This appendix concentrates on instruction set architecture—the portion of the computer visible to the programmer or compiler writer. It introduces the wide variety of design alternatives available to the instruction set architect. In particular, it focuses on four topics. First, it presents a taxonomy of instruction set alternatives, and gives some qualitative assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches. Second, it presents and analyzes some instruction set measurements that are largely independent of a specific instruction set. Third, it addresses the issue of languages and compilers and their bearing on instruction set architecture. Finally, the “Putting It All Together” section shows how these ideas are reflected in the MIPS instruction set, which is typical of RISC architectures. It concludes with fallacies and pitfalls of instruction set design.
Compiler; Instruction set architecture; Programming language; MIPS (million instructions per second); RISC (reduced instruction set computer)
A n Add the number in storage location n into the accumulator.
E n If the number in the accumulator is greater than or equal to zero execute next the order which stands in storage location n; otherwise proceed serially.
Z Stop the machine and ring the warning bell.
Wilkes and Renwick, Selection from the List of 18 Machine Instructions for the EDSAC (1949)
In this appendix we concentrate on instruction set architecture—the portion of the computer visible to the programmer or compiler writer. Most of this material should be review for readers of this book; we include it here for background. This appendix introduces the wide variety of design alternatives available to the instruction set architect. In particular, we focus on four topics. First, we present a taxonomy of instruction set alternatives and give some qualitative assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches. Second, we present and analyze some instruction set measurements that are largely independent of a specific instruction set. Third, we address the issue of languages and compilers and their bearing on instruction set architecture. Finally, the “Putting It All Together” section shows how these ideas are reflected in the RISC-V instruction set, which is typical of RISC architectures. We conclude with fallacies and pitfalls of instruction set design.
To illustrate the principles further and to provide a comparison with RISC-V, Appendix K also gives four examples of other general-purpose RISC architectures (MIPS, Power ISA, SPARC, and Armv8), four embedded RISC processors (ARM Thumb2, RISC-V Compressed, microMIPS), and three older architectures (80x86, IBM 360/370, and VAX). Before we discuss how to classify architectures, we need to say something about instruction set measurement.
Throughout this appendix, we examine a wide variety of architectural measurements. Clearly, these measurements depend on the programs measured and on the compilers used in making the measurements. The results should not be interpreted as absolute, and you might see different data if you did the measurement with a different compiler or a different set of programs. We believe that the measurements in this appendix are reasonably indicative of a class of typical applications. Many of the measurements are presented using a small set of benchmarks, so that the data can be reasonably displayed and the differences among programs can be seen. An architect for a new computer would want to analyze a much larger collection of programs before making architectural decisions. The measurements shown are usually dynamic—that is, the frequency of a measured event is weighed by the number of times that event occurs during execution of the measured program.
Before starting with the general principles, let’s review the three application areas from Chapter 1. Desktop computing emphasizes the performance of programs with integer and floating-point data types, with little regard for program size. For example, code size has never been reported in the five generations of SPEC benchmarks. Servers today are used primarily for database, file server, and Web applications, plus some time-sharing applications for many users. Hence, floating-point performance is much less important for performance than integers and character strings, yet virtually every server processor still includes floating-point instructions. Personal mobile devices and embedded applications value cost and energy, so code size is important because less memory is both cheaper and lower energy, and some classes of instructions (such as floating point) may be optional to reduce chip costs, and a compressed version of the instructions set designed to save memory space may be used.
Thus, instruction sets for all three applications are very similar. In fact, architectures similar to RISC-V, which we focus on here, have been used successfully in desktops, servers, and embedded applications.
One successful architecture very different from RISC is the 80x86 (see Appendix K). Surprisingly, its success does not necessarily belie the advantages of a RISC instruction set. The commercial importance of binary compatibility with PC software combined with the abundance of transistors provided by Moore’s Law led Intel to use a RISC instruction set internally while supporting an 80x86 instruction set externally. Recent 80x86 microprocessors, including all the Intel Core microprocessors built in the past decade, use hardware to translate from 80x86 instructions to RISC-like instructions and then execute the translated operations inside the chip. They maintain the illusion of 80x86 architecture to the programmer while allowing the computer designer to implement a RISC-style processor for performance. There remain, however, serious disadvantages for a complex instruction set like the 80x86, and we discuss these further in the conclusions.
Now that the background is set, we begin by exploring how instruction set architectures can be classified.
The type of internal storage in a processor is the most basic differentiation, so in this section we will focus on the alternatives for this portion of the architecture. The major choices are a stack, an accumulator, or a set of registers. Operands may be named explicitly or implicitly: The operands in a stack architecture are implicitly on the top of the stack, and in an accumulator architecture one operand is implicitly the accumulator. The general-purpose register architectures have only explicit operands—either registers or memory locations. Figure A.1 shows a block diagram of such architectures, and Figure A.2 shows how the code sequence C = A + B would typically appear in these three classes of instruction sets. The explicit operands may be accessed directly from memory or may need to be first loaded into temporary storage, depending on the class of architecture and choice of specific instruction.
As the figures show, there are really two classes of register computers. One class can access memory as part of any instruction, called register-memory architecture, and the other can access memory only with load and store instructions, called load-store architecture. A third class, not found in computers shipping today, keeps all operands in memory and is called a memory-memory architecture. Some instruction set architectures have more registers than a single accumulator but place restrictions on uses of these special registers. Such an architecture is sometimes called an extended accumulator or special-purpose register computer.
Although most early computers used stack or accumulator-style architectures, virtually every new architecture designed after 1980 uses a load-store register architecture. The major reasons for the emergence of general-purpose register (GPR) computers are twofold. First, registers—like other forms of storage internal to the processor—are faster than memory. Second, registers are more efficient for a compiler to use than other forms of internal storage. For example, on a register computer the expression (A * B) + (B * C) – (A * D) may be evaluated by doing the multiplications in any order, which may be more efficient because of the location of the operands or because of pipelining concerns (see Chapter 3). Nevertheless, on a stack computer the hardware must evaluate the expression in only one order, because operands are hidden on the stack, and it may have to load an operand multiple times.
