

almond milk

cabbage, new asparagus and warm nut milk

fallen feijoas with almond milk

green almonds, purslane and fried fish throats

warm nut milk

amaranth leaves

beef cooked over coals, dark fruits, molasses glaze, amaranth

fire-pit beetroots with leather jacket cheeks

pigeon cooked in maltstock with prunes

amaranth seeds

almond milk

onion juices

puffed amaranth

pumpkin seed mix


apple jam

chocolate and apple crème

chocolate and apple sorbet

fermented apple

fermented apple juices

fermented apples, quince, soft crème and chocolate

frozen apple juice

roadside apples and wild blackberries

artichokes, see globe artichokes; Jerusalem artichokes


cabbage, new asparagus and warm nut milk


barley cooked in onion caramel

onion juices

puffed barley

set milks, onion caramel, oregano and barley

smoked hen, creamed corn and sprouted grains

toasted grain broth

vinegar of barley grain


beef cooked over coals, dark fruits, molasses glaze, amaranth

beef glaze

bee pollen

Mum’s roses


beetroot juices

beetroot leather

beetroot vinegar

fire-pit beetroots with leather jacket cheeks

pigeon glaze

bergamot, fragrant mandarins


beef cooked over coals, dark fruits, molasses glaze, amaranth

fallow deer, pink onions, wild fruits and plants

forest flowers, Jambaroo Mountain blue and honey

roadside apples and wild blackberries

steeped blackberries


sorrel and fennel sorbet, blueberries and garden lavender

steeped blueberries

bonito, carrots, dill seeds and oily fish


lamb brains in toasted seeds, kale juices and soured cream



dark rye and oat bread rolls

warm milk bread


quince cooked in pine sap with whipped brie

brioche, wild honey, frozen milk and macadamias

broad beans

legumes, their flowers and fresh cheese

bronze fennel

cucumber ice

fermented apples, quince, soft crème and chocolate

Mum’s roses

sorrel and fennel sorbet, blueberries and garden lavender


buckwheat rocks

pumpkin seed mix

raw kangaroo, artichokes and lucerne

bunya nuts

aged duck ham, bunya nut cream and saltbush


brown butter

burnt butter

vine-smoked butter


buttermilk dressing

Jersey milk cheese

river plants, steamed trout and buttermilk

soured cream

spent vegetables in whey

bycatch prawns


cabbage, new asparagus and warm nut milk

cabbage sauce

cooked winter plants

spent winter and summer vegetables cooked in whey

caramel, lamb

caramels, mulched pine


carotene, celeriac and sea urchins

carrots, dill seeds and oily fish

spent winter and summer vegetables cooked in whey


cauliflower milk

young pine, duck and sun-dried grapes

celeriac, carotene, sea urchins


creamed hen eggs, mud crab, and local truffles

line-caught squid with plant juices

pickled celery hearts

plant juices


Mum’s roses


clams, charcoal, smoked roe and pickled spent lettuce


cooked curds

forest flowers, Jamberoo Mountain blue and honey

fresh cheese

Jersey milk cheese

legumes, their flowers and fresh cheese

Norm’s potatoes, onions and cheese

quince cooked in pine sap with whipped brie

raw peas, Jersey milk cheese and toasted oats


beef cooked over coals, dark fruits, molasses glaze, amaranth

cherries, soured cream, buckwheat and liquorice

cherry sorbet

cherry vinegar

cherry blossom

forest flowers, Jamberoo Mountain blue and honey

river bed sorrel, eucalyptus and frozen goat’s milk yoghurt


chestnut crème

pork neck cooked in eucalyptus with chestnuts


animal glaze

chicken stock

hen and onion juices

smoked hen, creamed corn and sprouted grains

chickpea shoots

hen yolks, toasted rye, cooked curds and chickpeas

chicory, steamed, slippery jacks and chargrilled parsnip

chilli oil



chocolate and apple crème

chocolate and apple sorbet

chocolate crisp

mulched pine caramels

river bed sorrel, eucalyptus and frozen goat’s milk yoghurt


clams, charcoal, smoked roe and pickled spent lettuce


clover juices

milk-poached veal, clovers and puffed rye

soft leeks, dark rye crumb and animal glaze

wild plants and artichoke ice cream


creamed corn

smoked hen, creamed corn and sprouted grains

corn shoots

line-caught squid with plant juices


creamed hen eggs, mud crab, celery hearts and local truffles

garlic scapes, spanner crab and sunchokes


soured cream

vine-smoked butter



burnt cucumber and leek dressing

