, 11011, 115, 146, 203; evolution and, 66, 69, 71; executive control and, 23, 44, 4954, 85, 95, 105, 107, 18384, 189; FOXP2human gene and, 11112, 190; genius and, 7, 113; imitative, 2324, 37, 59, 69, 96, 116, 135, 14855, 164; innate, 162, 166, 169, 2067; innovation and, xi, 3, 2324, 15152, 155; KE family and, 110; language and, 6567, 7172, 8992, 100101, 122, 128, 148, 16364, 168, 169, 171, 207; local operations and, x; mathematics and, 2067; matrisomes and, 5559; motor skills and, 5657, 95, 111, 138, 14647; Neanderthals and, 15255; neuroimaging and, 8990; neurons and, 1820; Parkinson disease and, 37; procedural, 106; religion and, 198; reward-based, 5659; speech and, 96, 99, 101, 106, 11617; syntax and, 56, 174, 178 (see also syntax)

Lehericy, S., 14, 23, 98, 107

Leibnitz, G. W., 75, 9192

lesions: anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and, 79; aphasia and, 99; basal ganglia and, 41, 55, 76, 80, 98, 105; caudate nucleus and, 105; globus pallidus and, 55; motor skills and, 55; putamen and, 105; thalamus and, 55

Levalloisian technique, 12728

Levelt, W.J.M., 5

Levinson, S., 175

levodopa, 37, 49, 55

Lewontin, R. C., 7475

Liberman, A., 134, 14243

Lichtheim, 28

Lieberman, D., 86, 130, 13233, 153

Lieberman, M., 5556, 82, 134, 149, 179

Lieberman, P., ixxi, 4546, 80, 135, 13840, 14344, 146, 165, 192

Liegeois, F., 107

life expectancy, 62

Lindblom, B., 138

Linguistic Relativity, 2045

Lisker, L., 41

local operations: basal ganglia and, 3637, 44, 94, 110, 190; behavioral observations and, x; brain mechanisms and, x, 4, 2122, 30, 32, 3637, 44, 51–57, 77, 94, 100, 110, 190; computational efficiency and, 100; cortical-basal ganglia-cortical circuits and, 32, 36; design and, 30, 32, 3637, 44, 5157; evolution and, 77; functional architecture and, 4; neuroimaging and, 190

Locke, J., 91

Logothetis, N. K., 13

Lord Jim (Conrad), 90

Lubker, J., 143

Lucy, 86

lungfish, 7374

MacLean, P. D., 9, 7980

MacNeilage, P., 138

mad genius stereotype and HAR genes, 113

Madoff, B., 158

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 3, 1112, 1418, 28, 3132, 41, 46, 55, 85, 106

Maguire, E. A., 84

Mahajan, P. V., 144

Mahakala, 60

Malinche, 188

Malthus, T., 6263

Mammuts, 88

Marie, P., 2829

Marin, O., 22

Marsden, D., 45, 5556, 78, 94, 99

Martin, A., 8889

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): Chinese language studies and, 73; Chomsky and, 78, 103, 17072; electrical engineering and, 77; Fedorenko and, 58; Kegl and, 176; Lieberman and, 73, 77, 143; Stevens and, 13537; Sur and, 18

Mateer, C. J., 55

mathematics, x; arithmetic, 51, 54, 106, 163, 2067; brain design and, 2527, 59; brain mechanisms and, 58; Bronowski and, 90; domain-specific organ for, 118; Gold’s theorem and, 16970; Leibnitz and, 75; number faculty and, 2067; Universal Driving Grammar and, 163

