aardvark, 103, 199

Acari, 256

acorns, 123

Acuminiseta pallidicornis, 60

aeration tank, 32

Agrilus, 62

Agriotes, 246

Agyrtidae, 108

Alabama cave fish, 109, 261

Aleochara, 105, 106, 136, 233

Alphitobius diaperinus, 247

ammonia, 14, 27, 43, 49, 120

Anaides fossulatus, 120

Ancient Egyptians, viii, 86, 93, 127, 128, 166

angiosperms, 121

Anisoplia, 106

Anomalinae, 116

Anoplotrupes (Geotrupes) stercorosus, 53

Anotylus, 104, 136, 231

ant flies – see Sepsidae

antelope, 123

antibiotics, 179

ants, 75, 125, 253

antlers, 61

Aphodiidae, 53, 86, 108, 114, 116, 119, 168, 238

Aphodius, 87, 102, 103, 106, 116, 119, 128, 150, 160, 167

A. ater, 55

A. consputus, 150, 155

A. contaminatus, 54, 72, 155, 238

A. distinctus, 124

A. erraticus, 55, 88, 150

A. fimetarius, 238, 266

A. foetens, 159

A. fossor, x, 86, 87, 150, 238

A. granarius, 129, 150

A. haemorrhoidalis, 238

A. holdereri, 163

A. luridus, 88

A. nitidulus, 238

A. obliteratus, 155

A. paykulli, x, 238

A. porcus, 102

A. prodromus, 55, 238

A. pusillus, 55, 150

A. renaudi, 66

A. rufipes, x, 102, 150

A. sticticus, 55, 238

A. scybalarius, 159, 271

A. subterraneus, 145

A. tasmaniae, 123

A. varians, 238

armadillo, 199

Arripis gieorgianus, 173

Ashdown Forest, 79, 89

Asilus crabroniformis, 72, 137, 179, 209

Atheta, 104, 230

Atomaria, 162

Australian Dung Beetle Project, 170–175

baboon, 51

bacteria, 6, 9, 10, 16, 19, 27, 30, 33, 40, 70, 129, 139, 160, 221

badger, 37, 84, 151, 192, 259

baked beans, 17

baldness cure, 43

bats, 58, 109, 194, 245, 250, 254, 261, 262

bear, 131, 200

beaver, 198

Beck, River, 34

bed bugs, 176

beech marten, 193

beer, 15, 41

bess beetles, 114, 122

Bibio marci, 215

Biggles, 18

bile, 4

bilirubin, 4

biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), 33

biting midges, 212

blackbird, 73

black-horned gem, 216

black lark, 73

black soldier fly, 217

blessed memory, 135

bloodworms, 213

bluebottles, 138, 223

boa constrictor, 120

boggarts’ muck, 207

bottle opener, 63

Braconidae, 105, 252

brandling worm, 152, 258

brillo pad, 74

Bristol stool chart, 8, 15

British Museum, 127

broad centurion, 215

brood balls, 85, 88, 91, 92–103, 151

bugonia, 140, 220

building material, 40, 73

Bulimus, 125

bumblebee scarabs – see Glaphridae

Buprestidae, 62

burning dung, 38, 39

burning feathers, 17

burrowing, see tunnelling

burying beetles, 235

bush fly, 113, 139, 168, 169, 173, 176, 221

butterflies, 70, 248

butanone, 57

butterscotch, 57

Caccobius, 263

Caconemobius, 109, 254

caecotrophy, 11, 95, 263

caecum, 10

Calder, River, 25

Calliphora, 138

C. vomitora, 223

camel, 187

Campsiura, 245

cane toad, 170

Canis familiaris, 259

Canthidium, 60

C. ardens, 120

Canthon, 60, 93, 124

C. imitator, 124

C. laevis, 124, 240

C. moniliatus, 120

C. pilularius, 130, 240

C. virens, 125

C. viridis, 56, 241

canthus, 58

capuchin monkey, 52

Carabidae, 163, 226

caribou – see reindeer

Carolina scarab, 241

carrion, 13, 124, 235, 236

carrion beetles – see Silphidae or Agyrtidae

Cassida viridis, 74

castings, 264

cat, 12, 43, 157, 191

caterpillar, 42, 206

Catharsius, 127

caves, 109

cellulose, 5, 9, 11

centipedes, 162, 255

Cephalodesmius, 122, 123

Ceratocaryum argenteum, 123, 124

Cercyon, 113, 227

Ceroptera, 102

cesspit, 32

Cetoniinae, 116

Ceuthophilus, 109, 254

chafers, 116, 245

chaffinch, 51

Chaffinch Brook, 34

chalkhill blue, 71

cheetah, 191

Cheilymenia fimicola, 160

Cheyne, George, 36

Chicago River, 25

chicken, 43, 48, 120, 203

Chicxulub asteroid, 119

Chincha Islands War (1879–1883), 49

Chironomidae, 213

Chloromyia formosa, 215

chough, 260

Chrysomyza demandata, 218

churretero, 71, 260

chyme, 3, 5

civit, Asian palm, 41

Cleptocaccobius, 102

click beetles – see Elateridae

climate change, 17, 33

clown beetles – see Histeridae

Clytrinae, 75

cloaca, 14, 48, 120

Cloaca Maxima, 23

coal mines, 144, 246

cockchafers, 116

cockroaches, 109, 250

coffee, 41, 42, 51

comma, 71

commode, 264

constipation, 6, 7, 15

Coprinisphaera, 121, 165

Coprinus, 161, 264

Copris, 127, 179

C. diversus, 172

C. elpenor, 172

C. hispanus, 172

C. lunaris, 90, 91, 103, 132, 133, 240, 264

coprocoating, 75

coprolites, 121

coprology, 264

Coprophaenus, 124

Corvus frugilegus, 260

cow, viii, 9, 10, 35, 41, 47, 52, 55, 71, 73, 76, 113, 138, 146, 147, 149, 151, 154, 157, 165, 167, 169, 171, 173, 175, 180, 184, 225, 226

