Introduction: The Problems with Meetings We Will Solve
1: Meet the Passengers: Problem Behaviors at Meetings and Their Effects
3: Preparing for a Meeting: Your Preflight Checklist
4: The Art of the Agenda: Your Flight Plan
5: Start on Time! End on Time!
6: Meet the Flight Crew: The Process People
7: Staying on Course with Air Traffic Control
8: Balancing Participation with Air Traffic Control
9: Visual Flight Recording: Don’t Let a Good Idea Get Away
10: In-Flight Entertainment: Criteria
11: In-Flight Entertainment: Meeting Processes
12: Virtual Meetings and Conference Calls
13: TSA: How the Process Prevents the Problem Behaviors
14: Integrating the Meeting Jet Process with Robert’s Rules of Order
15: Cage Rattling 101: Bringing People on Board the Meeting Jet
16: Finale and Next Step: How We Came to Meet