Aaron, Hank, 65
ABC Television, 209, 212; Wide World of Sports, 141
Abernathy, Ralph, 65–66
Adelman, Kenneth, 88
African National Congress, 105
Afrisa with Tabu Ley, 98, 118, 120, 121
Afro-Caribbean music, 98, 102, 111–16
Alexe, Ion, 50
“Ali, bomaye!” (“Ali, kill him”) chant: 93, 141, 142, 150, 156, 161, 180, 186
Ali, Khalilah. See Boyd, Belinda
Ali, Lonnie (Lonnie Williams), 228
Ali, Muhammad: African tour (1964), 25–26; African tour (1980), 220–21; as black folk hero, 64, 176–77, 179, 181–82, 191, 194; and Bugner, 196, 230; defeat of Liston for heavyweight title, 19–20; early career, 9–21; and Elijah Muhammad, 22–23, 25, 30, 64, 149, 178, 200; exiled from boxing, 1, 25, 35, 38, 58, 61, 63–64, 66, 68, 78, 135, 147, 162, 169, 178, 180, 203, 205; financial decline of, 222–23; and Hurricane Carter Trust Fund, 204; interracial marriage, 200; and Malcolm X, 20–25, 27, 33, 35; and masculinity, 3–4, 15, 30–32, 230; name change, 22–28; and Nation of Islam (Black Muslims), 21–27; Olympic Games, Atlanta (1996), 228–29; Olympic Games, Mexico City (1968), 49, 52; Olympic Games, Rome (1960), 12–13; opposition to Vietnam War, 31–34; pan-African hero, 4, 25, 73; regaining title from Leon Spinks, 206; rehabilitation of image, 228–29; response to Ali’s adultery, 202–4; and Rumble in the Jungle bout, 152–59; sexuality of, 14–15, 58, 69, 200–202; as sixties hero, 9–35; and Thrilla in Manila, 196–99; as underdog vs. Foreman, 91, 93, 94, 135, 161, 169, 170, 176–77; and Veronica Porche, 130, 201–2, 222; vs. cold war civil rights, 7; and Wepner, 194–96. See also Clay, Cassius; Muhammad Ali Day; Olympics entries
Ali Freedom Center, 229Ali victory: African American response to, 176–86; African response to, 165–66, 185–90
Allen, Maury, 191
Anderson, Dave, 142, 148, 162, 169, 176
anticolonialism: Ali and, 4, 25, 71–72; and civil rights groups, 25; and Makeba, 104–5, 122–23; as theme of fight, 90, 137–38; and Vietnam War, 35; and Zaire 74, 98–99
apartheid, 4, 104–5, 110, 121, 149
apocalypse, 133, 172, 179, 216
Apollo Theater, 101
Arab-African solidarity meeting, Kinshasa (1974), 178
Armstrong, Louis, 99
Arum, Robert (Bob), 28, 79, 80, 196, 230
authenticity campaign: end of, 233–34; fight, 88–92; Mobutu regime and, 84–89; music and, 125–26, 143
Autobiography of Malcolm X (Haley and Malcolm X), 43
Bambini, Giorgio, 50
Bell, Al, 100
Bella Bella, 116
Belgian Congo, 63, 85; Cuban music and, 118; Western image of, 86–87, 187
Berbick, Trevor, 221
Bingham, Howard, 127
Black Atlantic, 25, 116–17, 121
Black Muslims. See Nation of Islam
black nationalism: Ali and, 38, 73; boxing and, 4; Foreman and, 55; growth of, 9; as theme of bout, 137
Black Panthers, 55, 110, 178, 191
Black Power: Ali and, 5, 34–35, 136; Don King and, 75–76; Foreman and, 51, 54, 59, 139, 142; James Brown, and, 107–10; Jesse Jackson and, 64; Makeba and, 106; Mobutu and, 86, 90–91, 233; Puerto Ricans and, 113; theme of fight, 136, 142, 179, 185
Black World, on Ali’s victory, 176, 182–85
Bloody Fifth Ward, Houston, 38–41
Bonnie and Clyde (film), 190
Bonventre, Peter, 201–2
Borstelmann, Thomas, 7
Bowane, Henri, 117