coypu, 198

crane flies, 163, 211

Creophilus maxillosus, 231

crickets, 109, 254

crottels, x, 11, 265

crow, 150, 260

Cryptocephalinae, 74

Cryptophagidae, 162

Cryptopleurum, 113, 227

Cryptoses choloepi, 110, 248

cuckoo, 102

cuckoo parasitism – see kleptoparasitism

cud, 9

Culicoides, 212

C. imicola, 212

Curculionidae, 108, 247

curry, 15

Cynomya mortuorum, 222

darkling beetles – see Tenebrionidae

Darwin, Charles, 61, 167, 169

DDT, 178

dead dog fly, 222

deer, 41, 43, 56, 87, 123, 186

Deltochilum, 124, 125

D. valgum, 125, 255

Deptford Creek, 34

Dermestes carnivorus, 245

devil’s coach-horse, 234

diarrhoea, 7, 8, 9, 13

dichlorvos, 179

Dichotomus carolinus, 241

digger wasp, 72, 252

dinosaurs, 119, 120, 121

Diplodocus, 121

Diprodon, 180, 181

disgust, 19, 20

divination, 40

Dolichopodidae, 217

donkey, 41, 184

dog, 1, 12, 13, 36, 40, 72, 131, 147, 155, 157, 175, 190, 259

dor beetles, see dumbledor, also Geotrupidae

dove, 40

drone flies, 140, 220

dumbledors, 53, 66, 72, 89, 116, 134, 165, 182, 236, 271

Dumbledore, 135

DUMP – Dung Beetle UK Mapping Scheme, 180

dung beetles – see individual family, genus and species names

dung cart, 46

dung fly arrival times, 77–80

dung midges – see Scatopsidae

dung roundhead, 161

dung soup, 70, 117

dung weevil, 247

dwellers, 87, 102

dwarf elephant, 180

Dynastinae, 116

Earl Grey tea, 37

earrings, 41

earthworms, 152, 206, 258, 259, 264

earwigs, 109, 110, 254

egg laying rates, 60, 76, 79, 80, 84, 91, 92

egghead mottlegill, 161

Egyptian scarab, 243

Egyptian vulture, 71, 260

Eisenia fetida, 152, 258

Elateridae, 108, 163, 246

elephant, 36, 41, 51, 52, 53, 54, 59, 101, 102, 110, 147, 154, 156, 181, 188, 242

