Acquaah, George, Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding, 71
Advanced Genetic Sciences, 36–37
Advanced Genetic Systems (AGS), 61
Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, 97
Agrobacterium tumefaciens (A. tumefaciens), 12–14, 32, 51, 69, 72, 74, 82, 119
T-DNA in, 12
Ti plasmid in, 13
VIR genes in, 12
Akay, Mehmet Turan, and Bt maize study, 111–112
Alliance for Bio-Integrity et al. v. Shalala, 94
Altieri, Miguel, A., on coexistence of GMOs and non-GMOs, 150
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, study on Golden Rice, 122–123
American Meat Institute, on labeling, 98
Animal feeding experiments, xix, 76, 104, 115, 142–143
Antisense technology, 30, 32–34
Antoniou, Michael N., 65, 81, 84, 88
Asilomar Conference (1975), 26
Atlihanm, Neslihan, 25
Aventis Crop Science, and StarLink corn, 61–63
Bache, Alexander Dallas (first president of National Academy of Sciences), 103
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), 58–66, 106, 145
discovery of, 58
against Lepdoptera, 60
as microbial pest control agent, 60
Bacon, Francis, The New Atlantis, xvi
Barrows, Geoffrey, 146
Bartholomaeus, Andrew, 76
Benbrook, Charles M., and pesticide use in U.S., 44, 147
Bennett, Alan B., 146
Berliner, Ernst, 58
Beta carotene
biofortified rice with, 127
converted to vitamin A, 126
Beyer, Peter (University of Freiberg, Germany), 120, 123
in Science (magazine), 122, 124
Bingham, John, 1
Binimelis, Rosa, and STS approach to GMOs, 130
Biohegemeny, 135–136
Biolistics, 13, 82. See also Gene gun
Biotechnology, agricultural, xv
Domestic Policy Council Working Group on, xvii
early developments in, xv
oversight of, xvii
Bittman, Mark, on labeling, 100
Bohr, Niels, and model of the atom, 67
Bondy, Genevieve, 76
Bradford, Kent, J., 70
Brévault, Thierry, on Bt resistance, 147
Brown, Nancy Marie, 22, 33, 73, 83
Mendel in the Kitchen, 25, 71, 82
Brumer, Eric, 84
Burbank, Luther, 82
Burkhardt, Peter, 121
Cai, Zongwei, 54
Camerer, Rudolf Jakob, 3
Carrière, Yves, on Bt resistance, 147
Carson, Rachel, Silent Spring, 39
Casman, Elizabeth A., 40
Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV35S), as promoter sequence, 11, 13, 24, 32. See also Promoter
Cayford, Jerry (Resources for the Future), 134
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 64
Central Dogma in genetics, 4
Charney, Evan, 68
Chiarabolli, Alessandro, on Portuguese coexistence regulations, 152
Chi-Ham, Cecilia, 146
Chilton, Mary, 13
Cho, Myeong-Je, 73
Choi, Hae-Woon, 73
Cisgenesis, 15–16, 25–26. See also Crop breeding
Clemens, C. M., on coexistence of GMOs and non-GMOs, 152
Coat protein gene-mediated transgenic resistance, 52
Codex Alimentarious Commission, United Nations, 74, 114
Colchicine, 7
Coll, Anna, 23
Confirmation bias, xxii
Connecticut, on labeling GMOs, 95
Consumers Union, 22. See also Hansen, Michael
Council of Europe, on meaning of GMO, 81
CRISPR (Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats), 8, 15–16, 18
CRISPR/Cas9 (gene editing) 18–19, 24–25, 93, 104, 127
Crop breeding, artificial selection, 2
biofortified crops, xxii, 121, 123, 127, 149
cell fusion (somatic hybridization), 7, 25
chromosome engineering, 4
cross-breeding, xxi
embryo rescue, 4–5
hybrid seed technology, 3
intragenesis, 15
marker-assisted selection, 8
molecular breeding, xxi, 5, 8–11, 14, 19–27, 34, 70, 80–82, 141–142, 148
mutagenesis (radiation or chemical), 4, 7, 11, 16, 18, 26