Boyd, Belinda, marriage to and divorce from Ali, 130, 166, 201–3. See also Ali, Khalilah
Braverman, Al, 232
Brenner, Teddy, 206
Briggs, Max, 44
Briggs, Shannon, 228
Broadus, Nick “Doc,” 43–46, 51, 55–56, 149. See also Job Corps
Brown, Clifford, 101
Brown, Drew “Bundini,” 15, 19; and dressing room, 148, 149; and Foreman’s cut, 127; Mobutu and Black House, 143
Brown, James: black pride of, and assertive masculinity, 106, 108–12; headliner, Zaire 74, 98–99, 102
Brown, Jim: Ali’s draft stance, 34; commentator, Ali-Foreman, 150, 156; in Job Corps ad, 41; Main Bout and, 28; snubbing of Foreman, 57
Brundage, Avery, 47, 50, 54. See also Olympics: Mexico City (1968)
Bugner, Joe, 196
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (film), 190
Byrd’s Ever-Ready Gospel Singers, 108
Calhoun, Adrienne, 58
Caplan, Bill, 106, 128, 130, 209
Carlos, John, protest at Olympics, 47, 50–52
Carp, Susan, 101
Chepulis, Ionas, 51
Chinatown (film), 190
Chisa Records, 99, 101. See also Levine, Stewart; Masekela, Hugh
Civil Rights Movement: athletes and, 3, 9; black power and, 24, 179; James Brown and, 108; Patterson and, 27
Clark, Lamar, 15
Clay, Cassius, 6–7, 19, 26–27, 32, 37, 181, 191, 202
Clay, Cassius, Sr., 10–11, 17, 222
Clay, Pamela, 20
Clayton, Zack: referee, Zaire, 151, 159; short count controversy, 162, 193
closed circuit theater TV: Ali and, 4, 18; and live arena ticket sales, 72–74; satellite technology and, 4, 7; Zaire and, 83, 147, 231. See also Schwartz, Henry “Hank”
Cold War: Ali vs., 7, 12–13, 25; athletes and, 3–9; athletic revolt during, 47–51; civil rights groups and, 25; Foreman and, 3, 51–2; Olympics and, 47–48, 51, 87, 221
Cold War civil rights: challenged by Ali, 34; embodied by Foreman, 34
Collins, Bootsy, 110
Collins, Phelps “Catfish,” 110
colonialism: cold war civil rights and, 25; culture against, 98, 104, 105–6; domestic racism and, 35; Mobutu and, 84–86, 91–92; opposition to Vietnam War and, 72
Come Back, Africa (film), 105
Congo: as “Heart of Darkness,” 85, 93, 235; new sensibility, 116–18; River, music of, 116, 119; rumba, 41, 99, 111
Congo Crossing (film), 87
Congola Radio, 117
Conrad, Harold (Hall), 201
Cooke, Jack Kent, 80
Coopman, Jean-Peter, 205
Cornfeld, Bernie, 82
Cosell, Howard: Ali’s straight man, 225; commentator, Leon Spinks vs. Muhammad Ali (II), 206; Foreman and five opponents, 209; Foreman’s cut and, 128–29; interview with Tommie Smith, 50; and US Boxing Championships Tournament, 231
Cremona Trio, 108
Cruz, Celia: Cuban roots of, 111–13; and salsa dancing, 115–16; and Zaire 74, 98
culture of defeat: Foreman and, 160–64; Vietnam War, 172–74
Daly, John, 79, 81–83, 129, 141
D’Amato, Cus, 18
Daniel, Dan: Clay as fresh spirit, 19; criticism of Clay for draft evasion, 31–32; and Foreman’s cut, 130; negation of Foreman’s fix claim, 163–64
Davis, Howard, 231
Death Wish (1974) (film), 190
Deer Lake, Pennsylvania, 127, 147, 197
Diack, Mass, in Le Soleil (Senegal), 188–89
Dirty Harry (film), 190
disco music, 122
Dundee, Angelo: on Ali’s corner in Zaire, 148, 150, 153–58; on Ali’s name change, 27; on Ali’s new spirit, 15–16, 19; on Ali’s physical deterioration, 204; as Ali’s trainer, 14–16; on Ali wooing Zaire, 94; and dog, 94; Foreman’s cut and delay, 94, 127; in Foreman’s corner for comeback, 227; and Holmes, 221; and Liston, 19–20; predicting KO, 147; and rope controversy, 144, 163, 174
