advisors. See financial advisors


at retirement, 5

age-equals-percentage formula17074

AGF Canadian Large Cap Dividend Fund Classic, 94

Agnew, David,107

AIM funds, 90

Alimentation Couche-Tard, 99

Amvescap PLC, 90

anchored expectations, 41

annuity, 69,17172


asset allocation, 40,164

Asset-Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP), 3, 17


Baldwin, Warren,173

Banerjee, Preet,11921

Bank of Montreal, 95


Canadian chartered, 24

as investments, 97, 98

Barclays iShares CDN LargeCap 60 Index ETF, 94

bear markets, 7, 86

benefits of, 17


risk reduction,16163 2008–2009, 12

Beauchamps, Ray and Sheila,1012

Berkshire Hathaway Inc., 4142

Berkshire Investments, 10

Bernstein, William, 96

Betty, Keith R., 60

Blackmont Capital Inc., 62

Blow, David, 10

blue-chip companies,174,178

BMO Nesbitt Burns,116


backing of, 72

basics of, 6972

benefits of, 64

broker, 79

buying, 79

callable, 7879

corporate, 7779

coupons, 70

defaults, 70

discounted, 71

and equities, 72

ETF, 80

and ETFs, 7376

funds, 7980

government, 14, 19, 74, 76

guaranteed, 65, 6768, 69

high yield,160

and inflation, 76

and interest rates, 7172

bonds (continued )

