Index of Grammatical and Cultural Topics
This index is intended to assist you in locating information on the major topics presented in the Grammatical and Cultural Notes that accompany each lesson of Intermediate Spoken Chinese. The numbers and letters after each topic refer to the unit, part, and number of the relevant note. For example, 14-2: 6C would indicate that information about that entry can be found in Unit 14, Part 2, note 6C.
academic fields and majors, 12-1: SV 3-5, AV1-36
academic life, 19-2: SV1-4
accented Mandarin, 11-1: 2B
affirmative-negative questions with -guo and méiyou, 15-2: 8B
afterthoughts, 14-2: 6C
animals, 24-2: AV1-40
bă to move object before verb, 15-3: 1C
bă, extended use, 17-1: 5C
bă A jiào(zuo) B “call A B”, 23-2: 13
banquet etiquette, 15-1: 1H
bèi to express passive, 22-2: 5B
bèi to express “times”, 22-3: 3B
beverages, 16-4: AV1-15
bĭ followed by STATIVE VERB + -de duō to indicate “much more...”, 12-4: 4A
bĭ for comparing sports scores, 21-3: 6B
birthdays, 15-1: SV3B
body, parts of, 22-1: AV1-25
body movements, 17-1: 1
bù “not”, negation of verbs with, 1-3: 5E
bù dōu “not all” vs. dōu bù “all not”, 2-1: 6A
bù rú... “it would be better to...”, 16-2: 6
bùguăn “no matter whether”, 23-4: 4D
cái vs. jiù to express “then”, 12-3: 4
Cantonese, 23-3: 10
Cantonese-influenced Mandarin, 23-1: 5B
careers and professions, 20-3: AV1-11
chopsticks, 14-1: SV6A
chúle...yĭwài “besides/except...”, 15-4: 5B
chúle...zhīwài “besides/except...”, 15-4: 5B
clothing and accessories, 13-4: AV1-40
compliments, 11-1: 2D
computer terminology, 20-2: AV1-5
concessive clauses with X shi X..., 13-3: 9a
cóng...qĭ “starting from...”, 11-4: 9A
cónglái méi(you)...-guo “have never ever...before”, 20-4: 1
cuisines of China, 14-4: AV1-7
dăzhé “give a discount”, 13-4: 8B
dài...xiàng...wènhăo “on behalf of... greet...”, 19-4: 6C
dàole...dìbù “reach the point where...”, 24-2: 4B
dàoshi “on the contrary”, 21-1: 6D
-de as adverbial modifier to express manner, 15-1: 1C
-de to indicate extent, 15-4: 6A
decimals, 20-2: SV2, SV3, SV4
...dĕng “and so on”, 24-3: 4
discourse competence, 18-3: AV1-8
drinking etiquette, 16-2: 3-5
duì...găn xìngqu “be interested in”, 17-1: 9F
duì...lái shuō “as for...”, 21-2: 2C
duì...shúxi “be familiar with”, 14-4: 2A
duì...yŏu xìngqu “be interested in”, 17-1: 9F
duō before verbs to indicate “more”, 14-2: 1B
fēi...bù kĕ to express necessity, 22-2: 5D
films, 20-4: AV1-7
flowers, 24-1: AV1-15
footwear, 13-3: AV1-7
foreign borrowings in Chinese, 13-2: 2A
formal-style spoken Chinese, 23-4: 4A
fractions, 20-2: SV2, SV3, SV4
fruits, 12-4: AV1-13
gēn...bíqilai “compared with...”, 13-2: 5
gēn...jiăng “tell...”, 11-3: SV4
gēn...shuō “tell...”, 11-3: 2B; 17-1: 6A
gēn...yŏuguān “have to do with...”, 23-3: 4A
gift giving, 18-3: 4B
gòu + STATIVE VERB + -de to ex-press “quite”, 21-4: 7C
Great Wall of China, 21-4: 1C
guài...-de “quite”, 22-4: 7D
guàibudé “no wonder”, 20-1: 3A
guānxi “relationship” or “connections”, 18-3: SV2
-guo to express completed action, 16-1: 1B
háishi “or” in choice-type questions, 12-1: 3B
háishi vs. huò/huòshi/huòzhĕ “or”, 12-1: 3C
“help”, different ways to say, 18-3: 9C
hesitation sounds, 18-3: 13A
hobbies, 20-1: AV1-9
Hong Kong, 23-1: 1A
Hokkien-influenced Mandarin, 24-3: 8C
hútòng of Beijing, 13-1: 8C
huì...-de “be likely to” or “will”, 13-2: 7C
illnesses and medical terms, 22-1: AV26-46
imperatives consisting of VERB + STATIVE VERB + yìdiăn(r), 11-1: 5A
innovative pronunciations, 17-4: 2B
interpreting, how to handle, 15-1: 1I
inverted subject and verb for unspecified subjects, 19-3: 2
invitations, 18-2: 4-7
-jíle as a verb suffix to express “extremely”, 13-1: 8A
jìrán...jiù... “since...”, 18-2: 11B
-jiā as a suffix indicating professions, 20-3: 8E
jiărú...-de huà “if...”, 13-4: 6A
jiào “make”, 23-4: 7B