outbreeding (outcrossing), 3
pathogens, 50
pure lines, 3
RNA-dependent DNA methylation (RdDM), 15, 17
somaclonal variations, 4
synthetic DNA, 15
traditional breeding, xxi, 5, 8, 18–27, 73, 80–82, 141
wide crosses, 5
Cross-protection strategy, for papaya, 51
inducible defenses, 52
pathogen derived resistance, 55
Crown gall disease, 14
Daffodils, as source of beta-carotene, 120, 122
Dairy Food Industry v. Amestoy, on labeling bovine growth hormone, 99
Defarge, Nicolas, 46
Deng, Jianchao, 54
Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 1980, 134
Diels, Johan, 136
DNA Plant Technology, merged with Advanced Genetic Sciences, 37
DOW Agro Sciences, 64
Drake, Pascal M.W., 86
Dutch Coexistence Committee, and commingling of GMO and non-GMO crops, 152
Ecological Society of America, on transgenic canola talk, 151
Enlist Duo herbicide, 44
Environmental Defense Fund, xvi
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 42
oversight of biotechnology, xvii, 32
papaya, 52
Scientific Advisory Panel, 63–64
StarLink and, 61
Epigenetics, 68
EPSPS (5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase), enzyme that confers tolerance to glyphosate, 41, 85
shikimate pathway, 85
Escherichia coli, kan(r) gene from, 32
Ethylene, treatment of tomatoes with, 31
European Commission, 14
on commingling of GMO and non-GMO crops, 152
European Food and Safety Authority (EFSA), 75, 87, 91–92, 109–111, 117
European Parliament, on labeling GMOs, 94
European Patent Office, 134
European Union
on defining GMOs, 15, 20, 75, 94–95
traceability and labeling regulations in 2003, 97
Excitatory postsynaptic potential synthase (EPSP), enzyme in plants, 85
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), 61
Federoff, Nina, 22, 33, 73, 83
Mendel in the Kitchen, 25, 71, 82
Fernandez-Cornejo, Jorge, 43
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), United Nations, 145
crop mutant variety database 7
food safety standards, 114
Food and Chemical Toxicology, retracted paper in, 109
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), conflicts of interest and, 117
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 33, 87
GMO policy, 1992, xvii, 87–88, 94
on labeling, 96
oversight of biotechnology, xvii
StarLink, 61
unexpected outcomes of GMOs, 91
unintended consequences, 141
Food biotechnology, science of, ix
Food Quality Protection Act of 1996, 61
Foundations on Economic Trends, and opposition to GMOs, xvii
Friends of the Earth, and StarLink, 63
Frost Technology Corporation, and Ice Minus, 36
Fuchs, Marc, 53
Gene-drive technology, 37
Gene gun, 11, 51–2, 69. See also Biolistics
Generally regarded as safe (GRAS), and GMOs, xvii, 75, 84, 88, 91, 94
Gene stacking, or pyramiding, 44
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 139
activists, xxi
allergenicity, 87
animal feeding experiments, xix, 73, 76
biofortification of, xx
commercial speech of, 98
debates over, xviii
deniers of, 79
environmental impacts of, xx, 20
herbicide resistance, Basta, 134, 145
introduction of, 9
microbiome, 89
nutritional quality of, xx, 10, 75
regulation, process-based, xx, 19, 94
regulation, product-based, xx, 19, 94
risks of, xix–xxii, 20, 26, 38, 70, 72–74, 98, 130–131, 134, 139
science of, xi
scientific consensus, xvii
systematic reviews of, 116
yeast, 89
Genetics ID, 63
GGPP (geranylgeranyl-pyrrophosphate), precursor to beta carotene, 121
Glycoalkaloids, in potatoes, 107
Glufosinate, 42
phosphinothricin in, 42