More importantly, registers can be used to hold variables. When variables are allocated to registers, the memory traffic reduces, the program speeds up (because registers are faster than memory), and the code density improves (because a register can be named with fewer bits than can a memory location).
As explained in Section A.8, compiler writers would prefer that all registers be equivalent and unreserved. Older computers compromise this desire by dedicating registers to special uses, effectively decreasing the number of general-purpose registers. If the number of truly general-purpose registers is too small, trying to allocate variables to registers will not be profitable. Instead, the compiler will reserve all the uncommitted registers for use in expression evaluation.
How many registers are sufficient? The answer, of course, depends on the effectiveness of the compiler. Most compilers reserve some registers for expression evaluation, use some for parameter passing, and allow the remainder to be allocated to hold variables. Modern compiler technology and its ability to effectively use larger numbers of registers has led to an increase in register counts in more recent architectures.
Two major instruction set characteristics divide GPR architectures. Both characteristics concern the nature of operands for a typical arithmetic or logical instruction (ALU instruction). The first concerns whether an ALU instruction has two or three operands. In the three-operand format, the instruction contains one result operand and two source operands. In the two-operand format, one of the operands is both a source and a result for the operation. The second distinction among GPR architectures concerns how many of the operands may be memory addresses in ALU instructions. The number of memory operands supported by a typical ALU instruction may vary from none to three. Figure A.3 shows combinations of these two attributes with examples of computers. Although there are seven possible combinations, three serve to classify nearly all existing computers. As we mentioned earlier, these three are load-store (also called register-register), register-memory, and memory-memory.
Figure A.4 shows the advantages and disadvantages of each of these alternatives. Of course, these advantages and disadvantages are not absolutes: they are qualitative and their actual impact depends on the compiler and implementation strategy. A GPR computer with memory-memory operations could easily be ignored by the compiler and used as a load-store computer. One of the most pervasive architectural impacts is on instruction encoding and the number of instructions needed to perform a task. We see the impact of these architectural alternatives on implementation approaches in Appendix C and Chapter 3.
Here and at the end of Sections A.3–A.8 we summarize those characteristics we would expect to find in a new instruction set architecture, building the foundation for the RISC-V architecture introduced in Section A.9. From this section we should clearly expect the use of general-purpose registers. Figure A.4, combined with Appendix C on pipelining, leads to the expectation of a load-store version of a general-purpose register architecture.
With the class of architecture covered, the next topic is addressing operands.
Independent of whether the architecture is load-store or allows any operand to be a memory reference, it must define how memory addresses are interpreted and how they are specified. The measurements presented here are largely, but not completely, computer independent. In some cases the measurements are significantly affected by the compiler technology. These measurements have been made using an optimizing compiler, because compiler technology plays a critical role.
How is a memory address interpreted? That is, what object is accessed as a function of the address and the length? All the instruction sets discussed in this book are byte addressed and provide access for bytes (8 bits), half words (16 bits), and words (32 bits). Most of the computers also provide access for double words (64 bits).
There are two different conventions for ordering the bytes within a larger object. Little Endian byte order puts the byte whose address is “x … x000” at the least-significant position in the double word (the little end). The bytes are numbered:
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Big Endian byte order puts the byte whose address is “x … x000” at the most-significant position in the double word (the big end). The bytes are numbered:
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
When operating within one computer, the byte order is often unnoticeable—only programs that access the same locations as both, say, words and bytes, can notice the difference. Byte order is a problem when exchanging data among computers with different orderings, however. Little Endian ordering also fails to match the normal ordering of words when strings are compared. Strings appear “SDRAWKCAB” (backwards) in the registers.
A second memory issue is that in many computers, accesses to objects larger than a byte must be aligned. An access to an object of size s bytes at byte address A is aligned if A mod s = 0. Figure A.5 shows the addresses at which an access is aligned or misaligned.
Why would someone design a computer with alignment restrictions? Misalignment causes hardware complications, because the memory is typically aligned on a multiple of a word or double-word boundary. A misaligned memory access may, therefore, take multiple aligned memory references. Thus, even in computers that allow misaligned access, programs with aligned accesses run faster.
Even if data are aligned, supporting byte, half-word, and word accesses requires an alignment network to align bytes, half words, and words in 64-bit registers. For example, in Figure A.5, suppose we read a byte from an address with its 3 low-order bits having the value 4. We will need to shift right 3 bytes to align the byte to the proper place in a 64-bit register. Depending on the instruction, the computer may also need to sign-extend the quantity. Stores are easy: only the addressed bytes in memory may be altered. On some computers a byte, half-word, and word operation does not affect the upper portion of a register. Although all the computers discussed in this book permit byte, half-word, and word accesses to memory, only the IBM 360/370, Intel 80x86, and VAX support ALU operations on register operands narrower than the full width.
Now that we have discussed alternative interpretations of memory addresses, we can discuss the ways addresses are specified by instructions, called addressing modes.
Given an address, we now know what bytes to access in memory. In this sub-section we will look at addressing modes—how architectures specify the address of an object they will access. Addressing modes specify constants and registers in addition to locations in memory. When a memory location is used, the actual memory address specified by the addressing mode is called the effective address.
Figure A.6 shows all the data addressing modes that have been used in recent computers. Immediates or literals are usually considered memory addressing modes (even though the value they access is in the instruction stream), although registers are often separated because they don’t usually have memory addresses. We have kept addressing modes that depend on the program counter, called PC-relative addressing, separate. PC-relative addressing is used primarily for specifying code addresses in control transfer instructions, discussed in Section A.6.
Figure A.6 shows the most common names for the addressing modes, though the names differ among architectures. In this figure and throughout the book, we will use an extension of the C programming language as a hardware description notation. In this figure, only one non-C feature is used: the left arrow (←) is used for assignment. We also use the array Mem as the name for main memory and the array Regs for registers. Thus, Mem[Regs[R1]] refers to the contents of the memory location whose address is given by the contents of register 1 (R1). Later, we will introduce extensions for accessing and transferring data smaller than a word.