Dunn, Richard, 205
Duva, Lou, 232
Early, Gerald: on Ali’s name change, 22; on Ali’s pan-African appeal, 25
Easy Rider (film), 190
Ebony magazine, and Ali’s separatism in civil rights era, 24–25
Edwards, Harry, 47–48
Edwards, John, 92
Egypt: Ali’s visit (1964), 25–26, 139; Ali’s Zaire victory, 179; site for possible title match, 72
Elbaum, Don, 78
Ellington, Duke, 99
Evangelista, Alfredo, 205
Evans, Lee, 47
Evening with Belafonte and Makeba, An (Belafonte and Makeba), 102
exile and return: Ali’s, 3; Ali’s redemption from, 135, 147, 162; Ali’s return from, 63, 64, 66, 68; Celia Cruz, 115; comeback from, 58; Hugh Masekela, 99; Jack Johnson’s, 5; Miriam Makeba, 104–6; new generation of fighters during Ali’s exile, 61; public’s identification with, 203; Zaire 74 and, 97
Ezra, Michael, 2, 66, 72, 200, 220
Fania All-Stars, Zaire 74, 103, 111–16, 121
Fania Records, 113–15
fan reaction to Zaire fight: Africans, 188–90; brains vs. brawn, 160; chants, emotional ride, 166, 169, 171; fear for Ali, 141, 144, 147–48; Foreman too strong, 137, 148, 155; morality play, 157; stadium, 156; in US, 172–87
Farley, James, 23
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): and Ali’s 1964 Africa and Egypt tour, 26; COINTELPRO and Ali’s draft case, 244n44; and James Brown, 122; and Miriam Makeba, 106
Feliciano, Cheo, 122
Fitzgerald, Ella, 105
Fitzsimmons, Bob, 131
Fleischer, Nat, 31
Flood, Paddy, 232. See also King, Don; United States Boxing Championships Tournament
Foreman, George: boredom and delay because of cut, 93–96, 126–28, 130–31; boxing program and Doc Broadus, 43–45; comeback (1987), wins title again (1994), 220–28; confidence, 148–51; contrast with Ali, 8, 38–42, 59–61; defenses vs. Joe Roman, Ken Norton, 69–70; description of bout, 152–59; dog issue and, 93–94, 230, 134, 141–43; Don King and, 81; endorsements, 214–16, 225–26; as “Fighting Corpsman,” 52; image as Belgian oppressor, 93–95, 140–141, 187–89; invincibility shattered, 162–65; Jimmy Young and, 212–14; loss and depression of, 160–61, 172–76, 193; Mobutu reception of, 143; new image, 214–16, 225–26; Olympics bouts and training, 45–46, 50–51; patriotism and flag, 49–50, 51–52, 187–9; praise from conservatives, 54–55; and presidential election (1968), 52–54; professional career of, 56–58; questioning outcome, 162–64, 173–75; quitting ring, 216; rebuilding tough guy image, 208–10, 210–12; rejected by radicals, 55–56; religious conversion of, 214–16, 225–26; Shannon Briggs and, 228; weigh-in, 141–43; winning title vs. Frazier, 58–59; withdrawing from public before Zaire bout, 132–35. See also Job Corps: and Foreman
Foreman, Nancy Ree, 38–41
Foster, Mac, 73
Franco (François Luambo Makiadi), Zaire 74 star, 98–99, 111, 116–20
Fraser, Don, 164
Frazier, Joe: conservative image of, 35, 66–68; loss of title to Foreman, 58–59; Olympic gold (1964), 6; rematch with Ali, Manila, 196–99; rematch with Foreman, 211; Ronald Reagan and, 223; ruining Ali’s comeback, retaining title, 35