Glyphosate, 39–47
Golden Rice Humanitarian Board, 123
Gongke, Li, 54
Gonsalves, Dennis D. (Cornell University), 51, 53
Green, Jerry M., 45
Greenpeace, International
campaign against GMOs, xvi
Golden Rice, 124
Green Revolution, and Rockefeller Foundation, 120
Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), 95–6
Gurian-Sherman, Doug, 42
Halfhill, Matthew D., 53
Hansen, Michael (Consumers Union), 22
Harwood, Wendy, 21
Hefferon, Kathleen L., on gene-edited crops, 127
Hennessy, David, 44
GMOs and pesticide use, 147
Herrero, Amaranta, and STS approach to GMOs, 130
Heteroencapsidation, 53
Hoechst Schering AgroEvo, 61
Hou, Hongwei, 25
Hub, D., 82
Hudson, Malcolm D., 91
first field test of, 36
Frostban, 37
ice nucleation active (INA), 36
Monterey County, CA, prohibits field tests of, 36
Inducible microbial proteins, 50
Inose, Tomoko (Research Institute for Food Sciences, Kyoto University), 89
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, toxicology of pesticides, 45
Institute of Science in Society, on Golden Rice, 125
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), on reclassified glyphosate, 46
International Atomic Energy Agency, and crop mutant variety database, 8
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, on crop improvement, 149
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), 125–126
International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications, on biofortification, 127
Intragenesis, 15–16. See Crop breeding
Jasanoff, Sheila, Design on Nature: Science and Democracy in Europe and the United States, 130
Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University, clinical trial on Golden Rice, 122
Jiao, Zhe, 54
J. R. Simplot Company, and GMO potato, 80
Kanamycin (antibiotic), 32–33
resistance to, 53
Keller, Evelyn Fox, The Century of the Gene, 68
Key, Suzie, 86
Keyworth, George, as presidential science adviser, xvii
Kiliç, Aysun, and Bt maize study, 111–112
Kingsbury, Noel, The History and Science of Plant Breeding, 7
Kleter, G. A., 82
Ko, E. J., 82
Kramer, Matthew G., 33
Kuhn, Thomas, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 129
Kurper, H. A., 82
Labeling, 93–101
ballot initiatives on, 99
commercial speech of, 98–99
food package symbols on, 101
laws for GMOs, 95
point of origin, 98
U.S. policy on, 98
Landrace, 2
Le Corbusier, Radiant City, xvi
Lectins, as insecticidal plant proteins, 58
Lemaux, Peggy, 73
Lindow, Steven E., 35–36
Liu, Biao, 60
Livingston, Mike, 43
Lotz, A. P., on coexistence of GMOs and non-GMOs, 152
Lu, Zhen-Xiang, 25
Lurquin, Paul, High Tech Harvest: Understanding Genetically Modified Food Plants, 85
Ma, Julian K.C., 86
MacGregor, and Flavr Savr tomato brand, 33
Maine, on GMO labeling, 95
Marker gene, 11, 13, 23, 73, 80
antibiotic resistant, 11, 52, 98
herbicide resistant, 11
NPTII (neomycin phosphotransferase II), 55
Martineau, Belinda, First Fruit: The Creation of the Flavr Savr Tomato and the Birth of Biotech Food, 32, 34
May, Robert, 73
Mayer, Sue, 84
McMichael, Philip, 132
McClintock, Barbara, 69
Mereno-Fierros, Leticia, 65
Merton, Robert, on organized skepticism, 141
Mesnage, Robin, 144
Messeguer, Joaquima, 23
disappearance of, 46
Monarch butterflies, 46
Millstone, Erik, 84
Mitchell, Lorraine, 43
Molecular breeding, xi, xix, xxi–xxii, 5, 8, 9–18, 19–27, 34, 67, 70–73, 76, 79–84, 90, 98, 105–106, 119, 121–130, 132, 134, 139, 141–142, 148, 150
Bt potatoes, 60
