16 Orthographic Changes

Orthographic-changing verbs change the spelling of certain consonants when it is necessary to maintain a uniform pronunciation of their stems.

Verbs ending in    -car change c to qu before the letter e.

Buscar    to look for

Present Indicative: busco, etc.    I look for, etc. (p. 1)

Imperfect: buscaba, etc.    I was looking for, etc. (p. 8)

Preterit: busqué, buscaste, buscó, etc.    I looked for, etc. (p. 13)

Future: buscaré, etc. I    will look for, etc. (p. 20)

Conditional: buscaría, etc.    I would look for, etc. (p. 26)

Present Participle: buscando    looking for

Past Participle: buscado    looked for

Present Subjunctive: busque, busques, busque, busquemos, busquéis, busquen    that I look for/will look for, etc.

Imperfect Subjunctive: buscara (buscase), etc.    that I looked/would look for, etc.; if I looked for, etc. (p. 46)

Present Perfect Subjunctive: haya buscado, etc.    that I (have) looked for, etc. (p. 49)

Pluperfect Subjunctive: hubiera (hubiese) buscado, etc.    that I had looked for/would have looked for, etc.; if I had looked for, etc. (p. 49)

Verb forms not in italics are not affected.


Verbs ending in -gar change g to gu before the letter e. The u is not pronounced.

Pagar    to pay

Present Indicative: pago, pagas, etc.    I pay, etc.

Imperfect: pagaba, etc.    I was paying, etc.

Preterit: pagué, pagaste, pagó, etc.    I paid, etc.

Future: pagaré, etc.    I will pay, etc.

Conditional: pagaría, etc.    I would pay, etc.

Present Participle: pagando    paying

Past Participle: pagado    paid

Present Subjunctive: pague, pagues, pague, paguemos, paguéis, paguen    that I pay (for)/will pay (for), etc.

Imperfect Subjunctive: pagara (pagase)    that I paid (for)/would pay (for), etc.; if I paid (for), etc.

Present Perfect Subjunctive: haya pagado, etc.    that I (have) paid (for), etc.

Pluperfect Subjunctive: hubiera (hubiese) pagado, etc.    that I had paid (for)/would have paid (for), etc.; if I had paid for, etc.


Verbs ending in -zar change z to c before the letter e.

Rezar    to pray

Present Indicative: rezo, rezas, etc.    I pray, etc.

Imperfect: rezaba, etc.    I was praying, etc.

Preterit: recé, rezaste, rezó, etc.    I prayed, etc.

Future: rezaré, etc.    I will pray, etc.

Conditional: rezaría, etc.    I would pray, etc.

Present Participle: rezando    praying

Past Participle: rezado    prayed

Present Subjunctive: rece, reces, rece, recemos, recéis, recen,    that I pray/will pray, etc.

lmperfect Subjunctive: rezara (rezase), etc.    that I prayed/would pray, etc.; if I prayed, etc.

Present Perfect Subjunctive: haya rezado, etc.    that I (have) prayed, etc.

Pluperfect Subjunctive: hubiera (hubiese) rezado, etc.    that I had prayed/would have prayed, etc.; if I had prayed, etc.


Verbs ending in -guar change gu to before e. The u requires a diaeresis (..) before e to preserve the u sound.

Averiguar    to find out, verify

Present Indicative: averiguo, etc.    I find out, etc.

lmperfect: averiguaba, etc.    I was finding out, etc.

Preterit: averigüé, averiguaste, averiguó, etc.    I found out, etc.

Future: averiguaré, etc.    I will find out, etc.

Conditional: averiguaría, etc.    I would find out, etc.

Present Participle: averiguando    finding out

Past Participle: averiguado    found out

Present Subjunctive: averigüe, averigües, averigüe, averigüemos, averigüéis, averigüen    that I find out/will find out, etc.

lmperfect Subjunctive: averiguara (averiguase), etc.    that I found out/would find out, etc.; if I found out, etc.

Present Perfect Subjunctive: haya averiguado, etc.    that I (have) found out, etc.

Pluperfect Subjunctive: hubiera (hubiese) averiguado, etc.    that I had found out/would have found out, etc.; if I had found out, etc.