matrisomes, 5559

Matthew, Bible book of, 198

Max Planck Institute, 15, 99, 109, 112

Mayans, 18485

Mayflower (ship), 151

Mayr, E., 2, 76, 171

Mazo, M., 82

McBrearty, S., 150

McCarthy, R. C., 133, 14447

McGill University, 100

McNeill, D., 191

Melchner, L. von, 18

memory: Alzheimer’s dementia and, 42, 89; brain design and, 42, 5054, 57; brain mechanisms and, 8, 1923; cognitive flexibility and, 95; enhanced, 83; executive control and, 23, 44, 4954, 85, 95, 105, 107, 18384, 189; hippocampus and, 8384, 8889; implicit, 84; language and, 105, 143, 15657; long-term, 83; moral faculty and, 178; prefrontal cortex and, 83, 85, 88; short-term, 23, 50, 85; smart phones and, 143; traces and, 1920, 57, 8485, 89; verbal, 105; visual, 190; working, 5054, 83, 85, 95, 105, 189

Mexico, 18788

Meyer, M., 11920

mice, 9; anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and, 80; Foxp2 animal gene and, 108, 110; FOXP2human gene and, 10912; GMO, 10912, 115; hippocampus and, 84; Mouse Genome Sequencing Consortium and, 108; spinal column of, 108

Michaels, S. B., 192

Mifune, T., 56

migrations, 67, 69, 73, 82, 8788, 122, 147, 151, 203

milk, ix, 68, 130, 166

Miller, E. K., 23, 35, 51, 85

“Minimal Recursion: Exploring the Prospects” (Chomsky), 17576

Minster, Y., 122

Mirenowicz, J., 57, 112

mirror-test, 198

mitochondrial RNA (mRNA), 1078

Moctezuma, 188

modular theory, x, 34, 76; art instinct and, 208; brain design and, 54, 164, 208; evolutionary psychology and, 57, 25, 208; language and, 164; phrenology and, 7, 22; workstations and, 56

mollusks, 21

Monchi, O., 23, 5153, 9495, 106, 112

monkeys, 159, 198; basal ganglia and, 95; brain design and, 50, 58; brain mechanisms and, 16; formant frequency and, 136; Hauser data and, 183; shyness and, 193; unpredictability and, 193; working memory and, 50

monogamy genes, xi

Moore, L. G., 69

morality gene: Broca’s area and, 30; cultural evolution and, 24; evolutionary psychology and, xi, 3, 24, 65, 17785, 2078; natural selection and, 65

Moral Minds (Hauser), 17778, 183

morals: altruism and, 3, 18586, 194; basal ganglia and, 18384; Broca’s area and, 30; chimpanzees and, 19498; Christianity and, 810, 180, 186, 207; culture and, 24, 107, 160, 17985, 193, 19799, 202; disembowelment and, 19899; emotion and, 178; ethics and, 24, 97, 178; evolutionary psychology and, xi, 3, 24, 65, 17785, 2078; genocide and, 18082; Golden Rule and, 19899; Hauser and, 65, 17780, 184; honor killing and, 179; IN and OUT groups, 195, 197; Japanese Imperial Army during World War II and, 19798; Khmer Rouge and, 184; memory and, 178; natural selection and, 65; Nazis and, 18082, 193, 197; neuroimaging and, 51; nuclear bombs and, 198; phrenology and, 68, 2527; rape and, 12527, 184, 197; religion and, 1, 810, 177, 180, 186, 207; selfish gene theory and, 18588; toy experiments and, 18284; Universal Moral Grammar and, 17879, 18384, 208; Vikings and, 24, 17980, 197; WEIRDOs and, 160, 18285, 198, 202

