16 Wishing on an Angel for Spiritual Development

If you are developing your ability to link with the spiritual realms, your angels can help you strengthen your connection. You can ask them to teach you—angels love to help you along your path.

Before you begin this meditation, work with the intuition chakra (see Tip 15), because intuition is your link with clairvoyant experience. Clairvoyance is “clear-seeing,” when you receive messages from the spiritual realms as images. Some people may be more clairsentient—feeling sensations in your body, such as tingling, changes of temperature, or your hair being stroked when your angels are close. If you hear messages, it is likely you’re clairaudient. Many people who talk with angels receive messages in more than one way, but as a term, clairvoyance has generally come to encompass many of these sensory experiences.

In this meditation, white is the color of connection with Source energy, or the divine. White is also the color of the crown chakra (it can also be seen as violet), located on the crown of your head, and this is the part of your body that connects directly with the realm of spirit and the angels. When you connect yourself to the Source during meditation, you open up to receive messages from your angels.

The Spiritual Path Meditation: The Crown Chakra

* Begin by grounding and protecting yourself, and opening up (see pages 910)—breathing your energy up from the roots of the earth, through the base, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, and third eye chakras, and right up to the crown (see the illustration on page 12), then breathing in pure white light at the crown, which flows back down through your chakras, filling your body with light.

* Now turn your attention to your crown chakra. Focus on the angelic white light pouring into your crown. Sense your crown chakra as a spinning wheel or a flower that is opening. See the wheel get bigger and stronger or the flower petals opening fully.

* Call in your angels, saying three times: “My Angels, be with me, help me on my path,” then focus again on your breathing. Notice any sensations you feel and any images that come in.

* You might see action you need to take, or receive predictive messages during this meditation—a strong feeling of knowing about future events or sensing these events in pictures. (If so, write down your observations straight away, just in note form, in your angel journal—see Tip 19, page 62).

* When you are ready to finish the meditation, close down (see page 11). It is important to remember to do this, particularly when you have been working with the crown chakra, because if you leave yourself open you can absorb into your energy field unwanted emotions—the pain, hopes, thoughts, and experiences of others.

* Thank your angels and trust that they will take care of you. Know that they will watch over you and bring in the right spiritual opportunities when you are ready.


If you sensed colors, turn to page 39 to find out their associations. If these colors were clear, light, and vibrant, the angels were showing you your strengths. Any dull or dark colors relate to areas to work on; these can become your strengths and help you grow spiritually.

Angel to call upon:

Archangel Metatron, angel of spirituality