Para practicar

Write in the present subjunctive in the person indicated:


Write in the first-person singular preterit indicative:


Mastery Test

A. Translate into English:

1. que él explique _________________________

2. si Ud. marcara _________________________

3. que yo apague _________________________

4. abracé _________________________

5. entregué _________________________

6. que tropecemos _________________________

7. que ellos sequen _________________________

8. que castigues _________________________

9. que Ud. rechace _________________________

10. que averigües _________________________

11. que tú repliques _________________________

12. que carguemos _________________________

13. que amenaces _________________________

14. que ella entregue _________________________

15. saqué _________________________

16. que santigüemos _________________________

17. que él llegue _________________________

18. que Uds. analicen _________________________

19. que apacigüen _________________________

20. que él alcance _________________________

B. Translate into Spanish:

1. I hope we pacify _________________________

2. 1 paid _________________________

3. it’s possible that they will take out _________________________

4. I did not find out _________________________

5. it’s possible that he will punish _________________________

6. it’s possible that he won’t place _________________________

7. I risked _________________________

8. I hope we don’t tire (get tired) _________________________

9. it’s possible that she won’t reply _________________________

10. it’s possible that you (s., fam.) will cross _________________________

11. I hope you (pl., fam.) don’t beg _________________________

12. I indicated _________________________

13. he prays _________________________

14. I hope you (s., fam.) throw _________________________

15. I hope they arrive _________________________

16. I did not explain _________________________

17. it’s impossible that we analyze (for us to analyze) _________________________

18. I hope that you (pl., for.) reply _________________________

19. I threw _________________________

20. I sobbed _________________________

Some verbs ending in -cer and -cir preceded by a consonant change c to z before o or a.

Vencer    to conquer

Present Indicative: venzo, vences, etc.    I conquer, etc.

Imperfect: vencía, etc.    I was conquering, etc.

Preterit: vencí, etc.    I conquered, etc.

Future: venceré, etc.    I will conquer, etc.

Conditional: vencería, etc.    I would conquer, etc.

Present Participle: venciendo    conquering

Past Participle: vencido    conquered

Present Subjunctive: venza, venzas, venza, venzamos, venzáis, venzan    that I conquer/will conquer, etc.

Imperfect Subjunctive: venciera, (venciese), etc.    that I conquered/would conquer, etc.; if I conquered, etc.

Present Perfect Subjunctive: haya vencido, etc.    that I (have) conquered, etc.

Pluperfect Subjunctive: hubiera (hubiese) vencido, etc.    that I had conquered/would have conquered, etc.; if I had conquered, etc.


Verbs ending in -ger or -gir change g to j before an o or a.

Escoger    to choose

Present Indicative: escojo, escoges, etc.    I choose, etc.

Imperfect: escogía, etc.    I was choosing, etc.

Preterit: escogí, etc.    I chose, etc.

Future: escogeré, etc.    I will choose, etc.

Conditional: escogería, etc.    I would choose, etc.

Present Participle: escogiendo    choosing

Past Participle: escogido    chosen

Present Subjunctive: escoja, escojas, escoja, escojamos, escojáis, escojan    that I choose/will choose, etc.

Imperfect Subjunctive: escogiera (escogiese), etc.    that I chose/would choose, etc.; if I chose, etc.

Present Perfect Subjunctive: haya escogido, etc.    that I chose/have chosen, etc.

Pluperfect Subjunctive: hubiera (hubiese) escogido, etc.    that I had chosen/would have chosen, etc.; if I had chosen, etc.


Verbs ending in -guir drop the u before o or a.

Distinguir    to distinguish

Present Indicative: distingo, distingues, etc.    I distinguish, etc.

Imperfect: distinguía, etc.    I was distinguishing, etc.

Preterit: distinguí, etc.    I distinguished, etc.

Future: distinguiré, etc.    I will distinguish, etc.

Conditional: distinguiría, etc.    I would distinguish, etc.

Present Participle: distinguiendo    distinguishing

Past Participle: distinguido    distinguished

Present Subjunctive: distinga, distingas, distinga, distingamos, distingáis, distingan    that I distinguish/will distinguish, etc.

Imperfect Subjunctive: distinguiera (distinguiese) etc.    that I distinguished/would distinguish, etc.; if I distinguished, etc.