Moral Sense Test, 18385

Mormons, 161

Moses, 175

motor control, x; activation patterns and, 89; aphasia and, 76; associative learning and, 11012; automatization and, 55, 5859; basal ganglia and, 4446, 5559, 7678, 1056, 110, 112, 18384, 189; brain damage and, 76; brain design and, 32, 35f, 3637, 40, 4445; brain mechanisms and, 3, 5, 9, 2123; coded instructions and, 3; cognition and, 4445, 7677, 108; cognitive flexibility and, 4445; cortical-striatal-cortical circuits and, 1078; evolution and, 7680; executive control and, 23, 44, 4954, 85, 95, 105, 107, 18384, 189; gestures and, 42, 99, 104, 140, 177, 191, 200; human frontal cortex and, 85; language and, 8992 (see also language); learning and, 95, 111, 138, 14647; neural circuits and, 3, 97; oxygen depletion and, 36, 4549, 69, 105; paleocortex and, 79; Pinker and, 5; posterior dorsal cortex and, 94; prefrontal cortex and, 94; speech and, 3739, 98, 112, 134, 138, 189 (see also speech); syntax of, 7780; thalamus and, 55, 108; walking and, 37, 7778, 118, 154, 173

motor cortex, x, 41, 5559, 9899

Mount Everest, 36, 4549, 69, 105

MPTP neurotoxin, 57

Musashi, M., 56, 59

music, 14, 38, 77, 81, 93, 148, 154, 173, 201

mutations: genetics and, 23, 61, 68, 70, 72, 1089, 115, 151, 158, 182, 186, 191; selective sweeps and, 68, 70, 72, 109, 115, 151, 158, 182

My Fair Lady (film), 40

“Myth of Language Universals, The” (Evans and Levinson), 175

Naeser, M., 29, 98

Nagasaki, 198

National Institutes of Health (NIH), 193

Natsopoulos, D., 51

natural selection, ix; behavior and, 146, 19394; Chomskian theory and why Chinese descent would preclude acquiring English, 16466; continual selection on humans, 6771; culture and, 6771; food and, 6869; Malthus and, 63; morals and, 65; neural circuits and, 146; selective sweeps and, 68, 70, 72, 109, 115, 151, 158, 182; selfish gene theory and, 3, 30, 65, 178, 18588, 194; struggle for existence and, 63, 68, 79, 87, 109, 115, 142, 153, 186, 193, 19697; tenuousness of life and, 6165; Universal Grammars (UGs) and, 7172; variation and, xxi, 6364, 70, 73

Nature journal, 82, 106, 159, 161, 174

Nature Neuroscience journal, 9

Nauta-Gygax procedure, 9697

Nazis, 18082, 193, 197

Neanderthals: brain size and, 152; Darwin and, 11416; Denisovans and, 11416, 11920, 152, 190; evolution and, xi, 11320, 13840, 14447, 15255, 190; FOXP2human gene and, 11415, 11920, 152; genetics and, 113; imitation and, 15255; larynx and, 14446; learning and, 15255; semi-supercharged brains and, 11316; skulls of, 113, 152; speech and, 13840, 14447; supralaryngeal vocal tract (SVT) and, 13940

Nearey, T., 13738, 140

neck, 23, 13233, 14447

negative feedback, 52

Negus, V. E., 136

neocortex, 1011, 16, 94, 98

neophrenology, 2527

Nepal, 3031, 46, 65, 69, 14950, 191

neural circuits: apes and, 98; basal ganglia and, 94 (see also basal ganglia); birds and, 11617, 203; brain damage and, 28 (see also brain damage); brain design and, 2836, 45, 49, 51, 5355; brain mechanisms and, 34, 9, 14, 2123, 190; Broca’s area and, 107; chimpanzees and, 9596; cognitive flexibility and, 23, 2224, 32, 4247, 5053, 95, 99, 1056, 111, 190, 196, 208; cortex and, 2123; cortical-basal ganglia, 22, 3236, 5255, 76, 94, 99100, 105, 11011, 115, 146, 183, 203; cortical-striatal-cortical, 33f, 52, 1078; domain-general, 184; domain specificity and, 5355; evolution and, 7680; fashion and, 149; FOXP2human gene and, 100120; information and, 85, 120; language and, 164 (see also language); motor control and, 3 (see also motor control); Nauta-Gygax procedure and, 9697; oxygen depletion and, 36, 4549, 69, 105; Parkinson disease and, 189; speech and, 9699; striatum and, 1078; supercharged, 8283, 11218, 120; tracer studies and, 3435, 9596, 99, 190; transcription factors and, 11213, 118; unique human, 9599; unpredictability and creativity and, 18990; working memory and, 83

