In this chapter we look at the basics of static malware analysis. Static analysis is performed by analyzing a program file’s disassembled code, graphical images, printable strings, and other on-disk resources. It refers to reverse engineering without actually running the program. Although static analysis techniques have their shortcomings, they can help us understand a wide variety of malware. Through careful reverse engineering, you’ll be able to better understand the benefits that malware binaries provide attackers after they’ve taken possession of a target, as well as the ways attackers can hide and continue their attacks on an infected machine. As you’ll see, this chapter combines descriptions and examples. Each section introduces a static analysis technique and then illustrates its application in real-world analysis.
I begin this chapter by describing the Portable Executable (PE) file format used by most Windows programs, and then examine how to use the popular Python library pefile to dissect a real-world malware binary. I then describe techniques such as imports analysis, graphical image analysis, and strings analysis. In all cases, I show you how to use open source tools to apply the analysis technique to real-world malware. Finally, at the end of the chapter, I introduce ways malware can make life difficult for malware analysts and discuss some ways to mitigate these issues.
You’ll find the malware sample used in the examples in this chapter in this book’s data under the directory /ch1. To demonstrate the techniques discussed in this chapter, we use ircbot.exe, an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) bot created for experimental use, as an example of the kinds of malware commonly observed in the wild. As such, the program is designed to stay resident on a target computer while connected to an IRC server. After ircbot.exe gets hold of a target, attackers can control the target computer via IRC, allowing them to take actions such as turning on a webcam to capture and surreptitiously extract video feeds of the target’s physical location, taking screenshots of the desktop, extracting files from the target machine, and so on. Throughout this chapter, I demonstrate how static analysis techniques can reveal the capabilities of this malware.
To perform static malware analysis, you need to understand the Windows PE format, which describes the structure of modern Windows program files such as .exe, .dll, and .sys files and defines the way they store data. PE files contain x86 instructions, data such as images and text, and metadata that a program needs in order to run.
The PE format was originally designed to do the following:
Tell Windows how to load a program into memory The PE format describes which chunks of a file should be loaded into memory, and where. It also tells you where in the program code Windows should start a program’s execution and which dynamically linked code libraries should be loaded into memory.
Supply media (or resources) a running program may use in the course of its execution These resources can include strings of characters like the ones in GUI dialogs or console output, as well as images or videos.
Supply security data such as digital code signatures Windows uses such security data to ensure that code comes from a trusted source.
The PE format accomplishes all of this by leveraging the series of constructs shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1: The PE file format
As the figure shows, the PE format includes a series of headers telling the operating system how to load the program into memory. It also includes a series of sections that contain the actual program data. Windows loads the sections into memory such that their memory offsets correspond to where they appear on disk. Let’s explore this file structure in more detail, starting with the PE header. We’ll skip over a discussion of the DOS header, which is a relic of the 1980s-era Microsoft DOS operating system and only present for compatibility reasons.
Shown at the bottom of Figure 1-1, above the DOS header ➊, is the PE header ➋, which defines a program’s general attributes such as binary code, images, compressed data, and other program attributes. It also tells us whether a program is designed for 32- or 64-bit systems. The PE header provides basic but useful contextual information to the malware analyst. For example, the header includes a timestamp field that can give away the time at which the malware author compiled the file. This happens when malware authors forget to replace this field with a bogus value, which they often do.
The optional header ➌ is actually ubiquitous in today’s PE executable programs, contrary to what its name suggests. It defines the location of the program’s entry point in the PE file, which refers to the first instruction the program runs once loaded. It also defines the size of the data that Windows loads into memory as it loads the PE file, the Windows subsystem, the program targets (such as the Windows GUI or the Windows command line), and other high-level details about the program. The information in this header can prove invaluable to reverse engineers, because a program’s entry point tells them where to begin reverse engineering.
Section headers ➍ describe the data sections contained within a PE file. A section in a PE file is a chunk of data that either will be mapped into memory when the operating system loads a program or will contain instructions about how the program should be loaded into memory. In other words, a section is a sequence of bytes on disk that will either become a contiguous string of bytes in memory or inform the operating system about some aspect of the loading process.