elk, 185

Emus hirtus, 135, 136, 147, 179, 231

endocoprids, 87, 103

English scarab, 91, 132, 240

Eocorythoderus incredibilis, 125

Epirinus flagellatus, 123

epistome, 117

Eristalis alleni, 140

E. tenax, 140, 220

escargots, 152

ethylene glycol, 58

Eublaberus, 250

Euoniticellus intermedius, 172

Eurycea spelaea, 109, 262

Euryptilium gillmeisteri, 229

evolution of coprophagy, 108–126

eye size (dung beetles), 58, 68

Ezekiel’s wheels, 93

Fabre, J.H., 92, 93, 96

face fly, 80, 113, 138, 220

facial treatments, 42

faecal fork, 74

Fannia canicularis, 222

F. scalaris, 113, 138, 222

feather-winged beetles, 162, 229

female lone working, 94

fibre, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 40, 51

Fiddian distributors, 31

fire damp, 27

flat rove beetles, 230

Fleet, River, 25

flesh flies, 224

Florida deepdigger scarab, 89

fly-strike, 11

Forcipomyia, 212

Forficula auricularia, 254

fox, 12, 13, 15, 36, 152, 190, 263

frass, 1, 206, 267

fruit bats, 194

fungi, 160–162

fungus beetles – see Leiodidae

fungus gnats, 214

gaeces, 120

game theory, 85

garderobe, 46, 267

Gasterophilus intestinalis, 142, 224

gastric acid, 2, 3, 12

Geotrupes, 89, 116, 271

G. spiniger, x, 102

G. stercorarius, x, 102, 236

Geotrupidae, 53, 66, 72, 86, 89, 108, 114, 123, 134, 168, 236–237

Gibbium aequinoctiale, 144, 145, 246

giraffe, 187

gizzard, 3

Glaphridae, 114

Glaphyrocanthon, 60

Gliptodon, 181

global warming, 33

goat, 71, 123, 174

gold, 43

golden syrup, 140

Gondwana, 116

Gongylonema, 257

goose, 2, 120, 202

Great Stink, 24, 27

gracile ding beetle, 244

greenbottles, 138, 222

Greenland, 117

ground beetles, 163, 226

grotto salamander, 109, 262

guanay cormorant, 49, 267

guano, 14, 49, 109, 113, 121, 245, 250, 254, 262, 267

guano beetles – see Jacobsonidae

Guano Islands Act (1856), 49

Guano War, 49

guanobies, 109, 250

guinea fowl, 103

guinea-pig, 139

Gymnopleurus, 93, 127

gymnosperms, 121

Haber–Bosch process, 49

Hadenoecus, 254

Haematobia irritans, 76, 113, 169, 223

haemoglobin, 4

hair dye, 44

Haplophilus, 255

Harry Potter, 18

hare, 37, 84, 189

hartshorn, spirits, 27

harvester ants, 52

Hawaii, 171

Hebble, River, 25

hedgehog, 2, 194

Heineken fly, 219

Heliocopris antenor, 102

H. gigas, 242

H. midas, 165

Helina, 105

Helix pomatia, 152

Hemisphaerota cyanea, 73, 74

Hercules, 23

Hermetia illucens, 112, 217

heron, 204

herring, 173

Heteronitis castelnaui, 66

H. tridens, 66

hide beetles – see Trogidae

Hister, 104

H. (Pachylister) chinensis, 171

H. nomas, 171

H. unicolor, 228

Histeridae, 104, 149, 228

histrionics, 104

honey badger, 103

honeybee, 140

honeydew, 1, 267

horn fly, 76, 113, 223

hornbill, 103

hornet robber fly, 72, 137, 209

horns (on dung beetles), 61–69, 85

horse, viii, 10, 35, 36, 41, 48, 52, 55, 73, 76, 110, 142–144, 148, 159, 167, 184

