The Hologram of Good and Evil
The cosmology of nine levels is, as we have seen, practically ubiquitous among the traditional cultures of our planet, and the same can be said about serpents and dragons symbolizing spiritual wave movements. Our inquiry, however, began with the recent discovery of the Cosmic Tree of Life, and we have continued to verify that the universe is created by a series of waves emanating from this Tree of Life. Yet, only a few examples have been given of how the ancient cultures looked upon the Tree of Life, which is another such ubiquitous “myth” that, in one form or another, can be found almost everywhere on our planet. Naturally, our interest in the Tree of Life becomes greater when we know that it is not a fantasy, and this is a reason to explore what additional hints about its role and function we may gain from such ancient traditions.
The oldest representations of the Tree of Life are found from Mesopotamia from the early third millennium BCE.1 In the previous chapter we saw one of the forms (fig. 3.12) in which this culture represented the sacred tree as an axis, often called axis mundi,2 with two serpents intertwined around it. In this depiction the axis also defines a left and right side, which are mirror images of one another. This is typical of ancient representations of the Tree of Life (see also fig. 4.1c and fig. 5.1), and has its background in the large-scale evolution of the universe. On lower levels in the fractal-holographic model, we have seen how hemispheric mirror images have been created on the level of our galaxy, our planet, and biological organisms. Hence, the mirroring effect of the Tree of Life is apparent both in ancient myth and from empirical evidence about how the universe is created.
Another aspect of the Tree of Life in the Sumerian relief is the existence of waves, symbolized by serpents emanating from the tree. These waves began with the First Wave, which has a wavelength of a billion light-years, a scale that is in reasonable agreement with the Cosmic Axis at an early point in the evolution of the universe. On top of this First Wave, a series of waves, each with a twentyfold higher frequency than the one preceding it, have been activated and from these transformative interference patterns have been created. In the following chapters we will continue our climb to higher levels of creation, eventually leading up to the wave that is most relevant for us today, the Ninth Wave. Before doing so, we will first need to understand more about how interference patterns are formed and, most importantly, what kind of holograms are produced in people in resonance with the different waves.
If we continue on the course of history, we find from the second millennium BCE representations of the Tree of Life in the entire region of the ancient civilizations spanning from the Indus Valley to Egypt (fig. 4.1) to Greece.3 Kings were commonly shown not only tending the Tree of Life but also carrying around a branch from it to symbolize that they had part in it and that their kingship through this tree had a divine origin. The oldest name of Babylon, Tin-tir-ki, meant “the place of the tree of life.” The Egyptians also had an elaborate story about the Tree of Life, which had its center in the city of Heliopolis. According to them, the tree represented the world pillar, or axis mundi,4 the center of the universe around which the heavens appeared to revolve—a concept similar to the axis of evil from modern science. Moreover, the earlier mentioned Ennead (nine gods) were said to have emerged from the Tree of Life. What may be the most important element to this Egyptian construction of the universe, in our present context, is that the Tree of Life was seen as holding the knowledge of the divine plan.5 This amounted to a map of destiny, which has existed since the world was created. The information in the previous chapter—showing that all aspects of creation can be attributed to waves of evolution emanating from the Tree of Life, seems to corroborate this view of the ancient Egyptians.
A particular representation of the Tree of Life, with an additional Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which became tremendously influential through its later incorporation into the religions of Christianity and Islam, is that of the Jewish creation story, which will be discussed in the next chapter. There were also real-life symbols of the Tree of Life, such as in Scandinavia, where ash trees were honored as living embodiments of Yggdrasil,6 but other examples can be found across the world from the Maori to the Maya (fig. 4.1a–c). Often trees with certain impressive characteristics, such as the kauri tree and the ceiba tree, serve as symbols of the Cosmic Tree of Life. The kauri tree7 (fig. 4.1a) has an impressive trunk, and the ceiba tree8 (fig. 4.1b) has the distinction of sometimes having roots in four directions and branches that are perpendicular to the trunk.9 Even today, Mayan lumber workers will spare the ceiba trees when cutting down a forest.
Given the wide range of cultures, sometimes separated by oceans, worshipping Trees of Life, it seems obvious that the symbol of a sacred tree was not spread through interpersonal contact. Rather, people in all parts of the world in this era had a direct experience of the Tree of Life, and based on this they portrayed it in their art and sometimes written texts. As is usual with ancient symbolism, there is some variation in how it was represented. Unlike in our own time, it was not possible to send out a satellite that created a picture of the Cosmic Axis. Instead, the different cultures became aware of various facets of the Tree of Life through their direct resonance with it. But, as noted with the symbol of the serpent, the truth would be somewhat distorted depending on the frame of mind of the person downloading the information.