cucumber ice

cucumber, native oysters and beach plants

cure, salt


mandarin and bergamot custard

set milks, onion caramel, oregano and barley


veal tendons, raw kingfish and white radish


fallow deer, pink onions, wild fruits and plants

wild plants and artichoke ice cream



burnt pears, frozen milk and molasses sponge

cherries, soured cream, buckwheat and liquorice

fallen feijoas with almond milk

fermented apples, quince, soft crème and chocolate

fragrant mandarins and bergamot

green grapes, elderflower and fig leaf ice cream

Mum’s roses

river bed sorrel, eucalyptus and frozen goat’s milk yoghurt

roadside apples and wild blackberries

rosehips and rhubarb

sorrel and fennel sorbet, blueberries and garden lavender

sweetened garden pumpkins with frozen sheep’s milk yoghurt

wild honey, brioche, frozen milk and macadamias

wild plants and artichoke ice cream

dill seeds, carrots and oily fish


burnt cucumber and leek dressing

buttermilk dressing

dried scallop dressing

fresh whey dressing

seaweed dressing


aged duck ham, bunya nut cream and saltbush

young pine, duck and sun-dried grapes


creamed hen eggs, mud crab, celery hearts, local truffles

duck eggs with stock of old winter plants and bones

egg white pearls

hen yolks, toasted rye, cooked curds and chickpeas

slippery jacks, chargrilled parsnip and steamed chicory

warm milk bread


elderflower vinegar

elderflower water

green grapes, elderflower and fig leaf ice cream


eucalypt salt

eucalyptus gel

pork neck cooked in eucalyptus with chestnuts

river bed sorrel, eucalyptus and frozen goat’s milk yoghurt

fat hen buds

duck eggs with stock of old winter plants and bones

Norm’s potatoes, onions and cheese

feijoas, fallen with almond milk and feijoa sorbet


fennel salt

river plants, steamed trout and buttermilk

salt cure

sorrel and fennel sorbet, blueberries and garden lavender

fennel pollen

chilled sheep’s milk

dark rye crumb

forest flowers, Jamberoo Mountain blue and honey

wild plants and artichoke ice cream

fire-pit cooking


burnt pears



fish, see bonito, hake, leather jacket, Spanish mackerel, sardines, snapper

fish glaze

fish roe

chilled sheep’s milk with brined fish roe

clams, charcoal, smoked roe and pickled spent lettuce

river plants, steamed trout and buttermilk

flax seeds, see linseeds


borrowed land garlic, beans and bycatch prawns

pickled garlic

toasted garlic oil

whipped garlic

garlic scapes

borrowed land garlic, beans and bycatch prawns

garlic scapes, spanner crab and sunchokes


animal glaze

beef and molasses glaze

beef glaze

duck glaze

fish glaze

squid and ash glaze

globe artichokes

raw kangaroo, artichokes and lucerne


fried bone juices

grape and elder juice

green grapes, elderflower and fig leaf ice cream

green grape skins

sun-dried grapes

young pine, duck and sun-dried grapes


green almonds, purslane and fried fish throats

hay ash


cabbage, new asparagus and warm nut milk

warm nut milk


burnt pears

forest flowers, Jamberoo Mountain blue and honey

native honey gel

sweetened crème

wild honey, brioche, frozen milk and macadamias

ices, sorbets and ice creams

artichoke ice cream

cherry sorbet

chocolate and apple sorbet

cucumber ice

feijoa sorbet

fig leaf ice cream

frozen apple juice

frozen milk

frozen goat’s milk yoghurt

frozen sheep’s milk yoghurt

mandarin sorbet

peach sorbet

sorbet base

sorrel and fennel sorbet

jam, apple

Jerusalem artichokes

Garlic scapes, spanner crab and sunchokes

sunchoke cream

wild plants and artichoke ice cream



cabbage, new asparagus and warm nut milk

cooked winter plants

lamb brains in toasted seeds, kale juices and soured cream


raw kangaroo, artichokes and lucerne


cured kingfish

veal tendons, raw kingfish and white radish


animal glaze

caramel lamb breast, dried lactose, fresh and cooked oats

lamb caramel

lamb caramel sauce

lamb brains in toasted seeds, kale juices and soured cream


forest flowers, Jamberoo Mountain blue and honey

sorrel and fennel sorbet, blueberries and garden lavender

steeped blueberries

wild honey, brioche, frozen milk and macadamias

leather jacket cheeks, fire-pit beetroots with


burnt cucumber and leek dressing

pine mushrooms from the forest, confit leek, rape juices and Pecora Dairy yoghurt