Addressing modes have the ability to significantly reduce instruction counts; they also add to the complexity of building a computer and may increase the average clock cycles per instruction (CPI) of computers that implement those modes. Thus, the usage of various addressing modes is quite important in helping the architect choose what to include.
Figure A.7 shows the results of measuring addressing mode usage patterns in three programs on the VAX architecture. We use the old VAX architecture for a few measurements in this appendix because it has the richest set of addressing modes and the fewest restrictions on memory addressing. For example, Figure A.6 on page A.9 shows all the modes the VAX supports. Most measurements in this appendix, however, will use the more recent register-register architectures to show how programs use instruction sets of current computers.
As Figure A.7 shows, displacement and immediate addressing dominate addressing mode usage. Let’s look at some properties of these two heavily used modes.
The major question that arises for a displacement-style addressing mode is that of the range of displacements used. Based on the use of various displacement sizes, a decision of what sizes to support can be made. Choosing the displacement field sizes is important because they directly affect the instruction length. Figure A.8 shows the measurements taken on the data access on a load-store architecture using our benchmark programs. We look at branch offsets in Section A.6—data accessing patterns and branches are different; little is gained by combining them, although in practice the immediate sizes are made the same for simplicity.
Immediates can be used in arithmetic operations, in comparisons (primarily for branches), and in moves where a constant is wanted in a register. The last case occurs for constants written in the code—which tend to be small—and for address constants, which tend to be large. For the use of immediates it is important to know whether they need to be supported for all operations or for only a subset. Figure A.9 shows the frequency of immediates for the general classes of integer and floating-point operations in an instruction set.
Another important instruction set measurement is the range of values for immediates. Like displacement values, the size of immediate values affects instruction length. As Figure A.10 shows, small immediate values are most heavily used. Large immediates are sometimes used, however, most likely in addressing calculations.
First, because of their popularity, we would expect a new architecture to support at least the following addressing modes: displacement, immediate, and register indirect. Figure A.7 shows that they represent 75%–99% of the addressing modes used in our measurements. Second, we would expect the size of the address for displacement mode to be at least 12–16 bits, because the caption in Figure A.8 suggests these sizes would capture 75%–99% of the displacements. Third, we would expect the size of the immediate field to be at least 8–16 bits. This claim is not substantiated by the caption of the figure to which it refers.
Having covered instruction set classes and decided on register-register architectures, plus the previous recommendations on data addressing modes, we next cover the sizes and meanings of data.
How is the type of an operand designated? Usually, encoding in the opcode designates the type of an operand—this is the method used most often. Alternatively, the data can be annotated with tags that are interpreted by the hardware. These tags specify the type of the operand, and the operation is chosen accordingly. Computers with tagged data, however, can only be found in computer museums.
Let’s start with desktop and server architectures. Usually the type of an operand—integer, single-precision floating point, character, and so on—effectively gives its size. Common operand types include character (8 bits), half word (16 bits), word (32 bits), single-precision floating point (also 1 word), and double-precision floating point (2 words). Integers are almost universally represented as two’s complement binary numbers. Characters are usually in ASCII, but the 16-bit Unicode (used in Java) is gaining popularity with the internationalization of computers. Until the early 1980s, most computer manufacturers chose their own floating-point representation. Almost all computers since that time follow the same standard for floating point, the IEEE standard 754, although this level of accuracy has recently been abandoned in application-specific processors. The IEEE floating-point standard is discussed in detail in Appendix J.
Some architectures provide operations on character strings, although such operations are usually quite limited and treat each byte in the string as a single character. Typical operations supported on character strings are comparisons and moves.
For business applications, some architectures support a decimal format, usually called packed decimal or binary-coded decimal—4 bits are used to encode the values 0–9, and 2 decimal digits are packed into each byte. Numeric character strings are sometimes called unpacked decimal, and operations—called packing and unpacking—are usually provided for converting back and forth between them.
One reason to use decimal operands is to get results that exactly match decimal numbers, as some decimal fractions do not have an exact representation in binary. For example, 0.1010 is a simple fraction in decimal, but in binary it requires an infinite set of repeating digits: . Thus, calculations that are exact in decimal can be close but inexact in binary, which can be a problem for financial transactions. (See Appendix J to learn more about precise arithmetic.)
The SPEC benchmarks use byte or character, half-word (short integer), word (integer and single precision floating point), double-word (long integer), and floating-point data types. Figure A.11 shows the dynamic distribution of the sizes of objects referenced from memory for these programs. The frequency of access to different data types helps in deciding what types are most important to support efficiently. Should the computer have a 64-bit access path, or would taking two cycles to access a double word be satisfactory? As we saw earlier, byte accesses require an alignment network: how important is it to support bytes as primitives? Figure A.11 uses memory references to examine the types of data being accessed.
In some architectures, objects in registers may be accessed as bytes or half words. However, such access is very infrequent—on the VAX, it accounts for no more than 12% of register references, or roughly 6% of all operand accesses in these programs.
The operators supported by most instruction set architectures can be categorized as in Figure A.12. One rule of thumb across all architectures is that the most widely executed instructions are the simple operations of an instruction set. For example, Figure A.13 shows 10 simple instructions that account for 96% of instructions executed for a collection of integer programs running on the popular Intel 80x86. Hence, the implementor of these instructions should be sure to make these fast, as they are the common case.
As mentioned before, the instructions in Figure A.13 are found in every computer for every application––desktop, server, embedded––with the variations of operations in Figure A.12 largely depending on which data types the instruction set includes.
Because the measurements of branch and jump behavior are fairly independent of other measurements and applications, we now examine the use of control flow instructions, which have little in common with the operations of the previous sections.
There is no consistent terminology for instructions that change the flow of control. In the 1950s they were typically called transfers. Beginning in 1960 the name branch began to be used. Later, computers introduced additional names. Throughout this book we will use jump when the change in control is unconditional and branch when the change is conditional.
We can distinguish four different types of control flow change:
We want to know the relative frequency of these events, as each event is different, may use different instructions, and may have different behavior. Figure A.14 shows the frequencies of these control flow instructions for a load-store computer running our benchmarks.