horse bot fly, 141, 224

horse-drawn vehicles, 110

house fly, 113, 138, 139, 141, 176, 221

hover flies – see Syrphidae

human dung – see stercore humano

hunting lures, 44

Hybosoridae, 108, 114, 168

hydrochloric acid, 3

hydrogen sulphide, 17, 20

Hydrophilidae, 108, 113, 148, 226, 227

Hydrotaea, 105

hyena, 1, 2, 12, 191

Hypocaccus, 228, 263

Hypselogenia, 127

Ichneumonidae, 105, 252

ichnofossils, 121

iguana, 120

impossible rove beetles, 230

Indian yellow, 43

indole, 21, 57

ink-cap, 161

intestinal parasites, 175, 177, 257

intestine length, 12, 13

Ivermectin, 175–180

jackdaw, 260

Jacobsonidae, 108

jaguar, 191

jakes, 46

Japanese rove beetle, 233

jellyfish stings, 44

Jerusalem artichoke, 15, 48

jewel beetles, 62

kangaroo, 60, 114, 167, 168, 200

Kessel separator, 30

Kheper, 93, 95, 97, 100, 101

K. aegyptiorum, 243

Kheper laevistriatus, 101

King, Franklin Hiram, 44

kleptoparasitism, 102, 103, 119, 122, 165

kopi luwak, 42

kumalak, 40

Labia minor, 110, 254

Lamellicornia, 114

lant, 43

larder beetles, 245

latrine, 37, 46, 144

Laurasia, 117

Laurel and Hardy, 94

laxative, 6, 7, 9

Lazaichnus fistulosus, 165

Leafcutter ants, 125

Leafcutter beetles, 123

leather tanning, 40, 43

leatherjacket, 163, 211

Leiodidae, 108

Lemur, 174

lesser dung flies – see Sphaeroceridae

lesser earwig, 254

lesser house fly, 138, 222

lesser mealworm, 247

lesser scarab, 237

Lethrus, 123

light polarisation, 97, 98

lignin, 5

Lilioceris lilii, 74

L. merdigera, 74

lily beetle, 74

linnet, 51

lion, 43, 140, 191

Lithobius, 255

lizard, 205

lizard (dead) 124

llama, 39

lobworm, 152, 258

long-footed flies, 217

Lowcock filter, 31

Lucanidae, 114

Lucilia, 138, 222

Lumbricus terrestris, 152, 258

luwak, 41

Lycoperdon, 190

lynx, 191

Macroma trivittata, 245

Macrotermes, 249

M. gilvus, 125

Madagascar, 117, 174

magpie, 150, 260

major males, 65, 68, 85

mammoth, 180

mango, 43

manhole cover, 55

manure, 38, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 151

Margarinotus merdarius, 228

marshbuck, 52, 110, 261

mastodon, 181

marsupial, 167, 168, 174, 247

mate-guarding, 78, 79, 84

Mecoptera, 112

megafauna extinction, 180–182

Megalobulimus, 125

Megarthrus, 230

Megasternum, 113, 227

Megathoposoma candezei, 94

Melanocorphya yeltoniensis, 73

Meles meles, 259

Mellinus arvensis, 72, 252

Melolonthinae, 116

Mesembrina meridiana, 104, 113, 141, 155, 225, 260

metallic scavenger fly, 218

methane, 17, 20, 27, 40

Michigan, Lake, 25

Microchrysa polita, 216

Micropeplus, 162, 229

Microtermes, 249

midden, 45, 47, 268

Milky Way, 97, 98

millipedes, 60, 125, 162, 163, 255

mink, 193

minor males, 65, 68, 84, 102

minotaur beetle, x, 66, 89, 91, 155, 237

minute dung beetles, 227