Figure 4.1a. Kauri tree worshipped by the Maori as the Tree of Life. (Kauri, Agathis australis, Waipoua Forest, New Zealand)
Figure 4.1b. Ceiba tree worshipped by the Maya as the Tree of Life. (Photograph by the author)
Figure 4.1c. Temple relief of Tree of Life with Ramses II in Egypt. (Courtesy of River Tay)
The Tree of Life, the serpent, and the number nine were thus ubiquitous parts of the worldviews of ancient societies. The main components of this shared cosmology are now being retrieved and finally understood because they are consistent with the facts of modern science. If we look upon them in an appropriate way, as aspects of a quantum-holographic theory of physics, the existence of these phenomena make sense and, as we will see later, have the capacity to explain what is happening in our own time. As this model presents a coherent picture from the ancient cosmologies, it is thus meaningful to continue the inquiry based on the Egyptian belief that the Tree of Life held the knowledge of the divine plan10 and amounted to a chart of destiny.
Among the nine waves of creation emanating from the Tree of Life, the four higher waves (sixth through ninth) differ from one another in two significant respects, which explains why they each create such a different reality and experience of reality, as we saw examples of in the previous chapter. One respect, summarized in figure 2.8, is the frequency of the waves, which played an important role in the acceleration of biological evolution toward higher species and which also has generated an experience of a speedup of time in more recent times. Another respect is the geometry and especially the polarities of the holograms of the higher waves (fig. 4.2). Every time a new wave in the mental frequency range has been activated on our planet, humans have begun to download a new hologram of the mind. Each wave creates a distinct hologram, which in turn creates a framework from which to experience reality. Such holograms downloaded from the Source, the Tree of Life, generate our fundamental attitudes toward life. Remarkably then, these shifting polarities ultimately seem to go back, not to some metaphysical phenomenon, but to the inherent duality, or “inherent anisotropy,” recently discovered in the universe (see chapter 1). The four different polarities of the mind shown in figure 4.2 then would correspond to each of the “four cosmic directions” (which are not the same as the four directions on our own planet) shown in the Tree of Life in figure 2.6. At the times of activation of new waves with higher frequencies, new holograms based on each of the four cosmic directions would be created along with new realities for the human beings.
Figure 4.2. The Destiny Chart of Humanity: The holograms of the higher waves and their basic impacts on social relationships. (Diagram by the author, design courtesy of Bengt Sundin)
The effects of the different holograms in figure 4.2 will be thoroughly studied in the following chapters, but in short, depending on which wave you are in resonance with, a particular hologram will structure your mind and perception of reality. As a consequence, how we experience and create our external world will depend on which wave(s) we are in resonance with. The different holograms, for instance, provide an explanation for why the worldview of the ancients (Sixth Wave) was not the same as our own (for most people Seventh and Eighth Waves) and also why modern people have created a very different world. Human beings understand their world based on the information they receive through the particular filter the hologram provides for them. Moreover, if we resonate with a particular wave and a corresponding hologram, we will attract people and circumstances that are consistent with these. We then together tend to create a reality consistent with a particular hologram and often resist anything that seems inconsistent with this. Our external reality is thus created in accordance with the principle of as inside, so outside.
Among many other things, these holograms, each associated with a particular wave with a particular frequency, also provide an explanation for how basic social relationships have changed over the course of human history: people have projected the polarities of the holograms onto the world and then created social realities consistent with these. Figure 4.2 shows in a simple form the times of activation of the different holograms dominating the human mind, as well as very broadly the social consequences of these holograms. The holograms of the Fifth, Seventh, and Ninth Waves tend to create egalitarian societies, whereas those of the Sixth and Eighth Waves, where reality is perceived through a left-right polarity, tend to create unequal social realities. More broadly, all of human history can be understood from the shifts between the different polarities of the holograms in figure 4.2. In several previous books I have described how the shifting polarities of the human mind determine history. Thus, the most fundamental shifts in the human mind take place as a result of the activation of new waves.
In my view, figure 4.2 is the most important chart in this book: from it we can broadly understand how the human mind has been shifting over time as well as which holograms are available for us to resonate with at the present time. Interestingly, if we look at the sequence of holograms in this figure, we can see that in the course of the climb to higher waves, humanity has gone from a phase of unity in the Fifth Wave to separation created by the introduction of the dark filters of the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Waves, followed by a return to unity with the Ninth Wave. This idea of a return to unity is prevalent in several religions (including all the Abrahamic) and spiritual traditions, and perhaps the waves can now, for the first time, provide a rational explanation to this.
We can furthermore see that the filters of the holograms, even though they appear polarized when viewed separately, even out over time so that both the left and right hemispheres of the brain receive the same amount of light from the holograms. Some would call the mental change that this ascent through the waves engenders as “raising our vibrations” or “entering a higher state of consciousness.” The spiral movement through the polarities that are part of this ascent may also be referred to as the Kundalini energy rising. This notion from India refers to a serpent-like activation of a coil along the spine. In line with the ancient Egyptian view of the Tree of Life, I call figure 4.2 the Destiny Chart of Humanity. Climbing to the Ninth Wave and downloading a hologram with no filters or duality amounts to the fulfillment of humanity’s destiny.