Section headers also tell Windows what permissions it should grant to sections, such as whether they should be readable, writable, or executable by the program when it’s executing. For example, the .text section containing x86 code will typically be marked readable and executable but not writable to prevent program code from accidentally modifying itself in the course of execution.
A number of sections, such as .text and .rsrc, are depicted in Figure 1-1. These get mapped into memory when the PE file is executed. Other special sections, such as the .reloc section, aren’t mapped into memory. We’ll discuss these sections as well. Let’s go over the sections shown in Figure 1-1.
Each PE program contains at least one section of x86 code marked executable in its section header; these sections are almost always named .text ➎. We’ll disassemble the data in the .text section when performing program disassembly and reverse engineering in Chapter 2.
The .idata section ➏, also called imports, contains the Import Address Table (IAT), which lists dynamically linked libraries and their functions. The IAT is among the most important PE structures to inspect when initially approaching a PE binary for analysis because it reveals the library calls a program makes, which in turn can betray the malware’s high-level functionality.
The data sections in a PE file can include sections like .rsrc, .data, and .rdata, which store items such as mouse cursor images, button skins, audio, and other media used by a program. For example, the .rsrc section ➐ in Figure 1-1 contains printable character strings that a program uses to render text as strings.
The information in the .rsrc (resources) section can be vital to malware analysts because by examining the printable character strings, graphical images, and other assets in a PE file, they can gain vital clues about the file’s functionality. In “Examining Malware Images” on page 7, you’ll learn how to use the icoutils toolkit (including icotool and wrestool) to extract graphical images from malware binaries’ resources sections. Then, in “Examining Malware Strings” on page 8, you’ll learn how to extract printable strings from malware resources sections.
A PE binary’s code is not position independent, which means it will not execute correctly if it’s moved from its intended memory location to a new memory location. The .reloc section ➑ gets around this by allowing code to be moved without breaking. It tells the Windows operating system to translate memory addresses in a PE file’s code if the code has been moved so that the code still runs correctly. These translations usually involve adding or subtracting an offset from a memory address.
Although a PE file’s .reloc section may well contain information you’ll want to use in your malware analysis, we won’t discuss it further in this book because our focus is on applying machine learning and data analysis to malware, not doing the kind of hardcore reverse engineering that involves looking at relocations.
The pefile Python module, written and maintained by Ero Carerra, has become an industry-standard malware analysis library for dissecting PE files. In this section, I show you how to use pefile to dissect ircbot.exe. The ircbot.exe file can be found on the virtual machine accompanying this book in the directory ~/malware_data_science/ch1/data. Listing 1-1 assumes that ircbot.exe is in your current working directory.
Enter the following to install the pefile library so that we can import it within Python:
$ pip install pefile
Now, use the commands in Listing 1-1 to start Python, import the pefile module, and open and parse the PE file ircbot.exe using pefile.
$ python
>>> import pefile
>>> pe = pefile.PE("ircbot.exe")
Listing 1-1: Loading the pefile module and parsing a PE file (ircbot.exe)
We instantiate pefile.PE, which is the core class implemented by the PE module. It parses PE files so that we can examine their attributes. By calling the PE constructor, we load and parse the specified PE file, which is ircbot.exe in this example. Now that we’ve loaded and parsed our file, run the code in Listing 1-2 to pull information from ircbot.exe’s PE fields.
# based on Ero Carrera's example code (pefile library author)
for section in pe.sections:
print (section.Name, hex(section.VirtualAddress),
hex(section.Misc_VirtualSize), section.SizeOfRawData )
Listing 1-2: Iterating through the PE file’s sections and printing information about them
Listing 1-3 shows the output.
('.text\x00\x00\x00', ➊'0x1000', ➋'0x32830', ➌207360)
('.rdata\x00\x00', '0x34000', '0x427a', 17408)
('.data\x00\x00\x00', '0x39000', '0x5cff8', 10752)
('.idata\x00\x00', '0x96000', '0xbb0', 3072)
('.reloc\x00\x00', '0x97000', '0x211d', 8704)
Listing 1-3: Pulling section data from ircbot.exe using Python’s pefile module
As you can see in Listing 1-3, we’ve pulled data from five different sections of the PE file: .text, .rdata, .data, .idata, and .reloc. The output is given as five tuples, one for each PE section pulled. The first entry on each line identifies the PE section. (You can ignore the series of \x00 null bytes, which are simply C-style null string terminators.) The remaining fields tell us what each section’s memory utilization will be once it’s loaded into memory and where in memory it will be found once loaded.