The destination address of a control flow instruction must always be specified. This destination is specified explicitly in the instruction in the vast majority of cases—procedure return being the major exception, because for return the target is not known at compile time. The most common way to specify the destination is to supply a displacement that is added to the program counter (PC). Control flow instructions of this sort are called PC-relative. PC-relative branches or jumps are advantageous because the target is often near the current instruction, and specifying the position relative to the current PC requires fewer bits. Using PC-relative addressing also permits the code to run independently of where it is loaded. This property, called position independence, can eliminate some work when the program is linked and is also useful in programs linked dynamically during execution.
To implement returns and indirect jumps when the target is not known at compile time, a method other than PC-relative addressing is required. Here, there must be a way to specify the target dynamically, so that it can change at runtime. This dynamic address may be as simple as naming a register that contains the target address; alternatively, the jump may permit any addressing mode to be used to supply the target address.
These register indirect jumps are also useful for four other important features:
In all four cases the target address is not known at compile time, and hence is usually loaded from memory into a register before the register indirect jump.
As branches generally use PC-relative addressing to specify their targets, an important question concerns how far branch targets are from branches. Knowing the distribution of these displacements will help in choosing what branch offsets to support, and thus will affect the instruction length and encoding. Figure A.15 shows the distribution of displacements for PC-relative branches in instructions. About 75% of the branches are in the forward direction.
Because most changes in control flow are branches, deciding how to specify the branch condition is important. Figure A.16 shows the three primary techniques in use today and their advantages and disadvantages.
One of the most noticeable properties of branches is that a large number of the comparisons are simple tests, and a large number are comparisons with zero. Thus, some architectures choose to treat these comparisons as special cases, especially if a compare and branch instruction is being used. Figure A.17 shows the frequency of different comparisons used for conditional branching.
Procedure calls and returns include control transfer and possibly some state saving; at a minimum the return address must be saved somewhere, sometimes in a special link register or just a GPR. Some older architectures provide a mechanism to save many registers, while newer architectures require the compiler to generate stores and loads for each register saved and restored.
There are two basic conventions in use to save registers: either at the call site or inside the procedure being called. Caller saving means that the calling procedure must save the registers that it wants preserved for access after the call, and thus the called procedure need not worry about registers. Callee saving is the opposite: the called procedure must save the registers it wants to use, leaving the caller unrestrained. There are times when caller save must be used because of access patterns to globally visible variables in two different procedures. For example, suppose we have a procedure P1 that calls procedure P2, and both procedures manipulate the global variable x. If P1 had allocated x to a register, it must be sure to save x to a location known by P2 before the call to P2. A compiler’s ability to discover when a called procedure may access register-allocated quantities is complicated by the possibility of separate compilation. Suppose P2 may not touch x but can call another procedure, P3, that may access x, yet P2 and P3 are compiled separately. Because of these complications, most compilers will conservatively caller save any variable that may be accessed during a call.
In the cases where either convention could be used, some programs will be more optimal with callee save and some will be more optimal with caller save. As a result, most real systems today use a combination of the two mechanisms. This convention is specified in an application binary interface (ABI) that sets down the basic rules as to which registers should be caller saved and which should be callee saved. Later in this appendix we will examine the mismatch between sophisticated instructions for automatically saving registers and the needs of the compiler.
Control flow instructions are some of the most frequently executed instructions. Although there are many options for conditional branches, we would expect branch addressing in a new architecture to be able to jump to hundreds of instructions either above or below the branch. This requirement suggests a PC-relative branch displacement of at least 8 bits. We would also expect to see register indirect and PC-relative addressing for jump instructions to support returns as well as many other features of current systems.
We have now completed our instruction architecture tour at the level seen by an assembly language programmer or compiler writer. We are leaning toward a load-store architecture with displacement, immediate, and register indirect addressing modes. These data are 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-bit integers and 32- and 64-bit floating-point data. The instructions include simple operations, PC-relative conditional branches, jump and link instructions for procedure call, and register indirect jumps for procedure return (plus a few other uses).
Now we need to select how to represent this architecture in a form that makes it easy for the hardware to execute.
Clearly, the choices mentioned herein will affect how the instructions are encoded into a binary representation for execution by the processor. This representation affects not only the size of the compiled program but also the implementation of the processor, which must decode this representation to quickly find the operation and its operands. The operation is typically specified in one field, called the opcode. As we shall see, the important decision is how to encode the addressing modes with the operations.
This decision depends on the range of addressing modes and the degree of independence between opcodes and modes. Some older computers have one to five operands with 10 addressing modes for each operand (see Figure A.6). For such a large number of combinations, typically a separate address specifier is needed for each operand: the address specifier tells what addressing mode is used to access the operand. At the other extreme are load-store computers with only one memory operand and only one or two addressing modes; obviously, in this case, the addressing mode can be encoded as part of the opcode.
When encoding the instructions, the number of registers and the number of addressing modes both have a significant impact on the size of instructions, as the register field and addressing mode field may appear many times in a single instruction. In fact, for most instructions many more bits are consumed in encoding addressing modes and register fields than in specifying the opcode. The architect must balance several competing forces when encoding the instruction set:
Figure A.18 shows three popular choices for encoding the instruction set. The first we call variable, because it allows virtually all addressing modes to be with all operations. This style is best when there are many addressing modes and operations. The second choice we call fixed, because it combines the operation and the addressing mode into the opcode. Often fixed encoding will have only a single size for all instructions; it works best when there are few addressing modes and operations. The trade-off between variable encoding and fixed encoding is size of programs versus ease of decoding in the processor. Variable tries to use as few bits as possible to represent the program, but individual instructions can vary widely in both size and the amount of work to be performed.