Because there is a correspondence between the holograms in figure 4.2 and their frequencies, we can now begin to understand the origin of everyday expressions such as “being on the same wavelength” or “resonating with someone” to denote getting along well. The frequencies talked about in such expressions obviously do not refer to visible light or sounds but to the much more profound similarities between two persons who download the same hologram. In general, people whose minds are shaped by the same holograms are, literally, on the same wavelength and resonate with each other because they see the world through the same filter. Such resonances with the same wave generate synchronicities. People in resonance with the same wave or specific interference patterns between different waves may unknowingly be involved in the same processes and so experience synchronicities.
Figure 4.3. The polarities of the planetary round of light as they manifest in the five highest waves of the mind as seen from different perspectives. Note that the holograms shown here are the ones that are activated by periods that are DAYS in the respective waves. Nights mean that the lights of these polarities are deactivated. (Diagram by the author, design courtesy of Bengt Sundin)
How does the Cosmic Tree of Life generate the different polarities of the holograms in figure 4.2 and why do they shift? To answer this, we need to first be aware that there is a holographic resonance between Earth and human beings: the left-right polarity of the human mind is created through resonance with the west-east polarity of Earth. Hence, the Western Hemisphere in all the waves is primarily in resonance with the left hemisphere of the brain (see fig. 3.9). Similarly the Eastern Hemisphere is primarily in resonance with the right hemisphere of the brain.11 As is amply discussed in The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization, the human mind does not find its origin in the brain but in the holograms, which are most immediately mediated to us by Earth. Figure 4.3 shows a somewhat more complex diagram of the holograms of the higher waves than figure 4.2, as it also demonstrates the influence of the holograms on Earth.
From different viewpoints, the columns in figure 4.3 show how the polarities of the various holograms affect Earth. If we look at the polarities of the holograms from the perspective of the North Pole (column one), we can see that shifts between them are caused by 90-degree shifts around the polar axis. Hence, every time a new wave has been activated on our planet, the polarity of its hologram from this perspective has shifted 90 degrees, and as can be seen in columns two and three this is reflected on the level of Earth. In turn, these shifts are reflected in the holograms dominating humans (column four) in resonance with Earth. Given that the waves emanate from the Cosmic Axis, these shifts in polarity around Earth’s polar axis are thus created through resonance with the Cosmic Axis in accordance with the fractal-holographic model shown in figure 1.5. Ultimately, the various polarities of the holograms thus go back to different resonances with the intrinsic duality of the universe upheld by the Cosmic Tree of Life as discussed in chapter 1.
To ask why the Cosmic Tree of Life undergoes this Planetary Round of Light, however, which is reflected in the global mind and individual human minds, is like asking why there was a Big Bang or why there is a Cosmic Tree of Life. We have already seen (chapter 1) that there is evidence that the Cosmic Axis creates corkscrewing movements12 and influences the polarities across the universe,13 and so there is little reason to be surprised that it expresses itself in this way as well. The consequence of undergoing this Planetary Round of Light is, as we will see more of later, not only that human beings will develop different technologies but also that they become increasingly self-aware.
Their common resonance with the Earth is the reason people in so many different parts of the world, as discussed in the previous chapter, came to develop nine-level cosmologies that are very much related. The idea of a return to unity, prevalent in many religions and spiritual traditions seems to result from the same resonance. The global mind creates a common resonance among people from different parts of the world who then receive information filtered by the same hologram. From this they draw similar conclusions about the world and its destiny. The fact that our individual minds have been created through resonance with one and the same global hologram has, in fact, been a very powerful cohesive factor for social life on Earth. Without resonance with a common hologram, our minds would presumably have been so variable that we would not have been able to understand anybody else, and social structures might not have emerged on our planet.
The common resonance with Earth has affected not only human ways of thinking but also the external worlds humans have created. The common resonance with the Sixth Wave is, for instance, the reason that people in widely different parts of the world started to build pyramids at the same time.14 As mentioned in the previous chapter and as was extensively developed in The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization, the different aspects of civilization (fig. 3.8) first appeared simultaneously and independently in several different parts of the world as the Sixth Wave was activated in 3115 BCE. People everywhere then came to be in resonance with the same hologram, which created a rational mind, which in turn created civilization.
It should be noted that the polarities shown in figures 4.2 and 4.3 are those that dominate during the DAYS, while during the NIGHT phases the holograms are not lit up (fig. 2.10). As the waves giving rise to these holograms go through phases of peaks (DAYS, or light) and valleys (NIGHTS, or darkness), human perception of reality is correspondingly altered so that mental shifts take place. It is a general rule of these creation waves that during peaks, or DAYS, the holograms are activated. During this time, the new phenomena being brought to the minds of human beings are expressed with the greatest strength. In the NIGHTS, on the other hand, the holograms are deactivated, and there is less creativity. Examples of how the shifts between DAYS and NIGHTS, and vice versa, follow such a pattern were presented in the previous chapter. In these, steps forward typically occurred at the beginning of the DAYS of the waves.