Freedomways, 33
funk, 109–11
Gaddafi, Muammar, 68
Gault, William Henry “Pappy,” 46, 49, 50
George Foreman Youth Center, Houston, 224
Ghana: Ali’s visit to (1964), 25–26; response to Ali-Foreman, 139–40, 188
Giamatti, A. B., 206
Gillespie, John Birks “Dizzy,” 99, 101
globalized boxing: Ali-Foreman fight and global boxing, 2; Ali as global hero, 5, 25–26, 71–72; closed circuit theaters and, 4; and global black awakening, 98; Jack Johnson and, 6; Mobutu and, 86–87, 91, 189; music and, 97, 99, 111, 121, 115–16; politics and sports and, 3, 5; satellites, 4, 73; and Thrilla in Manila, 179, 199
Goodman, Bobby, 144
Gordy, Berry, 65
Gorgeous George. See Wagner, “Gorgeous George”
Goss, Clay, 182
Grace, Bishop “Daddy” and His House of Prayer, 108
Graebner, William, 8
Grauman, Lawrence, 29
“Grazing in the Grass” (Masekela), 101–2
Greene, Abe, 23–24
Gumbel, Bryant, 67–68
“Gumboots” (Makeba), 106
Hall, John, 165
Hamouda, Hassine, 189
Harder They Come (film), 190
Harlem riot of 1964, 47
Harlem Swingsters, 165
Hauser, Thomas, 228
Hemdale Leisure Corporation, 81–83, 141
Hirschfeld, Richard M., 223
Hodges, Clay, 46
Holiday, Billie, 105
Hope, Bob, 175
“Hot Pants” (Brown), 111
Humphrey, Hubert, 53
Hunsacker, Tunney, 13
Hurricane Carter Trust Fund, 204
“I Can’t Stand Myself” (Brown), 111
Illinois State Athletic Commission, 30
“Independence Cha Cha” (Kabasele), 118
Inter-Continental Hotel, Kinshasa: center for fight crowd in Zaire, 92, 95; Foreman’s move to, 128, 130
International Boxing Club (IBC), 13
International Olympic Committee (IOC), 47–48
Izenberg, Jerry: on Ali’s physical condition, 221; on Foreman and religion, 214; on Foreman’s cut and bout’s delay, 128; on Foreman’s dog, 94; predicting Ali KO, 147–48
Jackson, Jesse, 64–65
Job Corps: ad, 41; cutbacks, 56; and Foreman, 3, 10, 37, 41–45, 49, 51–56, 59, 137, 207
Johansson, Ingemar, 133
Johnson, Jack, 3, 5, 7, 31, 131
Johnson, Lyndon B., War on Poverty, and Foreman, 3, 10, 41, 53, 59
Kabasele, Joseph “Le Grand Kallé,” 117, 119; “Independence Cha Cha,” 118
Karriem, Osman, 26–27
Kentucky Appeals Board, 29
Kenyatta, Jomo, 106
Kibble, Richard, 43
Kiersh, Edward, 232
King, Coretta Scott, 65–66
King, Don: prison, 76–77; promoting Ali-Frazier, Ali-Wepner, 194–96, 230; promoting Ali-Holmes, 1980; promoting Foreman after Ali loss, 209, 213; role in Ali-Foreman in Zaire, 71–76; signing black fighters for Video Techniques, 78–83; as symbol of modern era, 236; US Boxing Championships Tournament, criticized for treatment of black fighters, 230–33; Zaire 74 and, 98–103, 122, 129
King, Martin Luther, Jr.: Ali and King’s opposition to, 33, 34–35; assassination and black athletic revolt, 47; Martin Luther King Award to Ali, 65; references by Ali to King’s humanitarianism, 229
King Solomon’s Mines (film), 87
Kingston, Jamaica: and Foreman-Frazier title fight, 58; and JAMINTEL, 74
Kinshasa: infrastructure of, 91–92; as music capital of Congo and Zaire, 116–19; nightlife of, parties during Zaire 74, 103; renaming of Léopoldville, 87; as symbol of black African modernity, 179; twenty-six miles from satellite station, 82–83
Kisner, Ronald, and Jet magazine’s coverage of Rumble in the Jungle, 65, 170, 180, 202