junk, 77

liquidity of, 80

management expense ratio,80

maturity, 69

purpose, 7273

real return, 78

returns, 14, 19, 72

risk, 70, 77

in RRIF, 75

in RRSP, 69, 75

and stock market, 72

strip, 7376, 80, 169,170

in tax-free savings account, 75

taxation on, 7576

brain response

and investment decisions,104

Bre-X, 10


buying bonds, 79

Buffett, Warren, 13, 14, 41

bull markets, 86

historical,173 of 2003–2006, 8

Burns, Gregory,104

buy and hold theory, 1314, 41



Canada Deposit Insurance

Corporation (CIDC), 12,154,164

Canada/Quebec Pension Plan (C/QPP) and retirement, 28

Canadian Securities Institute,103,114

Canadian Utilities, 98


preservation, 6061, 6869

capital gains, 59

China, 20



CIBC Wood Gundy,116,154

Citibank, 18

commissions and fees

abuses of system,128

avoiding, 62

back end,8586

at brokerages,12123

discharge penalty,154

effects of changing system,12930

front end, 8586

for high-volume producers,12123

in investment industry, 50


mutual funds, 8788

and mutual funds, 8587

paid to advisors, 6, 78, 9

principal protected notes,152

structure of,129

tax implications,129

trailer, 86

trailer fees,103,124,126,152

compound interest,131

Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance,15455


stock market, 12

Costello, Brian,136

Cottier, Christopher, 6265, 75

coupons, bonds, 70

crash of 2008–2009

aftermath, 36

and Canada, 2326

effects of, 1113, 26, 4142

impact, 2021, 38

inflation and,153, 167

and investment industry, 7

prediction of, 18

currency devaluation, 167


Damji, Salim, 1011

day trading, 5657


in Canada, 24

in United States, 21, 22, 24

deferred sales charge

on mutual funds, 44, 45

defined-benefit pension plans, 25

defined-contribution pension plans

switch to, 34

deregulation, 38

derivatives, 55,16163

devaluation, 167

discipline, 5759

diversification, 40, 59, 96

dividends, 97,178

advantages, 59

and preferred shares, 61

Dominion Securities,125

Domtar, 3



government role in, 32

equities. See also stocks


and bonds, 72

purpose, 7273

ETFs. See exchange-traded funds

exchange-traded funds

actively managed, 9496

advantages of,17476

Bank of Montreal and, 95

bond funds, 80

cost, 94

as investments,17778

liquidity, 9596

management expense ratio, 94, 95

in portfolio, 97100

and self-directed investing, 9394

and strip bonds, 7376

TD and, 9596

types, 94

export levels, 33


Fama-French Three-Factor Model, 52, 57

fee-based services, 62

fees. See commissions and fees financial advisors. See also investment brokers


and commissions, 6, 78, 9

compared to do-it-yourself, 4647

complaints about, 1516, 4345, 8182,1012,1058,12526,12829,14647,15658

earnings, 45

fee structure,129


role, 8

as salespeople,131

Financial Architects Inc.,1068

“first retirement,” 2729

foreign currency exchange, fraud,140



double dipping,14142

foreign currency exchange,140

investment, 911,13545



oil and gas producers,140

Ponzi schemes,13940

precious metals,139


pump and dump,142

signals of,14344

tax shelters,14041


vulnerable targets,13839



crystallizing, 97

Garda Security,13334

gems, fraud, 139

General Motors, 2,158,193

George Weston Ltd., 77

Godden, Allison, 8182,174

gold, 99100


role in economy, 32

role in recession, 38

Great Depression, 26, 32, 41

Greenspan, Alan, 16, 1718, 55


and preservation of capital, 6869

and risk, 39

and security, 25

guaranteed investment certificates (GICs)

laddered, 96,170


Hallett, Dan, 88

hedge funds, 5456

Herjavec, Sarah, 3031

Holoday, Michael,114,115

housing market, 23


Iceland, 2021

index funds

and mutual funds, 8990

India, 20


and bonds, 76, 167

economic crisis (2008–2009),153, 167

effect on cash, 167

future, 25, 76

and investments, 78

in 1980s, 33

and price of gold, 99100

and stock market, 168

interest rates

and bonds, 7172

and inflation, 167

and stagflation, 168

and unemployment, 168

Intraligi, Peter,125

Invesco, 90, 91,12425

investment brokers


complaints against, 4345

Investment Dealers Association of Canada (IDA), 44,155

investment decisions

and brain response,104

investment expenses, 6. See also commissions and fees

investment firms

ombudsman in,105,106

investment industry

commissions and fees, 50 role of,148

Investment Industry Regulatory

Organization of Canada

(IIROC), 4446,155

investment seminars,13638


asset allocation, 40

avoiding errors,16365

cost of low-paying,163

diversification, 40

domestic, 2526

in ETFs,17778

and inflation, 78


monthly statements,178

mutual funds, number of,177

protecting, 25

setting goals,177


investor behaviour,8284





Jean Coutu, 99

Jones, Earl, 11,115


Know-Your-Client form,107,109,110,146

Krembil, Robert, 90,124,125


Labatt, Arthur, 90,124

lending rates. See also interest rates

and bonds, 7172

in recessions, 33

leveraging, 55


lifecycle funds,16061

Limited Trading Authorizations (LTAs),127

liquidity, 80

of exchange-traded funds, 9596


leveraged, 15960

risk-free and fraud,141

Loblaw, 99

Logan, Gary,13334

Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM), 55


Canadian population, 32

and retirement, 27

losses. See also fraud

causes, 9

offsetting, 3437

protection from, 7

recovering, 6768


Madoff, Bernie,114,115,13435

management expense ratio (MER)

bond funds, 80

defined, 6

exchange-traded funds,94 , 95

of mutual funds, 45, 8485, 89,163

real return bonds, 169

segregated mutual funds,159


Manulife Mutual Funds, 95

Manulife Simplicity wrap accounts,95

Mark, Howard and Penny,14647

Market Regulation Services Inc., 44

market timing,164

maturity date,162

minimum annual payout, 6567

Morningstar Inc., 85


sub-prime, 3, 23

mutual fund companies

complaints about,12526,12829

conflict of interest, 89

criticisms of,12021

investing in, 89

management expense ratios, 89

managers’ investments in, 88

salespeople’s experience,103

statement of portfolio transactions, 88

Mutual Fund Dealers Association,108

mutual funds

bond, 7980

costs, 8485

criticism of, 64

deferred sales charge (DSC), 44, 45


fees, 8587

hedge funds and, 5456

holdings of, 9193

and index funds, 8990

management expense ratios, 45, 8485, 99,163

management of, 8990

money market, 61

number of in portfolio,177

performance, 84, 8788


selling or holding, 9293


New York Stock Exchange, 33

Nortel, 3031, 47, 48, 49,


Northern Telecom, 3031


O’Brien, Leo Alexander, 12627

oil and gas producers, fraud, 140

Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investment (OBSI), 102, 106, 107, 108, 147