Mississippi River, 26

mites, 256

moa, 120

mongoose, 103

moniguero, 71, 260

monkey, 56

Monty Python’s Flying Circus, 1

moon, 97

moose, 41, 185

Mormotomyia hirsuta, 113

Mormotomyiidae, 113

Moses, 21, 27

mosquitoes, 39, 139

moths, 109, 110, 249

moth flies, 211

mottled flies, 113, 138, 225

mottled rove beetles, 232

mouse, 195

mud beetles – see Hydrophilidae

Musca autumnalis, 80, 113, 138, 220

M. domestica, 113, 138, 169, 221

M. vetustissima, 113, 139, 169, 221

Muscidae, 80, 113

mutes, 269

Myathropa florea, 220

Mycetophilidae, 162

Mystacinobia zelandica, 113

Mystacinobiidae, 113

Namib Desert, 98

nail varnish remover, 57

nemotode worms, 257

neonicotinoid, 178

Neophron percnopterus, 71, 260

Neosisyphus, 94, 102

Nephanes titan, 229

nest parasites – see kleptoparasitism

nesting behaviour, 60, 73, 81, 84, 86–103, 118

Necrophorus, 235

Nicrophorus, 235

night faeces, 11

night soil, 45

nightingale, 43

non-biting midges, 213

noon fly – see Mesembrina meridiana

Norrbomia, 102

Ochodaeidae, 114

Ocypus olens, 234

Odontaeus armiger, 133, 237

Odontotermes, 249

oilcake, 48

Oniscus asellus, 256

Oniticellus, 88, 119

Onitis, 91

O. alexis, 172

O. binodis, 172, 173

Ontholestes murinus, 55, 104, 147, 232

O. tessellatus, 136, 232

Onthophagus, 60, 62, 63, 66, 91, 116, 167, 239

O. bifasciatus, 90

O. binodis, 172

O. coenobita, x, 55, 62, 157, 239

O. consentaneus, 124

O. ferox, 173

O. flavocinctus, 145

O. furcatus, 120

O. gazella, 171, 173, 174, 176

O. joannae, 239

O. nuchicornis, 158

O. sharpi, 120

O. similis, 55

O. taurus, 65, 67, 173, 239

Onthophilus punctatus, 228

O. striatus, 228

Ootypus, 162

O. globosus, 227

orchid bees, 39

otter, 2, 37, 192

owl, 58, 207

owl midges, 148

owl pellet moth, 249

oxen-born bee, 140, 220

Oxytelus, 104, 136, 231

Pachysoma gariepinum, 98, 101

paintings, 41, 43

palmetto tortoise beetle, 73

Panaeolus semiovatus, 161

pancreas, 4

panda, giant, 41

pandora, 125

paper, 41

paracoprids, 86

Paradoxurus hermaphroditus, 41

Paraphytus aphodioides, 122

parasitoid rove beetles, 233

Passalidae, 114, 122

peccary, 56

Pedaridium, 59

P. bradyporum, 244

Peltotrupes profundus, 89

perching dung beetle, 241

Phalacrocorax bougainvillii, 49, 267

Phanaeus, 93

P. vindex, 131, 242

pheasant, 203

phenol, 57

pheromones, 57, 93

Philonthus, 104, 136, 147

P. spinipes, 136, 148, 233

P. splendens, 148, 234

phoenix worms, 217

phosphorus, 43

Physiphora alceae, 218

pig, 15, 16, 48, 189

pigeon, 40, 43

pill scarabs – see Hybosoridae

pint of gin, 17

pitcher plants, 196

pit-fall trap, 54

pine marten, 193

Platydracus stercorarius, 136, 232

Platystethus, 231

poikilothermy, 100

polecat, 193

Polietes, 113, 138, 225

P. hirticura, 225

P. lardarius, 104