Kissinger, Henry, 234
Kuti, Fela, 102
LaFeber, Walter, 7
Leopold, King, II, 185
Levine, Stewart: organizing Zaire 74, 97–98, 99; partnership with Masekela, 100–104; under house arrest, 121–22
Lingala dialect, 117–19
Liston, Charles “Sonny”: Ali’s fear of, 148; Clay’s criticism of, 23; Foreman’s friendship with, 57; loss of crown to Clay, 19–20; mob ties, 13; NAACP and, 18; raw masculine power of, 14–15; rematch, 27; Zaire victory and Liston, 161
Lombardi, Vince, 55
London, Brian, 31
Lopez, Alfredo, 114
Loubet, Nat, The Ring editor, 73, 155, 158, 197–98, 205
Louis, Joe: Ali compared to, as fighting champ, 196; Ali compared unfavorably to, 52, 60; Ali’s celebrations of own victories compared to, 176, 181; Ali’s financial, health problems and, 221–22; critical of Ali’s opposition to draft, Vietnam War, 29, 32, 33–34; Foreman compared to, 60, 134; as model black athlete, 6, 13, 14, 17, 22; surprised by Ali’s defeat of Foreman, 161
Louisville, Kentucky: Ali’s hometown, 10–13; city’s elite and Ali’s early career, 13–14; racial violence against integrated housing, 21–22; SCLC campaign against segregated housing, 35
Louisville Sponsoring Group (LSG): guiding of Ali’s professional career, 13–14, 16, 17, 28
Lukundu Sampu, 98–99
Lumumba, Patrice, 85–88
Maddox, Lester, 64–65
Madison Square Garden, 71, 73, 79
Mailer, Norman: Esquire, 2; The Fight, 148–49, 151, 163, 188
Main Bout, Inc., 28–29
Makeba, Miriam: attending fight, 150; dancing and exoticism of, 235; performance at Zaire 74, 98, 101, 104–6; and release of organizers from house arrest, 121–22
Malcolm X: accompanying Ali to UN, 25; Ali and assassination of, 27; Ali’s anti-war views and, 35; as Ali’s tutor, 20–23; attendance at Ali-Liston, 20–23; as black separatist, 21; Foreman and Autobiography of Malcolm X, 43; loss of Ali in power struggle with Elijah Muhammad, 22, 27; promoting Ali’s Africa-Mideast tour, 25
Malitz, Mike, 28
Mandungu Bula: Mobutu financial emissary and Ali-Foreman in Zaire, 82, 84–85, 90, 93; reaction to Foreman’s cut, 95–96
Manhattan School of Music, 101
Manley, Michael, 74
Mann, Jim, 89
Martin, Joe, 11–12
Martin, Reverend Ray, 55
Masekela, Hugh: emigration to US from South Africa, 98–99; organizing Zaire 74 with Stewart Levine, 101; tensions with Don King, 103; under house arrest, 121
Masucci, Jerry, 114–15
May 20 Stadium. See 20 Mai Stadium, Kinshasa
Mboya, Tom, 105
McMurray, Bill, 94
Mercante, Arthur, 59
Michael J. Fox Foundation, 229
Mildenberger, Karl, 31
Mobutu, Sese Seko (Joseph-Désiré): aims of staging fight, 71–72, 90–92; African leaders’ praise of, for hosting successful spectacle, 189–90; and authenticity campaign and fight, 86–89; background of, 84–85; CIA and, 85–87, 234; and fear of assassination, watching Ali’s fight in private, 144; flees death, 235–36; portrait in, 143; prevents fighters leaving, 95–96; and repression and economic collapse, 234; Risnelia, 79; 20 Mai Stadium and, 95–96; and Zaire 74 and free tickets, 103
Monk, Chip, 103
Moore, Archie: failed attempts to train Ali, 14, 16; bout with Ali, youth vs. age, 17–18; in Foreman’s corner in Zaire, 132, 150, 152, 156, 158, 177
