List of Tables and Figures

Table 1: Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26)

Table 2: Matching Jenni’s Positive Traits to Life Goals

Table 3: Matching Your Positive Traits to Life Goals

Table 4: Camille’s Dietary Rules and Purging Behaviors

Table 5: Your Dietary Rules and Purging Behaviors

Table 6: Normal Eating Means…

Table 7: Kaitlyn’s Behavioral Experiment with Grape Servings

Table 8: Design a Behavioral Experiment to Test Your Prediction about a Dietary Rule

Table 9: Compulsive Exercise Test

Table 10: Jenni’s Intuitive Exercise Schedule

Table 11: Your Intuitive Exercise Schedule

Table 12: Meredith’s Body Checking Is Getting OLD

Table 13: Your Body Checking Is Getting OLD

Table 14: Do’s and Don’ts of Supporting a Loved One Who Has Almost Anorexia

Table 15: Recovered. (Period.)

Table 16: Your Personalized Relapse Prevention Plan

Figure 1: The Dichotomy Model of Anorexia Nervosa

Figure 2: Anorexic Continuum

Figure 3: Anorexic Web

Figure 4: Anorexic Continuum with OSFED

Figure 5: Graph Your Feelings of Fatness for the Past Week

Figure 6: Dante’s Self-Evaluation Pie Chart

Figure 7: Your Self-Evaluation Pie Chart

Figure 8: Thin or Large Woman?

Figure 9: Chad’s Social Support Network

Figure 10: Your Social Support Network