RUN INTO A FELLOW SOUTHERN woman and the conversation will somehow find its way to mamas, menus, or menopause. We’ll talk about unspoken prayer requests and compare notes, but we are NOT being nosy. We’re trying to do the Lord’s work by helping him answer infinite prayers as efficiently as possible.
Call it a church thing, a Southern thing, or a woman thing, but we share certain stories and experiences that make us all want to rake up kin. We’ve all had our mama tell us to act natural when Great Aunt Flora takes her teeth out after she eats. And we’ve all been told to say our yes, ma’ams and no, ma’ams and to keep our freezers ready in case someone up and dies.
This book is for you if:
• you’ve ever said, “Let me put that bug in your ear”;
• you’ve heard “Who made the dressin’?” but it wasn’t a compliment;
• you have ever sat in Sunday service and thought, Surely some of these people won’t make it to the sweet by-and-by with me;
• your skills for uncovering the subject behind an “unspoken prayer request” could be used by the FBI to solve crimes;
• you run fans in the dead of winter;
• you brought a casserole to the church social and have been on cups and ice ever since;
• your granny died on a Monday and was in the ground by Wednesday; or
• you have NEVER said or heard any of these things but are intrigued.
I named this book Hey, Jesus, It’s Me after my most popular Web series. I started my “Hey, Jesus” calls in hopes that it would remind people that Jesus wants our laughter along with our tears. He is truly a loving God and wants to be part of every moment of our lives—even our silly questions, comments, and concerns. Though I have been asked many times for the number I’m calling and if I can lend out my remote,1 I love that I don’t need to. We all have a direct line already. At any time, we can say, “Hey, Jesus, it’s me,” and he’s right there—no need to give the last four digits of your social, your mama’s maiden name, or the street you grew up on… He’s always right there.
Instagram likes sketches that are short and sweet, but I’m more long-winded and salty, and these stories give more insight into my life, my raisin’, and the meaning behind some of my most popular sketches. My prayer is that these stories make you laugh a lot, cry a little, and inspire you to talk to Jesus even more.
1 The prop I use in my videos. I film on my phone, so I need something that I can use that looks like a phone.