Moorer, Michael, 227
Muhammad, Elijah: Ali siding with, vs. Malcolm X, 25; censure of Ali, 64; death and split in NOI, 200; granting Ali special status after censure, 251n38; influencing Ali’s view of war, 23, 30; message to Ali’s Zaire dressing room, 149; renaming Ali, 22–23
Muhammad, Herbert: as Ali’s manager, on board Main Bout, Inc., 28; and Ali’s opposition to draft, 34; and Don King, 80, 230; and global title fights, 72; and message from Elijah Muhammad to end Zaire fight, 158; stopping Ali-Holmes, 221
Muhammad, Wali, 148
Muhammad, Wallace, 200, 269n22
Muhammad Ali Day: Chicago, 191; Louisville, Ali honored after Zaire triumph, 181–82, 191; New York, 183–84
Muller, Eddie, 57
Murray, Jim, 128
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People): Ali’s donations to, 194, 204, 222; fears Liston as champion, 18; opposes Ali on Vietnam War, 33–34
NAACP Legal Defense Fund. See New York State Athletic Commission
Nation of Islam: Ali’s donations to, 222; Ali’s links to, 1, 3; and Ali’s name change, 21–24; death of Elijah Muhammad and religious split, 199–200; and Don King, 76–77; and gender, 200–201; and Islam, 21–24; Joe Louis’s opposition to, 17; and Malcolm X, 21–24; psychological reasons for Ali joining, 21; separatism scaring whites and blacks, 21–24; suspends Ali, 64; on Vietnam War, 29, 32; Zaire bout and, 161, 177–79, 185, 191–94. See also Malcolm X; Muhammad, Elijah
Negro Family, The (Moynihan Report), 42
Neiman, LeRoy, 14–15
Nevada State Boxing Commission, 22
New York Athletic Club, 48
New York Boxing Writers Association, 137–38
New York State Athletic Commission: and NAACP Legal Defense Fund suit, 66; withdrawing Ali’s boxing license over Vietnam, 31, 66
Nicolet, Raymond, 82
Nixon, Richard: dislike of Ali, 31; and Foreman, 53; Job Corps cutbacks, 56; Watergate scandal; Vietnam War, and distrust of government, 136
Norman, Peter, 50
Norman, Shirley, 59–60, 200–201
Norris, James, 13
Norton, Ken: defeat of Ali, broken jaw, 68; knocked out by Foreman, 69–70; loss to Ali, 69; loss of disputed decision to Ali, 205; as new heavyweight in late 1960s, early 1970s, 61
N’Sele, 94
Nyerere, Julius, 105
Olu Akaraogun, 185–86
Olympic Project for Human Rights (OPHR), 47–48
Olympics: Atlanta (1996), 228–29; Montreal (1976), 221, 231; Moscow (1980), 220–21; Rome (1960), 12, 22
Olympics, Mexico City (1968), 49, 52; and boycott threats, 46–50; and Foreman and American flag, 50–56; massacre, 46; protests, 50
Opango, Yhombi, 189
Organization of African Unity, 189
Orchestre Stukas, 116
Ort, John, 232
Our Latin Thing (Nuestra Cosa) (film), 100, 114
Pacheco, Ferdie “the Fight Doctor”: on Ali painting himself African and Foreman Belgian, 93; and Ali’s corner in Zaire, 153; on Ali’s crowds, 151; and Ali’s physical deterioration, 206, 221; and Foreman’s deadly punches, 155; and Foreman’s hand wraps, 150; and Zaire match’s significance, 149
Pacheco, Johnny: as co-founder, Fania Records, 114; leading Fania All-Stars, Zaire 74, 98, 101, 113
Palermo, Frank “Blinky,” 13
Pan-Africanism: and Ali, 4, 25, 27, 73, 79, 118, 179, 188; black musicians and, 121; James Brown and, 107; Makeba and, 106; Mobutu and, 233; as theme of match, 90