This model of shifting polarities of the mind has tremendous explanatory power when it comes to human history. For instance, it helps us determine the roles of different brain halves in different eras and different planetary transformations. It also determines if people are in contact with the divine light or separated from it through dark filters. It tells us if people are predominantly inclined to create unity or conflicts and many other things. Yet, overall, people are not aware that their minds are being dominated by these waves and the particular holograms they create. As mentioned in the discussion on quantum physics, the waves are not directly visible to us and present somewhat of a hidden reality. As a result, we take our perception of reality for granted and think that looking at the world through a particular hologram gives us the one and only objective truth. These filters are to us much like water is to fish: it’s the only medium we know. If we get stuck with a particular filter and can only see reality through this, our minds will be closed. Creative people are those able to resonate with interference patterns, and maybe such a resonance with an interference pattern was what the Sumerian Tree of Life (fig. 3.12) referred to. Over time, however, the relative influences of the different waves change and give rise to different interference patterns, resulting in hybrid holograms.
There is then no such thing as an eternal or unchangeable “ human nature.” Instead, what human beings are like differs widely between different eras depending on which waves and interference patterns they are predominantly in resonance with. The mental differences among a cave painter from the Upper Paleolithic from forty thousand years ago (Fifth Wave), an early civilized Egyptian from five thousand years ago (Sixth Wave), and a modern urban tweeter (Eighth Wave) cannot be explained by differences in their DNA. Their differences are determined by the holograms and interference patterns from which their minds have been created. Accordingly, each hologram and the interference patterns among the waves creates a particular kind of “human nature.”
As already mentioned, the hologram of the Sixth Wave (figures 3.9, 4.2, and 4.3) plays a special role as it is the first one emanating from a wave in the mental frequency range of the spectrum (fig. 2.3). For this reason, its geometry will serve as the basic departure point for the continued evolution of the human mind, even when holograms of the higher levels have been added to it. The Sixth Wave hologram thus provides the core of the “rational mind” and so has had a long-lasting power over the course of human history. In contrast, the Fifth Wave (fig. 4.2) produced no filters in human beings, and so those early humans lived in unobstructed contact with nature and the Divine. This reality would dramatically change as the Sixth Wave was activated and a new hologram was downloaded (fig. 3.9).
Figure 4.4 shows a few examples of how different ancient peoples symbolized the new hologram created by the Sixth Wave. Although many in modern times have tended to look at these as more or less meaningless symbols made for no reason, we may now begin to understand that the ancients depicted these archetypal symbols as reflections of the new hologram that created their new civilized reality. These geometric symbols were important as they helped clarify the new reality human beings were experiencing.
Despite the variation in their details, these symbols share the same essential features, a light-dark polarity and a partitioning into eight energies by a compass rose geometry. The hunab-ku symbol in figure 4.4a is of Aztec origin and is found in the Codex Magliabecchiano.15 The dingir symbol16 in figure 4.4b is the oldest of the three and can be traced to the late fourth millennium BCE in the Sumerian culture. The Sumerians apparently used this symbol to denote divinity, as in the cuneiform script the dingir symbol was always placed next to the names of gods. Indeed, it is a hologram emanating from the Source, the Tree of Life, as all the symbols are, which originates in the rectilinear geometry of the Cosmic Tree of Life. The Eastern bagua symbol17 finally has become the world’s most famous symbol of duality. An extensive philosophy has also been developed around the yin-yang polarity, and the interpretations of I Ching trigrams surrounding this go back to the earliest times of Chinese civilization.
Figure 4.4. Symbols of the duality of the Tree of Life from different parts of the world: a. Aztec, b. Sumerian, and c. Chinese. This duality is also known as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
All three of these symbols, which together prove that the new hologram of the Sixth Wave could be downloaded from the Far East to the Far West, can be looked upon as examples of sacred geometry. What sacred geometry is here taken to mean is geometry that originates in the divine Tree of Life. Because people at the time knew that sacred geometry was part of the holograms that shaped their existence, it was practiced as a means of spiritual elevation. It should be noted that the symbols in figure 4.4 were not the only ways of presenting the sacred geometry of the new hologram. Much more complex aspects, such as the Flower of Life, could be added. The most important aspect of the hologram is expressed as a simple four-directional cross in the midst of a circle.
This may be the time to point out that in this theory there is really no longer any distinction between the physical and metaphysical realms. The symbols in figure 4.4, and in particular the yin-yang symbol, which is the most well known of them, are usually considered to be metaphysical, belonging to a realm other than the physical. The concept of metaphysical now, however, loses its meaning as the yin-yang polarity actually belongs to the same spectrum as physical phenomena; however, it is mediated by a part of the spectrum not visible to our eyes.
