It’s said that the gingko is a sacred tree of the East, a symbol of unity of opposites, a symbol of hope and love. The leaf’s distinctive, aesthetically pleasing fan shape translates nicely into string art. Also, the leaf lines are perfect for string! In this project, instead of our usual fill technique, we will give our art more of a realistic appearance. You, as the artist, can of course fill the leaf however you like. Plan ahead for this one, as the layers of paint on your board will take some time to dry. This project has step photos that will help guide you in the design of the leaf fill.
Pine board: 1" × 10" (2.5cm × 25.5cm), cut to 12" (30.5cm) long and painted gold (acrylic craft paint; see step 1)
5⁄8" (1.6cm) silver nails
Size 10 crochet thread in black
Photocopy of pattern (page 78)
Picture-hanging hardware
2 felt furniture pads
Tools: Hammer, needle-nose pliers
Basic supplies: Superglue, scissors, transparent tape
Preparing a board (page 8)
Applying a nail pattern (page 9)
Stringing basics (pages 10–11)
Double-wrap technique (page 13)
12" × 9.5" (30.5cm × 24cm)
Enlarge at 133%.