Ontario Hydro, 7273

Ontario Securities Commission, 10, 12324


Pape, Gordon, 56

pension plans

defined benefit, 24

defined contribution, 34

losses in, 3

Nortel, 30

total value, 3132

Ponzi, Charles, 140

Ponzi schemes, 13940

portfolio. See also RRSP

diversification in, 96

exchange-traded funds in, 97100

makeup of, 96, 97100

protecting, 170

stock choices, 9697

precious metals, fraud, 139

principal protected notes (PPNs), 14955

cashing in, 15354

and CIDC, 154

discharge penalty fee, 154

fees, 152

Pro-Financial Asset Management, 120

puts, 162


RBC Dominion Securities, 116

real return bonds, 78, 16870

management expense ratio, 169

maturity dates, 169

Real Return Bonds Index Fund (Barclays), 169


benefits of, 17

effects of, 36

export levels, 33

lending rates, 33

mid-2007, 32

past, 33

of 2008 (See crash of 2008–2009)

unemployment in, 33

Registered Retirement Income Fund. See RRIF

Registered Retirement Savings Plan. See RRSP

Research in Motion (RIM), 100


average age, 5

and Canada/Quebec Pension Plan, 28

first, 2729

and longevity, 27

reassessing concept, 3839

second, 28

stages, 2729

target dates, 37


assessment, 11012

aversion to, 83

bonds, 77

and bonds, 70

controlling, 60

and growth, 39

reducing, 56, 5761, 16163

and returns, 160

and reward, 5154, 56

tolerance for, 11012

treatment by financial industry, 17677

Risk Questionnaire, 109. See also Know-Your-Client form

Roache, Jim, 15658

Roth, John, 31

Roubini, Nouriel, 18


conversion from RRSP, 28, 6264, 65

withdrawals, 6567

withholding tax, 6667


bonds in, 69

contributions to, 39, 177

converting to RRIF, 28, 6264, 65

importance of, 177

during individual’s 60s, 67

mix of assets in, 17076

number of accounts, 164

total value, 3132

Russia, 21


savings accounts. See also tax-free savings accounts (TFSA)

high interest, 60

ScotiaMcLeod, 116

“Second Retirement,” 28


and growth, 25

segregated mutual funds, 159

shares. See also stocks

preferred, 61

shortselling, 55, 56

Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, 32, 33

social safety net, 32

Soucie, Suzanne, 1516

stagflation, 168

Stanhiser, Gary, 142, 145

Statman, Meir, 109

stock market

and bonds, 72

corrections, 12, 47

cycles, 4041

historical returns, 17273

and inflation, 168

timing, 103

stocks. See also exchange-traded funds; shares

banks, 97, 98

choosing, 9697

defensive, 100

diversification, 96

dividends, 97

energy, 98

exchange-traded funds, 97100

pipelines, 98

technology, 97, 11314

telecommunication, 100

strike price, 162

Sun Life Assurance, 31

Suncor, 77

Swenson, David, 89



on bonds, 7576

shelters and fraud, 14041

tax-free savings accounts (TFSA), 28, 39, 75

TD Waterhouse, 116

technology stocks, 97, 11314

Thow, Ian, 10

3-D approach, 5761

timing the market, 113, 164

Tindale, Jack, 4345

Toronto Stock Exchange, 49

trailer fees, 86, 103, 124, 126, 152

treasury bills, 60

Trimark Investment Management Inc., 9091, 12426

Turner, Garth, 17, 136



in 1929–1939 recession, 33

in 1990s recession, 33

unemployment (continued )

in 2009 recession, 33

and interest rates, 168

and stagflation, 168


and defined-benefit pension plans, 3

United States

and 2008 recession, 2123

bailout practices, 22

and Canadian economy, 23

debt, 21, 22

savings rate, 27


volatility, 14, 51

controlling, 5761


Wellington West, 116

White, Jerry, 136

Wolf, Martin, 18

wrap accounts, 95



in recovering economy, 36