soft leeks, dark rye crumb and animal glaze


smoked hen, creamed corn and sprouted grains


clams, charcoal, smoked roe and pickled spent lettuce

spent winter and summer vegetables cooked in whey


linseed crisp

toasted seeds

liquorice, cherries, soured cream, and buckwheat

lucerne flowers

caramel lamb breast, dried lactose, fresh and cooked oats


cabbage, new asparagus and warm nut milk

macadamia crème


warm nut milk

wild honey, brioche, frozen milk and macadamias


chilled sheep’s milk with dried fish roe

soft leeks, dark rye crumb and animal glaze

suckling pig from Redleaf Farm with warm milk bread

maltstock, pigeon

mandarins and bergamot custard

maple leaves

fermented apples, quince, soft crème and chocolate

marigolds, carotene, celeriac and sea urchins


mead gel

Mum’s roses

meringue, rose70


almond milk

cauliflower milk

chilled almond milk

chilled sheep’s milk with brined fish roe

dried lactose

dried milk skin

fresh cheese

fresh milk skin

frozen milk

hen yolks, toasted rye, cooked curds and chickpeas

Jersey milk cheese

lamb caramel sauce

macadamia crème

raw peas, Jersey milk cheese and toasted oats

reduced milk

set milks, onion caramel, oregano and barley

warm milk bread

warm nut milk

wild honey, brioche, frozen milk and macadamias


beef and molasses glaze

molasses sponge

mulched pine caramels

mud crab, creamed hen eggs, celery hearts and local truffles


beef cooked over coals, dark fruits, molasses glaze, amaranth

mung bean shoots

raw peas, Jersey milk cheese and toasted oats


mushroom stock with wood-smoked perch

pine mushrooms from the forest, confit leek, rape juices and Pecora Dairy yoghurt

slippery jacks, chargrilled parsnip and steamed chicory

toasted grain broth


clams, charcoal, smoked roe and pickled spent lettuce

cucumber, native oysters and beach plants

fire-pit beetroots with leather jacket cheeks

line-caught squid with plant juices

plant juices

raw peas, Jersey milk cheese and toasted oats

veal tendons, raw kingfish and white radish


Mum’s roses


caramel lamb breast, dried lactose, fresh and cooked oats

dark rye and oat bread rolls

propagated oats,

raw peas, Jersey milk cheese and toasted oats


burnt chilli oil

pine oil

squid oil

toasted garlic oil

onion flowers

borrowed land garlic, beans and bycatch prawns

set milks, onion caramel, oregano and barley


fallow deer, pink onions, wild fruits and plants

hen and onion juices

Norm’s potatoes, onions and cheese

onion caramel

onion juices

onion shells

set milks, onion caramel, oregano and barley

spent winter and summer vegetables cooked in whey

oregano, set milks, onion caramel, and barley


cucumber, native oysters and beach plants

oyster crème

wood smoked oysters in pine oil

parsley seeds, toasted

parsnip, slippery jacks and steamed chicory


chargrilled parsnip

chestnut crème

parsnip floss

pasta dough

pea blossoms

legumes, their flowers and fresh cheese

raw peas, Jersey milk cheese and toasted oats

peach sorbet


burnt pears, frozen milk and molasses sponge

pear paper

pear paste

young pine, duck and sun-dried grapes


legumes, their flowers and fresh cheese

raw peas, Jersey milk cheese and toasted oats

smoked hen, creamed corn and sprouted grains

perch, wood-smoked

pickles and ferments

elderflower buds

fermented apple

fermented apple juices

green almonds

pickled celery hearts

pickled garlic

pickled spent lettuce

pigeon cooked in maltstock with prunes

pine mushrooms from the forest, confit leek, rape juices and Pecora Dairy yoghurt


confit leek

duck ham

mulched pine

mulched pine caramels

pine mushrooms from the forest, confit leek, rape juices and Pecora Dairy yoghurt

