Here’s a different take on string art, where it becomes more of a functional piece than a showpiece: a memory board! The idea here is the same as a ribbon memory board, where the tension of the ribbon (or string, in this case) gives just enough strength to hold lightweight notes, mementos, and reminders. I strongly suggest you use a spool of crochet thread for at least the fill on this piece—it’s going to take a lot.
Plywood plank, 12" × 18" (30.5cm × 45.5cm), stained (Shown: Minwax Wood Finish in Dark Walnut)
5⁄8" (1.6cm) silver nails
Size 10 crochet thread in 2 colors (Shown: Navy blue and white)
Photocopy of pattern (page 36)
Picture-hanging hardware
2 felt furniture pads
Tools: Hammer, needle-nose pliers
Basic supplies: Superglue, transparent tape, painter’s tape, ruler, thumbtacks, pen
Preparing a board (page 8)
Applying a nail pattern (page 9)
Stringing basics (pages 10–11)
Making a nail border (page 12)
Double-wrap technique (page 13)
18" × 12" (45.5cm × 30.5cm)
Enlarge at 200%.