jiè as “borrow” and “lend”, 22-3: 3E
kung fu, 21-1: 5C
...-lái...-qù “...back and forth”, 11-3: 2E
law in Chinese society, 22-4: 7A
le to indicate time continuing up through the present, 11-1: 4A
lián...dōu... “even...”, 19-3: 7B
lián...yĕ... “even...”, 19-3: 7B
liánxì (tóng...liánxì) “contact (someone)”, 14-4: 5B
Macao, 23-4: 1
mán...-de “quite”, 16-1: 7A
measures, 12-2: 3
meetings, 17-2: 7C
metric system, 11-3: 5C
miănde “lest”, 23-2: 8A
money, amount per item, 12-1: 1D
nándà “don’t tell me that...”, 21-2: 1B
negative time spent, 11-2: 2A
number of times within a period of time, 11-2: 5-6
numbers, approximate, 16-3: 4B
numbers, special meanings in, 16-1: 6B
páimíng “be ranked”, 23-2: 2B
pause fillers, 18-3: 13A
paying check in restaurant, 16-1: 8
Peking opera, 20-2: 1B
Penang, 24-3: 1
Penang Hokkien, 24-3: 8B
percent, 20-2: SV2, SV3, SV4
polite talk, 19-2: 7-8
popular sayings, 13-2: AV1
qízhōng “among which”, 23-1: 3E
qĭ(dào)...zuòyong “have a...function”, 24-2: 6A
question words used as indefinites, 12-2: 10; 14-1: 2
question words used in pairs, 21-3: 8D
rapid speech, 11-3: SV4B reduplicated monosyllabic verbs with -yi-, 17-2: 3
reduplicated stative verbs as adverbs, 19-2: 2B
reduplication of measures and nouns to indicate “each” or “every”, 19-1: 7E refusals, 18-4: 1E
rooms and buildings, 17-3: AV1-9 SENTENCE + déle “...and then it will be O.K.”, 22-4: 7B
shăo before verbs to indicate “less”, 14-2: 1B
shemmede “and so on”, 13-2: 2B
shìjì “century”, 23-1: 5A
shi...-de to emphasize a situation, 16-3: 3C
...shi yóu...(suŏ)zŭchéngde “be composed of”, 23-1: 3A
shòu(dào)...yĭngxiăng “be influenced by”, 24-1: 8B
“sick”, different ways to say, 19-1: 3-4
Singapore, 24-1: 1
Singapore Mandarin, 24-1: 8A
smoking etiquette, 18-3: 6-7
split resultative verbs, 18-4: 7C
sports, 21-2: AV1-17
STATIVE VERB + -de + hĕn to indicate “very”, 16-3: 3B
STATIVE VERB + le + (yi)diăn(r) to express excess, 16-1: 7C
stative verbs followed by quantity expressions, 13-3: 5
stress, 13-2: SV1
suīrán...dànshi/háishi/kĕshi “although...”, 16-4: 3B
tea, importance of, 16-4: 5
telephone talk, 17-1: 2-3
“time”, different words for, 19-1: 5B
TIME EXPRESSION + (yĭ)lái “the past...”, 15-1: 2B
TIME EXPRESSION + yĭnèi “within...”, 13-4: 6C
TOPIC + yĕ + NEGATIVE VERB, 16-4: 2D
traffic accidents, 22-4: 1B
trees, 24-1: AV16-23
vegetables, 12-3: AV1-20
visiting people, 18-1: 1A
visiting the sick, 19-1: 1
“wear”, Chinese equivalents, 13-4: SV7
wèile to express purpose, 13-2: 3B
xiān...zài “first...then...”, 15-3: 1E
xiàng “resemble” or “be like”, 13-2: 6A
xiē as plural measure, 12-2: 8A
yào búshi “if not” or “unless”, 19-4: 1B yī + MEASURE + bĭ + yī + MEASURE, 13-2: 7D
yī...jiù... “as soon as...”, 17-2: 8C
yíyàng to express similarity, 13-3: 3D
yĭ A dài B “take A to replace B”, 16-4: 2A
yĭ...wéi zhŭ “ most important”, 23-2: 1B
yĭbiàn “so that”, 14-4: 5A
...yĭshàng “more than”, 23-3: 2B
...yĭxià “below”, 23-3: 2B
yìbiān(r)...yìbiān(r)... “on the one hand..., on the other hand...”, 18-2: 5
yìdiăn(r) dōu bù “not at all”, 13-1: 8B
yìdiăn(r) yĕ bù “not at all”, 13-1: 8B
yóu “by” or “from”, 14-4: 1D
yóuyú “due to”, 24-2: 4C
yŏu + QUANTITY EXPRESSION + STATIVE VERB to indicate size or distance, 17-3: 6
yŏu méiyou + VERB to indicate question forms of completed action verbs with -le, 21-1: 5B
yŏu (yi)diăn(r) + STATIVE VERB “be a little...”, 19-1: SV5
yòu yào...le “again”, 11-4: 8-9
yuè...yuè... “the more...the more...”, 15-2: 7
zài in time expressions, 21-4: 6A
zámmen as inclusive “we”, 14-1: 1A
zĕmme (VERB) yĕ + NEGATIVE VERB, 11-3: 2G
zĕmme zhèmme..., 12-3: 3
-zhe as continuous aspect suffix meaning “in the VERB-ing”, 16-3: 4A
zhèng zài + VERB + ne to express progressive aspect, 17-2: 7A
...zhīyī “one of the...”, 23-2: 2A
zhōu “week”, 23-3: 6B
zìcóng...yĭhòu “since...”, 23-3: 6A
zuìhăo “had best”, 17-3: 5