
Chapter 1. Jeanne’s Story

Chapter 2. Sandy’s Story

Chapter 3. Overview of SE Operations

Chapter 4. The Polyakov Case—The Beginnings

Chapter 5. The Polyakov Case—The Middle

Chapter 6. The Polyakov Case—The End

Chapter 7. Early Major Cases

Chapter 8. Later Major Cases

Chapter 9. Things Begin to Go Wrong

Chapter 10. First Attempts

Chapter 11. CIC Formation

Chapter 12. Beginning of the Focus on Ames

Chapter 13. The Investigation Gets New Life

Chapter 14. Ames Emerges as a Major Focus

Chapter 15. The FBI Takes Over

Chapter 16. Reactions to the Arrest of Ames

Chapter 17. Ames the Person, Ames the Spy

Chapter 18. Hanssen and Ames—A Comparison

Chapter 19. Final Thoughts

Honor Roll

Selected Chronology


Selected Bibliography
