
Title Page




Author’s Note

Cast of Characters


1. The Pink Pill

2. Ross Ulbricht

3. Julia Vie

4. The Debate

5. Jared’s Khat

6. The Bonfire

7. The Silk Road

8. Ross the Farmer

9. Opening Day of the Silk Road

10. What Goes Up Must Come Down

11. The Gawker Article

12. A Bull’s-eye on My Back

13. Julia Tells Erica

14. What Have You Done?!

15. Jared and the Fifty-Ton Flamingo

16. From Austin to Australia


17. Carl Force’s Tomorrow

18. Variety Jones and the Serpent

19. Jared Goes Shopping

20. The Dread Pirate Roberts

21. Carl Force Is Born Again

22. “O Captain, My Captain”

23. Ross, Hanged or Home

24. Carl, Eladio, and Nob

25. Jared’s Chicago Versus Carl’s Baltimore

26. The Mutiny

27. A Billion Dollars?!

28. The Aspiring Billionaire in Costa Rica

29. Variety Jones Goes to Scotland

30. The Armory Opens

31. Ross Silences Julia


32. Chris Tarbell, FBI

33. Ross Arrives in San Francisco

34. Chris in the Pit

35. Batten Down the Hatches!

36. Jared’s Dead Ends

37. A Pirate in Dominica

38. Carl Likes DPR

39. Kidney for Sale!

40. The White House in Utah

41. Curtis Is Tortured

42. The First Murder

43. The FBI Joins the Hunt

44. Camping and the Ball


45. Gary Alford, IRS

46. Life and Death on the Road

47. Gary’s Big Change

48. Ross Goes Underground

49. Carl Switches Teams

50. A Parking Ticket on the Internet

51. Tarbell Finds a Mistake

52. The Fake IDs, Part One

53. The Deconfliction Meeting

54. Jared Becomes Cirrus

55. Julia Is Saved! Hallelujah!

56. The Fake IDs, Part Two

57. Onward to Federal Plaza

58. Julia Comes to San Francisco

59. I Am God

60. The Phone Call

61. The Good-bye Party


62. The Pink Sunset

63. Carla Sophia

64. FeLiNa

65. Arrested

66. The Laptop

67. Ross Locked Up

68. United States of America v. Ross William Ulbricht

69. To Catch a Pirate

70. Sentencing

71. The Plural of Mongoose

72. The Museum

73. The Others


Notes on Reporting



About the Author