Premature Ventricular Contraction
At the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:
- Define premature ventricular contraction (PVC), and list the diagnostic criteria of these events. (p 482)
- Predict the hemodynamic compromise of one or more PVCs, and discuss the mechanism(s) leading to that instability. (p 482)
- Discuss the concept of the coupling interval, and predict how it could be used diagnostically with PVCs. (p 483)
- Define and discuss the clinical significance of the R-on-T phenomenon. (pp 483–484)
- Compare the origins, morphologic appearances, and routes of ventricular depolarization between unifocal and multifocal PVCs. (pp 485, 486)
- Define the term salvo as it relates to PVCs and ventricular rhythms. (p 487)
- List some clinical conditions or circumstances that are associated with the formation of a PVC. (p 490)
- Accurately identify PVCs on a rhythm strip or ECG. (pp 491–495)