“Neural Correlates of Religious and Nonreligious Belief, The” (Harris), 8

“neural engine” of unpredictability and creativity, 99120

neuroimaging: anatomy and, 1118; baseline and, 14; computed tomography (CT) scans and, 11, 29, 97, 122; cytoarchitectural reconstruction methods and, 1618; data issues in, 1518; diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and, 14, 21, 32, 35, 95, 98; electroencephalography (EEG) and, 27; event-related potentials (ERPs) and, 1415; functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and, 1215, 18, 27, 36, 5155, 5859, 80, 8890, 107, 165, 177, 183; learning words and, 8990; localization issues and, 1518; local operations and, 190; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and, 3, 1112, 1418, 28, 3132, 41, 46, 55, 85, 106; Monchi study and, 5153; morals and, 51; phrenology and, 8, 27; positron emission tomography (PET) scans and, 1214, 27, 36, 51, 5354, 80, 88, 98, 107; reductionism and, 5152; region of interest (ROI) and, 14; tracer studies and, 3435, 9596, 99, 190; Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) and, 5152

neurons: axons and, 1820, 120; Brodmann and, 16; dendrites and, 1820, 36, 111, 120; learning and, 1820; synapses and, 1821, 111, 11920

Newman, J. D., 9, 80

New York Times, 150, 159

Nicaraguan Sign Language (NSL), 17677

Njal’s Saga, The Story of Burnt Njal, 179

nonverbal modes of thinking, 9293

“Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution” (Dobzhansky), 76

“Not Necessarily a Wing” (Gould), 7576

NPR, 133, 156

nuclear bombs, 198

number faculty, 2067

Obeso, J., 45, 5556, 78, 94, 99

O’Brian, P., 9293

Odd-Man-Out (OMO) test, 4244, 47, 1045

Ojemann, G. A., 55

Oldowan tools, 12528

On Language: The Diversity of Human Language-Structure and Its Influence on the Mental Development of Mankind (von Humboldt), 204

“On the Failure of Generative Grammar” (Gross), 103

On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 60, 64, 73, 12930, 165, 197

“On the Speech of Neanderthal Man” (Lieberman and Crelin), 13940

Optimality Theory (OT), 7172, 167, 172

orangutans, 83, 201

O’Toole, A. J., 89

OUT groups, 195, 197

Owen, A. M., 9, 54

Oxford English Dictionary, 9091

Oxford University, 107

Paabo, S., 110, 11415, 119

Pal, D. K., 113

paleocortex, 79

Paleolithic era, 126, 128, 14547, 15354

Paquin, C., 79

Parkinson, J., 37

Parkinson disease, 76, 189; basal ganglia and, 49, 53, 105; brain damage and, 99; brain design and, 3347, 55; cognitive flexibility and, 4245; dopamine and, 57; executive control and, 4953; FOXP2human gene and, 112; hypophonation and, 80, 98; language and, 1056; learning and, 37; levodopa and, 37, 49, 55; Odd-Man-Out (OMO) test and, 4244, 47, 1045; oxygen depletion and, 46; speech and, 113

Patel, A. D., 14

Pavlov, I., 2021, 57

Pembry, M., 102, 202

pestilence, 63

Peterson, G. E., 136, 195

Petrides, M., 94

phonetics, 5, 40, 54, 71, 136, 14143, 146

phrenology: brain mechanisms and, 68, 22; Broca-Wernicke language theory and, 2730; death of, 8, 25; language and, 6, 2730, 164; mathematics and, 6; modern guise of, 810; modular theory and, 7, 22; morals and, 68, 2527; neophrenology and, 2527; neuroimaging and, 27; Spurzsheim and, 78

