
ACTOR circuit, 135

Alfonso XIII, Hotel (Seville), 187

Allard, Lt Elisée, 138, 151, 195

Anderle, Plt Offr Leo, 41

Ambroise see Bloch, Denise

Anastasie see Dufour, Jacques

Angers, 71, 745

Antelme, Maj France, 79, 195

Antibes, 47-50, 54, 100, 108

Archambaud see Norman, Maj Gilbert

Argentat, 87

Arisaig see STS 21

Aristide see Landes, Maj Roger

Arnaud see Rabinovitch, Lt Adolphe

Arnouil, Maurice, 868, 90, 93, 989, 103, 105, 107, 10914, 118, 1245, 1278, 130, 176, 190, 195

Arras, 11, 12, 13

Artus see Newton, Lt Alfred

Astoria, Hotel (Menton), 180

Atkins, Vera, 23, 64, 70, 115, 1734, 180, 186, 188

Audouard family, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 100

Auguste see Newton, Lt Henry

AUTHOR circuit, 70, 84117, 124, 128, 139, 175

AUTOGIRO circuit, 122, 145

Avallard, Capt Jean, 138, 160

Baird Television Company, 78

Baissac, Claude de, 24, 356, 3840, 424, 678, 71, 7880, 83, 107, 195

Baker Street, 19, 21, 22, 32, 34, 54, 184

Balachowsky, Alfred, 1502, 1546

Barcelona, 53, 578, 60

Bariaud, Jean, 1323

Barrett, Flt Lt Denis, 136, 138, 158, 195

Barthélemy see Mayer, Maj Percy

Basil see Lake, Capt Peter

Basin, Capt Francis, 47, 48, 195

Bathgate, Flg Offr Jimmy, 723

Baumeister, Heinz, 152, 1556

BBC see British Broadcasting


BCRA, 138, 152, 156

Beaulieu, 32; also see STS 32a

Beaulieu-sur-Mer, 53, 69

Beaumont-en-Périgord, 129

Beekman, Yolande, 712, 745, 77, 195

Beelitz, 168

Bégué, George, 21

Belzig, 168

Benoit family, 43

Benoist, Capt Robert, 138, 148, 150, 151, 195

Bergerac, 86, 129, 130

Berlin, 158, 1678

Bernard see Grandclément, André

Bertheau, Louis, 98100, 10910, 11620, 127, 175, 1767, 183, 195

Biéler, Maj Gustave, 77, 195

Blatin, Marc see O'Neill, Marc

Bloc-Gazo, 868, 923, 99100, 107, 10910, 11314, 120, 125, 128

Bloch, Denise, 137, 1667, 195

Bloom, Lt Marcus, 29, 144, 195

Bob see Starr, Capt John

Bodington, Maj Nicholas, 23, 4850, 122

‘Body lines’, 53

Bogota, 180

Böhmer, Col Heinrich, 175

Boitel, Michel, 157, 161, 164

Boiteux, Maj Robert René, 176, 196

Bonnetot, André, 92

Bordeaux, 35, 38, 7882, 8990, 97, 135

Borrel, Andrée, 1223, 196

Bouguennec, Lt Jean (‘Francis Garel’), 138, 151, 196

Bougie, 3

Bourne-Patterson, R.A., 23

Brickendonbury Manor see STS 17

BRICKLAYER circuit, 78

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 79, 102, 179

British Expeditionary Force (BEF), 1114

Brive-la-Gaillarde, 837, 92, 97, 99, 105, 1079, 11314, 11819, 1245, 1278, 132, 175, 180, 190

Brooke, Lt Gen Alan, 13

Brook, Col Robin, 21, 172

Brossolette, Pierre, 137

Brouillet, Robert, 130

Bruneval, 1617

Buchenwald, 14262, 163, 1734, 178, 183

Buckmaster, Maurice, 205, 31, 345, 40, 43, 48, 50, 53, 634, 67, 69, 89, 103, 116, 128, 130, 1734, 177, 184, 1878