pollinators, 177

Polydesmus, 163, 255

Pool River, 35

poppycock, 269

Porcellio scaber, 256

porcupine, 197

possum, 114

pot beetles, 74, 75

pride of Kent, 135, 147, 231

Proctotrupidae, 105

Protostropharia semiglobata, 161

Psychodidae, 148

Pteromalidae, 105, 252

Ptiliidae, 162, 229

Ptinidae, 108, 144, 246

puddling, 71, 248

puff ball, 190

puma, 191

punkies, 212

purple emperor, 71

psychodidae, 211

pyloric sphincter, 2, 3

pyrethroids, 179

Quedius, 104

Quercus canariensis, 123

Q. suber, 123

rabbit, 11, 37, 43, 55, 87, 123, 134, 155, 188

rainbow scarab, 242

rat, 195

ratel, 103

Ravensbourne, 35

red-girdled rove beetle, 232

reindeer, 154, 164, 177, 186

reticulum, 9

Rhagio scolopaceus, 209

Rhinella marina, 170

Rhingia campestris, 219

rhinoceros beetles, 116

Rhizotrogus, 106

ridged clown beetle, 228

ridged rove beetle, 229

Rivers Pollution Commissioners, 25

road kill, 124

robin, 73

rollers, 66, 86, 87, 93–103, 119, 122, 132, 151, 156, 164, 181

rook, 150, 260

rotary screen, 29

roughage, see fibre

rove beetles – see Staphylinidae

rumen, 9

ruminants, 11

Rutelinae, 116

sacred scarab, 86, 93, 243

St Mark’s flies, 215

Saldula orthochila, 253

salivary amylase, 2, 3

saltpetre, 43

sand scarabs – see Ochodaeidae

Sarcophagus, 224

Sargus bipunctatus, 216

scarab wasps, 251

Scarabaeidae, 53, 86, 108, 114, 116, 168

Scarabaeoidea diversity, 81, 114, 117

Scarabaeus, 94, 127

Scarabaeus laticollis, 100

S. puncticollis, 102

S. sacer, 93, 99, 100, 243

S. satyrus, 97, 98

S. typhon, 100

S. zambesianus, 97

Scatopsidae, 112, 148, 214

scatoshelling, 74

Scathophaga stercoraria, 77–80, 137, 138, 146, 176, 210, 270

Scathophagidae, 112

scavenger dung beetles, 227

scent detection to find dung, 56, 57

Sciaridae, 162, 214

sculptured rove beetles, 231

sea urchin spikes, 44

seed germination, 52

Sepsidae, 80, 112, 141, 147

Sepsis, 210

sewage farm, 29, 32, 34

sewage pump, 28

sewage sick, 30

sewage treatment, 18–30

sex ratio of dung beetles, 160

sexual selection, 61

shag pile carpet, 5

sheep, viii, 10, 11, 40, 42, 48, 71, 123, 167, 174, 185

shorebug, 253

Shoreditch, 25

shrew, 196

Silphidae, 108

Siphonaptera, 112

Sisyphus (King of Ephyra), 96

Sisyphus, 93

S. mirabilis, 172, 244

S. spinipes, 173

sitatunga, 52, 110, 261

Skara Brae, 23

skatole, 16, 21, 39, 57

sloth, 59, 60, 110, 111, 248

sloth anus beetle, 59, 244

sloth moth, 248

sludge meadows, 18, 19

slugs, 152, 153, 257

small tortoiseshell, 71

Smilodon, 180

smooth rove beetles, 235

snail, 152, 153, 207

snail slime, 125

snake, 1, 2, 205

snipe fly, 209

snouted hover fly, 219

sociable lapwing, 73

social wasps, 72, 251

soil horizon, 151, 152

soldier flies – see Stratiomyidae

South Downs, 88, 89

