access agents, 165
Agency, The: The Rise and Decline of the CIA (Ranelagh), 60
Al K (CIA), 34
Aldrich Ames: The Spy Within (film), 160
Ames, Aldrich, 41, 53, 55, 64, 72, 114, 117; 1984–85 performance evaluation, 140; alcohol use, 121–22, 165, 181–82; arrest of, 147–48; attitude toward women, 180–81; “big dump” of case documents to KGB, 169–70; Bokhan operation and, 72; childhood of, 161–62; comparison with Hanssen, 184–87; compromise of double agents by, 174–75; compromise of FBI assets by, 87–88; compromise of Smetanin by, 87; compromise of Vasilyev by, 84–85; document turnover procedures with KGB, 172–73, 175–76; early career of, 162–63; on Fedorenko’s bona fides, 123–24; financial arrangements with KGB, 173–74, 176–77; initial overtures to KGB, 167–69; lifestyle changes, 120–21; marriage to Rosario, 171; personal characteristics of, 178–82; Poleshchuk operation and, 68, 69, 70; Polyakov operation and, 26–27; polygraph examinations of, 122, 126, 136, 138, 170, 186; as promotion panel member, 174; psychological profile of, 131, 167; Soviet contact reporting by, 141–42, 173; Soviet handlers and contacts of, 132–33, 140–41, 156–57, 172–73, 176, 186; Tolkachev operation and, 77; trial of, 154–55; Vorontsov operation and, 93
Ames, Nancy. See Segebarth, Nancy Jane
Ames, Rosario, 120–21, 173–74, 182; arrest of, 147–48; family wealth and connections, 126, 134; FBI interview of, 158–59; financial extravagance of, 166–67; investigation of father’s will, 134; operational file of, 122; role in husband’s espionage career, 177–78; trial of, 154–55; wedding of, 171; work for the CIA, 165
Ames case: books concerning, 159–60; CIA inspector general’s investigation of, 151–52; Congressional reports on, 151; lessons learned in, 152, 188–89; official recognition for investigators in, 153–54; public statement concerning, 149–50. See also Ames mole hunt; CIC/Special Investigations Unit
Ames Damage Assessment Team, 85
Ames mole hunt: chronology of Ames’ activities, 138–39, 142; CIA background reinvestigation, 125; CIC/SIU interview, 134–36, 186–87; congressional interviews after arrest, 151; debriefings of Ames, 155–58; FBI investigation, 85–86, 145–48; financial investigation, 122, 125, 142–43; polygraph examination, 126, 186
Anderson, Mike, 145
Andrew, Christopher, 133
Andropov Institute, 71
Angleton, James Jesus, 4, 13, 21, 28, 32, 41, 64
Arafat, Yasir, 8
“back room” security procedures, 17, 18–19, 102, 116–17
Barnett, David Henry, 70–71, 190
Batitskiy, P. F., 39
Bearden, Milton, 19, 68, 100, 103, 118, 133, 175
blackmail tactics, 90
Blackshear, Tom, 24
Boeckenhaupt, Herbert, 27
Bogatyy, Anatoliy, 6
Bokhan, Sergey Ivanovich, 15, 72–75, 96
Brom, Libor, 10
Buster communication system, 46–47
Campbell, Barbara, 107
Carlson, Rod, 88
Casey, William, 7, 8, 92, 94, 99
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): access agents, 22–23, 165; counterintelligence awareness training in, 116; deemphasis of KGB target by, 132–33, 175; employment of family members by, 161–62; FBI cooperation with, 146–48, 190–91; KGB penetration of, 133; women’s assignments in, 1–2, 11
Cherepanov, Aleksandr Nikolayevich, 23, 75
Cherkashin, Viktor Ivanovich, 70, 88–89, 91, 97–98, 157, 160, 168, 169, 170, 186
Chernenko, Konstantin, 95
Chernov, Nikolay, 63–64
Chuvakhin, Sergey Dmitriyevich, 140–41, 143, 167–69, 170, 172
CIA Career Training course, 5, 162
CIA Counterintelligence Center, 112–13, 127; Ames’ assignment to, 174–75. See also CIC/Special Investigations Unit
CIA Counterintelligence Group (SE Division): in dissemination of counterintelligence products, 7–8, 15; reorganization of, 112
CIA Counternarcotics Center, 175