Let’s look at an 80x86 instruction to see an example of the variable encoding:
add EAX,1000(EBX)
The name add means a 32-bit integer add instruction with two operands, and this opcode takes 1 byte. An 80x86 address specifier is 1 or 2 bytes, specifying the source/destination register (EAX) and the addressing mode (displacement in this case) and base register (EBX) for the second operand. This combination takes 1 byte to specify the operands. When in 32-bit mode (see Appendix K), the size of the address field is either 1 byte or 4 bytes. Because1000 is bigger than 28, the total length of the instruction is
The length of 80x86 instructions varies between 1 and 17 bytes. 80x86 programs are generally smaller than the RISC architectures, which use fixed formats (see Appendix K).
Given these two poles of instruction set design of variable and fixed, the third alternative immediately springs to mind: reduce the variability in size and work of the variable architecture but provide multiple instruction lengths to reduce code size. This hybrid approach is the third encoding alternative, and we’ll see examples shortly.
As RISC computers started being used in embedded applications, the 32-bit fixed format became a liability because cost, and hence smaller code, are important. In response, several manufacturers offered a new hybrid version of their RISC instruction sets, with both 16-bit and 32-bit instructions. The narrow instructions support fewer operations, smaller address and immediate fields, fewer registers, and the two-address format rather than the classic three-address format of RISC computers. RISC-V offers such an extension, called RV32IC, the C standing for compressed. Common instruction occurrences, such as intermediates with small values and common ALU operations with the source and destination register being identical, are encoded in 16-bit formats. Appendix K gives two other examples, the ARM Thumb and microMIPS, which both claim a code size reduction of up to 40%.
In contrast to these instruction set extensions, IBM simply compresses its standard instruction set and then adds hardware to decompress instructions as they are fetched from memory on an instruction cache miss. Thus, the instruction cache contains full 32-bit instructions, but compressed code is kept in main memory, ROMs, and the disk. The advantage of a compressed format, such as RV32IC, microMIPS and Thumb2 is that instruction caches act as if they are about 25% larger, while IBM’s CodePack means that compilers need not be changed to handle different instruction sets and instruction decoding can remain simple.
CodePack starts with run-length encoding compression on any PowerPC program and then loads the resulting compression tables in a 2 KB table on chip. Hence, every program has its own unique encoding. To handle branches, which are no longer to an aligned word boundary, the PowerPC creates a hash table in memory that maps between compressed and uncompressed addresses. Like a TLB (see Chapter 2), it caches the most recently used address maps to reduce the number of memory accesses. IBM claims an overall performance cost of 10%, resulting in a code size reduction of 35%–40%.
Decisions made in the components of instruction set design discussed in previous sections determine whether the architect has the choice between variable and fixed instruction encodings. Given the choice, the architect more interested in code size than performance will pick variable encoding, and the one more interested in performance than code size will pick fixed encoding. RISC-V, MIPS, and ARM all have an instruction set extension that uses 16-bit instruction, as well as 32-bit; applications with serious code size constraints can opt to use the 16-bit variant to decrease code size. Appendix E gives 13 examples of the results of architects’ choices. In Appendix C and Chapter 3, the impact of variability on performance of the processor will be discussed further.
We have almost finished laying the groundwork for the RISC-V instruction set architecture that will be introduced in Section A.9. Before we do that, however, it will be helpful to take a brief look at compiler technology and its effect on program properties.
Today almost all programming is done in high-level languages for desktop and server applications. This development means that because most instructions executed are the output of a compiler, an instruction set architecture is essentially a compiler target. In earlier times for these applications, architectural decisions were often made to ease assembly language programming or for a specific kernel. Because the compiler will significantly affect the performance of a computer, understanding compiler technology today is critical to designing and efficiently implementing an instruction set.
Once it was popular to try to isolate the compiler technology and its effect on hardware performance from the architecture and its performance, just as it was popular to try to separate architecture from its implementation. This separation is essentially impossible with today’s desktop compilers and computers. Architectural choices affect the quality of the code that can be generated for a computer and the complexity of building a good compiler for it, for better or for worse.
In this section, we discuss the critical goals in the instruction set primarily from the compiler viewpoint. It starts with a review of the anatomy of current compilers. Next we discuss how compiler technology affects the decisions of the architect, and how the architect can make it hard or easy for the compiler to produce good code. We conclude with a review of compilers and multimedia operations, which unfortunately is a bad example of cooperation between compiler writers and architects.
To begin, let’s look at what optimizing compilers are like today. Figure A.19 shows the structure of recent compilers.
A compiler writer’s first goal is correctness—all valid programs must be compiled correctly. The second goal is usually speed of the compiled code. Typically, a whole set of other goals follows these two, including fast compilation, debugging support, and interoperability among languages. Normally, the passes in the compiler transform higher-level, more abstract representations into progressively lower-level representations. Eventually it reaches the instruction set. This structure helps manage the complexity of the transformations and makes writing a bug-free compiler easier.
The complexity of writing a correct compiler is a major limitation on the amount of optimization that can be done. Although the multiple-pass structure helps reduce compiler complexity, it also means that the compiler must order and perform some transformations before others. In the diagram of the optimizing compiler in Figure A.19, we can see that certain high-level optimizations are performed long before it is known what the resulting code will look like. Once such a transformation is made, the compiler can’t afford to go back and revisit all steps, possibly undoing transformations. Such iteration would be prohibitive, both in compilation time and in complexity. Thus, compilers make assumptions about the ability of later steps to deal with certain problems. For example, compilers usually have to choose which procedure calls to expand inline before they know the exact size of the procedure being called. Compiler writers call this problem the phase-ordering problem.
How does this ordering of transformations interact with the instruction set architecture? A good example occurs with the optimization called global common subexpression elimination. This optimization finds two instances of an expression that compute the same value and saves the value of the first computation in a temporary. It then uses the temporary value, eliminating the second computation of the common expression.
For this optimization to be significant, the temporary must be allocated to a register. Otherwise, the cost of storing the temporary in memory and later reloading it may negate the savings gained by not recomputing the expression. There are, in fact, cases where this optimization actually slows down code when the temporary is not register allocated. Phase ordering complicates this problem because register allocation is typically done near the end of the global optimization pass, just before code generation. Thus, an optimizer that performs this optimization must assume that the register allocator will allocate the temporary to a register.
