Einstein under guard in Norfolk, 1933. Archant Library, Norwich.
Solvay Congress in Brussels, 1911.
Manuscript of an article on relativity by Einstein, 1919. Albert Einstein Archives, Jerusalem.
Einstein on his first visit to England, 1921. Ullstein Bild / Granger.
Drawing of Einstein by William Rothenstein, 1927. From Twelve Portraits by William Rothenstein.
Einstein and group at Government House, Jerusalem, 1923. Courtesy of École Biblique, Jerusalem.
Solvay Congress in Brussels, 1927.
Einstein during his doctoral ceremony in Oxford, 1931. Zuma Press, Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo.
Einstein’s blackboard in Oxford, 1931.
Letter to the Rhodes trustees from Robert Gunther, 1931. Courtesy of Rhodes Trustees, Oxford.
Drawing of Einstein by F. Rizzi, 1933. Courtesy of Senior Common Room, Christ Church, Oxford.
Einstein and two men in Oxford, probably 1931. Albert Einstein Archives, Jerusalem.
Einstein seated in Oxford, 1931–33. Private collection.
Einstein in Christ Church quadrangle, Oxford, 1933. Trinity Mirror / Mirrorpix / Alamy Stock Photo.
Einstein’s landing card at Dover, 1933.
Einstein at the Oxford Union, 1933. Gillman & Soame, Oxford.
Einstein with Winston Churchill, Chartwell, 1933. Leo Baeck Institute, New York.
Einstein with Oliver Locker-Lampson, London, 1933. Keystone Pictures USA / Alamy Stock Photo.
Einstein alone in Norfolk, 1933. Leo Baeck Institute, New York.
Cartoon of Einstein by David Low, 1933. Courtesy of Caltech Archives, Pasadena.
Einstein with his bronze bust and Jacob Epstein, 1933. Bettmann / Getty Images.
Einstein speaks at the Albert Hall, London, 1933. Keystone Pictures USA / Alamy Stock Photo.
Cartoon of Einstein by Sidney ‘George’ Strube, 1933. Courtesy of Daily Express / Express Syndication.
Einstein in his study at Princeton, 1951. Ernst Haas / Getty Images.
Russell–Einstein Manifesto: cover of a recording by Bertrand Russell, 1955. Private collection.
Einstein in a stained-glass window of Christ Church Hall, Oxford. Courtesy of Christ Church, Oxford.
Cartoon by Herbert Lawrence Block, 1955. Herb Block Foundation, Washington DC.