CIA Directorate of Operations, 112, 151; career management staff, 15–16; case management control in, 32; duty officer role in, 6–7; officers’ pseudonyms, 138–39
CIA “KGB Working Group,” 175
CIA Office of Security, 101, 106, 125, 130, 189
CIA Operational Training course, 12–13
CIA Soviet and East European Division. See Soviet and East European entries
CIA/FBI joint operations unit, 87
CIC/Special Investigations Unit: computer security for, 128–29; Congressional ambivalence toward, 159; final report of, 143–44; formation of, 127–28; official recognition of team members, 153–54. See also mole hunt
Clarridge, Duane R., 163
Clinton, William J., 154
Cold War: end of, 95; Polyakov view of, 42–43
Colin T (CIA), 71
Combest, Larry, 151
communication plans and devices:
KGB compromise of CIA
secure communications, 99;
link with Polyakov, 37–28;
secret writing in Okhota magazine and, 52–53; security test of system of, 103; “Unique” two-way system development, 45–47, 48–49. See also espionage tactics and gear
computer databases in mole hunt, 105–6
Confessions of a Spy (Earley), 159–60
counterintelligence investigations, 189–90
Counterintelligence/Special Task Force (CI/STF): formation of, 104–5; interaction with FBI task force by, 107–8; Lonetree investigation and, 109–10. See also mole hunt
Counternarcotics Center, 175
COURTSHIP joint operations unit, 87, 190
Cuban intelligence, 115
Cummings, William B., 159
Dan N (CIA), 104, 105, 110, 114, 125
David S (CIA), 165
Department of Justice, 154
Dick C (CIA), 46, 73, 74–75, 102
Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire (DST), 80, 81, 114, 183
Divilkovskiy, Sergey Ivanovich, 140
Donner, Mike, 145
double agents, 55; Ames’ compromise of, 174–75
Downing, Jack, 117
Drummond, Nelson, 27
Dunlap, Jack, 27
Dupuy, Rosario Casas. See Ames, Rosario
Earley, Pete, 159
Eckstein, Sue, 116–17
Edger, David, 115, 146, 147, 153
Edwards, John, 2
El Salvador, 116
Ellsberg, Daniel, 61
espionage tactics and gear:
cameras, 36, 71, 73, 76, 81, 96–97; concealment devices, 44–45; dead drops, 27, 46, 58, 76, 175–76, 186; internal communications plans, 37, 75; secret writing, 52–53; signal sites, 27, 28, 40, 46, 59–60, 86, 139, 176; spy dust, 93. See also communication plans and devices
Fabiew, Serge, 64
Fahey, Helen, 154
false defectors, 21–22, 75; Polyakov as suspected, 29–30
“false flag” operation, 114–15, 121
FBI/CIA joint operations unit, 87
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): Ames’ compromise of sources of, 87–88; analysts status in, 128; attitude toward female professionals, 57; Chernov operation and, 63–64; CIA cooperation with, 146–48, 190–91; doubts concerning, in mole hunt, 131–32; investigation of Ames by, 85–86, 145–48; investigation of Howard by, 98; investigation task force unit, 107–8; Kulak operation and, 56; Motorin operation and, 89; in non-Ames-related mole hunt, 184; observation of Soviet Embassy by, 141; Polyakov operation and, 27
Fedorenko, Sergey Petrovich, 122–24, 164, 173
female professionals: Ames’ attitude toward, 180–81; CIA career tracks for, 5, 11; FBI attitude toward, 57
Filatov, Anatoliy Nikolayevich, 15, 59
Fischer, Joe, 180
Fitzgerald, Myrna, 117
French intelligence, 80, 81, 114, 183
Friberg, Frank, 4
Fulton, Bob, 75
Gates, Robert, 151
George, Clair, 18
Gerber, Burton, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 53, 68, 72, 99–100, 101, 111, 114
Gikman, Reino, 114
glasnost, 95
Glickman, Dan, 150–51
Golitsyn, Anatoliy Mikhaylovich: debriefing of, 4–5; defection of, 4, 20–21; on false defectors, 29–30
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 95
Gordievsky, Oleg Antonovich, 72, 80, 97; compromise of, 169–70
Gore, Albert, 154
Grimes, Gary, 13