Optimizations performed by modern compilers can be classified by the style of the transformation, as follows:
Because of the central role that register allocation plays, both in speeding up the code and in making other optimizations useful, it is one of the most important—if not the most important—of the optimizations. Register allocation algorithms today are based on a technique called graph coloring. The basic idea behind graph coloring is to construct a graph representing the possible candidates for allocation to a register and then to use the graph to allocate registers. Roughly speaking, the problem is how to use a limited set of colors so that no two adjacent nodes in a dependency graph have the same color. The emphasis in the approach is to achieve 100% register allocation of active variables. The problem of coloring a graph in general can take exponential time as a function of the size of the graph (NP-complete). There are heuristic algorithms, however, that work well in practice, yielding close allocations that run in near-linear time.
Graph coloring works best when there are at least 16 (and preferably more) general-purpose registers available for global allocation for integer variables and additional registers for floating point. Unfortunately, graph coloring does not work very well when the number of registers is small because the heuristic algorithms for coloring the graph are likely to fail.
It is sometimes difficult to separate some of the simpler optimizations—local and processor-dependent optimizations—from transformations done in the code generator. Examples of typical optimizations are given in Figure A.20. The last column of Figure A.20 indicates the frequency with which the listed optimizing transforms were applied to the source program.
Figure A.21 shows the effect of various optimizations on instructions executed for two programs. In this case, optimized programs executed roughly 25%–90% fewer instructions than unoptimized programs. The figure illustrates the importance of looking at optimized code before suggesting new instruction set features, because a compiler might completely remove the instructions the architect was trying to improve.
The interaction of compilers and high-level languages significantly affects how programs use an instruction set architecture. There are two important questions: how are variables allocated and addressed? How many registers are needed to allocate variables appropriately? To address these questions, we must look at the three separate areas in which current high-level languages allocate their data:
Register allocation is much more effective for stack-allocated objects than for global variables, and register allocation is essentially impossible for heap-allocated objects because they are accessed with pointers. Global variables and some stack variables are impossible to allocate because they are aliased—there are multiple ways to refer to the address of a variable, making it illegal to put it into a register. (Most heap variables are effectively aliased for today’s compiler technology.)
For example, consider the following code sequence, where & returns the address of a variable and * dereferences a pointer:
p = &a - gets address of a in p a = … - assigns to a directly *p = … - uses p to assign to a …a… - accesses a
The variable a could not be register allocated across the assignment to *p without generating incorrect code. Aliasing causes a substantial problem because it is often difficult or impossible to decide what objects a pointer may refer to. A compiler must be conservative; some compilers will not allocate any local variables of a procedure in a register when there is a pointer that may refer to one of the local variables.
Today, the complexity of a compiler does not come from translating simple statements like A = B + C. Most programs are locally simple, and simple translations work fine. Rather, complexity arises because programs are large and globally complex in their interactions, and because the structure of compilers means decisions are made one step at a time about which code sequence is best.
Compiler writers often are working under their own corollary of a basic principle in architecture: make the frequent cases fast and the rare case correct. That is, if we know which cases are frequent and which are rare, and if generating code for both is straightforward, then the quality of the code for the rare case may not be very important—but it must be correct!
Some instruction set properties help the compiler writer. These properties should not be thought of as hard-and-fast rules, but rather as guidelines that will make it easier to write a compiler that will generate efficient and correct code.
Alas, the designers of the SIMD instructions (see Section 4.3 in Chapter 4) basically ignored the previous subsection. These instructions tend to be solutions, not primitives; they are short of registers; and the data types do not match existing programming languages. Architects hoped to find an inexpensive solution that would help some users, but often only a few low-level graphics library routines use them.
The SIMD instructions are really an abbreviated version of an elegant architecture style that has its own compiler technology. As explained in Section 4.2, vector architectures operate on vectors of data. Invented originally for scientific codes, multimedia kernels are often vectorizable as well, albeit often with shorter vectors. As Section 4.3 suggests, we can think of Intel’s MMX and SSE or PowerPC’s AltiVec, or the RISC-V P extension, as simply short vector computers: MMX with vectors of eight 8-bit elements, four 16-bit elements, or two 32-bit elements, and AltiVec with vectors twice that length. They are implemented as simply adjacent, narrow elements in wide registers.
These microprocessor architectures build the vector register size into the architecture: the sum of the sizes of the elements is limited to 64 bits for MMX and 128 bits for AltiVec. When Intel decided to expand to 128-bit vectors, it added a whole new set of instructions, called streaming SIMD extension (SSE).
A major advantage of vector computers is hiding latency of memory access by loading many elements at once and then overlapping execution with data transfer. The goal of vector addressing modes is to collect data scattered about memory, place them in a compact form so that they can be operated on efficiently, and then place the results back where they belong.
Vector computers include strided addressing and gather/scatter addressing (see Section 4.2) to increase the number of programs that can be vectorized. Strided addressing skips a fixed number of words between each access, so sequential addressing is often called unit stride addressing. Gather and scatter find their addresses in another vector register: think of it as register indirect addressing for vector computers. From a vector perspective, in contrast, these short-vector SIMD computers support only unit strided accesses: memory accesses load or store all elements at once from a single wide memory location. Because the data for multimedia applications are often streams that start and end in memory, strided and gather/scatter addressing modes are essential to successful vectorization (see Section 4.7).
Having short, architecture-limited vectors with few registers and simple memory addressing modes makes it more difficult to use vectorizing compiler technology. Hence, these SIMD instructions are more likely to be found in hand-coded libraries than in compiled code.
This section leads to several recommendations. First, we expect a new instruction set architecture to have at least 16 general-purpose registers—not counting separate registers for floating-point numbers—to simplify allocation of registers using graph coloring. The advice on orthogonality suggests that all supported addressing modes apply to all instructions that transfer data. Finally, the last three pieces of advice—provide primitives instead of solutions, simplify trade-offs between alternatives, don’t bind constants at runtime—all suggest that it is better to err on the side of simplicity. In other words, understand that less is more in the design of an instruction set. Alas, SIMD extensions are more an example of good marketing than of outstanding achievement of hardware–software co-design.