Burney, Lt Christopher, 145, 181, 183, 189, 196

BUTLER circuit, 122, 138

Cannes, 38, 447, 506, 100, 113, 135

Cantallops, 57

Cap Arcona, 176

‘Captain Jack’ see Poirier, Jacques

Carennac, 102, 105

Carte see Girard, André

CARTE circuit, 4555, 71, 116, 122

Carter-Edwards, Ed, 150

Carve Her Name with Pride, 184

Casimir see Beauclerk, Ralph

Céret, 557

Chaigneau, 2nd Lt Jacques, 138, 158

Chain Home (Radar), 10

Chalmers-Wright, Fergus, 51

Chamberlain, Neville, 1112, 18

Champanatier, Hotel (Brive), 107, 10910, 118

Champaubert, Avenue (Paris), 78

Charles see Burney, Lt Christopher

Charlin, Jean, 82

Chiefs of Staff, 22, 49, 667

Chiltern Court, 19

Choquet, Maurice, 157, 160

Churchill, Capt Peter, 4852, 54, 196

Churchill, Winston, 12

Cicero see Malraux, Lt Claude

Ciphers, 302, 118, 121, 151

Clement see Liewer, Maj Philippe; also see Baissac, Claude de

Clément, Rémy, 73

Clinique des Franciscaines (Nîmes), 445

Coleman, Capt John, 23

Colombia, 180

‘Colonel Berger’, 130; also see

Malraux, André

Combat, 38, 68

Control Commission for Germany, 177

Cookridge, E.H., 189

Cool, Pieter, 148

Corbin, Charles, 802, 107

Corbusier, Marcel, 138, 158

Corrèze department, 679, 71, 806, 100, 110, 117, 128, 132, 175, 180

Coustellier, René (‘Soleil’), 114, 117, 129

Cowburn, Maj Ben, 21, 73, 196

Cresswell, Michael, 61

Croix de Guerre, 179

Culioli, Pierre, 138, 172, 196

Dachau concentration camp, 77

Daglan, 87, 114, 129

Dallison, Eva see Peulevé, Eva

Dallison, Katherine, 3

Dalton, Hugh, 19

Damerment, Madeleine, 78, 196

Darnand, Joseph, 68

Das Reich (2nd SS Panzer Division), 132, 175

David, see Baissac, Claude de

Davies, Col ‘Tommy’, 19

Death Not Be Proud, 184

Dédé see Défence, Lt Marcel

Denise see Borrel, Andrée

Défence, Lt Marcel, 78, 812, 107, 196

Defendini, Lt Angehand, 138, 196

Degrelle, Léon, 170

Delsanti, Louis Charles, 87, 104, 11820, 127, 176, 183, 196

Denmark, 1803, 186, 189

Déricourt, Henri, 735, 77, 122, 196

Derringer, Lt Henri, 712, 75, 196

Despaigne, Capt Harry, 48, 501, 712, 75, 77, 196

Detal, Lt Julien, 138, 151, 196

Deutsche Ausrüstungs Werke (DAW), 149

DF Section see Special Operations


Dhose, SS Hauptsturmführer

Friedrich, 812, 89

Diamant-Berger, Maurice, 49

Dietzsch, Arthur, 155, 15660, 1778, 185

DIGGER circuit, 128, 130, 132, 175

Dinard, 46, 38

Ding-Schuler, SS Sturmbannführer

Erwin, 1545, 1589, 162, 177

Distinguished Service Order, 176, 179

Dodkin, Kenneth see Yeo-Thomas, Sqn

Ldr F.F.E.