Grimes, Sandra, 7, 57, 114, 116; on Ames, 178, 180, 186–87; in Ames mole hunt, 139, 141, 146, 148; Chernov operation and, 62–63; conversion to professional status, 13–14; in Counterintelligence Group, 15; on GTPROLOGUE case, 118, 119; in mole hunt, 110–11, 120, 121, 123, 128, 131, 134, 136, 143, 144; official recognition of, 153, 159; Poleshchuk operation and, 65–66, 68; post–mole hunt career, 183; recruitment of, 10–11; in SE Division, 17–19; in Soviet Bloc Division, 12
GRU: American servicemen spying for, 27; false defectors and, 21; illegal agents of, 24, 27, 30; leak of U.S. military plans and, 83; Soviet Bloc division in targeting, 12; study of officer attributes, 24–25
GRU Military-Diplomatic Academy (MDA), 49
GRU Today, The (Vertefeuille), 7
GRU training manual, 50
GTABSORB operation, 104
GTPROLOGUE operation, 19, 117–19
GTTAW operation, 97
Guerin, Rudy, 145
Guilsher, John, 76
Hanssen, Robert, 55, 64, 72, 87, 88, 90, 114, 183; betrayal of Polyakov by, 26–27; comparison with Ames, 184–87
Hathaway, Gus, 9, 15, 16, 23, 58, 61, 76, 100–101, 104, 112, 114
Hitz, Frederick P., 151
Holt, Jim, 88, 107, 127–28, 133, 145, 152, 153
Hoover, J. Edgar, 56
Horton, John, 25
Hoschouer, Jack, 185
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), 150–51, 159
Howard, Edward Lee, 72, 77, 95, 96, 114, 136, 167; compromise of Vasilyev by, 84; defection of, 98
Hungarian military intelligence, 83
Hutton, Timothy, 160
Indonesia operations, 70–71
Institute of the United States and Canada (IUSAC), 114, 122
JADE, 55
Jeanmaire, Jean-Louis, 64
John Paul II, 8
Joseph F (CIA), 7
Kampiles, William, 73–74
Kapitsa, Mikhail, 36
Karpovich, Serge, 16
Kelley, Brian, 184
KGB: Ames’ “big dump” of case documents to, 169–70; Ames’ initial overtures to, 167–69; compromise of CIA electronic communications by, 99; deception operations, 85; deemphasis as target by CIA, 132–33, 175; false defectors and, 21; mini-bombs operation, 91; Mr. X as deceptive practice of, 103–4; officer aliases, 132; prioritization of espionage investigations by, 85; study on KGB officer attributes, 24
KGB Eighth Chief Directorate, 78
KGB Scientific and Technical Directorate, 58–59, 81
KGB Second Chief Directorate, 75, 93, 118
KGB Working Group, 175
KH-11 spy satellite, 73
Khrenkov, Aleksey, 141, 172–73, 173
Kisevalter, George, 6
Koecher, Karel, 124–25, 163–64
Kovich, Dick, 13
Krasilnikov, Rem Sergeyevich, 69–70
Kulak, Aleksey Isidorovich, 14, 15, 82; attempted exfiltration of, 61–62; bona fides of, 56–57, 59; compromise of, 61; death of, 62; FBI and CIA relationship in case management, 56, 58; recruitment of, 55; scope of access of, 58–59
Latin America, 114–15
Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald (Epstein), 61
Lomac, Walter, 12, 16, 22, 31, 33–34
Lonetree, Clayton, 18, 108–10, 111
Lunden, Danielle, 145
Lysov, Yuriy, 109
Martynov, Valeriy Fedorovich, 87–88, 98, 104, 128, 168, 190
McLendon, Art, 107
McWilliams, Larry, 57
Mechulayev, Vladimir, 157, 172, 173, 176
Milburn, Jim, 107, 127–28, 131, 133, 143, 145, 152, 153
military technological espionage, 44
Military Thought (Soviet journal), 43–44, 50, 73
mini-bombs operations, 91
Mitrokhin, Vasili, 133
mole hunt: computer databases in investigation, 105–6; interview of Ames, 134–36; interview of key CIA personnel in, 134–36; interview of Moscow personnel in, 106; investigation of KGB officers, 132; Moscow as focus of, 109; non-Ames-related, 184; prioritization of suspects, 129–30; psychological review of suspects, 130–31; theories concerning compromise of sources, 102–3; Vertefeuille role in, 9. See also Ames mole hunt; CIC/Special Investigations Unit
Monster Plot theory, 21, 31, 34, 56, 64