Piatelli-Palmarini, M., 7576

Pickett, E. R., 40, 44, 47, 80, 98, 105

pigeons, 64, 206

Pinker, S.: art gene and, 15657; evolutionary psychology and, 2, 45, 92, 100101, 1034, 15658, 177; How the Mind Works and, 4; The Language Instinct and, 104; Universal Grammars (UGs) and, 100101, 1034; word concepts and, 92

Piraha people, 173, 17576, 2057

pitch, 39, 81, 135, 192, 200201

plasticity, 18, 111, 11920

Podos, J., 61

Poldark, R. A., 1516

Polich, L., 176

Poolesville Animal Center, 193

pop neuroscience, 811

Popul Vuh, 67

positron emission tomography (PET) scans: anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and, 80; brain design and, 27, 36, 51, 5354; brain mechanisms and, 1214; language and, 88, 98, 107

posterior cortex, 11f, 94, 105

Postle, B. R., 8, 23, 51, 83, 85

poverty of the stimulus, 16970

preadaptation: ACC and laryngeal control, 80; Darwin and, 3, 7376, exaptation and, 7576; human tongue and, 12940; motor control to cognition and, 7678

prefrontal cortex: basal ganglia and, 2223, 49, 51, 5354, 85, 94, 99, 111, 18384, 18990; brain design and, 3536, 4155, 58; brain mechanisms and, 810, 11f, 16, 17f; Brodmann areas and, 94; chimpanzees and, 85; cognition and, 85, 9495; dorsolateral, 10, 11f, 17f, 3536, 5254, 94, 190; feedback and, 52; higher cognition and, 85; information and, 9495; memory and, 83, 85, 88; Monchi group and, 9495; motor control and, 94; orbofrontal, 10, 11f, 36, 49; size of human, 85; thalamus and, 52; uniqueness of human, 9399; ventrolateral, 8, 10, 11f, 17f, 36, 5254, 9495, 190; ventromedial, 89

Prescott, W. H., 18788

Preuss, T., 113

Primeval Kinship (Chapais), 160

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the US (PNAS), 106

Prospect Park Zoo, 134

Providence Journal-Bulletin, 7879

Provost, J. S., 53

Ptak, S., 115

Pullum, G., 16768, 205

putamen: brain design and, 33f, 34, 41, 46, 5354, 57; KE family and, 1068; lesions and, 46, 105; Monchi group and, 95

Pygmalion (Shaw), 40

pythons, 7879

quantal vowels, 13740, 14447

rape, 12527, 184, 197

rats, 78, 173, 202

“Reading Aloud” (NPR), 133

recursion, 17276, 201, 2056

Redtail Reborn (documentary), 48

region of interest (ROI), 14

Reich, D., 114, 152

Reimers-Kipping, S., 110

religion, ix; altruism and, 186; belief and, 175, 177, 184; Bible and, 67, 198; brain mechanisms and, 3, 89, 22; Christianity and, 810, 180, 186, 19899, 207; creativity and, 150; Darwin and, 185; Dawkins and, 18586; evolution and, 60; functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and, 177; Golden Rule and, 19899; Harris and, 810; learning and, 198; morals and, 1, 810, 177, 180, 186, 207; Mormons and, 161; selfish gene theory and, 18586, 188; Torah and, 198

Rhode Island School of Design, 148

Riel-Salvatore, J., 154

Rissman, J., 9

RNA (ribonucleic acid), 1078

Robbin, R., 50

Robertson, C., 42

Robertson, R. L., 105

Royal Society, 64

Rumbaugh, D., 123

Sachs, J., 199

Salk Institute, 120

Samurai, 5556

Sanes, J. N., 56

Sapir, E., 2035

Savage-Rumbaugh, S., 123

Schick, K., 125

schizophrenia, 113

Schultz, W., 57, 112

Schulz, G. M., 98

Science journal, 29, 182

Science Magazine, 119

Sciences of Language, The (Chomsky), 166

Scott, R. B., 55

selective sweep, 68, 70, 72, 109, 115, 151, 158, 182

Selfish Gene, The (Dawkins), 185

selfish gene theory: altruism and, 3, 18586, 194; behavior and, 3, 18586, 194; Chomsky and, 185; Dawkins and, 3, 65, 178, 18588, 194; emotion and, 178; evolutionary psychology and, 3, 30, 65, 178, 18588, 194; morals and, 18588; religion and, 18586, 188; survival and, 18687