For example, 0x1000 ➊ is the base virtual memory address where these sections will be loaded. Think of this as the section’s base memory address. The 0x32830 ➋ in the virtual size field specifies the amount of memory required by the section once loaded. The 207360 ➌ in the third field represents the amount of data the section will take up within that chunk of memory.
In addition to using pefile to parse a program’s sections, we can also use it to list the DLLs a binary will load, as well as the function calls it will request within those DLLs. We can do this by dumping a PE file’s IAT. Listing 1-4 shows how to use pefile to dump the IAT for ircbot.exe.
$ python
pe = pefile.PE("ircbot.exe")
print entry.dll
for function in entry.imports:
print '\t',
Listing 1-4: Extracting imports from ircbot.exe
Listing 1-4 should produce the output shown in Listing 1-5 (truncated for brevity).
➊ WriteFile
➋ CreateFileA
➌ CreateProcessA
Listing 1-5: Contents of the IAT of ircbot.exe, showing library functions used by this malware
As you can see in Listing 1-5, this output is valuable for malware analysis because it lists a rich array of functions that the malware declares and will reference. For example, the first few lines of the output tell us that the malware will write to files using WriteFile ➊, open files using the CreateFileA call ➋, and create new processes using CreateProcessA ➌. Although this is fairly basic information about the malware, it’s a start in understanding the malware’s behavior in more detail.
To understand how malware may be designed to game a target, let’s look at the icons contained in its .rsrc section. For example, malware binaries are often designed to trick users into clicking them by masquerading as Word documents, game installers, PDF files, and so on. You also find images in the malware suggesting programs of interest to the attackers themselves, such as network attack tools and programs run by attackers for the remote control of compromised machines. I have even seen binaries containing desktop icons of jihadists, images of evil-looking cyberpunk cartoon characters, and images of Kalashnikov rifles. For our sample image analysis, let’s consider a malware sample the security company Mandiant identified as having been crafted by a Chinese state-sponsored hacking group. You can find this sample malware in this chapter’s data directory under the name fakepdfmalware.exe. This sample uses an Adobe Acrobat icon to trick users into thinking it is an Adobe Acrobat document, when in fact it’s a malicious PE executable.
Before we can extract the images from the fakepdfmalware.exe binary using the Linux command line tool wrestool, we first need to create a directory to hold the images we’ll extract. Listing 1-6 shows how to do all this.
$ mkdir images
$ wrestool –x fakepdfmalware.exe –output=images
$ icotool –x –o images images/*.ico
Listing 1-6: Shell commands that extract images from a malware sample
We first use mkdir images to create a directory to hold the extracted images. Next, we use wrestool to extract image resources (-x) from fakepdfmalware.exe to /images and then use icotool to extract (-x) and convert (-o) any resources in the Adobe .ico icon format into .png graphics so that we can view them using standard image viewer tools. If you don’t have wrestool installed on your system, you can download it at
Once you’ve used wrestool to convert the images in the target executable to the PNG format, you should be able open them in your favorite image viewer and see the Adobe Acrobat icon at various resolutions. As my example here demonstrates, extracting images and icons from PE files is relatively straightforward and can quickly reveal interesting and useful information about malware binaries. Similarly, we can easily extract printable strings from malware for more information, which we’ll do next.
Strings are sequences of printable characters within a program binary. Malware analysts often rely on strings in a malicious sample to get a quick sense of what may be going on inside it. These strings often contain things like HTTP and FTP commands that download web pages and files, IP addresses and hostnames that tell you what addresses the malware connects to, and the like. Sometimes even the language used to write the strings can hint at a malware binary’s country of origin, though this can be faked. You may even find text in a string that explains in leetspeak the purpose of a malicious binary.