Cockburn at, 84
discovery of EPSPS enzymes, 41
glyphosate patented, 40
herbicide resistance technology, 41–42
new metabolic pathway, 86
safety of Roundup, 85
supporters of, 109
technology stewardship agreement of, 132–133
toxicology of Bt crops, 64
Montero, Maria, 23
Morse, Stephen P., 21
Moschini, GianCarlo, 44
GMOs and pesticide use, 147
Motta, Renata, social disputes over GMOs, 136
Mumm, Rita, H., 21
Murata, Kousaku (Research Institute for Food Sciences, Kyoto University), 89
Nadal, Anna, 23
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM), 21, 72, 142–143
Academy Forum, 1977, 20
formerly National Academy of Sciences (NAS), xvii, 44
integrity of, 117–118
National Academy of Engineering, 103
National Institute of Medicine, 103
National Research Council, 103, 105, 116
Proceedings, 103
report on GE crops, xviii, 19, 71, 90, 98, 103–118
reports on biotechnology, 104
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (S.764), 96
National Research Council (NRC), 2, 5
Nestle, Marion (New York University), Safe Food: The Politics of Food Safety, ix–x, 120, 153
Newell, Peter, on biotechnology in Argentina, 135
New York Times, op-ed, 93
Nielsen, Kaare, M., 17
Noteborn, J. M., 82
No-till agriculture, 40
Obama, Barack, and National Bioengineered Disclosure Standard, PL 114-216, 100
ODM (oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis), 15–16. See Crop breeding
Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), on Ice Minus, 37
compositional analysis of GMOs, 76, 90, 113–114, 143–144
Organic Food Production Act of 1990, 100
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Agricultural Policies in OECD Countries: Monitoring and Education 2000, 83
GMO testing guidelines, 109
Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV), 50–51, 54
disease resistant, 52
on Oahu Island, Hawaii, 50
Papaya trees, 50
solid properties of, 54
transgenic disease resistance of, 54
Parrott, Wayne, 76
Patenting, of living organisms, 133–134
Pectins, 30
Pellegrini, Pablo, GMOs in Brazil, 136
Perry, Edward D., on GMOs and pesticide use, 44, 147
Pesticides, early use of, 57–58
Phytoalexins, plant protective proteins, 49
Pia, Maria, 23
Plant Genetic Systems (PGS), 61–63, 134
Plant genome
ecosystem model of, xxii, 68–70
Plough, Alonzo, Environmental Hazards, 27
POEA (polyoxyethyleneamine), as adjuvant in the herbicide Roundup, 46
Pollen tube pathway (PTP), 14
Polyethylene glycol (PEG), 14
Polygalacturonase (PG), 30–31
pectin degrading, 31
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 10
Polyploidy, 8
Popper, Karl, on falsification, 89–90
Position effect, 68
Post translational modification, 24
Potrykus, Ingo (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology [SFIT], Zurich), 119–127
in Science (magazine), 122
Promoter (gene sequence), 10–11, 13, 23–24, 80
cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV35S), 11
Erwinia uredovora (soil bacterium), 122
Pseudomonas syringae, 35
Puchta, Holga, 18
Ramazzini Institute, Italy, glyphosate and the microbiome, 86
Recombinant DNA Molecule Advisory Committee (RAC), NIH
review of ice minus, 36
Recombinant DNA technology, 68
pathogen derived resistance, 51
reports on use of, xvii
Redenbaugh, Keith, 33
Restriction enzymes, 10
RNA interference also RNA silencing, 17, 52, 55
Roberts, Richard (New England Biolabs), 124
Roush, Richard T., 60
Rubio-Infante, Nestor, 65
Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015, (H.R. 1599), 96
