Herbal medicine has a rich tradition of supporting the nerves. Physicians and scientists have been studying the nervous system since Aristotle, in the fourth century BCE, declared the nerves emanated from the heart. Galen determined that the nerves originated in the brain but he believed they were hollow in order that the person’s spirit might flow through them; how else would a message be transmitted resulting in muscle movement or sensory perception? Much of Galen’s writing in his On the Natural Faculties consists of bewildered questions about the presumed cavity in the hollow of the nerve, and he wonders at length how the nerve is nourished and what fluid must be inside. 28
Despite the centuries of mystery surrounding the physics of the nervous system, herbalists have long observed direct effects from herbs on emotions and thought, and have cherished certain herbs for helping people stay calm, for instance, or relieving stress. Herbs ease anxiety, improve memory and are called nervous system herbs, nervine tonics, or cerebrotonic herbs. In this book, we will not address nootropics—controversial substances and plants that are used to improve memory, often induce a euphoric or even hallucinogenic feeling in the brain and are used recreationally or ceremonially (including caffeine, pharmaceutical drugs, and some herbs). Instead, while some of the herbs here can be classed as nootropics, the majority are used to physically support the cells in the brain and to strengthen our mental processes to such an extent that we perform at our peak mental level and feel emotionally healthy.
In chapter six, we explore the functions of the nervous system and brain cells and look at nervine herbs and herbs for depression. In chapter seven we will explore memory and mental clarity and Alzheimer’s disease.
Refer to Glossary A, Glossary C, and Glossary D for details about the herbs and any contraindications.
28 Stevenson, Daniel C. (2001).