Biblical Books (Protestant Canon)
1:28   152, 189
2:7   45, 173
3   186
Exodus 20:12   119, 127, 159, 184
Deuteronomy   100, 123
7:3   180
23:1   184
28:4–6   187
Ezra   100–104
9–10   101, 180
9:12   101, 180
10:2−3   101, 180
10:10–15   101, 180
10:44   101, 180
Psalm 45   76
Proverbs   16
5   20
5:18−19   16, 168
26:5   83
Ecclesiastes 2:14   83
Song of Songs   93, 99, 137–138
2:4   138, 187
5:2   137, 187
5:3−6   137, 187
Isaiah   74
6:1   74, 176
25:6   187
54:4−6   187
61:10   187
2:2   187
29:4−7   180–181
Ezekiel 16:8−16   187
Hosea   160
9:11   159, 190
9:14   159, 190
Joel 2:19   187
Matthew   25, 30, 33, 114, 122, 141, 159
3:7–9   189
5:27–28   185
5:31–32   185
6:25   127, 186
8:14   31, 170
8:17   31
8:19–22   126, 186
8:21–22   158, 189
10:9–10   188
10:34–36   125, 185
10:35–36   189
12:46–50   125, 185
16:28   132, 186
19   140
19:1–12   185
19:10–12   122, 184
19:12   122, 161, 190
19:27   184, 190
22:30   190
Mark   25, 30, 33, 36, 114, 159
1:24   190
1:30   170
2:20   76, 176
3:21   159, 190
3:32–34   158, 190
5:7   190
6:3   29, 170
10:1–12   185
10:17–27   186
11:28–30   1
12:25   190
15:40–41   171
18:20   133, 186
Luke   3, 25, 30, 33, 36, 114, 126, 150, 157, 159, 160
2:40   115, 183
2:48–49   158, 189
3:7–8   189
3:7–14   186
3:22–24   182
3:23   157, 189
4:38   170
7   54
7:33–34   3, 167
7:37–39   48
8:3   36, 171
8:21   186
11:27   159, 190
11:27–28   126, 150, 186, 189
11:28   159, 190
14:26   125, 158, 185, 189
16:13   185
16:18   185
18:28   124, 161, 184, 190
20:34–36   160, 190
20:35   160, 190
John   9, 25, 54, 74, 114, 159
1:14   9
2:1–11   187
2:4   158, 190
3:39   76, 176
4:7–22   174
8:41   183
10:30   73
19:26–27   190
20:22   45, 173
Acts 2:44–46   188
Letters to the Corinthians   17, 30, 141
1 Corinthians
7:10–11   185
7:29–30   118
9:5   31, 170
2 Corinthians
8   139, 188
8:14   188
11:2   139, 188
Philippians 4:3   170
Letters to Timothy   17
1 Timothy 3:4−5   184
Revelation   135, 187
3   138
3:20   137, 187
19   138
19:7   136, 187
19:7–8   138, 187
19:9   138, 187
Extracanonical Gospels
Gospel of the Egyptians   34–36, 41
Gospel of Mary   47, 49
Gospel of Philip   41–49, 57, 66, 163, 173
11−12   43, 172
31   43, 46, 173
59   42, 172
99   173
Gospel of Thomas   3, 25, 33, 35, 36, 41, 45, 49, 150
47   185
55   185
61   35, 171
79   150, 158, 186, 189–190
86   186
108   45, 173
114   173
Proto-Gospel of James 33–36, 150–151, 171
19   150, 189
19:3−20:1   34, 170
Secret Mark   see Letter to Theodore
Other Christian Writings
Anonymous, The Lady Poverty 188
Augustine, On Marriage and Concupiscence
1.4   20, 169
1.5   20, 169
Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis
3.7   169
3.45   35, 170
3.49   22, 169, 139, 188
3.53   170
3.59   21, 169
3.74   141, 188
Gregory I, Homiliarum in evangelia 33   54, 174
Irenaeus, Against
Heresies 1.28   139, 188
Jerome, On Marriage and Virginity 22.19   19, 169
Origin, Against Celsus 3.10   177
Shepherd of Hermas 11   18–19
Thomas Aquinas, Summa Thaeologica 153.2   20, 169
Greek and Roman Writings
Galen, Commentary on Plato’s Republic   17, 168
Homer, Hymn to Apollo 3   187
Rufus, Discourses 13b   181
Tacitus, Annals 3.25   184
Dead Sea Scrolls
1QSa 1:9−11   110, 182
War Scroll 7:1–2   189
Rabbinic Writings
m. Aboth 5.21   155, 189
m. Nid. 5.4   182
m. Yeb. 10.18   182
b. Qidd. 29b−30a   108, 182
b. Yeb. 10.9g   113, 183
b. Yeb. 62b   106
Mosseri (Cairo Geniza)
7.68.A   152, 189
Persian Poetry
Layla and Majnun   94
Masari al-Ushshaq   94
Chinese Poetry
Fu Xüan, Woman   27
Disputed Writings (Relative to Modern Forgery Claims)
“Celsus” in Mormon Writing   77
Gospel of Jesus’ Wife   62–67
Letter to Theodore
I.10   83
I.20–21   83
II.2–10   84