In this section we describe the load-store architecture called RISC-V. RISC-V is a freely licensed open standard, similar to many of the RISC architectures, and based on observations similar to those covered in the last sections. (In Section M.3 we discuss how and why these architectures became popular.) RISC-V builds on 30 years of experience with RISC architectures and “cleans up” most of the short-term inclusions and omissions, leading to an architecture that is easier and more efficient to implement. RISC-V provides a both a 32-bit and a 64-bit instruction set, as well as a variety of extensions for features like floating point; these extensions can be added to either the 32-bit or 64-bit base instruction set. We discuss a 64-bit version of RISC-V, RV64, which is a superset of the 32-bit version RV32.
Reviewing our expectations from each section, for desktop and server applications:
We introduce RISC-V by showing how it follows these recommendations. Like its RISC predecessors, RISC-V emphasizes
RISC-V provides a good architectural model for study, not only because of the popularity of this type of processor, but also because it is an easy architecture to understand. We will use this architecture again in Appendix C and in Chapter 3, and it forms the basis for a number of exercises and programming projects.
The RISC-V instruction set is organized as three base instruction sets that support 32-bit or 64-bit integers, and a variety of optional extensions to one of the base instruction sets. This allows RISC-V to be implemented for a wide range of potential applications from a small embedded processor with a minimal budget for logic and memory that likely costs $1 or less, to high-end processor configurations with full support for floating point, vectors, and multiprocessor configurations. Figure A.22 summarizes the three base instruction sets and the instruction set extensions with their basic functionality. For purposes of this text, we use RV64IMAFD (also known as RV64G, for short) in examples. RV32G is the 32-bit subset of the 64-bit architecture RV64G.
RV64G has 32 64-bit general-purpose registers (GPRs), named x0, x1, … , x31. GPRs are also sometimes known as integer registers. Additionally, with the F and D extensions for floating point that are part of RV64G, come a set of 32 floating-point registers (FPRs), named f0, f1, … , f31, which can hold 32 single-precision (32-bit) values or 32 double-precision (64-bit) values. (When holding one single-precision number, the other half of the FPR is unused.) Both single- and double-precision floating-point operations (32-bit and 64-bit) are provided.
The value of x0 is always 0. We shall see later how we can use this register to synthesize a variety of useful operations from a simple instruction set.
A few special registers can be transferred to and from the general-purpose registers. An example is the floating-point status register, used to hold information about the results of floating-point operations. There are also instructions for moving between an FPR and a GPR.
The data types are 8-bit bytes, 16-bit half words, 32-bit words, and 64-bit doublewords for integer data and 32-bit single precision and 64-bit double precision for floating point. Half words were added because they are found in languages like C and are popular in some programs, such as the operating systems, concerned about size of data structures. They will also become more popular if Unicode becomes widely used.
The RV64G operations work on 64-bit integers and 32- or 64-bit floating point. Bytes, half words, and words are loaded into the general-purpose registers with either zeros or the sign bit replicated to fill the 64 bits of the GPRs. Once loaded, they are operated on with the 64-bit integer operations.
The only data addressing modes are immediate and displacement, both with 12-bit fields. Register indirect is accomplished simply by placing 0 in the 12-bit displacement field, and limited absolute addressing with a 12-bit field is accomplished by using register 0 as the base register. Embracing zero gives us four effective modes, although only two are supported in the architecture.
RV64G memory is byte addressable with a 64-bit address and uses Little Endian byte numbering. As it is a load-store architecture, all references between memory and either GPRs or FPRs are through loads or stores. Supporting the data types mentioned herein, memory accesses involving GPRs can be to a byte, half word, word, or double word. The FPRs may be loaded and stored with single-precision or double-precision numbers. Memory accesses need not be aligned; however, it may be that unaligned accesses run extremely slow. In practice, programmers and compilers would be stupid to use unaligned accesses.
Because RISC-V has just two addressing modes, these can be encoded into the opcode. Following the advice on making the processor easy to pipeline and decode, all instructions are 32 bits with a 7-bit primary opcode. Figure A.23 shows the instruction layout of the four major instruction types. These formats are simple while providing 12-bit fields for displacement addressing, immediate constants, or PC-relative branch addresses.
The instruction formats and the use of the instruction fields is described in Figure A.24. The opcode specifies the general instruction type (ALU instruction, ALU immediate, load, store, branch, or jump), while the funct fields are used for specific operations. For example, an ALU instruction is encoded with a single opcode with the funct field dictating the exact operation: add, subtract, and, etc. Notice that several formats encode multiple types of instructions, including the use of the I-format for both ALU immediates and loads, and the use of the S-format for stores and conditional branches.
RISC-V (or more properly RV64G) supports the list of simple operations recommended herein plus a few others. There are four broad classes of instructions: loads and stores, ALU operations, branches and jumps, and floating-point operations.
Any of the general-purpose or floating-point registers may be loaded or stored, except that loading x0 has no effect. Figure A.25 gives examples of the load and store instructions. Single-precision floating-point numbers occupy half a floating-point register. Conversions between single and double precision must be done explicitly. The floating-point format is IEEE 754 (see Appendix J). A list of all the RV64G instructions appears in Figure A.28 (page A.42).
To understand these figures we need to introduce a few additional extensions to our C description language used initially on page A-9:
As an example, assuming that x8 and x10 are 32-bit registers:
Regs[x10]←64(Mem[Regs[x8]]0)32## Mem[Regs[R8]]
means that the word at the memory location addressed by the contents of register x8 is sign-extended to form a 64-bit quantity that is stored into register x10.
All ALU instructions are register-register instructions. Figure A.26 gives some examples of the arithmetic/logical instructions. The operations include simple arithmetic and logical operations: add, subtract, AND, OR, XOR, and shifts. Immediate forms of all these instructions are provided using a 12-bit sign-extended immediate. The operation LUI (load upper immediate) loads bits 12–31 of a register, sign-extends the immediate field to the upper 32-bits, and sets the low-order 12-bits of the register to 0. LUI allows a 32-bit constant to be built in two instructions, or a data transfer using any constant 32-bit address in one extra instruction.