Semendeferi, K., 83, 85

Sesame Street (TV show), 192

sex: chimpanzees and, 160; erotica and, 910; evolutionary psychology and, 15961; Hamann study and, 910; harems and, 161; Mormons and, 161; sexual dimorphism and, 201

Shanidar 2 fossil, 146

Shaw, G. B., 40

Shenhav, A., 18384

Shu, W., 108

Shultz, S., 159

shyness, 19293

sign language, 23, 91, 102, 123, 127, 140, 148, 17677

Simard, F., 23, 51, 54

Simonson, T. S., 70

Skhul V fossil, 14546

Skinner, 207

skulls: animal, 87; human, 68, 15, 2627, 33f, 130, 132, 139, 14445, 184; Neanderthal, 113, 152

Slocombe, K., 148

Smeets, W. J., 22

Smith, A., 169

Smith, B. L., 38, 59, 169

snakes, 7879, 129

Sound Spectrograph, 41, 13435

“Spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian Program, The” (Gould and Lewontin), 7475

speech: acoustics and, 199202; anatomy and, 131f, 13443; ape vocalizations and, 95, 13336, 138, 140; aphasia and, 2930, 32, 40, 76, 9899, 189; basal ganglia and, 37, 41, 44; bird vocalizations and, 11617, 135, 174; brain damage and, 98; brain design and, 2732, 35, 3747, 55, 5859; brain mechanisms and, 5, 14, 18, 2324; breathing and, 81; Broca’s area and, 29, 40; chimpanzee calls and, 13436; Chomsky and, 6567, 16970, 172, 174; CM (patient) and, 4142, 44, 47, 80; complexity of, 3739; comprehension and, 5, 23, 2832, 44, 47, 5051, 5455, 5859, 76, 96, 98, 1026, 123; consonants and, 3841, 45, 72, 80, 98, 105, 133, 135, 138, 142, 158; cricoid cartilage and, 14445; dialects and, 71, 136, 143, 171, 200201; evolution and, 66, 80, 147, 158, 165; filtering characteristics and, 39; formant frequency and, 39, 133, 13640, 14243, 145, 200202; FOXP2human gene and, 1045, 109, 120, 138; fundamental frequency (F) and, 39, 81, 192, 200; gender and, 199202; genetics and, 1012, 113; Gopnick study and, 1014; Horning study and, 170; hypophonation and, 80, 98; infant vocal tract and, 131f; KE family and, 10110, 202; larynx and, 27, 35, 3839, 42, 81, 9698, 13033, 136, 14446, 192, 200202; learning and, 96, 99, 101, 106, 11617; melody of, 27, 35; memory and, 105; modular theory and, 5; music and, 14; My Fair Lady and, 40; Neanderthals and, 13840, 14447; neural circuits and, 9699; Optimality Theory and, 172; Parkinson disease and, 113; phonetics and, 5, 40, 54, 71, 136, 14143, 146; Pickett study and, 44, 47, 80, 98, 105; production of, 3739; quantal vowels and, 13740, 14447; rapid data transmission rate and, 39, 14043; recognition on smart phones and computers; respiratory control and, 134; Sound Spectrograph and, 41, 134; specialness of, 14043; species-specific circuits and, 96; stop consonants and, 4041, 45, 142; supralaryngeal vocal tract (SVT) and, 3941, 13340, 14447, 200; syllables and, 27, 54, 66, 72, 101, 105, 14243, 167; syntax and, 5, 44, 51, 56, 5859, 65, 72, 100, 1036, 123, 174, 178; synthesizers and, 123; Tan (Leborgne) and, 2728; tongue and, 2324, 3942, 96, 98, 104, 12946; Universal Grammars (UGs) and, 67, 7172, 16269, 172; unpredictability and, 189; voice onset time (VOT) and, 4142; voice pitch and, 39, 81, 135, 192, 200201; vowels and, 3839, 72, 105, 131f, 133, 13547, 200