Parallax View, The (film), 190
Paret, Benny “Kid,” 14
Pariser, Alan, and Zaire 74, 113, 121
Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (film), 190
Patterson, Floyd: Ali’s religion and, 27; beaten by Ali, 28; criticized by Ali, 23; endorsement of Reagan, 223; NAACP and, 118; personality of, 14
Pembe Dance Troupe, and Zaire 74, 98, 116
Perenchio, Jerry, 80
Plimpton, George: on Ali as astonishing athlete, 170; Ali and fear, 148; on Ali as trickster, 176; cover of Zaire fight, 2; and Foreman’s dressing room, 160; “liberation of Paris,” quote, 166; on possible fix, 152; on reporters and the cut, 128; on symbolism of sunrise after fight, 166; and witch doctors, 235
Pointer Sisters, 98
Porche, Veronica: Marcos, marriage to, 201–2, 222; romance with Ali, 130
Price, Lloyd: friend of Ali and Don King, 77–78; and Zaire 74, 98–99, 121, 122
Reagan, Ronald, 54, 60, 223–24
Reed, Ishmael, 206
Rivers, Mendel, 29
Rizzo, Frank, 67
Roberts, Randy, 21
Robinson, Jackie: example of equality, 24; expectations for black athletes, 22; reaction to Foreman and flag, 56; view of Ali, 34
Robinson, Sugar Ray, 13, 22, 24, 174
Rogers, Ray “Sarge,” 49
Roman, Joe, 69
rope-a-dope: Ali’s strategy in Zaire, 154, 156–57, 262n15; image of Foreman and, 162; meaning of fight, 170, 172–73; as strategy against Holmes, 221; as strategy against Frazier, 198; as strategy against Norton, 205; water and dope, 162–63
Runstedtler, Theresa, 5–6
Russell, Bill, 34
Sadler, Dick: Foreman’s cut and, 94; fired, 174; as Foreman’s manager, 56–58, 80; forgiven, 215; loss to Ali, 144, 156, 159, 162, 173–74, 193; predicts KO, 131, 150
Sadler, Sandy, 150
Samaranch, Juan Antonio, 229
Sammons, Jeffrey, 75
San Jose State University, 47
Santana, Jorge, 98
satellite communication. See Schwartz, Henry “Hank”
Say It Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud (Brown), 107, 110, 111
Schulberg, Budd: on Ali’s speed, 15; on Ali’s victory over Foreman, 166–67; on Foreman’s cut and fight delay, 127; on Foreman’s new image, 220, 226
Schwartz, Henry “Hank”: and Caracas, 75; Don King and, 75, 230; financing Zaire, 81–82; on Foreman’s cut and fight delay, 128–29; on Foreman and money, 141; satellite expert, 63, 72–73; and 20 Mai Stadium, 91–92; Video Techniques and satellite’s role at Tokyo, Jamaica, 73–74; and Zaire’s ground satellite station, 82
Self, Robert O., 3
Senghor, Léopold, 86
Shabazz, Lana, 155
Shavers, Earnie, 206
Shaw, Larry, 100
Shocket, Dan, 131–32
Shriver, Sargent, 56
silent majority: anti-Ali, 31, 136; pro-Foreman, 54–56, 136, 207; symbolic defeat of, 170, 177
Simpson, O. J., 227
Sims, Harold, 59
Sister Sledge, 98
Smith, Harold, 223
Smith, Johnny, 21
Smith, Red, 30
Smith, Tommie: and Foreman’s image, Zaire, 136; Mexico City Olympics, 47, 50–52
Something of Value (film), 87
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 38
Soviet Union: Angola and, 234; divided world and, 101; and Lumumba, 86; Olympics, 6, 26, 51, 221
Spinks, Leon, 206
“Stayin’ Alive” (Bee Gees), 193
Stoner, Fred, 11
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 34, 65, 245n54
Stuka Boys, 118
Sullivan, John L., 133
