
Cover    1

Title Page    3

Copyright Page    4

Endorsements    5

Introduction    9

1. What Is SMART Love?    11

2. The Land of Emotions    26

3. The SMART Love Inventory   37

4. S—Self-Awareness    44

5. Self-Awareness Action Plans   59

6. M—Managing Your Emotions    79

7. Managing Your Emotions Action Plans   91

8. A—Accountability    109

9. Accountability Action Plans    121

10. R—Reading the Other Person’s Emotions    138

11. Empathy Action Plans    150

12. T—Together in the Land of Emotions    168

13. Together Emotionally Action Plans    178

14. What about Love?    192

Notes    201

About the Authors    203

Books by David and Jan Stoop    205

Back Ads    207

Back Cover    209