Prologue: The Great Backlash

  1    Malaise

  2    Dragon Year

  3    “A Wild but Welcoming State of Anarchy”

  4    The Emperor as Revolutionary

  5    Tory Insurrectionists

  6    A Dream of Redemption

  7    The Imam

  8    With a Gun in the Hand

  9    The Prophet’s Proletariat

10    Truth from Facts

11    The Blood of the Martyrs

12    The Lady

13    Thrice Banished, Thrice Restored

14    The Evangelist

15    Eleven Million People

16    Back to the Future

17    The Second Revolution

18    Playing Bridge

19    Fraternal Assistance

20    Solidarity

21    Khomeini’s Children

22    Jihad

23    “The Lady’s Not for Turning”

24    Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

        Epilogue: The Problem with Progress