Domme, 130

Double Webs, 184

Duboué family, 89

Dufour, Adrien, 119, 177

Dufour, Jacques, 125, 1323, 196

Edmond see Peulevé, Henri Leonard

Thomas, code names used

Elbe River, 163, 166, 168

Electra House (EH), 18; also see

Political Warfare Executive

EU/P Section see Special Operations


Eugène see Pertschuk, Lt Maurice

Eustache see Watney, Capt Cyril

Evesque, Jean, 138, 160

F Section see Special Operations


Fairbairn, Capt William, 278

Fairlight, 5

FARRIER circuit, 74, 122

Faye, Col Léon, 134

Felix see Lee Graham, Lt Louis

Felucca, 48, 501, 53

Fernand see Suttill, Maj Francis

Fertin, André, 129

Figueras, 578, 60

FIREMAN circuit, 176

Firmin see Boiteux, Maj Robert René

Floirac, 102

Foch, Avenue, 1207, 1334, 136

FOOTMAN circuit, 103, 106, 176

Forces Francaises Interieurs (FFI), 130

Frager, Maj Henri, 54, 138, 160, 196


invasion and fall of, 1215, 36

occupation, 36

Resistance, 378, 467, 689, 789, 85, 912, 100, 110, 1756

Franco, Gen, 59, 61

Franc-Tireur, 38, 68

Franc-Tireurs et Partisans (FTP), 38, 68, 85, 88, 92, 100, 110, 176

Fresnes prison, 1301, 133, 135

Front National, 37

Fuller, Jean Overton, 184

Gaby see Plewman, Eliane, 78, 198

Gallia, Hotel (Milan), 187

Gamelin, Gen Maurice, 11

Gandrey-Rety, Jean, 49

GARDENER circuit, 176

Garel, Francis see Bouguennec, Lt Jean

Garry, Lt Emile-Henri, 138, 151, 196

Gaulle, Gen Charles de, 20, 378, 47, 68

Gaynes Hall see STS 61

Gazogenes, 86

Geelen, Lt Pierre, 138, 151, 196

Gerard, René, 158

Germain see Cowburn, Maj Ben

Gestapo, 323, 53, 56, 59, 74, 7782, 89, 93, 97, 100, 109, 114, 116, 120, 1224, 126, 128, 133, 136, 139, 145, 1756