Super Fight of the Century, 84, 89, 139, 186, 187
Sykes, Shirley, 183–84
Tabu Ley: authenticity and, 118, 120; Zaire 74, 98, 116, 121
Tarzan of the Apes (Burroughs), 87
Telemedia de Panamá, 79–81
Thompson, Hunter, 2
Thrilla in Manila: and Ali’s greatness, 197, 198; and Don King, 230; and Joe Frazier, 196–99; themes of, 199
Trela, Lucjan, 50
Tribal Art Gallery (New York), 90
Tshimpumpu, Kanyika, 96
20 Mai Stadium, Kinshasa, 91–92, 125, 141
Tyler, Tim, 60
Tyson, Mike, 228
Une-Dois-Tre Club, 120
Unger, Norman, 129–30
Unitas, Johnny, 41
United Nations: Ali at, 25; Ali Freedom Center and, 229; Makeba and, 105; Mobutu and, 86
United Negro College Fund, 194, 222
United States Boxing Championships Tournament (1977), 231–32
United States Olympic Committee (USOC), 47–48
United States State Department, 25, 31, 38, 95
Vesco, Robert, 82
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), 29, 30, 55
Video Techniques. See Schwartz, Henry “Hank”
Vietnam Syndrome, 208
Vietnam War: Ali’s opposition to, 1, 5, 24, 29, 34–35, 47, 50, 64, 223; anti-war stance confirms Ali’ as global hero, 66, 139; Foreman and flag answer to war’s critics, 52, 136; radicalization of sport and, 4, 9; shift in American opinion on war, 170; war and Rumble, 177, 183, 184, 189, 191; war and Thrilla in Manila, 197
Vinocur, John, 95
Wagner, “Gorgeous George,” influence on Ali’s outrageous style, 16
Walcott, Jersey Joe, 22
Waldheim, Don, 57
War on Poverty, 10, 53. See also Job Corps
Watergate. See Nixon, Richard
Watkins, Mel, 107
Watts riots of 1965, 47
Wattstax, 100
Watusi (film), 87
Wechsler, Suruba Ibumando, 184, 187
Weissman, Stephen, 233
Wells, Lloyd, 201
Wendo, 117. See Bowane, Henri
Wepner, Chuck, 194–96
Weston, Randy, 99
Weymar, Fred, 82
Wheeler, Jesse Samba, 117
When We Were Kings (film): African exoticism in, 235; Ali’s image in, 220; contrast of 1970s and 1990s, 2, 219, 236; Foreman downplayed in, 219; shift from music focus to boxing in, 122
Williams, Lonnie. See Ali, Lonnie (Lonnie Williams)
Wolf, Dave, 201
Woods, Howard, 76
Woodstock Music Festival, 99, 100, 103
World Boxing Association (WBA): fear of Ali and Muslims, 23–24; refuses to sanction Ali-Liston rematch, 27; tournament to replace Ali, 31
Yette, Samuel F, 182
Young, A. S. “Doc,” 194
Young, Jimmy: disputed decision and Ali, 206; as 1970s heavyweight, 61; upsets Foreman, 212
Young Man with a Horn (film), 101
Yuman, Bernie, 148
Zaire: Ali beats odds in, 197–98; Ali as hero in, 93, 138, 143, 150–51, 179, 186; as bizarre location for bout, 63; economic collapse of, 234; fighters trapped in, and bored by, 126–28; Foreman isolated in, 161, 173, 175, 184; ghosts of, 208; mineral wealth in, 84; music and, 116; new name for Belgian Congo, 87; press image of, 89, 95; prosperity in, 85; reaction to Foreman’s cut in, 96; Risnelia and, 82; satellite station issues, 84; as site of fight, 1–2
Zaire 74: diaspora culture, 98–99; economic failure, 121–22; Fania All-Stars and, 111–16; and fight’s spectacle, 3, 91, 97; James Brown and, 106–11; list of performers, 97; Makeba and, 106; Mobutu and tickets, 121; organizers, 98–102; tension surrounding, 102–3; Zaire artists, 116–21