Hack #63. Make Good Use of the About Me Page

Set up a static page on eBay for stuff that would otherwise clutter your auction pages.

Many sellers make the mistake of including pages and pages of payment and shipping terms, only to supplement it with a single sentence about the item itself. No wonder bidders never read descriptions!

I hate clutter, whether it's on one of my own auctions or someone else's. I like to reserve the space in my auction descriptions for information about the item being sold, mostly because bidders have a limited attention span, and I, as a seller, have a limited amount of time to prepare my auctions.

eBay allows any seller to build a static page right on the eBay web site—separate from their listings—with whatever content he wants to make public. Although any eBay member can put together an About Me page by going to Site Map About Me, it's sellers who benefit most from this feature.


Since the About Me page is separate from listings, its content can be modified [Hack #65] at any time, even after your auctions have received bids.

Although you can maintain your own web page on any off-eBay site, there are significant advantages to using the About Me feature. For one, the information on the page will appear more trustworthy to your bidders because it looks like part of the eBay site, complete with the eBay logo and menu bar. Second, a link to your About Me page will appear next to your user ID whenever your ID appears on eBay. And finally, you'll be able to insert dynamic, eBay-specific content in your page, as described next.

When you use the About Me feature for the first time, eBay presents a selection of templates you can choose from to frame your page. The next stepinvolves filling in about a dozen fields with your personalized information (see Figure 4-22), such as a title, welcome message, something called "another paragraph," and some of your favorite links. You can also choose to display recent feedback and a list of your items for sale, right on the page.

If you want full control over the look of your page, skip the setup page by clicking Preview at the bottom of the page. Then, on the next page, click "Edit using HTML." You'll then be shown a single edit box, prefilled with the HTML code [Hack #52] from your current About Me page. You can proceed to modify or replace this code as you see fit, including employing the services of a standalone graphical web page editor [Hack #53] .

Since the page is hosted on the eBay site, you'll have access to features not otherwise available if you were to host the page yourself. Using specialized HTML tags, you can insert eBay-specific content, such as recent feedback or a list of your running auctions. The following five tags are available, each with a selection of options to further customize your page:


Instead of putting your email address in your About Me page, you can take advantage of eBay's privacy features. Having your bidders contact you through the Contact an eBay Member form will reduce the spam and other nuisance emails you might otherwise get. For example:

<ebayuserid nofeedback nomask>

The nofeedback and nomask options remove the feedback in parentheses and the icons that would normally appear after your user ID. If you want more flexibility, include a hard-coded link [Hack #13] to the same page, like this (all on one line):

    <a href="http://cgi3.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?
               turnUserEmail&requested=user_ID">contact me</a>
 <eBayFeedback size=n>

Use this tag to include a table with some recent feedback you've received; specify size=15 to show the last 15 comments. You can further customize the table with the following additional options:


The color [Hack #55] of the upper line of each comment


The color of the lower line of each comment


The width, in pixels, of the table border


The width of the table, as a percentage of the width of the browser window


This tag places a table with a list of your running auctions right in your text, similar to the "View seller's other items" page. You can customize the table with these options:


Where n can be 8 to show newly listed auctions first, 2 to show the oldest auctions first, 3 to show the auctions ending first, or 4 to show the lowest-price items first.


Include a positive number for n to show completed items, up to 30 days old.


Restrict the listing to items in a single category; see "Tweak Search URLs" [Hack #13] for more information on the category number to include here.

   border, tablewidth, and cellpadding 
See <eBayFeedback>, described previously.
 <eBayMemberSince>, <eBayTime>

These two tags display the date you first registered and the current date in eBay time, respectively.

You might use <eBayMemberSince> like this:

eBay member since <ebaymembersince format="%B %d, %Y">

and you'd see something like "eBay member since May 31st, 2003" in your About Me page. The idea is to imply a certain level of trustworthiness, corresponding to the length of time you've been buying and selling on eBay. But since this date never changes, there's no reason you can't simply type it directly onto your page.

Since <eBayTime> doesn't necessarily show either the seller's local time or the bidder's local time, but rather only the current time in eBay's time zone (Pacific time, GMT-8:00), its usefulness on this page is pretty limited.

The codes used in the format string are as follows. To format the date, include %A for the day of the week (%a to abbreviate), %m for the month number, %B for the month name (%b to abbreviate), %d for the day of the month, and %Y for the year (%y for only two digits). Likewise, to format the time, type %I for the hour (%H for 24-hour clock), %M for the minute, %S for the second, and %p for the appropriate "a.m." or "p.m." text. (Note that the codes are case-sensitive; %Y is different from %y.)

Once you've built an About Me page, a little "me" icon will appear next to your user ID (right after the feedback rating) wherever your ID appears on the eBay site. Another user can simply click the icon to view your About Me page. But you can also link directly to your About Me page in your auctions using this simple URL:


If you want eBay's little "me" icon to appear in your link, use this code:

See <a href="http://members.ebay.com/aboutme/user_ID/" target=_blank><img src="http://pics.ebay.com/aw/pics/aboutme-small.gif" border=0></a> for payment and shipping terms.

If your About Me page is complicated or lengthy, you may want to divide it up with named anchors. For instance:

<a name="shipping"></a>

My Shipping Terms...
<a name="payment"></a>
My Payment Terms...

You can then jump to any anchor on the page by placing a # sign at the end of the URL, followed by the anchor name. For example, you may want to place this code in your auction description:

Please read my <a href="http://members.ebay.com/aboutme/user_ID/#shipping"> shipping terms</a> and my <a href="http://members.ebay.com/aboutme/user_ID/ #payment">payment terms</a> before you bid.

This creates two links, each to a different part of your About Me page.