If we dissect the symbols of the Sixth Wave hologram in figure 4.4 we find that all three reflect significant facets of this hologram. The first facet is the existence of a circular enclosure, the second is an eight-partitioned structure (which includes a cross), and the third is the light-dark duality. All three facets of the hologram originate in the Cosmic Tree of Life and have significant consequences for the mind of the person who has downloaded it. The spherical enclosure creates cohesiveness, giving an individual the experience of having only one mind that coherently processes all the information from the frequency realm. We may think of this enclosure as a halo that gives our minds the boundaries and unity that makes us function in the world as distinct individuals. In this way, we experience the continuity of our lives, or in other words, we experience ourselves as the same person today as yesterday.
The second aspect that all three symbols of the hologram have in common is the structured eight-partitioning that separates our perception of reality into different compartments, defined by straight and perpendicular lines. The Chinese bagua symbol may in this respect be the most advanced as its eight trigrams also define the different energies of the compartments. The compartmentalization of reality resulting from this facet is what gives rise to what we call the rational mind, and many examples of how the various capabilities of the mind emanate from this structuring are discussed in The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization. The straight and perpendicular lines that were re-created inside people who downloaded this hologram became the inner reference system for everything they did, including creating art. The rational structuring of reality that this hologram provides forms the basis of civilization.
In The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization several examples are given of the evolution of art as a projection of the Sixth Wave mind. Here only a simple example will demonstrate this effect of the rectilinear geometry: art produced before the Sixth Wave hologram could be downloaded (fig. 4.5a) was fundamentally different from the art that was produced after (fig. 4.5b). Hence, the scene from Egypt’s New Kingdom in 1500 BCE18—created after the downloading of the new hologram—is much more structured along vertical and horizontal lines than the forty-thousand-year-old cave painting19 from Altamira (created before the downloading). Straight and perpendicular lines, or symbols like those in figure 4.4, are nowhere to be found in nature (except for in the pure geometry of the Cosmic Tree of Life) nor are they in the Paleolithic art from the earlier era; they do not appear on any scale in art until the beginning of the Sixth Wave, when the shift allowed for resonance with these lines. Not surprisingly then, as we could see in figure 3.10, it is only from this point in time that geometry and mathematics would begin to evolve among the early civilizations. There could be no science of geometry until human minds downloaded a hologram with a geometric structure.
The third common facet of the symbols in figure 4.4 is the duality and light-dark polarity between the left and right sides of the hologram. This duality of the Sixth Wave mind almost certainly played a significant role for the emergence of technology in the early civilizations. Seeing the world through such a polarity also allowed people to make distinctions. The dualist mind basically serves to introduce a very marked compartmentalization to our perception of reality, and as a result of this, we have become capable of developing different forms of technology. Without duality the mind would not have had the discernment to isolate metals from ores or make bronze (fig. 3.8) from copper and tin. Without this emergence of metallurgy, dependent on the ability of our minds to mentally compartmentalize different elements, we would not today have cars, airplanes, or computers. The reason we do not find any systematic applications of technology or metallurgy before the beginning of the Sixth Wave in 3115 BCE is simply that people before this did not have partitioned dualist minds with the ability to discern and separate different aspects of reality.
Figure 4.5. a. Art before the downloading of the Sixth Wave mind (Altamira, about 15,000 BCE, drawing by Marcelino Sautuola, 1880), and b. after the downloading of the Sixth Wave mind (weighing of the heart scene from the Book of the Dead of Hunefer, Egypt, New Kingdom, circa 1500 BCE). (Photograph by Jon Bodsworth)
On the other hand, the dualist mind was very much behind the basic divisions in the social life and religions of the early civilizations. The emergence of monarchies, and hence centers of governance, coincided with the downloading of a dualist global mind. The kind of inequality this created, for instance by leading people to see the pharaoh as divine and common people as not divine, caused a profound rift in human society, which sometimes took the form of slavery. Through the lens that the new polarized mind provided, some people, such as the king, nobility, and priesthood, would be seen as worth more and placed in the category of “good” (light, yang), whereas others, such as common people, peasants, and slaves, would be considered worth less and categorized as “evil” (dark, yin). The social consequences of this duality constitute the most problematic aspect of the external reality created by this Hologram of Good and Evil. From the social standpoint, this duality had consequences that many of us would today look upon as negative. Notably, there is a direct connection between the polarity of the Hologram of Good and Evil and social and economic inequality (fig. 4.2). As people downloaded this hologram, they would tend to auto-matically reproduce not only inequality but sometimes also cruelty and evil actions as well. Because duality in a very real sense originated in how the Tree of Life created the cosmos, inequality and the unrestricted exercise of power could be perceived and presented as legitimate.