Spoor, F., 125

Spurzsheim, J., 7

squirrels, 17374, 192

starlings, 174

Stephan, H., 85

Stevens, K., 13538, 140, 145

stop consonants, 4041, 45, 142

stress, 181, 19293

striatum: basal ganglia and, 33f, 41, 57; Broca’s area and, 107; cortical-striatal-cortical circuits and, 33f, 52, 1078

Strick, P. L., 34

strokes, 2729, 3435, 97

struggle for existence, 63, 68, 79, 87, 109, 115, 142, 153, 186, 193, 19697

Stuss, D. T., 30

subthalamic nucleus, 53

Suomi, S., 193

supercharged neural circuits, 11217

superchargers, 11718

superdogs, 99

supralaryngeal vocal tract (SVT): acoustics and, 200; brain design and, 3941; filtering characteristics and, 39; formant frequency and, 200202; fossils and, 14447; fundamental frequency and, 200; Neanderthals and, 13940; speech and, 3941, 13340, 14447, 200; stop consonants and, 4041, 45, 142; tongue and, 13940

Sur, M., 18

survival: archaeology and, 121, 129; brain design and, 3031, 4849; brain mechanisms and, 23; Darwin and, 61, 63, 6870, 73, 87, 109, 116; evolution and, 61, 63, 6870, 73, 87, 109, 116; gender and, 201; natural selection and, 166; Neanderthals and, 116; religion and, 150; selective sweep and, 68; selfish gene theory and, 18687; soft brain tissue and, 79, 129; struggle for existence and, 109

swallowing, 64, 79, 12932, 14446

Swaminath, P. V., 46

Sweden, 2023

Swift, J., 75, 9192

syllables, 27, 54, 66, 72, 101, 105, 14243, 167

Sylvian fissure, 10, 11f

Symbolic Species, The (Deacon), 85, 96

synapses: action potential and, 19; brain mechanisms and, 1821; conditioned reflex and, 20; FOXP2human and other genes that enhance plasticity, 107, 11113, 11720, modification of, 2021; plasticity and, 111, 11920; weight of, 19

Syntactic Structures (Chomsky), 102, 17071

syntax: animals and, 173; chimpanzees and, 123; Chomsky and, 59, 6567, 102, 17071; Gold’s theorem and, 16970; information and, 5, 44, 51, 56, 5859, 65, 72, 100, 1036, 123, 16970, 174, 178; KE family and, 1036; language and, 5, 44, 51, 56, 5859, 65, 72, 7778, 100, 1036, 123, 174, 178; motor control and, 7780; Pinker and, 5; Universal Grammars (UGs) and, 100104

Takemoto, H., 136

Talairach, J., 15

tale of rock, rabbit, and granddaughter, 16768

talking while breathing, 81

Tan (Leborgne), 2728

Taunton, M., 157

Templeton, A. R., 67, 151

temporal cortex, 53, 83, 95

Ten Commandments, 175

Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 63

Teramatsu, I., 117, 203

Terao, S.-I., 97

thalamus: brain design and, 30, 33f, 3436, 52, 55; FOXP2human gene and, 108, 111; information and, 34; lesions and, 55; motor skills and, 55, 108; prefrontal cortex and, 52

theory of mind, 198

Therapsids, 7980, 129

Tibet, 1, 3031, 46, 60, 6970, 149, 164, 169, 175, 182

time course for learning language, 16970

Tishkoff, S. A., 68, 166

Tolosa Cortes Moctezuma, I., 188

Tomasello, M., 161, 191

tongue: anatomical inferences from, 12946; animal, 12930, 13536; digestion and, 130; eating and, 13032; evolution and, 12930; growth of, 13233; human, 12933; larynx and, 13033, 136, 14446; speech and, 2324, 3942, 96, 98, 104, 12933, 13546; steel dentures and, 65; supralaryngeal vocal tract (SVT) and, 13940; swallowing and, 13032, 14446

