



getting to the point: Angus McMahan

Chapter 1: A Short History

Chapter 2: The Other Athames

getting to the point: Lupa

Chapter 3: Making an Athame Yours

Chapter 4: Preparing the Athame for Ritual

Chapter 5: The Athame in Ritual

Chapter 6: The Boline and the White-Handled Knife

Chapter 7: The Athame in the Kitchen

getting to the point: Jenya T. Beachy

Chapter 8: The Sword

Chapter 9: Divination, Ritual, and Spellwork
with the Athame

Chapter 10: The Knife in Traditional Witchcraft

getting to the point: Jenya T. Beachy

Epilogue: The Circle Is Open, the Book Is Over

Appendix One: Theban Script

Appendix Two: Elder Futhark Runes

Bibliography and Further Reading