As hinted at in the previous chapter, the transition from being in resonance with the Fifth Wave to being in resonance with the Sixth Wave may not have been so easy. It seems that in the areas where the conditions were ripe for it—Egypt, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley—people enthusiastically started to create civilizations around 3115 BCE (3.8). After all, they experienced civilization as a gift from the gods, and because this gift had a divine origin, it was incumbent upon them to develop it. Yet, at the same time people in this era shifted from being what the Hopi would call one-hearted to two-hearted, as the duality of the hologram mentally split a person in two.20 The downloading of the Sixth Wave hologram also meant an experience of a separation from nature as well as from the Divine, which became the beginning of a long-standing perceived conflict between human beings and God.
In The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization, I extensively discussed the more positive aspects of the rise of civilization. Here I will seek to clarify the more negative aspects of civilization. That civilization had both positive and negative qualities was explicitly described by the Sumerians, whose gods Enki and Inanna were thought of as having given out the gifts of civilization called Me.21 The Me also included such characteristics as “falsehood” and “enmity,” but because the gifts of civilization were divinely and inscrutably decreed, they were not to be questioned. This is consistent with the new theory about the origin of evil as well as of social injustice that is presented here. This theory entails an entirely new way of approaching the betterment of humanity by becoming aware of the origin of the duality of the human mind and transcending this duality through creating resonance with waves at higher levels.
Because separations were caused by an inner change resulting from the downloading of the Sixth Wave hologram, all human relationships were affected by it. Projecting the duality of this new hologram onto the social networks that had existed for thousands of years in hunter-gatherer societies must have caused pain and in many ways destroyed the old ways of being and the tribal networks that had been created around them. We will most likely never know for sure how people experienced life in the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras, but the closest we may get is to look at some indigenous cultures, such as the San Bushmen or the Australian Aborigines, some of whom are still hunter-gatherers. An inspiring fictional example of such a culture is the Navi people of the Avatar movie, who were desperately trying to protect their beloved Tree of Life.22
Many ancient cultures talked about a golden age preceding their own, not least the Egyptians, who spoke of an era called Zep Tepi, or “first time.”23 I do not think that this golden age should be understood as being more technologically advanced, as it seems that such advancement requires a dualist mind. Rather, it could have meant a time when people, before the downloading of the Sixth Wave mind, were in a state of unity with the Divine with no experience of separation. In general, hunter-gatherer cultures are more egalitarian and peaceful than those based on city life (which is the definition of civilization), and peace may very well have been the norm before the Hologram of Good and Evil was downloaded.
Before studying the actual changes that took place in human relations as a result of the separation created by the Sixth Wave hologram, I need to point out that the nine creation waves are not the only ones that influence our perception of reality. The frequency realm also includes prewaves, which serve to prepare humans for the change that comes when any of the nine waves proper is activated. Prewaves bring the same holograms as proper waves, but the holograms in them are not as markedly expressed. The most powerful prewave of the Sixth Wave began 10,250 years ago (8240 BCE) and so had twice the duration of the Sixth Wave up until the present time. Other pre-waves of the Sixth Wave began 51,250 years ago and 25,600 years ago, which correspond to a half and a fourth of the Fifth Wave, respectively. While prewaves will only be mentioned in passing here, they do play significant preparatory roles. We may note that 51,250 years ago corresponds with the time when people started to diversify their tools,24 and this may be looked upon as an early preparatory wave not only for agriculture 10,250 years ago but also for civilization 5,125 years ago.
Figure 4.6. Waves involved in the transition to civilization. (Diagram by the author, design courtesy of Bengt Sundin)
The beginning of the pre–Sixth Wave thus coincides with the beginning of agriculture and the Neolithic era, whereas civilization does not emerge until the beginning of the Sixth Wave proper. The phenomena that the pre–Sixth Wave and Sixth Wave introduce, however, take their starting points in the Fifth Wave and are created from interference patterns with this. Regardless, what these waves mean is that the Hologram of Good and Evil was downloaded in two steps, which in parallel with the material and technological advances resulted in an increased experience of duality.
Among the consequences of the Hologram of Good and Evil, as I will henceforth call the hologram of the Sixth Wave, was the emergence of slavery, which is an obvious expression of dominance and subjugation. Slavery is known to have been practiced in all major early civilizations, and the earliest examples of codified laws look upon it as an established institution.25 As these very civilizations were products of this hologram, it would seem that slavery could have been generated by this hologram as well. Yet, slavery is believed to predate civilization and go back to the early Neolithic,26 which could mean that it resulted from the downloading of the preparatory dualist mind of the pre–Sixth Wave (fig. 4.6). We, admittedly, do not know exactly when slavery began and therefore must consider the hypothesis that slavery was caused by the Hologram of Good and Evil as unproven.