Montes, Ana, 167
MORINE leads, 64
Morton, Mike, 90
Moscow CIA office, 18, 50, 118, 168; false volunteers and, 75; as focus of mole hunt, 109; interview of personnel from, 106; inventory of files of, 111; Kulak operation and, 59, 62; operational stand-down of, 59–61; Poleshchuk operation and, 69–70; Polyakov operation and, 27–28, 40, 49; role of, 23; spy dust in tracking personnel of, 93; wire tap operations by, 97
Moscow City Directorate, 93
Motorin, Sergey Mikhaylovich, 87, 89–91, 104, 168, 190
Murat N (CIA), 103
MYRRH, 122
Nart, Raymond, 80
National Security Agency, 107
National Security Letters, 142
Naval Investigative Service, 109
Nightmover (Wise), 160
NIGHTMOVER operation, 145, 146–48
Nolan, James, 56
North Vietnam, 39
Nosenko, Yuriy Ivanovich, 22, 56
NPPD chemical agent, 93
Ogorodnik, Aleksandr Dmitriyevich, 59, 163–64
Okhota magazine, 52–53
O’Neill, Edward, 27
O’Reilly, John, 129
Paul D (CIA), 16, 41, 42, 47, 53
Payne, Dan, 101, 106, 113, 121, 128, 138, 142, 146, 148, 153, 154, 159, 171, 189
Peace Corps, 9
Pentagon Papers, 61
Pepper, Ben, 16, 58, 65, 88, 104–5
perestroika, 95
Piguzov, Vladimir Mikhaylovich, 15, 70–71, 113, 190
PLAYACTOR operation, 145–46
Poleshchuk, Leonid Georgiyevich, 14, 17, 180; arrest and execution of, 69; compromise of, 69–70, 98; motivations as volunteer, 65; recruitment of, 64–65
Polyakov, Dmitriy Fedorovich, 6, 12, 13, 19, 82, 113, 190; Al K as case officer for, 34; characteristics of, 30; CIA recontact plan and, 38–39; communication link with, 37–38, 46–47; communication through Okhota magazine, 52–53; compromise of, 26–27; gifts and remuneration to, 44–45; GRU illegal agents and, 30–31; identification and execution of, 53; intelligence production by, 33; Jim F as case officer for, 28–29, 30; management of by SE Division, 31–32; motivations as volunteer, 42–43; Mr. K as case officer for, 48, 51; New Delhi assignment and, 40, 50–51; Paul D as case officer for, 41, 42, 47; production approach of, 35–36; recruitment by FBI, 27; scope of access of, 35, 43–44; Scotty S as case officer for, 51; as source for The GRU Today, 7; as suspected false defector, 29–30; on Unique communication system, 48–49
polygraph examinations: of Ames, 122, 126, 136, 138, 170, 186; of CIA personnel, in CIC/SIU investigation, 130; of Fedorenko, 124; of Grimes, 11–12; of Howard, 96; of Lonetree, 111; of Rosario Ames, 171; of Smetanin, 86
Potashov, Vladimir Viktorovich, 114
Price, Ted, 112–13
Project SLAMMER, 131
Pueblo incident, 43
RACKETEER program, 108
Ranalagh, John, 60
Reagan, Ronald, 92
Reardon, Ray, 101, 106, 113, 127
REDCAP notebook, 4
Redmond, Paul, 17, 18, 19, 84, 100, 101, 110, 114, 121, 127, 128, 129, 130, 133, 142, 153, 159
Robinson, Don, 147
Royden, Barry, 103
Scotty S (CIA), 51
Secrecy and Democracy: The CIA in Transition (Turner), 60
Segebarth, Nancy Jane, 162, 164, 166, 167, 180
Seina, Violetta, 108
Seliverstov, KGB Resident (Poleshchuk’s boss), 65, 66
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), 150, 151
Shevchenko, Arkadiy Nikolayevich, 164
Sheymov, Viktor Ivanovich, 15, 78–79
Shurygin, Igor, 160
Sites, Erik, 104
SLAMMER profile, 131
Smetanin, Gennadiy Aleksandrovich, 86–87, 98
Smith, Fran, 104, 113, 114, 129
Smith, I. C., 149
Soviet and East European (SE) Division: Africa operations of, 17; Ames’ assignment to, 163–64; back room security procedures in, 17, 18–19, 102, 116–17; compromise of Soviet assets of, 17, 18, 19, 95–99; deemphasis of KGB target by, 132–33, 175; false defector theory and, 22; naming of, 25; organizational structure, 20, 166; role of, 100; translators/transcribers in, 124–25. See also Counterintelligence/Special Task Force
Soviet and East European Biographics Branch, 6