Salquist, Roger (Calgene), 33
Schubert, David (Salk Institute), 69, 71
biases in, xxi
conflict of interest in, xxi
Science and Technology Studies (STS), 129–137
Science (magazine), and Golden Rice, 125
Séralini, Gilles-Eric, 109–110
Sexten, Steven, 46
Shao, Jian-Zhou, 60
Shelton, Anthony M., 61
Shigetane, Ishiwata, and isolated Bacillus thuringiensis, 58
Shiva, Vandana, Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge, 133
Silicon carbide mediated transformation (SCMT), 14
Small, Mitchell J., 40
StarLink, genetically modified corn, 61–63
Steinbrecher, Ricarda A., 73, 82
Stephan, Hannes, 27
Stewart, C. Neal, 53
Substantial equivalence, 75, 83–85, 89, 90, 107, 139, 144
Sungenta, 124
Sustainable agriculture, xx, 148–149
Systematic acquired resistance (SAR), 49
Tabashnik, Bruce E., on Bt resistance, 147
Tan, Yanhua, 144
Tang, Guangwen, 124
Taxonomy of living organisms, 6
Termination sequence (stop codon), 11, 13, 23, 80
Terpenoids, or terpenes, plant chemicals responsible for smell and color, 120
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), 52
Toenniessen, Gary (Rockefeller Foundation), 120
Toxicity studies, and whole food on animals, 76
Traditional breeding. See Crop breeding
Transgene complex or cassette, 9–14, 23, 32, 51, 74, 122
carried by vectors, 12–13
cells, 10
introgression, 54
Transgenic crops, or genetically engineered crops and genetically modified crops, xv, 14, 17
famigenic, 17
first generation, xvi
imprecise, 24
intragenic, 17
linegenic, 17
unpredictable, 24
Triazine, family of herbicides, 40
2,4-D, herbicide, cited in Science (magazine), 39
Union of Concerned Scientists, xvi, 42
University of California, Berkeley, and ice nucleation, 35
University Genetics Company (Norwalk, CT), 56
University of Wyoming, and ice nucleation, 35
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 42
animal feed data, 112
Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), 52
approved GMO potato, 80
Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology (1986), 32
Economic Research Service (ERS), 151
on glyphosate resistance, 40
on herbicide use 43
national organic survey, 15
Regulation of Biotechnology (1986), 32. StarLink, 61
on yields of herbicide-resistant crops, 42
Vaeck, Mark, 61
Valentine, Ray, 30
Van Asselt, Marjolein B. A., on uncertain risks of GMOs, 131
Van De Wiel, Clemens C. M., on coexistence of GMOs and non-GMOs, 152
Van Eenennaam, Alison L., farm animal study by, 112
Vaucheret, Hervé, 69
Vectors, for transporting genes
bacteria (Agrobacterium tumefaciens), 12
plasmids, 112
viruses, 12
on labeling bovine growth hormone, 99
Vitamin A deficiency, or hypovitaminosis, 125
biofortified rice, 121
Golden Rice, 119
world health problem, 119
Volunteer plants, 40
Von Kraus, Martin Paul Krayer, 40
Vos, Ellen, uncertain of risks of GMOs, 131
Walker, Kate, 76
Walter, Felix, 18
Warwick, Suzanne I., 53
Wechsler, Seth, 43
Weeds, herbicide resistant, x, 44
Wei, Xiang-dong, 54
Wessler, Justus, on economics of Golden Rice, 125
Wickso, Fern, on STS approach to GMOs, 130
Xenogenic, 17
Yang, Jing, 60
Ye, Xudong, and beta carotene rice, 121
Yearley, Steven, on STS approach to GMOs, 129
Young, Andrea E., farm animal study by, 112
Zakharyan, Robert, on isolated plasmids in Bacillus thuringiensis, 59
ZFNs (zinc finger nucleases for gene editing), 15
Zhang, Zhuomin, 54
Zilberman, David, 146
on economics of Golden Rice, 125
Zue, Dayuan, 60