Toobey, J., 158

Torah, 198

Toth, N., 125

Tournoux, P., 15

tracer studies, 3435, 9596, 99, 190

transcription factors: archaeological studies and, 121, 155; DNA and, 1078; evolution and, 1079; Foxp2 animal gene and, 1078, 110, 114, 11617, 203; FOXP2human gene and, 80, 100115 (see also FOXP2human gene); language and, 117; supercharged neural circuits and, 11213, 118, 190

transmutation, 61, 186, 191

Trinkhaus, E., 146

Truby, H. L., 136

True History of the Conquest of New Spain, The (Díaz del Castillo), 18788

Tyson, E., 83


Universal Grammars (UGs): Chomsky and, 67, 7172, 96, 16269, 172; creationist linguistics and, 16266; of Driving (UGDs), 16263; English and, 100101, 16467, 17074; evolutionary psychology and, 16269, 172, 208; language and, 67, 7172, 96, 100104, 16269, 172; natural selection and, 16466; Pinker and, 100101, 1034; syntax and, 100104; as un-falsifiable belief, 17475

Universal Moral Grammar, 17879, 18384, 208

University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), 10910, 112

University of Connecticut, 134, 199

unpredictability, 2; basal ganglia and, 99100, 18990; biological bases of, 18993; cortical-basal ganglia circuits and, 99100; culture and, 191; evolution and, 19093; evolutionary psychology and, 23, 191; information and, 19091; monkeys and, 193; neural circuits and, 18990; speech and, 189

unstable human-specific genes that enhance cognition, 113

vacuum tubes, 77

Vargha-Khadem, F., 104, 1067

variation: cross-cultural, 179; evolution and, xxi, 6364, 70, 73, 115, 159, 165; genetics and, xxi, 6364, 70, 73, 100101, 115, 19394; language and, 171, 179; putative absence in Chomsky’s Universal Grammar, 164, 171

Vikings, 24, 17980, 197

Virgin Birth, 60

vision: cortical malleability and, 18; diffusion tensor studies and, 21; evolution and, 74; working memory and, 189

visual cortex, 18, 59

voice onset time (VOT), 4142

voice pitch, 39, 81, 135, 192, 200201

Voltaire, 75

von Humboldt, A., 204

von Humboldt, W., 204

Wade, N., 159, 177

Wagner, A. D., 23, 51, 83, 85

walking, 37, 7778, 118, 154, 173

Wallis, J. D., 23, 35, 51, 85

Wang, J., 51, 54, 106

Wangdi, N., 31

Washington, G., 198

Washoe, 91, 123, 177

Waters, E. T., 21

Watkins, K. E., 104

Wayles, J., 187

Wechsler Intelligence tests, 1046

WEIRDO (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democracies) culture, 160, 18285, 198, 202

Wernicke, K., 28

Wernicke’s area: aphasia and, 189; language and, 2632, 189

WGBH, 133

whales, 10, 8586

What Darwin Got Wrong (Fodor and Piatelli-Palmarini), 7576

White, S. A., 117

Whorf, B., 2035

Wilkie, 196

Wilson, B., 135

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, 47, 51, 54, 104

working memory, 5054, 83, 85, 95, 105, 189

Wrangham, R., 195

Wynne-Edwards, V. C., 186

x-rays, 11, 29, 13233

Yaghans, 122

Yale University, 135, 138, 199

Yi, X., 70

Yojimbo (Japanese film), 5556

Zebra finches, 11617, 203

Zhang, J., 202

Ziner, K., 7879