
  1. Foreword
  2. Preface
  3. List of Abbreviations
  4. I     Crises, Change, and Productive Incoherence
  5. 1    Introduction: Contesting Continuity
  6. 2    Productive Incoherence: A Hirschmanian Perspective
  7. II    Setting the Stage
  8. 3    The East Asian Financial Crisis and Neoliberalism: The Beginning of the End of a Unified Regime
  9. III   The Global Crisis and Innovations in Financial Governance and Developmental Finance
  10. 4    Planting Seeds, Bearing Fruit? The Group of 20 and the Financial Stability Board
  11. 5    IMF Stewardship of Global Finance
  12. 6    The Changing Institutional Landscape of Financial Governance and Developmental Finance in Emerging Market and Developing Economies
  13. 7    Financial Crisis, Financial Control
  14. IV   Where from Here?
  15. 8    Conclusion: Opportunities, Challenges, and Risks
  16. References
  17. Index

List of Tables

  1. Table 3.1  Official Foreign Exchange Reserves: Advanced versus Emerging Market and Developing Economies (US$Billion)
  2. Table 5.1  Continuities, Discontinuities, and Ambiguities at the IMF during the Global Crisis
  3. Table 6.1  Chief Institutional Goals or Practices
  4. Table 6.2  Mapping Stasis and Types of Change during the Global Crisis
  5. Table 6.3  Reserve Pooling Institutions and Arrangements (US$Billions; 2016 Data Unless Otherwise Noted)
  6. Table 6.4  Development and Infrastructure Banks and Initiatives (Selected, US$Billions, Unless Otherwise Noted)