References to problems left open are here indexed in order of occurrence.

Limited stakes and bold play, 4

Replacement of U by V, 38

Extensions of selection theorem, 38

Existence of stationary family of good strategies, 58

Possible regularity of casino functions, 70

Continuity of U in Г for casinos, 76

Operations directly on casinos, 79

One-game casino functions, 81

Mutual singularity of primitive casino functions, 101

Cartesian sequence of higher order, 107

Cartesianness of a sequence, 107

Imitators, of unions of primitive casinos, 113

    of the fair casino function, 113

Nonuniform roulette, 120

Casino functions of generalized uniform roulette, 121

Construction of excessive functions, 135

Replacement of U by V in connection with dominance, 139

Characterization of U of a house decreasing in displacement, 141

Countable additivity a real limitation?, 141

Replacement of U by V in inequality, 142

Strict monotony and stationary houses, 142

Functions carried into casinoe makers by casinoe makers, 156

Main question about translational families, 186

Expected number of trials to reach goal, 196

Blindfold roulette, 223

Continuous-time gambling, 231