Gibraltar, 48, 50, 53, 634

Gibraltar Farm, 41

Gielgud, Maj Lewis, 17, 29, 171

Gilbert see Déricourt, Henri

Girard, André (Carte), 4755, 100

Girard, André (croupier), 100, 135

Girard, Roland, 82

Göethe's Oak, 149

Goetz, Josef, 121

Goldsmith, Lt John, 73, 196

Grand, Maj Lawrence, 18

Grandclément, André, 71, 7882, 97, 196

GREENHEART circuit, 145

Grendon Hall see Wireless

Grives, 114

Groupes Vény, 92, 1056, 176

Gubbins, Maj Gen Colin, 1921, 180

Guédin, Capt Marius, 100

Guélis, Maj Jacques Vaillant de, 23, 40

Guillot, Lt Bernard, 138, 141, 172

Gun Laying (GL) radar, 12

Gustloff works, 146, 149

Guy see Biéler, Maj Gustave

Haiti, 183

Halifax, Handley-Page, 401, 104

Hall, Virginia, 21

Hartford House (Beaulieu) see STS 32a

Hastings, Stephen, 186

Hayes, Capt Victor, 89, 196

Hector see Southgate, Sqn Ldr Maurice

‘Henri Chevalier’ see Peulevé, Henri

Leonard Thomas

Hessel, Lt Stéphane, 13740, 142, 1445, 14952, 1568, 1604, 172, 190

Heusch, Lt Henri, 138

Hilaire see Peulevé, Henri Leonard

Thomas, code names used

Hiller, Maj George, 1038, 126, 128, 176, 196

Hoare, Sir Samuel, 59, 61, 63

Hodges, Wing Cdr. Bob, 723

Holland, Maj John, 18

Hubble, Capt Desmond, 138, 148, 1512, 197

Hudson, Lockheed, 41

Humphreys, Leslie, 23

Hutchison, Lt Col James, 26

Hygiene-Institut, 154

Inter-Services Research Bureau (ISRB), 19; also see Special Operations


Ironside, Lord, 13

Jahn, Marie-Louise, 1803, 186, 189

Jaraba, 602, 168

Jean see Peulevé, Henri Leonard

Thomas, code names used

Jepson, Selwyn, 25

Jugeals-Nazareth, 92

JUGGLER circuit, 122

Julien see Newman, Capt Isidore

‘Julius’ see Schönebeck

Justin see Rake, Capt Denis

Kämpfe, SS Sturmbannführer Helmut, 132

Keitel, FM Wilhelm, 173

Keun, Capt Gerald (‘Kane’), 138, 151

Khan, Noor Inayat, 78, 134, 197

Kieffer, SS Sturmbannführer Hans

Josef, 121, 123, 125, 1334

King Edward VI Grammar School, 4

Kogon, Eugen, 1549, 1612, 172

Königsberg, 166

‘L’ tablets, 41, 72, 80

Lake, Capt Peter, 130, 197

Lamason, Sqn Ldr Philip, 14950

Lamory, Armand, 109, 118, 121, 125, 1278

Landes, Maj Roger, 24, 29, 35, 802, 889, 107, 135, 197

Larking, Arthur, 57, 180, 186, 189

Las Illas, 56

Laval, Pierre, 37

Lavallée, Lt Jean, 138

Le Chêne, Capt Henri-Paul, 601

Légion Nord-Africaine (LNA), 127

Le Havre, 14, 108

Leccia, Lt Marcel, 138, 151, 197

Lee Graham, Lt Louis, 29, 197

Leroy, Lt Robert, 38, 197

Lespicerie, 92

Lévy, Dr Louis, 47

Libération-Nord, 37

Lib é ration-Sud, 38, 47, 68, 87

Liewer, Maj Philippe, 108, 116, 1313, 197

Limoges, 84, 100, 120, 122, 132, 175, 177

Lindau, 168

Little Camp (Kleine Lager), 14851, 172

Loburg, 168

Loison, Yves, 138, 141, 158

Lot, 92, 106, 126, 176

Lot-et-Garonne, 129, 176

Louba see Frager, Maj Henri

Louis see Leroy, Lt Robert

Louise see Szabó, Violette

Lübeck, Bay of, 176

Lysander, Westland, 41, 53, 714, 122

MI 5, 33, 64

MI 6 see Secret Intelligence Service

MI 9, 61

MI R, 1819, 22, 26

MKF 13 (convoy), 63

McKenna, Virginia, 184

Macalister, Capt John, 138, 151, 197

‘Mackenzie’ see Sabourin, Lt Roméo

Madeleine see Khan, Noor Inayat

Madrid, 59, 613

Magdeburg, 163, 169

Maginot Line, 13, 139

Mackintosh see Peulevé, Henri Leonard

Thomas, code names used

Malraux, André, 878, 1078, 130, 176

Malraux, Lt Claude, 108, 114, 116, 197

Malraux, Roland, 108, 11415, 11819, 127, 176, 197

Manhès, Henri, 1501

Maquis, 689, 81, 856, 88, 902, 99100, 102, 11013, 117, 1245, 130, 132, 1756

Maracaibo, 179

Marc see Clément, Rémy

Maréchal, Eugène (‘Raymond’), 88, 947, 11112, 12930

Marks, Leo, 21

Marsac, André, 54, 122

Marseille, 50, 546, 60, 176

Maxime see Hiller, Maj George

Mayer, Edward, 176, 197

Mayer, Lt James, 138, 151, 197

Mayer, Maj Percy, 176

Medaille de la Résistance, 180

Melon, Jean, 98100, 109, 176, 190

Menton 180, 186, 189

Meoble Lodge see STS 23

Merchadou, Abbé, 114

Metz, 139

Meymac, 989, 109, 190

Michel see Watney, Capt Cyril

Michelet, Edmond, 846, 180

Milice, 68, 94, 109, 119, 128, 177

Military Cross, 209n

Millar, George, 189

MINISTER circuit, 136

Minney, R.J., 1834

Moissannes, 132

Montagu Mansions, 19

Monte-Carlo, 47

Montgomery, Maj Gen B.L., 11

Montignac, 92, 112

Montoire, 36

Morel, Maj Gerry, 23

Morse code, 32

Mougins, 51

Moulin du Breuil, 99100, 109, 190

Moulin, Jean, 38, 137

Mulsant, Capt Pierre, 138, 158, 197

Nacht und Nebel (Night and Fog), 173

Nadine see Rolfe, Lilian

Nantes, 15

Nasser, President, 181

Nelson, Sir Frank, 19

Nestor see Poirier, Jacques

Neuengamme concentration camp, 176

Newman, Capt Isidore, 4852, 116, 197

Newton, Lt Alfred, 134, 145-6, 148, 1724, 183, 189, 197

Newton, Lt Henry, 1456, 1724, 183, 189, 197

Nicholas, Elizabeth, 184

Nicolo see Ussel, Guillaume d'