As mentioned herein, x0 is used to synthesize popular operations. Loading a constant is simply an add immediate where the source operand is x0, and a register-register move is simply an add (or an or) where one of the sources is x0. (We sometimes use the mnemonic li, standing for load immediate, to represent the former, and the mnemonic mv for the latter.)
Control is handled through a set of jumps and a set of branches, and Figure A.27 gives some typical branch and jump instructions. The two jump instructions (jump and link and jump and link register) are unconditional transfers and always store the “link,” which is the address of the instruction sequentially following the jump instruction, in the register specified by the rd field. In the event that the link address is not needed, the rd field can simply be set to x0, which results in a typical unconditional jump. The two jump instructions are differentiated by whether the address is computed by adding an immediate field to the PC or by adding the immediate field to the contents of a register. The offset is interpreted as a half word offset for compatibility with the compressed instruction set, R64C, which includes 16-bit instructions.
All branches are conditional. The branch condition is specified by the instruction, and any arithmetic comparison (equal, greater than, less than, and their inverses) is permitted. The branch-target address is specified with a 12-bit signed offset that is shifted left one place (to get 16-bit alignment) and then added to the current program counter. Branches based on the contents of the floating point registers are implemented by executing a floating point comparison (e.g., feq.d or fle.d), which sets an integer register to 0 or 1 based on the comparison, and then executing a beq or bne with x0 as an operand.
The observant reader will have noticed that there are very few 64-bit only instructions in RV64G. Primarily, these are the 64-bit loads and stores and versions of 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit loads that do not sign extend (the default is to sign-extend). To support 32-bit modular arithmetic without additional instructions, there are versions of the instructions that ignore the upper 32 bits of a 64-bit register, such as add and subtract word (addw, subw). Amazingly, everything else just works.
Floating-point instructions manipulate the floating-point registers and indicate whether the operation to be performed is single or double precision. The floating-point operations are add, subtract, multiply, divide, square root, as well as fused multiply-add and multiply-subtract. All floating point instructions begin with the letter f and use the suffix d for double precision and s for single precision (e.g., fadd.d, fadd.s, fmul.d, fmul.s, fmadd.d fmadd.s). Floating-point compares set an integer register based on the comparison, similarly to the integer instruction set-less-than and set-great-than.
In addition to floating-point loads and stores (flw, fsw, fld, fsd), instructions are provided for converting between different FP precisions, for moving between integer and FP registers (fmv), and for converting between floating point and integer (fcvt, which uses the integer registers for source or destination as appropriate).
Figure A.28 contains a list of nearly all the RV64G instructions and a summary of their meaning.
To give an idea of which instructions are popular, Figure A.29 shows the frequency of instructions and instruction classes for the SPECint2006 programs, using RV32G.
Architects have repeatedly tripped on common, but erroneous, beliefs. In this section we look at a few of them.
… by giving too much semantic content to the instruction, the computer designer made it possible to use the instruction only in limited contexts. [p. 43]
The earliest architectures were limited in their instruction sets by the hardware technology of that time. As soon as the hardware technology permitted, computer architects began looking for ways to support high-level languages. This search led to three distinct periods of thought about how to support programs efficiently. In the 1960s, stack architectures became popular. They were viewed as being a good match for high-level languages—and they probably were, given the compiler technology of the day. In the 1970s, the main concern of architects was how to reduce software costs. This concern was met primarily by replacing software with hardware, or by providing high-level architectures that could simplify the task of software designers. The result was both the high-level language computer architecture movement and powerful architectures like the VAX, which has a large number of addressing modes, multiple data types, and a highly orthogonal architecture. In the 1980s, more sophisticated compiler technology and a renewed emphasis on processor performance saw a return to simpler architectures, based mainly on the load-store style of computer.
The following instruction set architecture changes occurred in the 1990s:
Between 1970 and 1985 many thought the primary job of the computer architect was the design of instruction sets. As a result, textbooks of that era emphasize instruction set design, much as computer architecture textbooks of the 1950s and 1960s emphasized computer arithmetic. The educated architect was expected to have strong opinions about the strengths and especially the weaknesses of the popular computers. The importance of binary compatibility in quashing innovations in instruction set design was unappreciated by many researchers and textbook writers, giving the impression that many architects would get a chance to design an instruction set.
The definition of computer architecture today has been expanded to include design and evaluation of the full computer system—not just the definition of the instruction set and not just the processor—and hence there are plenty of topics for the architect to study. In fact, the material in this appendix was a central point of the book in its first edition in 1990, but now is included in an appendix primarily as reference material!
Appendix K may satisfy readers interested in instruction set architecture; it describes a variety of instruction sets, which are either important in the marketplace today or historically important, and it compares nine popular load-store computers with RISC-V.
Section M.4 (available online) features a discussion on the evolution of instruction sets and includes references for further reading and exploration of related topics.
Instruction | Clock cycles |
All ALU operations | 1.0 |
Loads | 3.5 |
Stores | 2.8 |
Branches | |
Taken | 4.0 |
Not taken | 2.0 |
Jumps | 2.4 |
Average the instruction frequencies of gobmk and mcf to obtain the instruction mix. You may assume that all other instructions (for instructions not accounted for by the types in Table A.29) require 3.0 clock cycles each.
A = B + C; B = A + C; D = A – B;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { A[i] = B[i] + C; }
for(p = 0; p < 8; p++) { Y[p] = (9798⁎R[p] + 19235⁎G[p] + 3736⁎B[p])/32768; U[p] = (-4784⁎R[p] − 9437⁎G[p] + 4221⁎B[p])/32768 + 128; V[p] = (20218⁎R[p]−16941⁎G[p]−3277⁎B[p])/32768 + 128; }
C = A + B D = A – E F = C + D
struct foo { char a; bool b; int c; double d; short e; float f; double g; char ⁎cptr; float ⁎fptr; int x; };
A = B + C; B = A + C; D = A – B;
for (i = 0; i < = 100; i++) { A[i] = B[i]⁎ C + D ; }