Present Perfect Subjunctive: haya distinguido, etc.    that I (have) distinguished, etc.

Pluperfect Subjunctive: hubiera (hubiese) distinguido, etc.    that I had distinguished/would have distinguished, etc.; if I had distinguished, etc.


Verbs ending in -quir change qu to c before o or a.

Delinquir    to break the law

Present Indicative: delinco, delinques, etc.    I break the law, etc.

Imperfect: delinquía, etc.    I was breaking the law, etc.

Preterit: delinquí, etc.    I broke the law, etc.

Future: delinquiré, etc.    I will break the law, etc.

Conditional: delinquiría, etc.    I would break the law, etc.

Present Participle: delinquiendo    breaking the law

Past Participle: delinquido    broken the law

Present Subjunctive: delinca, delincas, delinca, delincamos, delincáis, delincan    that I break the law/will break the law, etc.

Imperfect Subjunctive: delinquiera (delinquiese), etc.    that I broke the law/would break the law, etc.; if I broke the law, etc.

Present Perfect Subjunctive: haya delinquido, etc.    that I broke/have broken the law, etc.

Pluperfect Subjunctive: hubiera (hubiese) delinquido, etc.    that I had broken/would have broken the law, etc.; if I had broken the law, etc.

Para practicar

Write the verbs in the tense and person indicated:



Translate into English:

1. ejerzo _________________________

2. Ud. convenció _________________________

3. esparciré _________________________

4. acogías _________________________

5. que ellos distingan _________________________

6. que finjamos _________________________

7. Uds. han convencido _________________________

8. dirigiré _________________________

9. él seguiría _________________________

10. que extingas _________________________

11. ejercías _________________________

12. exijo _________________________

13. seguí _________________________

14. extinguiste _________________________

15. que ellos convenzan _________________________

16. fingí _________________________

17. él delinquió _________________________

18. que ellos recojan _________________________

19. extingo _________________________

20. delincáis _________________________

Mastery Test

Translate into Spanish:

1. if you (s., fam.) conquered _________________________

2. it’s possible that I will inflict _________________________

3. I distinguish _________________________

4. we exercised _________________________

5. I do not demand _________________________

6. I hope that you (s., fam.) don’t distinguish _________________________

7. he will not convince _________________________

8. will you (pl., for.) choose? _________________________

9. let us not extinguish _________________________

10. I scattered _________________________

11. we directed _________________________

12. he distinguished _________________________

13. I break the law _________________________

14. you (s., fam.) exercise _________________________

15. I hope that he will welcome _________________________

16. it’s possible that they will extinguish _________________________

17. it’s possible that they won’t convince _________________________

18. I pretend _________________________

19. you (pl., fam.) will distinguish _________________________

20. I hope that you don’t break the law _________________________.

Verbs ending in -eer change the i to y in the third-person singular and plural of the preterit, all persons of the imperfect subjunctive and the present participle.

Creer    to believe

Present lndicative: creo, etc.    I believe, etc.

Imperfect: creía, etc.    I was believing, etc.

Preterit: creí, creíste, creyó, creímos, creísteis, creyeron    I believed, etc.

Future: creeré, etc.    I will believe, etc.

Conditional: creería, etc.    I would believe, etc.

Present Participle: creyendo    believing

Past Participle: creído    believed

Present Subjunctive: crea, etc.    that I believe/will believe, etc.

Imperfect Subjunctive: creyera (creyese), etc.    that I believed/would believe, etc.; if I believed, etc.

Present Perfect Subjunctive: haya creído, etc.    that I (have) believed, etc.

Pluperfect Subjunctive: hubiera (hubiese) creído, etc.    that I had believed/would have believed, etc.; if I had believed, etc.

Additional Note: -er and -ir verbs whose stems end in a vowel have a written accent on the i of the past participle. The past participle of such verbs is otherwise regular. Example: creer    creído.


* See individual conjugations for these verbs (traer, pp. 124–125; caer, p. 105; reír, pp. 94–95; oír, p. 116; huir, p. 95).

Most verbs ending in -cer or -cir preceded by a vowel add z before c when followed by o or a.

Conocer    to know, be acquainted with

Present Indicative: conozco, conoces, etc.    I know, etc.

Imperfect: conocía, etc.    I was knowing, etc.