pine oil

quince cooked in pine sap with whipped brie

wood smoked oysters in pine oil

young pine, duck and sun-dried grapes


fallow deer, pink onions, wild fruits and plants

Mum’s roses

salted plums

suckling pig from Redleaf Farm with warm milk bread


animal glaze

pork neck cooked in eucalyptus with chestnuts

suckling pig from Redleaf Farm with warm milk bread

potatoes, Norm’s, onions, cheese



Borrowed land garlic, beans and bycatch prawns

propagated oats,

prunes, pigeon cooked in maltstock with


pumpkin cream

sweetened garden pumpkins with frozen sheep’s milk yoghurt

pumpkin seed mix


green almonds, purslane and fried fish throats

river plants, steamed trout and buttermilk


fermented apples, quince, soft crème and chocolate

quince cooked in pine sap with whipped brie

slow cooked quinces


rabbit cooked in straw and toasted grain broth


veal tendons, raw kingfish and white radish

radish pods

raw peas, Jersey milk cheese and toasted oats


lamb brains in toasted seeds, kale juices and soured cream

pine mushrooms from the forest, confit leek, rape juices and Pecora Dairy yoghurt


dried rhubarb peelings

rosehips and rhubarb


beef cooked over coals, dark fruits, molasses glaze, amaranth

fallow deer, pink onions, wild fruits and plants

river plants, steamed trout and buttermilk


mushroom stock with wood-smoked perch

roe, see fish roe

rosehips and rhubarb

roses, Mum’s


dark rye and oat bread rolls

dark rye crumb

hen yolks, toasted rye, cooked curds and chickpeas

milk-poached veal, clovers and puffed rye

onion juices

puffed rye

smoked hen, creamed corn and sprouted grains

soft leeks, dark rye crumb and animal glaze

toasted grain broth

toasted rye


fennel salt

salt cure

salted plums

saltbush, aged duck ham, bunya nut cream and


clams, charcoal, smoked roe and pickled spent lettuce


carrots, dill seeds and oily fish


cabbage sauce

carotene sauce

lamb caramel sauce

scallops, dried, dressing

scarlet runner beans

Borrowed land garlic, beans and bycatch prawns

raw peas, Jersey milk cheese and toasted oats

sea lettuce

mushroom stock

veal tendons, raw kingfish and white radish

sea urchins, carotene, celeriac


cucumber, native oysters and beach plants

fried bone juices

seaweed dressing

sesame seeds, toasted

slippery jacks , chargrilled parsnip and steamed chicory

smoked foods

clams, charcoal, smoked roe and pickled spent lettuce

mushroom stock with wood-smoked perch

smoked hen, creamed corn and sprouted grains

vine-smoked butter

wood smoked oysters in pine oil


green almonds, purslane and fried fish throats

sorbets, see ices, sorbets and ice creams


puffed sorghum

toasted grain broth


frozen goat’s milk yoghurt

river bed sorrel, eucalyptus and frozen goat’s milk yoghurt

sorrel and fennel sorbet

wild plants and artichoke ice cream

sour cream

brown butter crème

cherries, soured cream, buckwheat and liquorice

lamb brains in toasted seeds, kale juices and soured cream

spent winter and summer vegetables cooked in whey

sweetened crème

Spanish mackerel

carrots, dill seeds and oily fish

spanner crab, garlic scapes and sunchokes

spinach, plant juices


spent winter and summer vegetables cooked in whey

see also pumpkin

squid, line-caught with plant juices

squid and ash glaze


chicken stock

fish glaze

mushroom stock

toasted grain broth

winter plants and bones stock

sugar syrup

trout, steamed with river plants and buttermilk

trout roe


creamed hen eggs, mud crab, celery hearts and local truffles

toasted rye


cooked winter plants

pine mushrooms from the forest, confit leek, rape juices and Pecora Dairy yoghurt

salt-baked turnip

veal, milk-poached with clovers and puffed rye

veal tendons , raw kingfish and white radish


fallow deer, pink onions, wild fruits and plants


beetroot vinegar

cherry vinegar

elderflower vinegar

vinegar of barley grain


rabbit cooked in straw and toasted grain broth


fresh whey dressing

spent winter and summer vegetables cooked in whey

whipped brie

white radish, see daikon


chilled sheep’s milk with brined fish roe

frozen goat’s milk yoghurt

frozen sheep’s milk yoghurt

pine mushrooms from the forest, confit leek, rape juices and Pecora Dairy yoghurt

raw kangaroo, artichokes and lucerne

river bed sorrel, eucalyptus and frozen goat’s milk yoghurt

sweetened garden pumpkins with frozen sheep’s milk yoghurt