Strings can also reveal more technical information about a binary. For example, you may find information about the compiler used to create it, the programming language the binary was written in, embedded scripts or HTML, and so on. Although malware authors can obfuscate, encrypt, and compress all of these traces, even advanced malware authors often leave at least some traces exposed, making it particularly important to examine strings dumps when analyzing malware.
The standard way to view all strings in a file is to use the command line tool strings, which uses the following syntax:
$ strings filepath | less
This command prints all strings in a file to the terminal, line by line. Adding | less at the end prevents the strings from just scrolling across the terminal. By default, the strings command finds all printable strings with a minimum length of 4 bytes, but you can set a different minimum length and change various other parameters, as listed in the commands manual page. I recommend simply using the default minimum string length of 4, but you can change the minimum string length using the –n option. For example, strings –n 10 filepath would extract only strings with a minimum length of 10 bytes.
Now that we dumped a malware program’s printable strings, the challenge is to understand what the strings mean. For example, let’s say we dump the strings to the ircbotstring.txt file for ircbot.exe, which we explored earlier in this chapter using the pefile library, like this:
$ strings ircbot.exe > ircbotstring.txt
The contents of ircbotstring.txt contain thousands of lines of text, but some of these lines should stick out. For example, Listing 1-7 shows a bunch of lines extracted from the string dump that begin with the word DOWNLOAD.
[DOWNLOAD]: Bad URL, or DNS Error: %s.
[DOWNLOAD]: Update failed: Error executing file: %s.
[DOWNLOAD]: Downloaded %.1fKB to %s @ %.1fKB/sec. Updating.
[DOWNLOAD]: Opened: %s.
[DOWNLOAD]: Downloaded %.1f KB to %s @ %.1f KB/sec.
[DOWNLOAD]: CRC Failed (%d != %d).
[DOWNLOAD]: Filesize is incorrect: (%d != %d).
[DOWNLOAD]: Update: %s (%dKB transferred).
[DOWNLOAD]: File download: %s (%dKB transferred).
[DOWNLOAD]: Couldn't open file: %s.
Listing 1-7: The strings output showing evidence that the malware can download files specified by the attacker onto a target machine
These lines indicate that ircbot.exe will attempt to download files specified by an attacker onto the target machine.
Let’s try analyzing another one. The string dump shown in Listing 1-8 indicates that ircbot.exe can act as a web server that listens on the target machine for connections from the attacker.
➋ HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: myBot
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,max-age=0
pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: %s
Content-Length: %i
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Date: %s %s GMT
Last-Modified: %s %s GMT
Expires: %s %s GMT
Connection: close
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
➌ Server: myBot
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,max-age=0
pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: %s
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Date: %s %s GMT
Last-Modified: %s %s GMT
Expires: %s %s GMT
Connection: close
ddd, dd MMM yyyy
Listing 1-8: The strings output showing that the malware has an HTTP server to which the attacker can connect
Listing 1-8 shows a wide variety of HTTP boilerplates used by ircbot.exe to implement an HTTP server. It’s likely that this HTTP server allows the attacker to connect to a target machine via HTTP to issue commands, such as the command to take a screenshot of the victim’s desktop and send it back to the attacker. We see evidence of HTTP functionality throughout the listing. For example, the GET method ➊ requests data from an internet resource. The line HTTP/1.0 200 OK ➋ is an HTTP string that returns the status code 200, indicating that all went well with an HTTP network transaction, and Server: myBot ➌ indicates that the name of the HTTP server is myBot, a giveaway that ircbot.exe has a built-in HTTP server.
All of this information is useful in understanding and stopping a particular malware sample or malicious campaign. For example, knowing that a malware sample has an HTTP server that outputs certain strings when you connect to it allows you to scan your network to identify infected hosts.
In this chapter, you got a high-level overview of static malware analysis, which involves inspecting a malware program without actually running it. You learned about the PE file format that defines Windows .exe and .dll files, and you learned how to use the Python library pefile to dissect a real-world malware ircbot.exe binary. You also used static analysis techniques such as image analysis and strings analysis to extract more information from malware samples. Chapter 2 continues our discussion of static malware analysis with a focus on analyzing the assembly code that can be recovered from malware.