What we do know, however, is that by the time the first monarchies, such as in Egypt, emerged around 3100 BCE, societies became markedly separated into different classes with different privileges, and slaves formed one such class of people. Pharaohs, along with almost all rulers in early civilizations, were considered to be divine and to be expressions of a divine will or order. The common people and slaves were also part of the same divine order. The polarity of the Sixth Wave mind almost automatically created a separation between rulers and ruled, as it was half divine light and half darkness. Projecting this onto the external world resulted in the formation of different classes, among them slaves.
The duality of the Hologram of Good and Evil meant that civilized societies early in the Sixth Wave by necessity would reproduce a profound inequality and a system of governance sharply separating the rulers from the ruled. Since at least early in the wave people recognized that the dualist perception had a divine origin, they would also take this state of affairs as a given. Later, from about 550 BCE, I believe that the hologram had become so deeply integrated in people’s minds that the duality had become second nature; people were unaware that it was something distinct from themselves.
The existence of this Hologram of Good and Evil explains the kind of slave mentality that has characterized humanity for most of the 5,100 years of civilization. The legitimacy of the rulers and their dominance was not only propagated by the rulers; the ruled shared the same dualist mind and also thought it natural that the world should be divided into rulers and ruled. Although there were occasional slave revolts in ancient times and peasant revolts in medieval Europe, in the end these revolts always failed, because their goals were not consistent with the Hologram of Good and Evil. At the time, everyone, including the rebellious, was in resonance with the Hologram of Good and Evil and had integrated it. Even when a revolt succeeded, the slaves or peasants behind it would soon reproduce a new separation between rulers and ruled, because the insurgents were unable to transform or transcend the dualist hologram. Possessed with a dualist mind, they would always reproduce a class society, with a new face on the throne. What also might have contributed to the persistence of societies based on division is the fact that in whatever direction people were looking, they would see manifested the same separation between rulers and ruled.
What this tells us is that no revolution aiming merely to change the external manifestations of the mind is likely to be successful, and more recent world history bears testimony to this. No lasting social change is possible if it is not promoted by people who have transformed their minds on a deep level and are not ruled by this duality of the Sixth Wave hologram. To put it in other words: the basic structure and duality of the mind remains unalterable as long as it is sustained by resonance with a given wave. A hologram carried by such a wave thus has enormous power in guiding us to create and recreate a certain reality. If we want to change the external world in a lasting way, we have to be able to transcend the duality of our minds. Because our external reality with its social relationships and technology is ultimately a projection of our inner world, the same dualist relations will always tend to be reproduced as long as we are downloading the same hologram. This also tells us that to the extent that we want things to change, we will have to understand the Destiny Chart of Humanity and what we can do to transcend the duality of our minds, which has had an origin in a resonance with the duality of the universe as a whole. For the most part this is not even recognized as a problem, and humanity as a whole certainly has not yet become aware of this.
In addition to the social inequality discussed above, warfare is a phenomenon that likely had its origin in the inherently conflictual dualist mind created by the Hologram of Good and Evil. Dominance is a direct consequence of a dualist mind, and warfare has often been a tool to establish and maintain this practice. Compared to slavery, its time of emergence may be easier to ascertain, as it would be expected to leave deeper traces in the archaeological record. To begin with, we may notice that the cave paintings from the Paleolithic—before the downloading of the Hologram of Good and Evil—do not show any signs of warfare.27 The earliest find that is possibly indicative of warfare is a cemetery on the Sudan-Egypt border, which is about fourteen thousand years old.28 Nonetheless, even from the Neolithic (that is, after the downloading of the pre–Sixth Wave hologram 10,250 years ago, fig. 4.6), towns were generally unfortified and were built in areas, such as fertile valleys, that would have been difficult to defend if attacked. Moreover, skeletal and burial remains do not generally indicate the presence of warfare during this era. This seems to indicate that even after the activation of the pre–Sixth Wave, warfare remained an unusual phenomenon, if it existed at all. Organized warfare, and certainly that based on weapons made of bronze, emerged only after 3000 BCE, likely resulting from the activation of the Hologram of Good and Evil. The dualist mind that became accessible at that point in time then created a perception that your own ruler and your people were “good” (worth fighting for), whereas other people, the “enemy,” were “evil” (worth fighting against and killing). The Hologram of Good and Evil by necessity created conflicts among people, with each group aiming to subjugate others, who were perceived through the dark filter.
In addition, cities and literacy, the hallmarks of civilization, at this time became the basis for marked class distinctions: those living in cities increasingly fed from those toiling in the soil, and those with the ability to read and write would have access to knowledge and power, not available to everyone. Similarly, the priesthoods, which often had such knowledge and were believed to be in closer contact with the gods, would emerge as a superior class within the context provided by the Hologram of Good and Evil. In fact, all social structures that emerged around the phenomena that were created from resonance with the Sixth Wave (3.8) would themselves generate social relationships based on duality, and in many ways these structures have survived to our own time.