Soviet and East European Counterintelligence Group, 7, 100
Soviet and East European Czechoslovak Operations Branch, 174
Soviet and East European External Operations for Africa, 17
Soviet and East European External Operations Group, 174
Soviet and East European Production Branch, 7, 18
Soviet and East European Reports Group, 129
Soviet Bloc Division, 12, 20, 25
Soviet defectors and volunteers: blackmail of, 90; double agents and, 55; false defectors, 21–22, 29–30, 75; illegal agents, 24, 91; Monster Plot theory concerning, 21, 31, 34, 56, 64; Polyakov’s motivations as, 42–43; recruitment of, 22–23; studies on approaches to, 24–25. See also individuals by name
Soviet Embassy, 141
Soviet Institute of the United States and Canada (IUSAC), 114, 122
Soviet Military Industrial Commission (VPK), 44, 50, 81–82
Soviet Military-Diplomatic Academy, 49
Soviet Union: assassination attempt on pope and, 7–8; general amnesty in, 72; support for terrorism by, 8
Special Investigations Unit of the Counterintelligence Center. See CIC/Special Investigations Unit
spies’ psychological profile, 131, 167
Spry, Del, 145
spy cameras, 36, 71, 73, 76, 81, 96–97
spy dust, 93
Spy for all Seasons, A: My Life in the CIA (Clarridge), 163
Spy Handler (Cherkashin), 88
spy satellite KH-11, 73
Stassinos, James, 90
Sterling, Claire, 8
Steve W (CIA), 4
Stuckey, Don, 107
SVR, 147, 170, 175, 184, xii. See also KGB
Sword and the Shield, The: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB (Andrew and Mitrokhin), 133
technological espionage, 44
technology transfer, 59
terrorism: mini-bombs operations and, 91; Soviet support for, 8
Terrorist Network, The (Sterling), 8
Tolkachev, Adolf Grigoryevich, 23, 75–77, 92, 96
Turner, Stansfield, 50, 59, 60, 76
Unique communication system, 46–47, 48–49
University of Washington, 10 “unsub Dick” case, 108
U.S. Congress, 149–51, 152, 154, 189
U.S. Embassy in Moscow, 110
U.S. intelligence community: CIA/FBI cooperation in product dissemination to, 191; counterintelligence products dissemination to, 7–8, 15; MORINE leads dissemination to, 64
U.S. military: leaks of military plans from, 83; servicemen spying for Soviets, 18, 27, 95, 99, 108–11, 184
Varenik, Gennadiy Grigoryevich, 91–92, 98, 103
Vasilyev, Vladimir Mikhaylovich, 83–86, 84, 96, 99, 113
Vertefeuille, Jeanne, 67, 81, 114, 116; on Ames, 178–79, 181, 186–87; Ames’ attempt to scapegoat, 158; in Ames’ debriefing, 155–56, 157; in Ames mole hunt, 146, 148; as author of The GRU Today, 7; briefing of senior management by, 151; as chief in Libreville, 8–9; as chief of Biographics Branch, 6; on CIA inspector general’s report, 152; in CI/STF, 104, 105; Congressional testimony by, 150–51; in Counterintelligence Group, 7–8, 15; doubts concerning FBI role in mole hunt, 131–32; as duty officer for Directorate of Operations, 6–7; in “false flag” investigation, 115; on GTPROLOGUE case, 118, 119; at Helsinki, 3–4; in mole hunt, 113, 121, 123, 127, 131, 134, 136, 144; official recognition of, 153, 159; post-mole hunt career, 183; recruitment of, 1; study of GRU officers, 24–25; in West Africa, 2–3
Vetrov, Vladimir Ippolitovich, 6, 80–82
Vogel, Don, 16
Walker, John Anthony, Jr., 95, 99, 184
Wallenberg, Raoul, 94
Watson, Pat, 123
Wesolik, Ken, 100
Whalen, William, 27
wire tap operations, 97
Wise, David, 160
Wiser, Les, Jr., 145, 153, 190
Woolsey, James, 150
Worthen, Diana, 18, 19, 41, 87, 111, 120, 121, 153, 154, 159, 171
“Year of the Spy,” 95
Yefimov, Aleksey, 109
Yegorov, Aleksey, 108–9
Yeltsin, Boris, 72
Yurchenko, Vitaliy Sergeyevich, 21, 71, 77, 82, 84, 89, 95, 96, 97, 98, 171
Yuzhin, Boris Nikolayevich, 15, 71–72, 96–97, 114, 190
Zavaliy, Mikhail, 73