Preterit: conocí, etc.    I knew, etc.

Future: conoceré, etc.    I will know, etc.

Conditional: conocería, etc.    I would know, etc.

Present Participle: conociendo    knowing

Past Participle: conocido    known

Present Subjunctive: conozca, conozcas, conozca, conozcamos, conozcáis, conozcan that I know/will know, etc.

Imperfect Subjunctive: conociera (conociese), etc.    that I knew/would know, etc.; if I knew, etc.

Present Perfect Subjunctive: haya conocido, etc.    that I knew/have known, etc.

Pluperfect Subjunctive: hubiera (hubiese) conocido, etc.    that I had known/would have known, etc.; if I had known, etc.


Some verbs ending in -iar accent the i of the stem in all forms of the present indicative and present subjunctive, except the nosotros and vosotros forms.

Enviar    to send

Present Indicative: envío, envías, envía, enviamos, enviáis, envían    I send, etc.

Imperfect: enviaba, etc.    I was sending, etc.

Preterit: envié, etc.    I send, etc.

Future: enviaré, etc.    I will send, etc.

Conditional: enviaría, etc.    I would send, etc.

Present Participle: enviando    sending

Past Participle: enviado    sent

Present Subjunctive: envíe, envíes, envíe, enviemos, enviéis, envíen    that I send/will send, etc.

Imperfect Subjunctive: enviara (enviase), etc.    that I sent/would send, etc.; if I sent, etc.

Present Perfect Subjunctive: haya enviado, etc.    that I (have) sent, etc.

Pluperfect Subjunctive: hubiera (hubiese) enviado, etc.    that I had sent/would have sent, etc.; if I had sent, etc.


Verbs ending in -uar preceded by any consonant except c or g accent the u in all forms of the present indicative and present subjunctive except the nosotros and vosotros forms.

Continuar    to continue

Present Indicative: continúo, continúas, continúa, continuamos, continuáis, continúan    I continue, etc.

Imperfect: continuaba, etc.    I was continuing, etc.

Preterit: continué, etc.    I continued, etc.

Future: continuaré etc.    I will continue, etc.

Conditional: continuaría, etc.    I would continue, etc.

Present Participle: continuando    continuing

Past Participle: continuado    continued

Present Subjunctive: continúe, continúes, continúe, continuemos, continuéis, continúen    that I continue/will continue, etc.

Imperfect Subjunctive: continuara (continuase), etc.    that I continued/would continue, etc.; if I continued, etc.

Present Perfect Subjunctive: haya continuado, etc.    that I (have) continued, etc.

Pluperfect Subjunctive: hubiera (hubiese) continuado, etc.    that I had continued/would have continued, etc.; if I had continued, etc.


Para practicar

Write the infinitives in the tense and person indicated:



Change each verb to the corresponding tense in the plural:

1. estoy leyendo _________________________

2. envías _________________________

3. continúes _________________________

4. ofrezco _________________________

5. Ud. desafíe _________________________

6. aborrezcas _________________________

7. yo merezca _________________________

8. Ud. aparezca _________________________

9. guío _________________________

10. desconoció _________________________

11. poseyó _________________________

12. Ud. insinúe _________________________

13. se enriquezca _________________________

14. parecí _________________________

15. me habitué _________________________

16. yo creyese _________________________

17. Ud. complacía _________________________

18. ella desconfía _________________________

19. descontinúo _________________________

20. reconozco _________________________

Mastery Test

Translate into Spanish:

1. did she read? _________________________

2. it’s possible that we will disappear _________________________

3. I hope she continues _________________________

4. it’s possible that they will send _________________________

5. I was possessing _________________________

6. it’s possible that you (s., for.) don’t know _________________________

7. it’s possible that we mistrust _________________________

8. I do not guide _________________________

9. it is possible that they have read _________________________

10. it is possible that he feels sorry for _________________________

11. I was sending _________________________

12. it’s possible that you (s., fam.) will discontinue _________________________

13. we were believing _________________________

14. you (pl., fam.) disappear _________________________

15. they sent _________________________

16. she did not believe _________________________

17. I hated _________________________

18. do you (s., fam.) trust? _________________________

19. it’s impossible that they know _________________________

20. she continued _________________________