South Norwood Sewage Works, 18, 29, 34

sparrow, 51

Spelaeoblatta, 109, 250

Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni, 109, 261

sperm, 69, 79, 84

Sphaeridium, 113, 149

S. scarabaeoides, 55, 148, 226

Sphaeroceridae, 80, 112, 148, 218

splendid rove beetle, 234

spider beetles – see Ptinidae

spiny pocket mice, 52

squirrel, 197

stable fly, 113, 138, 169, 223

stag beetles – see Lucanidae

Staphylinidae, 103, 108, 113, 229–235

Stegosaurus, 121

stercobilin, 4

stercore humano, 43, 54, 113, 130, 144, 158, 201, 246, 272

stoat, 193

Stomoxys calcitrans, 113, 138, 169, 223

stool, 7, 8

Streptomyces avermitilis, 176

sublethal effects, 177, 178

sun (navigation by), 96–99

Swammerdam, Jan, 81, 113

swimming dung beetles, 226

Sylvicola punctata, 213

Synacanthotermes, 249

Syritta pipiens, 219

Syrphidae, 112

Tachinus, 235

Tachyporus, 235

Tachypodoiulus, 163, 255

tadpole (dead), 124

tapestry moth, 249

tapir, 140

tarsi (lack of), 94

Tasmanian grass grub, 123

tea, 41, 42

telecoprids, 86

temperature regulation (in dung beetles), 101

Temple of Buddha’s Tooth, 8

Tenebrionidae, 108, 247

tennis court, 5

Tentegia, 114

T. bisignata, 247

T. ingrata, 247

T. stupida, 247

termites, 109, 110, 125, 156, 249

testes size, 69

thick-legged hover fly, 219

Tiphia, 106

T. femorata, 106, 251

T. minuta, 106, 251

Tipula, 211

Thames, River, 24. 25, 34

Thorectodes, 165

T. lusitanicus, 123

thrush, 73

Thylacoleo, 180

Tiber, River, 25

toad, 120

Tombownichnus, 165

tortoise beetles, 73, 74

Tortricidae, 111

Tragelephas spekei, 261

Triceratops, 121

Trichillum, 60, 244

Trichophaga tapetzella, 249

Trichophilius, 111

trickle beds, 31

trocar, 17

Trogidae, 108, 114

Trogoblatella, 109, 250

Trox scaber, 236

Trypocopris vernalis, 145

tryptophan, 21

tumblebugss, 240

tunnellers, 86, 87, 88–92, 116, 131, 156

tunnelling, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 90, 91, 118, 119

twenty:thirty (20:30) standard, 33

twin-spot centurion, 216

Tyburn, 25

Typhaeus typhoeus, x, 66, 89, 91, 155, 237

urea, 14, 273

uric acid, 120

urine, 14, 36, 40, 43, 157, 273

Uroxys, 59

vampire bats, 194

Vanellus gregarius, 73

Vespula germanica, 72

V. vulgaris, 251

villi, 5

Walbrook, 25

wallaby, 60, 200, 239

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 39

War of the Pacific (1879–1883), 49

water content of dung, 7, 10, 47, 48, 69, 145

water vole, 196

weaning, 16

weasel, 193

weevils – see Curculionidae

wet finger technique, 129

whale, 202

wild boar, 189

window gnat, 213

wireworms, 163, 246

wolf, 12, 190

wombat, 201

woodlice, 163, 256

woodpecker, 84, 204

yak, 164

yeast, 161

yellow dung fly, 77–80, 210

yellowhammer, 51

yellowjackets, 72

zebra, 184

Zonocopris, 124