Nîmes, 38, 41, 434, 46

Noël, Andre, 82, 97

Norgeby House, 19

Norman, Maj Gilbert, 1223

Norway, 12

Odense, 1803

O'Neill, Marc (‘Marc Blatin’), 789

Olive see Basin, Capt Francis

Operation Biting, 16

Oradour-sur-Glane, 175

Oran, 3

Orange, 2

Organisation Civile et Militaire (OCM)

Orchard Court, 17, 223, 34, 635, 701, 124

Parachute training see STS 51

Parchim, 169

Paris, 12, 4, 20, 29, 35, 456, 52, 54, 60, 65, 71, 7580, 889, 97, 1078, 110, 114, 120, 122, 1302, 1357, 140, 145, 150, 152, 166, 1857, 190

Paul see Peulevé, Henri Leonard

Thomas, code names used

Paul, Marcel, 150

Pecheral, Jacques, 613

Périgueux, 130

Pernod see Arnouil, Maurice

Perpignan, 556, 60, 72

Pertschuk, Lt Maurice, 1445, 1478, 173, 197

Pétain, Maréchal Henri Philippe, 368, 47, 68

Peulevé, Annette (Weston), 29, 34, 70, 1356, 173, 182, 1857, 189

Peulevé, Auguste Albert, 1, 4

Peulevé, Eva, 19, 34, 70, 1356, 1724, 185, 189

Peulevé, Henri Leonard Thomas:

AA Command, instructor with, 156

Alderney street, moves to, 7

amnesia, suffers, 89

arrest in Brive, 11820

AUTHOR circuit, organizer of, 679, 85117, 128, 139, 1756

Avenue Foch, interrogation and torture at, 1207, 130, 1334

Awards, 17980, 1914, 209n

BEF, serves with, 1115

birth of, 2

Buchenwald, prisoner at, 14362

CARTE network, involvement with, 46, 4954

character of, 15, 17, 28, 32, 34, 77, 94, 98, 104, 11011, 117, 126, 1645, 1734, 177, 1825, 1878, 189

code names used, 39, 70, 126

commissions, receives, 16, 209n

death of, 187

education, 37

employment, 79, 177, 17987

Figueras, prisoner at, 5860

Fresnes, prisoner at, 1301, 1356

funeral and grave of, 1878

Gielgud, Lewis, interviewed by, 17

Haiti, moves to, 183

health problems, 89, 425, 4953, 567, 64, 71, 135, 1478, 158, 1734, 179, 1857

Jaraba, prisoner at, 602, 168

Landes, Roger, works with, 802, 88

Jahn, Marie-Louise, marriage to, 181

Military College of Science, at, 10, 1516

Minney, R.J., interview with, 1834

newspaper interviews with, 174, 182

parachute accident, breaks leg in, 42

Pastoria Hotel, stays at, 65

Phyllis, relationship with, 79

Poirier, Jacques, introduced to, 52

Poole, Henry, uses alias of, 63, 139, 158

reported killed, 1356

returns to UK after missions, 63, 173

Royal Artillery, enlists with, 9

RAOC, transfer to, 10

SCIENTIST circuit, involvement

with, 356, 3843, 678, 7882, 107

Special Forces Club, stays at, 180, 1823, 186

SOE agent, training as an, 2434

Schönebeck camp, transfer to, 163

Seigneur, Marcel, takes the name of, 160

Suez, deported from, 182

Szabó, Violette, relationship with, 656, 6970, 115, 1313, 136, 1389, 154, 1657, 16971, 174, 184

Tunis, moves to, 181

Venezuela, moves to, 179

Yeo-Thomas, visits, 185

Peulevé, Jean Louis, 1

Peulevé, Jean-Pierre Leonard, 1813, 186, 189

Peulevé, Leonard Auguste, 1

Peulevé, Leonard Otho, 16, 34, 70, 135, 1723, 185

Peulevé, Lizette Dorothy, 1

Peulevé, Madeleine Anna Maria, 1813, 186, 189

Peulevé, Marie-Louise (Jahn), 1803, 1856, 189

Phoney war, 11

Pickersgill, Capt Frank, 139, 151, 198

PIMENTO circuit, 68

Pister, SS Oberführer Hermann, 1589, 178

Plan D (Dyle Plan), 11

Playfair see Ciphers

Plewman, Eliane, 78, 198

Poirier, Jacques, 5263, 6970, 98, 10610, 11314, 117, 119, 12530, 132, 136, 1756, 190, 198