The question of the origin of authoritarian rule is fortunately currently becoming a topic of discussion. How did an elite originate to begin with, and why has it been so widely accepted? To inquire into the causes of social, political, and economic inequality is one of the most important things we can do at the current time. What is the origin of forced authority, and why do some people dominate others? What is emerging from the present study is that there is no such thing as a “human nature.” Social relationships are profoundly influenced by the holograms that humans download at different frequencies (fig. 4.2). In the following chapters, we will look at how these influences have changed over time.
If this is so, and I believe it is, we may gain the insight that there is no such a thing as a force of evil and that the evil acts humans sometimes commit are a consequence of a particular dualist hologram they have downloaded. You may say that there are certain steps in the climb to the ninth level of the pyramid that have negative side effects. The ancient peoples clearly seem to have been aware that this duality was something originating outside themselves, as they grappled with it in their creation stories. In our own time, this awareness has, however, been largely lost, and many have probably come to believe that duality is something that is an inherent part of our nature.
To further ponder the consequences of the duality of the Sixth Wave hologram, we may start by asking ourselves how we perceive reality with this holographic duality filter applied to our inner vision. If the symbols in figure 4.4 indeed are symbols of the mind, then this polarity filter would in fact shape all of our experiences and color all information from the world that surrounds us. If the polar-ity filter is perceived as having a divine origin, its influence would be even stronger. Even if people shortly after the activation of the Sixth Wave were able to “see” this filter (or at least experience it so clearly that they would make symbols of it), there are reasons to believe that later it became second nature to humans. Human beings would then be inclined to believe that the world really is the way it is perceived through this dualist filter.
Sixth Wave duality in its modern form—racism, sexism or the like—is thus not something that pops up for no reason in the mind of someone. Naturally, there may be personal reasons why such attitudes get stuck in a particular individual, but the reason dualist thinking exists among humanity in the first place is as a residue of the resonance with the Sixth Wave, which dominated humanity for a long time. Contrary to what most people would say, I thus do not believe that the division of society into classes of rulers and ruled has its origin primarily in the kind of social training and education people receive. Naturally, social training plays a role, but only inasmuch as it reinforces and codifies the polarity that already exists in the dualist mind. Authoritarian rule thus finds its primary cause in the Hologram of Good and Evil, and there are several reasons that this hologram has had such power. One is that without this dualist global mind, we would not today be living in a civilization. Again, the Sumerians, who were maybe the first people to resonate with the Sixth Wave and create a civilization, recognized not only the practical advances but also the enmity that came with it.29 I believe it is important for us who live today to understand that it was not civilization as such that created the enmity. Instead, it was the Hologram of Good and Evil that created both the technical advances and the negative aspects of civilization. I think we should also recognize that human beings have no power over the design of the holograms (and even less so over the inherent duality of the cosmos). Yet, as we will see later, in the multilevel mind that is currently available to us, we have a choice about which waves to develop resonance with.
Another reason for the hologram’s power is that early on people realized that it emanated from the Source of the Tree of Life and therefore could be legitimized as being part of a divine order. Consequently, members of the ruling class could present themselves as the divinely ordained upholders of the external expression of this hologram. Moreover, because people experienced the duality as emanating from the Source, they more easily became fanatical about the righteousness of their own views and upheld religions or social systems based on duality. Through a combination of these factors, a social order was cemented.
Many people have integrated the Hologram of Good and Evil to such a degree that they believe that there is an eternal struggle going on between the forces of good and evil in the universe. Such notions are supported by the media through popular movies such as Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. Yet, the concept of such an eternal struggle leaves people without hope as it becomes impossible to figure out how this struggle could come to an end. Though such movies are entertaining, they insidiously convey a disempowering message. The same can be said about religious notions, notably in Christianity and Islam, that there is an independent force of evil. Conspiracy theories have also in modern times replaced the devil with notions of reptilians30 or Anunnaki31 as the source of evil in humanity. I find such explanations superficial and lacking any real research basis. For the most part these ideas are themselves merely projections of the Hologram of Good and Evil and serve to reproduce exactly the kind of duality that the proponents of the conspiracy theory purport to fight.
I believe such ideas are disempowering and can only serve to make people lose hope. What instead does give hope and a possible direction for the future is the realization that the Hologram of Good and Evil only represents a single step of the climb back to the unifying hologram of the Ninth Wave. By making the climb consciously with full awareness of what changes it involves, it is possible to be part of manifesting the destiny of humanity. The Hologram of Good and Evil, which, after all, has given us our civilization and an awareness of ourselves that would not have existed otherwise, cannot be fought head on, not even with our thoughts. Any hologram of the mind is much more powerful than our thoughts, because the hologram is what selects and organizes our thoughts. A hologram, such as the Hologram of Good and Evil, can, however, be transcended and left behind as we manifest the Destiny Chart of Humanity.