Book 6
Trying to Beat the House: Casino Gambling
Contents at a Glance
Chapter 1: Casino Gambling 101: The Inside Scoop
(Casino) Knowledge Is Power
Entering the Casino: What You’re Up Against
Navigating the Casino Maze
Meeting the Casino’s Cast of Characters
Maintaining a Safe and Secure Environment
Chapter 2: Probability and Odds: What You Need to Succeed
Defining Luck: A Temporary Fluctuation
Understanding the Role of Probability
Examining How Casinos Operate and Make Money: House Edge
Calculating the Odds in Casino Games
Chapter 3: Managing Your Money in a Casino
Setting a Budget and Sticking to It
Looking at Casino Credit and Its Risks
Figuring Out When Enough Is Enough
Chapter 4: Minding Your Gambling Manners
Playing Well with Others: Minding Your Table Manners
Enjoying a Smoke and an Adult Beverage
Giving Gratuities to Dealers and Others
Avoiding the Appearance of Cheating
Chapter 5: The Easiest Game to Beat: Blackjack
Dealing Out Blackjack Basics
Preparing to Play
Betting Your Bottom Dollar
Playing Your Hand
Identifying Common Mistakes
Chapter 6: Not Just For High Rollers: Baccarat
Counting Down the Baccarat Basics
Stepping into Baccarat
Avoiding Baccarat Time Wasters
Chapter 7: Rolling the Dice: Craps
Setting the Craps Stage
Walking through Craps, Step by Step
Relying on Strategy to Place the Best Bets
Avoiding “Sucker” Bets
Chapter 8: Spinning Wheel Goes Round ’n’ Round: Roulette
Getting the Spin on Roulette Basics
Betting: The Inside (and Outside) Scoop
Reciting Roulette Etiquette
Improving Your Odds
Avoiding Strategies That Don’t Work
Chapter 9: Mastering the Machines: Slots
Understanding How to Play the Slots
Identifying Differences in Slot Machines
Getting a Handle on Slots Odds
Stretching Your Money at the Slots
Honing Your Slot Etiquette
Playing for Comps