Poirier, ‘Commandant’ Robert, 113

Political Warfare Executive (PWE), 19, 49, 51, 60

Potsdam, 168

Pownall, Sir Henry, 14

Prosper see Suttill, Maj Francis

PROSPER circuit, 35, 1213, 134, 150

PRUNUS circuit, 144

Pye radio company, 7

Pyrenees, 35, 53, 557, 93

Quatre-Routes, 103, 105, 128

‘R5’ region, 86, 130

Rabinovitch, Lt Adolphe, 50, 198

Radar, 10, 12, 16

Radio Patrie, 49

Rake, Capt Denis, 60, 63, 198

Rambaud, Lt Christian, 139, 160

Raoul see Churchill, Capt Peter

Ratier factory (Figeac), 106

Ravensbrück concentration camp, 89, 1667

Reception committees, 42, 73, 87, 1027, 117, 130, 132

Rechenmann, Capt Charles, 139, 151, 198

Rée, Harry, 16, 26

réfractaires, 68, 85, 91, 989

relève, 37, 68

Renaud see Antelme, France

Renaud-Dandicolle, Lt Jean, 1067, 198

Rexists, 170

RF Section see Special Operations


Rheam, Lt Col George, 67

Ringway airfield see STS 51

Robert see Landes, Maj Roger

Rock Hotel (Gibraltar), 63

Rolfe, Lilian, 137, 1667, 198

Romano, 513

Rommel, Gen Erwin, 13

Rottleberode, 164, 172

Rouen, 14, 108, 116, 131

Route du Tulle (Brive), 109, 11819, 1278, 190

Royal Air Force (RAF), 402, 44, 53, 713, 92, 1034, 110, 1212, 137

Royal Army Ordnance Corps (RAOC), 10

Royal Artillery, 10

Royal Military College of Science (RMCS), 10, 15

Royal Patriotic School, 64

Royer, Col Gontrand, 100, 180

Rye Grammar school, 4

St Ermin's Hotel, 19

S-Phone, 104

Sabourin, Lt Roméo (‘Mackenzie’), 139, 151, 198

Sagelat, 114

Sainsbury, Maj, 172

Saint-Céré, 126

Saint-Chamant (Corrèze), 87

Saint-Chamant, André, 106

Saint-Gervais-les-Bains, 126

Saint-Laurent-la-Vallée, 114

Saint-Prix, 2

SALESMAN circuit, 108, 11416, 1312

San Jerónimo, 187-8

Sandbostel concentration camp, 177

Savoie, 113-14, 126

Saxby, 70

Schiedlausky, SS Hauptsturmführer Dr

Gerhard, 159

Schmald, SS Sonderführer Walter, 110, 119, 1278

Schönebeck, 1639, 183

SCIENTIST circuit, 358, 678, 7882, 889, 107

Scofield, Paul, 184

SD see Sicherheitsdienst

Searle, Lt Robert, 26

Section D, 1819, 22

Section V (MI 6), 171

Séguier, 2nd Lt Jean de, 139, 158

Seigneur, Marcel see Peulevé, Henri

Leonard Thomas

Serge see Balachowsky, Alfred; also

see Geelen, Lt Pierre

Service du Travail Obligatoire (STO), 68, 76, 87

Seville, 1878

Sicherheitsdienst (SD), 31, 81, 110, 1213, 124, 1268, 1334, 137

Shell Oil Company, 179182, 190

Simon, Flt Lt André, 23, 24, 26, 71

Siorac-en-Périgord, 117, 130

Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, MI 6), 18, 22, 29, 86, 138, 171

