Title Page
Copyright Notice
Preface and Acknowledgments
Book Four: Rhythm of War
Prologue: To Pretend
Part One: Burdens
1. Calluses
2. Severed Cords
3. The Fourth Bridge
4. Architects of the Future
5. Broken Spears
6. A Loose Thread
7. The Rarest Vintage
8. Surrender
9. Contradictions
10. A Single Casualty
11. Passion and Courage
12. A Way to Help
13. Another Hunt
14. Voice
15. The Light and the Music
16. An Unknown Song
17. A Proposal
18. Surgeon
19. Garnets
I-1. Sylphrena
I-2. Sja-Anat
I-3. Into the Fire
Part Two: Our Calling
20. The Unseen Court
21. The Seething Knot
22. No Use Talking
23. Binding Wounds
24. Full of Awe
25. Devotary of Mercy
26. A Little Espionage
27. Banners
28. Heresies
29. A Cage without Bars
30. The Betrayal
31. Daughter of Traitors
32. Of Three Minds
33. Understanding
34. A Flame Never Extinguished
35. The Strength of a Soldier
36. The Price of Honor
37. Silence from the Dead
38. Rhythm of the Terrors
39. Invasion
40. In for All
41. The Most Dangerous
42. Armor and Teeth
43. Men and Monsters
I-4. Vyre
I-5. Lift
I-6. A Boon and a Curse
Part Three: Songs of Home
44. Tinder Waiting for the Spark
45. A Bold Heart, A Keen and Crafty Mind
46. The Weight of the Tower
47. A Cage Forged of Spirits
48. Scent of Death, Scent of Life
49. Soul of Discovery
50. Queen
51. To Sing Hopeless Songs
52. A Path Toward Saving
53. Compassion
54. The Future Become Dust
55. Kinship With the Open Sky
56. Nodes
57. Child of Odium
58. Spanreeds
59. The Lattice of a Growing Crystal
60. Essai
61. Oil and Water
62. Keeper of Forms
63. Practice
64. Personal Reminder
65. Hypothesis
66. Bearer of Agonies
67. Song of Stones
68. One Family
69. Pure Tones of Roshar
70. Well
71. Rider of Storms
72. Outmatched
I-7. Szeth
I-8. Chiri-Chiri
I-9. The Sword
Part Four: A Knowledge
73. Which Master to Follow
74. A Symbol
75. The Middle Step
76. Harmony
77. The Proper Legality
78. The High Judge
79. Open Wound
80. The Dog and the Dragon
81. Trapped
82. Knife
83. The Games of Men and Singers
84. Scholar
85. Dabbid
86. The Song of Mornings
87. Trial By Witness
88. Falling Star
89. Voice of Lights
90. One Chance
91. Worth Saving
92. A Gift
93. Strong Enough
94. Sacrifice
95. What She Truly Was
96. A Thousand Lies
97. Freedom
I-10. Hesina
I-11. Adin
I-12. Vulnerable
Part Five: Knowing a Home of Songs, Called Our Burden
98. An Unwholesome Shade
99. Not Bound
100. Watchers at the Rim
101. Undertext
102. Highstorm Coming
103. The Legend You Live
104. Full of Hope
105. Children of Passions
106. A Hundred Discordant Rhythms
107. Uniting
108. Moments
109. Emulsifier
110. Reborn
111. Unchained
112. Terms
113. Emotion
114. Broken Gods
115. Testament
116. Mercy
117. One Final Gift
Epilogue: Dirty Tricks
Ars Arcanum
Books by Brandon Sanderson
About the Author
Many illustrations, titles included, contain spoilers for material that comes before them in the book. Look ahead at your own risk.
Map of Roshar
Shallan’s Sketchbook: Urithiru
Shallan’s Sketchbook: The Atrium
Navani’s Notebook: The Fourth Bridge
Navani’s Notebook: The Arnist Method
Folio: Contemporary Singer Fashion
A Portion of the Southern Sea of Souls
Shallan’s Sketchbook: Mistspren
Shallan’s Sketchbook: Cryptics
Shallan’s Sketchbook: Ashspren
Shallan’s Sketchbook: Honorspren
Navani’s Notebook: The Crystal Pillar Room
Shallan’s Sketchbook: Cultivationspren
Map of Eastern Makabak
Shallan’s Sketchbook: Reachers
Folio: Envoyform Fashion
Shallan’s Sketchbook: Highspren
Alethi Glyphs Page 2
Shallan’s Sketchbook: Peakspren
Shallan’s Sketchbook: Inkspren
Navani’s Notebook: Dagger
Navani’s Notebook: Experiments