


I really enjoyed writing this summary. Similarly, I've also written a summary for one of the most popular negotiation books “Getting to Yes” (you can check it out here: ). The difference between the two are clear to me. I think my temperament (high emotional intelligence) lends itself to taking away more practical points from “Never Split The Difference”. I imagine it might be hard for some people to grasp Chris's approach, because its not a clear cut linear process. He heavily focuses on the seduction aspect of negotiation, whereas “Getting to Yes” is very analytical and step by step. I think both books serve their purpose well. Keep this summary around, and grab a refresher next time you find yourself in a sales situation, or have the need to negotiate.

Here are some quick bookmarks from earlier:

Want to negotiate a rent raise? (click here)

Want to get a response to an email? (click here)

Want to negotiate a salary? (click here)

Also don't forget to grab the negotiation prep sheet here.

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