Biblical Books (Protestant Canon)
Luke 3, 25, 30, 33, 36, 114, 126, 150, 157, 159, 160
Letters to the Corinthians 17, 30, 141
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
Extracanonical Gospels
Other Christian Writings
Anonymous, The Lady Poverty 188
Augustine, On Marriage and Concupiscence
Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis
Gregory I, Homiliarum in evangelia 33 54, 174
Irenaeus, Against
Jerome, On Marriage and Virginity 22.19 19, 169
Origin, Against Celsus 3.10 177
Thomas Aquinas, Summa Thaeologica 153.2 20, 169
Greek and Roman Writings
Galen, Commentary on Plato’s Republic 17, 168
Homer, Hymn to Apollo 3 187
Rufus, Discourses 13b 181
Dead Sea Scrolls
Rabbinic Writings
Mosseri (Cairo Geniza)
Persian Poetry
Chinese Poetry
Disputed Writings (Relative to Modern Forgery Claims)
“Celsus” in Mormon Writing 77
Gospel of Jesus’ Wife 62–67