SOE see Special Operations Executive

Solange see Damerment, Madeleine

‘Soleil’ see Coustellier, René

Special Duty Squadrons see Royal Air


Special Forces Club, 180, 1823, 186, 188

Special Operations Executive (SOE):

circuits, 35, 478, 60, 678, 70, 745, 7780, 89, 98, 103, 1068, 116, 121, 1223, 128, 132, 133, 135, 1379, 1445, 150, 1756

disbanded, 177, 179

DF Section, 20

EU/P Section, 20

F Section, 214, 345, 389, 479, 54, 60, 658, 72, 74, 108, 116, 122, 124, 134, 136, 1389, 1445, 1734, 177, 179, 188

formation and purpose of, 1822

‘ISRB Workshops’, 334

missing agents, 1724

office locations, 19

recruitment of agents, 22

relations with Chiefs of Staff and SIS, 22

RF Section, 20, 26, 71, 75, 137, 148, 188

training, 19, 24, 2634, 645, 67, 69, 11516; also see STS

Southgate, Sqn Ldr Maurice, 125, 137, 139, 151, 172, 198

South Kensington Hotel, 173

Sperry, Lizzie, 1

SPINDLE circuit, 48

Spread Eagle Hotel, 72

Stalag Luft III, 150

Starr, Capt John, 121, 124, 1334, 198

STATIONER circuit, 68, 125, 132, 137

Staunton, Geoffrey see Liewer, Philippe

Steele, Capt Arthur, 139, 151, 198

Sten, 27

Stratford-upon-Avon, 34

STS 5 (Wanborough Manor), 245

STS 17 (Brickendonbury Manor), 67

STS 21 (Arisaig), 64, 69

STS 23 (Meoble Lodge), 268

STS 32a (Hartford House), 33

STS 52 (Thame Park), 2932

STS 61 (Gaynes Hall), 40

Stuart, Sir Campbell, 18

Suez, 1812, 183

Sühren, SS Sturmbannführer Fritz, 167

Suttill, Maj Francis, 24, 35, 120, 1223, 198; also see PROSPER

Sykes, Capt Eric, 278

Système de Débrouillage, 36

Szabó, Violette, 656, 6970, 11516, 1313, 13640, 154, 1657, 169, 1701, 174, 1834, 198

Tambour sisters, 122

Taylor, Col George, 19

Terminus, Hotel (Brive), 110

Thame Park see STS 52

Tilou see Bertheau, Louis

Toinot see Derringer, Lt Henri

Torgau, 166

Toulon, 55

Torr, Brig William, 61

Tulle, 85, 110, 120, 127, 175

Tunis, 181

Ulysse see Despaigne, Capt Harry

URCHIN circuit, 47, 48

US Army:

2nd Armored Division, 167

83rd Infantry Division, 171

Ussel, 867, 98

Ussel, Guillaume d', 100

Valentin see Goldsmith, Lt John; also see Macalister, Capt John

Vaujour, Col René, 86, 89, 100, 175, 180

Vautrin, Col Jean, 49

Vayrac, 102

Vellaud, Capt Paul, 139, 158

Venezuela, 179

Vény see Vincent, Jean

Verdun, 11

Verger see Renaud-Dandicolle, Lt Jean

Verlhac, Jean, 1036

Vichy government, 368, 68

Victor see Le Chêne, Capt Henri-Paul

Villefranche-du-Périgord, 114

Vincent, Jean (‘Colonel Vény’), 92, 1056, 176

Vogt, Ernst, 1215, 133

Volkssturm, 168

Vomécourt, Philippe de, 21

Waffen-SS, 120, 154, 170

Wanborough Manor see STS 5

Watney, Capt Cyril, 69, 1036, 108, 126, 130, 176, 188, 190, 198

Ward, Dame Irene, 184

Wellington, Vickers, 40

Wesselow, Maj Roger de, 24

WHEELWRIGHT circuit, 68

White Rabbit, The, 185

Whitley, Armstrong Whitworth, 29, 40

Wilhelm, SS Hauptscharführer

Friedrich, 159, 178

Wilkinson, Capt George, 139, 158, 198

Windsor, Avenue (Cannes), 45

Winter, Abbé, 556

Wireless (W/T), 2931, 35, 41, 43, 46, 48, 502, 545, 645, 6970, 72, 745, 778, 88, 98100, 1023, 105, 109, 116, 118, 1202, 1256, 128, 130, 1346, 144

Wittstock, 168

‘Würzburg’ radar, 16

Yeo-Thomas, Sqn Ldr. F.F.E., 126, 13740, 145, 14858, 160, 162, 172, 174, 183, 1856, 1889, 198

Yves see Hayes, Capt Victor

Yvonne see Beekman, Yolande

Zaragoza, 60